Oath(s) (pledge, promise, vow)
A promise regarding future action which evokes the divine name
Genesis 22:16–18. An oath in the Lord’s name
Leviticus 19:12. Misusing the name of the Lord
Deuteronomy 10:20. Sacrosanct
Deuteronomy 31:7–8. God’s covenant with Israel
Isaiah 14:24. Assurance of a future
Matthew 5:34. Oaths prohibited
James 5:12. Letting yes be yes
Obedience (compliance, submission)
Submitting to the wishes or authority of someone else
Exodus 19:5. Obeying God’s promise
1 Samuel 15:22. Obedience is better than sacrifice.
Romans 5:19. Disobedience of Adam, obedience of Christ
Romans 6:17. Becoming obedient to God’s teaching
Philippians 2:12. Obeying your leaders
Titus 3:1. Obeying authorities
1 John 2:4–6. Ignoring obedience
Obeisance (adoration, honor, respect)
A gesture expressing respect, honor, or adoration typically to an authority such as a king
Genesis 49:8. Bowing down to brothers
2 Samuel 22:40. Opponents bow in respect.
Psalm 5:7. Reverence for God and His temple
Daniel 3:6. The price of refusing to honor the king
Matthew 4:9. Devil worship
1 Corinthians 14:25. Prostrate to the ground
Revelation 4:9–10. The elders bow before the throne.
Obesity (fat, overweight, stout)
The condition of being excessively overweight
Deuteronomy 32:14–15. Forgetting God and overeating
Judges 3:22. A bulging belly
Job 15:27. Packing on the pounds
Object lesson(s) of God (example, illustration, model)
A living, practical example of an idea or principle
Genesis 22:1–14. The sacrifice of Isaac
2 Samuel 12:1–15. Parable of David’s disobedience
Isaiah 20:2–3. God tells Isaiah to wander around naked.
Hosea 1:2. Hosea ordered to marry a prostitute
Jonah 4:5–11. Jonah’s lesson about compassion
Matthew 21:18–22. Cursing of the fig tree
Acts 10:9–33. Peter’s lesson about clean and unclean
Obligation (commitment, duty, obligation)
An action or responsibility one is duty-bound to accomplish
1 Samuel 21:7. Staying in the Lord’s presence
Nehemiah 10:32. Caring for God’s temple and priests
Romans 1:14. Obligation to minister to all
Romans 15:27. Taking care of others
1 Corinthians 9:16. Obliged to preach the Good News
Galatians 5:3. Under the obligation of the law
Obstacles (barrier, hurdle, stumbling block)
A barrier blocking or inhibiting progress
Leviticus 19:14. Do not create obstacles for the less fortunate.
Isaiah 8:14. God obstructs His enemies.
Acts 15:22–35. Removing the barrier of circumcision
Romans 9:31–32. Stumbling over the law
Romans 14:13. Not creating obstacles in the faith of others
1 Corinthians 8:9. Careful exercise of freedom
1 Peter 2:8. Tripping over God’s Word
Obstinate (inflexible, stubborn, unyielding)
Stubbornly refusing to alter one’s opinion or actions
Deuteronomy 2:30. God hardened a heart.
Jeremiah 11:8. Folly of ignoring God
Romans 2:5. Stirring up God’s anger
Ephesians 4:18. Alienated from the life of God
Titus 1:7. Church leader must not be obstinate.
Hebrews 4:7. Command to avoid stubbornness
Obstructions (see Obstacles)
Occult (magic, sorcery, witchcraft)
Practices related to supernatural or magical belief and behavior
Leviticus 19:31. Magic is unclean.
Deuteronomy 18:10. Magic forbidden
Isaiah 2:6–8. God’s people practicing superstition
Isaiah 44:25. Destroying the false prophets
Daniel 1:20. Wise men baffled
Acts 8:9–11. Simon amazes the crowd.
2 Thessalonians 2:9–10. False miracles
Revelation 21:8. Cast into the lake of fire
Occupation(s) (job, profession, work)
A job performed for compensation
Genesis 46:33–34. Shepherds
Deuteronomy 18:1–2. Priestly role of the Levites
Matthew 20:2. Working in the vineyard
Acts 18:1–3. Tentmakers
2 Corinthians 6:4–6. Enduring hard things for the work of God
Colossians 3:23. Working wholeheartedly in all things
Colossians 4:14. Physicians
Titus 3:13. Lawyers
Ocean (deep, sea, waters)
A large body of water which separates land
2 Samuel 22:16. God’s power over His creation
Job 38:16. The depths of the ocean
Psalm 93:3. The rising ocean
Proverbs 8:27. Following the horizon
Isaiah 51:10. The power of God
Habakkuk 3:10. Large waves
Odor (smell, stench)
A strong and distinctive smell
Joel 2:20. A foul odor of dead soldiers
John 11:39. The stench of a dead body
Offend/Offense (crime, hurt, transgression)
Breaking of a rule or law which violates a legal or social norm
Genesis 31:36. What offense have I committed?
Leviticus 16:16. Atoning for offenses
1 Samuel 25:28. Asking for forgiveness
Matthew 13:57. A prophet without honor
Luke 7:23. Blessed for not being offended
Acts 25:8. Crimes against the temple or state
Galatians 5:11. The offense of the cross
Offering(s) (contribution, gifts, sacrifices)
Something which is given or dedicated to God
Leviticus 1:3. Burnt offering
Leviticus 2:1. Grain offering
Leviticus 3:1. Fellowship offering
Leviticus 4:23. Sin offerings
Leviticus 5:6. Guilt offerings
Numbers 29:6. Regular offerings of God’s people
Romans 12:1. Bodies as living sacrifices
Ephesians 5:2. Christ gave His life as an offering.
Hebrews 7:27. Once-for-all sacrifice
1 Peter 2:5. Spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God
Officials (authorities, leaders, rulers)
Persons of authority in military service or legal and religious matters
Numbers 11:16. Moses appoints leaders.
2 Chronicles 26:11. Officials of the king
Mark 6:21. Officials of Herod
Acts 8:27. A foreign official
2 Corinthians 11:25. Troubling Roman officials
Titus 3:1. Government officials
Oil (ingredient, fuel, ointment)
Used for cooking, trading, anointing, and medicinal purposes
Exodus 29:2. Consecration service of the priests
Leviticus 24:2. Lighting a lamp
1 Kings 5:11. Large amounts of olive oil
Esther 2:12. Oil of myrrh
Mark 6:13. Curing ailments
James 5:14. Anointing the sick with oil
Old age (aging, elderly, mature)
The latter part of a person’s life
Genesis 15:15. Promise of old age
Genesis 21:2. Having a child in old age
Genesis 24:36. Miraculous birth in old age
Ruth 4:15. Family taking care of family
Job 5:26. Time of death
Luke 1:36. Giving birth in old age
Old Testament (covenant, law, Scriptures)
Originally in reference to the Hebrew Bible (and later Greek translations of the Hebrew Bible)
Mark 14:49. Fulfilling the Scriptures
Luke 24:27. Jesus taught through the Old Testament.
John 10:35–36. Scripture cannot be discredited.
Romans 15:4. Written to encourage us
1 Timothy 4:13. Encouraged to read publicly
2 Timothy 3:16. God-inspired
Olive tree (tree, wood)
A tree in Palestine cultivated for olive oil
1 Kings 6:23. Construction with olive wood
Psalm 52:8. Symbol of friendship and peace
Jeremiah 11:16. A broken tree
Hosea 14:6. Beautiful trees
Luke 22:39–41. Meditating and praying on the Mount of Olives
Romans 11:17. Grafting in a wild olive branch
Olivet Discourse (apocalyptic or eschatological discourse)
An extended eschatological teaching on the earthly situation in the latter days
Matthew 24:5–8. Exhortation to not be misled in the end
Matthew 24:9–13. Enduring persecution
Mark 13:14–20. Abomination of desolation
Mark 13:28–31. The Lord is near.
Mark 13:32–37. Being alert for the coming day
Omen(s) (portent, sign, signal)
Signs or warnings indicating a future event or action
Genesis 24:14. Seeking information through chance
Leviticus 19:26. Interpreting omens forbidden
Numbers 24:1. Ceasing to look for omens
Joshua 10:12. Joshua asks the Lord for an omen.
Omer (ephah, measure)
An ancient unit of measure, equivalent to half a gallon
Exodus 16:22. Four quarts
Exodus 16:36. Standard dry measure
Omnipotence (power, sovereignty, supremacy)
In reference to God’s power and sovereignty
Genesis 18:14. Is anything too hard for the Lord?
Numbers 23:19. God is able to keep His promises.
Psalm 115:3. God does whatever He wants.
Isaiah 55:11. Power of God’s word
Jeremiah 32:17. Nothing is too hard for God.
Daniel 4:35. No one can oppose God.
Zechariah 8:6. Power of the Lord of Armies
Matthew 19:26. All things are possible for God.
2 Corinthians 6:18. The Lord Almighty
Galatians 4:9. False gods are weak and not powerful.
Ephesians 3:20. Doing infinitely more than we can ask
Omnipresence (boundless, everywhere, ubiquitous)
God’s unlimited presence with respect to time and space
1 Kings 8:27. God cannot be contained by space.
Psalm 139:7–10. Cannot hide from God
Isaiah 66:1–2. Present in heaven and earth
Jeremiah 23:23–24. God is both near and far.
John 4:20. Worshiping God from anywhere
Romans 8:9–10. God’s Spirit lives in believers.
Colossians 1:17. God holds all things together.
Revelation 21:3. God’s dwelling is with humanity.
Omniscience (all-knowing, knowledge, wise)
The fact that God knows all things that can be known
Job 37:16. God knows everything.
Psalm 90:4. God’s perfect knowledge
Psalm 139:1–2. Known by God
Psalm 147:5. No limit to the Lord’s understanding
Isaiah 46:9–10. God who revealed the end from the beginning
Matthew 6:32. God’s perfect knowledge
Hebrews 4:13. God sees all things.
1 John 3:20. God knows all things.
Openness (directness, honesty, vulnerable)
Being forthright, telling the truth
Job 6:25. Painful discussions
Psalm 24:3–4. Honest before God
Psalm 32:5. Confessing sins to God
2 Corinthians 6:11. Vulnerability of the messenger
2 Corinthians 7:2. Opening hearts to trustworthy men
Galatians 4:16. Relational difficulty of being a truth-teller
1 John 1:9. Openness in confessing sin
Opinion(s) (belief, judgment, perspective)
A view or judgment concerning something which is not necessarily based on factual information
Deuteronomy 17:9. Asking for an opinion
Job 32:6. Timid to share one’s opinion
Proverbs 18:2. Fool’s joy in expressing an opinion
Romans 14:1. Avoid arguments over differences of opinion
1 Corinthians 7:25. Paul gives his own perspective
2 Corinthians 8:10. A helpful opinion
2 Corinthians 10:5. Destroying lofty opinions
Opportunist (entrepreneur, pioneer, swindler)
Taking advantage of circumstances for immediate personal gain
Mark 6:21–22. Seizing an opportunity
Luke 22:5–6. Money for betrayal
Opportunity(ies) (chance, moment, opening)
A condition or set of circumstances that allows for the completion of something
1 Corinthians 16:9. Doing effective work
Galatians 6:10. Doing good for others
Ephesians 4:27. Preventing the devil from opportunities
Ephesians 5:16. Opportunities amidst evil days
Colossians 4:3. Praying for opportunities to share God’s mystery
2 Peter 3:15. The Lord’s patience
Opposition (enmity, hostility, resistance)
Resistance expressed in action or argument against a person or idea
Job 17:2. Eyes focused on opposition
Luke 21:15. Able to stand against opposition
1 Corinthians 4:6. Wrongfully pitting believers against each other
Galatians 2:11. Paul opposes Cephas (Peter).
1 Thessalonians 2:2. Opposition to the Good News
2 Timothy 3:8. Enemies of the truth
Hebrews 12:3. Opposition which Jesus endured
Oppression (abuse, mistreat, persecution)
Cruel or unjust treatment of people under an afflictive rule
Genesis 15:13. God’s people oppressed in foreign land
Exodus 1:11. Israelites oppressed and forced to work as slaves
Deuteronomy 26:7. God hears the cries of the oppressed.
Judges 10:8. Oppression under bad leaders
Psalm 9:9. The Lord is a stronghold.
Proverbs 31:20. A righteous woman helps the oppressed.
Isaiah 1:17. Doing good
James 2:6. Rich oppressing the poor
Optimism (cheer, confidence, hope)
Hope or confidence in the face of pending circumstances
Job 8:21. Joy which is to come
Psalm 118:24. Rejoicing and gladness
Jeremiah 29:10–11. Assurance in God’s future plans
Ezekiel 13:10. False optimism
Romans 4:18. Abraham’s hope in God’s promise
2 Corinthians 5:6. Cheerful confidence
2 Thessalonians 2:16–17. Everlasting encouragement
Option(s) (alternative, choice(s), decision)
A choice between two or more alternatives
Deuteronomy 11:26. Choosing between blessing or curse
Joshua 24:15. Choose who you will serve.
1 Kings 18:21. Following the Lord or false gods
1 Chronicles 21:10. The Lord gives three options.
Joel 3:14. Standing in the valley of decision
Philippians 1:23. Life with Christ preferred over present life
Hebrews 11:24–25. Making the difficult choice
Opulence (luxury, materialism, wealth)
Extreme wealth or lavishness
Proverbs 19:10. Fools do not live in luxury.
Ecclesiastes 5:13. Riches lead to downfall.
Amos 6:4. Warning to those who are pampered
Luke 12:33. Valuing God’s kingdom
1 Timothy 6:17. Confidence in God’s riches
James 5:5. The danger of luxury
Oracle (message, revelation, word)
A message of revelation from God given by a prophet
Numbers 24:16. The true message from God
Malachi 1:1. Divine revelation
Romans 3:2. Entrusted with God’s oracles
1 Peter 4:11. Speaking God’s words
Orchestral music (ensemble, music, strings)
Music played by strings, woodwinds, and brass
Genesis 4:21. Early instrumentalist
2 Samuel 6:5. Celebrating in God’s presence
1 Chronicles 15:16–24. The important role of music
Psalm 150:4. Praising God with stringed instruments
Daniel 3:5. Call to (false) worship
Ordain/Ordination (consecrate, set apart)
The task of appointing leaders to the task of discipleship and church leadership
Mark 3:14. Apostles appointed
1 Timothy 4:14. Laying on of hands
1 Timothy 5:22. Do not hastily ordain.
2 Timothy 1:6. Developing the gifts of ministry
Titus 1:5. Appointing leaders
Order (command, commandments, instruction)
A judgment or instruction given from a figure of authority
Deuteronomy 25:2. Authority of a judge
Joshua 4:16. Instructions for the priests
Romans 6:17. Obedience to God’s teaching
Romans 15:4. Purpose of God’s prior instruction
1 Timothy 5:17. Honor spiritual leaders.
Titus 1:9. Devoted to trustworthy teaching
Ordinance(s) (command, decree, instruction)
A prescribed boundary for human behavior
Genesis 26:5. Blessed because of obedience
Deuteronomy 6:1. Teaching God’s decrees
2 Chronicles 33:8. Obeying God’s commands
Job 38:33. Knowing the ordinances of heaven
Ezekiel 43:18. Altar ordinances
Ephesians 2:14–15. Ordinances of the law abolished
Ordinary (common, normal, plain)
An attitude or appearance which is normal or nondescript
Exodus 30:32. Perfume which is not for ordinary people
Amos 8:11. No ordinary famine
1 Corinthians 1:28. God worked through ordinary means.
Organization (arrangement, coordination, planning)
A structured grouping of personnel or ideas
2 Samuel 6:1. Organizing good soldiers
1 Kings 5:12–18. Building the temple
Proverbs 15:22. Well-planned endeavors
Ezekiel 40:44–46. Organization of the priesthood
Acts 6:2–4. Organizing leadership within the body of Christ
1 Corinthians 12:28–31. Structure of church leadership
Colossians 2:5. Firm and ordered faith
Original sin (innate, guilt, sin)
Doctrine that says all humanity is sinful on account of Adam (and Eve’s) first sin
Genesis 3:1–19. The first sin by Adam and Eve
Psalm 14:3. No one is righteous.
Psalm 51:5. Born into sin
Jeremiah 17:9. The human mind is deceitful.
Romans 3:23. All have sinned.
Romans 5:12. Sin entered the world through Adam.
Romans 5:16. All condemned through one’s failure
Romans 7:18. A corrupting nature
Romans 8:8. Impossible to please God with the corrupt nature
Ephesians 2:3. Following the corrupt nature
Orphan (child, fatherless)
Parentless due to death or abandonment
Exodus 22:22–24. Commanded to care for orphans
Deuteronomy 26:12. Sharing with the less fortunate
Job 29:12. Friends caring for the helpless
Hosea 14:3. God’s special concern for orphans
Malachi 3:5. Judgment against those who oppress orphans
James 1:27. Pure, unstained religion
Outcast (leper, outsider, reject)
A person rejected or exiled from society
Exodus 29:33. Outsiders forbidden
2 Samuel 14:14. God’s forgiveness toward outcasts
Psalm 147:2. The Lord gathers Israel’s outcasts.
Jeremiah 30:17. Zion, the exiled outcast
Zephaniah 3:19. God’s saving of the outcast
1 Corinthians 14:16. Outsiders in Christian congregations
1 Corinthians 14:24. Convincing an outsider
Ephesians 2:19. Gentiles are no longer outsiders to God’s family.
Outnumbered (long shot, outmanned, weaker)
Numerically and statistically falling short of something
Numbers 3:48. Buying back the firstborn Israelites
Deuteronomy 7:7. God chose an outnumbered nation.
Deuteronomy 7:17–18. Remembering former deliverance when presently outnumbered
Psalm 3:1. Many enemies attacking
Psalm 40:12. Sins which outnumber hairs on one’s head
Philippians 3:18. Many living as enemies of the cross
Outreach (evangelism, gospel, mission)
The act of Christian witness to the gospel of Christ in the world
Matthew 28:16–20. Called to make disciples
Acts 8:26–40. Personal evangelism
Galatians 2:7. Reaching out to circumcised and uncircumcised
Colossians 1:12. Sharing God’s light
1 Peter 2:12. Living honorably among unbelievers
Overconfidence (brash, conceited, self-assured)
Confidence or self-assurance based upon exaggerated self-opinion
Deuteronomy 1:41–42. Underestimating an enemy
Joshua 7:3–4. Overconfidence of one’s strength
Isaiah 2:12. God will humble the arrogant.
2 Corinthians 12:7. Paul’s affliction keeps him humble in the Lord.
Philippians 2:3. Avoid self or conceited actions.
Overflowing (bulging, overfull, spilling)
The circumstance of having an abundance of something
Psalm 45:1. Overflowing with good news
Proverbs 18:4. Overflowing fountain of wisdom
Isaiah 66:12. Overflowing wealth
Romans 5:17. God’s overflowing kindness
2 Corinthians 8:2. Joy in the midst of suffering
2 Corinthians 9:8. The gift of God’s kindness
Ephesians 1:7. Forgiveness of failures because of God’s kindness
Overseer(s) (elder, deacon, leader)
An individual selected to serve the church in a capacity of leadership
Acts 14:23. Appointing elders
Ephesians 4:11. Multiple offices of gifts within the church
1 Timothy 3:1–2. Requirements of leaders
Hebrews 13:17. Submitting to the authority of leaders
James 5:14. Church leaders pray over the sick.
1 Peter 5:1–2. Shepherding the flock of God
Ownership (inheritance, possession, slavery)
Possessing certain items
Exodus 22:8–12. Disputes about ownership of animals
John 13:16. Slaves and masters
Acts 16:19. Upsetting the owners
2 Corinthians 1:22. God’s seal of ownership on us
Galatians 4:1. The rights of an heir
Ephesians 1:11. Receiving ownership in God’s kingdom through Christ
1 Peter 2:18. Respecting an earthly owner