– S –

Sabbath (holiday, observance)

A day of rest commanded by God for His covenant people

Genesis 2:2–3. Resting after the completion of creation work

Exodus 16:23. Preparing for the day of worship

Exodus 20:11. Setting apart a day as holy to the Lord

Exodus 31:13. Sign of covenant with God

Deuteronomy 5:15. Remembering former life as slaves

Isaiah 58:13–14. Finding joy in the Lord

Matthew 12:4–5. Priestly work permitted

Matthew 12:12. Lawful practices on the Sabbath day

Mark 2:27–28. Sabbath was made for people.

Mark 6:31. Jesus sees value in rest.

Sackcloth (clothing, goat hair, sack)

A cloth made of coarse black goat hair and used to make sacks, worn by those who are mourning and as a sign of repentance

Genesis 37:34. Sign of mourning

2 Samuel 3:31. Mourning the death of a king

Nehemiah 9:1. Penitence for sins

Isaiah 3:24. Cheap, unpleasant clothing

Lamentations 2:10. Mourning nation’s disaster

Joel 1:13. Priests called to mourn

Matthew 11:21. Sign of repentance

Revelation 6:12. Goat’s hair which is black in color

Sacrament (baptism, grace, Lord’s Supper, ritual)

An outward, visible sign of an inward spiritual blessing

Mark 10:38–39. Following Christ in both life and death

Luke 22:20. Lord’s Supper

Acts 2:41–42. Baptism and the breaking of bread together

Romans 6:3. Baptized into Christ’s death

1 Corinthians 10:16. Sharing in the blood and body of Christ

1 Corinthians 11:25. Drinking in remembrance

Sacred (blessed, consecrated, holy)

That which is dedicated to God or connected to religious order and purposes

Exodus 30:29. Dedicated for a holy purpose

Leviticus 26:31. Sacred space

Deuteronomy 12:5–6. Sacred practices

1 Chronicles 16:22. Holy peoples

1 Chronicles 16:42. Musicians playing sacred songs

Micah 5:13. So-called sacred monuments

Matthew 23:16–17. Sacred temple

1 Timothy 1:9. Is nothing holy or sacred?

Sacrifice (gift, offering)

A gift or offering, typically an animal, which is presented in the temple as a sacrifice of atonement

Exodus 3:18. Traveling to offer sacrifices

Exodus 29:25. Sacrifice by fire

Leviticus 2:1. Grain offering

Leviticus 3:1. Fellowship offering

Leviticus 4:23. Sin offerings

Leviticus 8:28. Burned on the altar

Numbers 29:6. Regular offerings of God’s people

1 Samuel 2:28. Levites chosen to offer sacrifices

Ezekiel 20:28. Idolatrous offerings

Malachi 3:8. Cheating God of offering money

Matthew 9:13. God desires mercy, not sacrifice

Mark 12:33. Love of neighbor more important than offerings

Romans 12:1. Bodies as living sacrifices

Ephesians 5:2. Christ gave his life as an offering

Philippians 2:17. Suffering and sacrifice of Paul

Hebrews 7:27. Once for all sacrifice

Hebrews 10:26. No sacrifice remains if we go on sinning

1 Peter 2:5. Spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God

Sacrilege (blasphemy, desecration, profanity)

Misusing or violating something which is considered sacred

Leviticus 10:1. Offering an authorized sacrifice in the temple

Numbers 25:1–2. Illicit sex and eating idol meat

2 Chronicles 24:7. Worshiping Baal in the Lord’s temple

Psalm 74:18. Godless fools who despise the Lord’s name

Isaiah 66:3. Choosing to pursue detestable things

Daniel 5:2. Using the temple’s finery

Daniel 11:31. Setting up an abomination in the temple

Matthew 21:13. House of prayer turned into den of thieves

Matthew 26:65. Accusing Jesus of sacrilege

1 Corinthians 11:20–21. Turning Lord’s Supper into excuse for gluttony

Sadducees (elders, lawyers, rulers)

One of four identifiable Jewish sects who were opposed to Jesus and His ministry

Matthew 3:7. Dangerous group

Matthew 16:11–12. Yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees

Luke 20:27. Denying the resurrection

Acts 4:1–2. Annoyed at apostles’ teaching concerning Jesus

Acts 23:6. Paul on trial before the Sadducees and Pharisees

Sadness (despair, sorrow, unhappiness)

Demonstrating feelings of sorrow or despair

Esther 9:31. Purim commemorates sadness.

Psalm 46:10. Letting go of earthly concerns

Ecclesiastes 7:1–4. Enjoying sad disposition

Isaiah 60:20. Days of sadness drawing to a close

Isaiah 65:14. Cries of sadness and depression for enemies of God

Zephaniah 3:17. Renewed by God’s love

Matthew 11:17. Although a funeral song was played, no sadness

Luke 22:45. Sad sleep

John 16:6. Filled with sadness

2 Corinthians 7:10. Distress leading to change of heart

1 Peter 1:6–7. Temporary suffering and troubles

Revelation 21:4. Sadness ended

Safety (peace, protection, welfare)

Comfort of knowing that one is protected and watched over, shielded from dangerous risk; at peace in body and mind

Job 11:18. Resting confidently in safety

Job 18:14. Dragged from safety

Psalm 12:5. The Lord provides safety for those who desire it.

Psalm 59:16. Rejoice in God’s strength.

Psalm 91:2. Refuge and fortress

Isaiah 8:14. Safety from all nations

Isaiah 14:30. No safety from God’s judgment

Ezekiel 28:26. Ezekiel’s vision of comfort and safety

Acts 17:10. Safety in the synagogue

Acts 27:24. Safe sailing granted

Romans 8:38–39. Nothing can separate us from the love of God.

1 Peter 1:5. Guarded by God’s power through faith

Saffron (flavor, spice)

An exotic spice and food coloring derived from the crocus plant

Song of Songs 4:13–14. Delicacies of paradise

Sagacity (see Wisdom)

Sailing (boating, cruising, transportation)

The action of sailing in a boat for the purpose of transportation, trade, or pleasure

Psalm 107:30. Sailing through a quiet storm

Isaiah 42:10. Singing at sea

Ezekiel 27:28–29. Fearful sailors

Jonah 1:5. Frightened sailors cry out to gods.

Luke 8:23. Sleeping in a storm

Acts 13:4. Sailing around the Mediterranean

Acts 27:27–44. Shipwreck

Revelation 18:17. Wealth of the captain is destroyed.

Saint(s) (holy, holy one, virtuous)

A designation used in the Bible for those who are considered sacred

Psalm 16:3. Those who live holy lives

Psalm 30:4. Saints sing praise.

Psalm 34:9. Saints who fear the Lord

Daniel 7:18. Saints of the Most High

Matthew 27:52. Vision of saints risen from the dead

Romans 1:7. God’s holy people

Ephesians 1:1. Faithful saints

Ephesians 3:8. Least of the saints

Hebrews 6:10. Helping God’s holy people

Revelation 14:12. Call for endurance

Revelation 18:24. Slain saints

Salary (compensation, pay, wages)

A pre-arranged monetary compensation for services rendered

Numbers 18:11–13. Priestly salary

Deuteronomy 23:18. Unpleasing salary

Luke 3:14. Be satisfied with pay.

John 4:36. Cheerful salary

Philippians 4:10–19. Sharing with the apostle Paul in a time of need

1 Thessalonians 2:9. Working without salary

1 Timothy 5:17–18. Pay a generous salary to those who teach God’s Word.

Titus 3:14. Using salary wisely

James 5:4. Injustice of unpaid salaries

Salt (flavor, preservation, spice)

A highly useful preservative and something to add flavor to food

Genesis 19:26. Lot’s wife turned into column of salt.

Deuteronomy 29:23. Poisons the ground

Judges 9:45. Destruction of the ground

Job 6:6. Flavor enhancer

Matthew 5:13. Salt of the earth

Mark 9:50. Do not lose your flavor.

Colossians 4:6. Speech seasoned with salt

James 3:12. Salt water does not produce fresh water.

Salutations (see Greetings)

Salvation (deliverance, Savior)

All humanity’s need to be delivered from the punishment of death for sin

Exodus 14:13. The Lord will save today.

Exodus 15:2. The Lord is my Savior.

Psalm 35:9. Joy in God’s salvation

Isaiah 12:2. The Lord is my salvation.

Romans 6:23. Free gift of God

Romans 13:11. Salvation draws near.

Ephesians 1:13. Good News of your salvation

Ephesians 2:8. Saved by grace through faith

Philippians 2:12. Working out salvation with fear and trembling

1 Thessalonians 5:9. God’s will for salvation

Hebrews 5:9. Source of eternal salvation

Revelation 7:9–10. Salvation song

Samaritan(s) (Jewish people)

A mixed Jewish religious group separate from Jerusalem

2 Kings 17:29. Religious syncretism

Matthew 10:5. Warning to stay away from Gentiles and Samaritans

Luke 9:52. Entering into a Samaritan village

Luke 10:33. Samaritan shows mercy and justice.

John 4:9. Woman at the well

John 8:48. Demon possessed

Acts 8:25. Preaching the Good News to Samaritans

Acts 15:3. Joy spreading in Samarian cities

Sanctification (holiness, regeneration, righteousness)

The cooperative and progressive work of God in humanity, conforming followers of Christ’s image and likeness with respect to holiness and righteous living

Romans 6:13. Doing what God approves of

Romans 7:23–24. Influence of corrupt nature

1 Corinthians 6:11. Made holy

1 Corinthians 6:19. Taking care of God’s temple

2 Corinthians 4:6. Living as God’s servants

2 Corinthians 7:1. Cleaning up one’s life

Galatians 2:20. Living by faith in God’s Son

Galatians 5:14. Obedience to God’s great commands

Philippians 3:12–14. Living a heavenward life

Colossians 3:9–10. Living as a new person in Christ

2 Thessalonians 2:13. Carrying out redemptive work

1 John 4:7. Loving one another

Sanctimonious (disingenuous, hypocritical, self-righteous)

Public demonstration of one’s own superior moral fabric

Job 33:9. Pretending to be without sin

Isaiah 58:2. Oblivious nation

Isaiah 65:5. Holier than thou

Matthew 6:5. Hypocrites’ prayer

Mark 12:38–40. Scribes who seek admiration

Luke 18:11. False apologizing

Revelation 3:17. Out of touch with reality

Sanctuary (holy, tabernacle, temple)

The place where Yahweh is worshipped and where the divine presence resides

Exodus 15:17. Holy place

Exodus 25:8. The tabernacle

1 Chronicles 22:19. The temple

Psalm 102:19. The heavens

Psalm 114:2. Judah and Israel

Mark 14:58. The temple of God

Ephesians 2:21. House of God

Revelation 21:22. No sanctuary in the new creation

Sand (beach, coast, shore)

A granular substance found in high supply near most lakes and seas and desert areas

Genesis 22:17. Descendants as numerous as sand

Genesis 49:13. Coastal living

Deuteronomy 33:19. Treasures hidden in sand

Job 6:3. Determinative of weight

Job 29:18. Longevity

Isaiah 10:22. Only a select few shall return as a remnant.

Matthew 7:26. Unstable for building a home

Revelation 20:8. Numerous nations gathering

Sandals (shoes, soles)

A foot covering typically made of wooden soles and fastened on with leather straps

Exodus 3:5. Removing sandals on holy ground

Joshua 9:5. Tattered outfits

Ruth 4:7. Completing a contract

Matthew 3:11. Unworthy to remove Jesus’ sandals

Matthew 10:10. Unnecessary for disciples’ travel

Luke 15:22. Reconstituting a son

Sanhedrin (council, governing board, officials)

A council consisting of seventy-one leaders (including the high priest), responsible for judicial and administrative council of the Jews

Numbers 11:16–17. Men chosen to dispense law

Matthew 5:22. A court of justice

Matthew 26:3. Chief priests and elders

Matthew 26:59. Supreme Jewish Court

Mark 15:1. Jewish council

John 11:47. Questioning Jesus

Acts 4:2–3. Silencing the apostles

Acts 6:12–15. Interrogating Stephen

Sanitation (clean, sanitary)

Concerned with issues of public health and wellness, particularly concerning public water supplies and the disposal of waste

Exodus 16:19–20. Food which only keeps one day

Leviticus 13:6. Keeping diseased persons at a distance

Leviticus 15:4–7. Male sanitary regulations

Numbers 5:1–3. Separating unclean from clean

Numbers 19:14–21. Instructions for when someone dies in a tent

Deuteronomy 23:12–13. Digging a hole outside the camp

2 Kings 2:19–22. Clean water

Nehemiah 13:9. Cleaning rooms

Ezekiel 16:4–5. Unsterile child

Mark 7:2. Refusing to eat prior to washing hands

Sanity (faculties, reason, saneness)

Having the ability to think rationally and clearly in accordance with normal mental health

Job 11:12. Unlikely situation

Job 12:24. No common sense

Isaiah 32:4. Sanity restored

1 Corinthians 1:20–21. Wisdom of this age turned on its head

Sarcasm (derision, mockery, scorn)

The skillful, often humorous use of irony and mockery to express contempt

Judges 10:14. Perhaps your gods can save you?

1 Kings 18:27. Elijah mocks Baal’s prophets.

Nehemiah 4:1–3. Making fun of the building project

Job 12:2–3. Quick witted

Job 38:19–21. Mocking ignorant people

Jeremiah 10:5. Unafraid of silent idols

Matthew 27:28–29. Mocking the King of Kings

Luke 16:14. Responding with sarcasm

Luke 23:35. Calling upon Jesus to save Himself

Galatians 5:12. Calling upon troublemakers to carry out extreme action

Satan (Accuser, devil, deceiver)

The proper name for the ruler of evil spirits; in the New Testament, used as the personal name given to the diabolical creature known as the devil

Job 1:6. The Accuser

Matthew 4:1–3. Wilderness temptation by the devil

John 12:31. Ruler of this world

Acts 26:18. Coming back under God’s control

Romans 16:20. Crushing Satan

2 Corinthians 2:11. Aware of Satan’s schemes

2 Corinthians 4:4. The god of this world

Ephesians 2:2. Spiritual ruler of this world

2 Timothy 2:26. Under the devil’s snare

Hebrews 2:14. Death and the devil destroyed at the cross

1 Peter 5:8. On the prowl

Revelation 12:9. The serpent or snake

Satisfaction (content, fulfilled, gratified)

Fulfillment of one’s wishes or needs

2 Samuel 3:36. Popular appeal

Psalm 17:15. Satisfied to see the Lord

Psalm 103:4–5. Life full of blessings

Proverbs 10:24. Desires of righteous granted

Luke 9:17. Satisfied with bread

John 15:11. Information leading to joy

Philippians 4:19. Every need met in Christ

James 4:2. Wrong desires

3 John 1:3–4. Good reputation

Satrap(s) (protector, ruler, subordinate)

A provincial protector in the ancient Persian empire; a subordinate ruler to the king

Ezra 8:36. King’s satraps

Esther 3:12. Provincial governor

Daniel 6:1–3. Daniel’s impressive spirit

Savage behavior (untamed, wild)

Behavior which is wild, untamed, and irrational

Deuteronomy 28:53–57. Men and women given to depravity

Judges 19:22–26. Sexual savagery

Galatians 6:7–8. Reaping what one sows

Revelation 9:8. Savage-looking creatures

Savior (deliverer, rescuer)

A deliverer; in the New Testament, the title for Jesus which was indicative of His purpose and work on behalf of the world

Exodus 15:2. The Lord my Savior

Judges 3:9. The judges save Israel.

1 Samuel 14:39. Swearing an oath on the Savior of Israel

Psalm 17:7. Protector of God’s people

Isaiah 12:2. God is my Savior.

Isaiah 59:20. A Savior will come to Zion.

Luke 2:11. Christ the Lord is born.

John 4:42. Savior of the world

Philippians 3:20. Savior’s return from heaven

Titus 1:4. Peace from Christ the Savior

2 Peter 3:18. Growing in knowledge of the Savior

Scales (measurement)

Used literally to speak of honest business deals involving commodities and minerals; metaphorically used to highlight the need for fairness and justice in all of one’s dealings

Leviticus 19:36. Using honest scales and weights

Job 31:6. Integrity considered honestly

Psalm 62:9. Common people amount to nothing.

Proverbs 11:1. Dishonesty disgusts the Lord.

Proverbs 16:11. God considers things fairly.

Proverbs 20:23. Double standard

Isaiah 40:15. Nations are as nothing.

Ezekiel 45:10. Honest tools

Daniel 5:27. Weight loss

Amos 8:5. Price inflation

Micah 6:11. Inaccurate weights

Revelation 6:5. Justice came riding in.

Scapegoat (Azazel)

One of two goats used in the Day of Atonement cultic practice which was released into the wild as a symbolic picture of the removal of sin from human society

Leviticus 16:8. One goat is the Azazel

Leviticus 16:22. Goat released in a deserted place

Scarecrow(s) (dummy, protector)

An object made to appear human and used to keep unwanted pests out of a garden or crop land

Jeremiah 10:5. Protecting cucumber gardens

Scavenger (forager, rummager)

An animal that feeds on the decaying flesh of dead animals

Leviticus 11:13. Unclean birds

Job 39:29–30. Found near dead bodies

Psalm 63:10. Bodies left as food for jackals

Jeremiah 7:33. Animals that feed on the dead

Ezekiel 39:17–18. Scavengers eat well.

Luke 17:37. Vultures

Schedule (plan, program, timetable)

A plan for carrying out a process on a reasonable timetable

Deuteronomy 16:16–17. Scheduled festivities

1 Kings 9:25. Regularly scheduled sacrifices

Nehemiah 4:21. Continuing work on schedule

Ecclesiastes 3:1–8. A time for all things

Isaiah 25:1. Reliable plans

Isaiah 49:8. Scheduled time

Jeremiah 6:4–5. Scheduled attacks

Luke 4:42–44. Scheduling a longer stay

Acts 18:20–21. Trying to prolong Paul’s stay

Acts 20:13. Keeping a trip on schedule

Romans 5:6. Christ’s death occurred “at the right time.”

Revelation 12:12. The Devil still has time.

Scheme (see Plan[s])

Schism(s) (break, rift, split)

A split between two groups caused by differing opinions or beliefs

Numbers 14:1–4. Pondering appointing a new leader

Isaiah 7:6. Appointing a competing king

Jeremiah 8:8. Lord’s teachings turned into lies

John 3:25. Argument over Jewish ceremony

Acts 19:35–36. An unruly crowd

1 Corinthians 1:12. Division at Corinth over baptism

1 Corinthians 3:3. Corrupt nature leading to quarrels

1 Timothy 1:3–4. Stopping the teaching of false doctrine

2 Timothy 2:14. Quarrels destroy listeners.

Titus 1:10–16. Rebellious converts

School (academy, education, institution)

An institution, formal or informal, for the education of children

Genesis 18:19. Family following after the Lord

Leviticus 10:11. Teaching children Mosaic Law

Deuteronomy 11:19. Following the Lord’s statutes

Deuteronomy 31:11–12. Learning the fear of the Lord

Judges 8:14. Writing

Matthew 7:29. Learning from the scribes

Acts 19:9. Daily discussions in the lecture hall

Science (biology, botany, chemistry, zoology)

The study of the natural world and its inhabitants through basic methods of observation and interpretation

1 Kings 4:33. Botany

Job 9:9. Astronomy

Psalm 8:8. Oceanography

Mark 5:26. Failed medication

Mark 7:19. More scientific explanation

1 Timothy 6:20. Guard against false knowledge.

Scoffing (see Mockery)

Scorn (contempt, disdain, mockery)

The belief that someone or something is worthless, thus producing feelings of contempt

Genesis 37:19. Deriding the imaginative brother

1 Samuel 17:41–44. Scornful comments from the mighty warrior

Job 34:7. Drinking scorn like water

Psalm 31:11. Scorned by opponents

Psalm 89:41. Object of neighbor’s scorn

Proverbs 19:29. Punishment for scorn

1 Corinthians 1:18. Scornful message of the cross

1 Corinthians 1:27–28. Scornful things of the world chosen to shame the wise

Hebrews 11:24–26. Moses scorns his upbringing.

Scorpion (sting)

A small arachnid with a jointed poison tail

Deuteronomy 8:15. Poisonous scorpions in the desert

1 Kings 12:11. Severe punishment

Ezekiel 2:6. Do not fear your surroundings.

Luke 10:19. Nothing will hurt the disciples.

Revelation 9:5. Pain of the scorpion’s sting

Scourging (punishment, suffering, whip)

Inflicting great pain and suffering through beatings or whipping

Judges 8:7. Scourging the body

1 Kings 12:11. Scourging elevated

Isaiah 28:18. Overwhelming scourging

Nahum 3:2. Sounds of scourging

Matthew 27:26. Scourging Jesus

Mark 15:15. Jesus scourged to satisfy the crowd

John 19:1. Whipped

Scribe(s) (amanuensis, copyist, student)

A term used to describe an official writer

2 Samuel 8:16. Royal historian

2 Chronicles 24:11. King’s scribe employed as public administrator

Ezra 7:6. Ezra’s expertise in the Law

Jeremiah 32:12. Jeremiah’s scribe: Baruch

Jeremiah 36:26. Baruch and Jeremiah hidden

Mark 9:11. Debating Jesus

Mark 12:28. Scribes seek answers from Jesus

John 5:39–40. Professional students of Scripture

Scripture(s) (sacred, word)

God’s Word in written form

Exodus 31:18. Written by God himself

Joshua 24:26. Joshua writes in the book of the Law.

Isaiah 30:8. Permanent witness

Jeremiah 30:2. Recording the words of the Lord

Ezekiel 34:1–2. Communication from God

1 Corinthians 14:37. Paul writes the Lord’s words.

2 Timothy 3:16. Scripture inspired by God

2 Peter 3:2. Words of prophets and apostles

Scroll(s) (book, document, writing)

A rolled piece of parchment used as a writing surface

Exodus 17:14. Writing on a scroll

Deuteronomy 17:18. Recording a copying of the law of the king

1 Samuel 10:25. Writing laws on a scroll

Jeremiah 36:2. Commanded to write in a scroll

Jeremiah 36:13. Public reading of scrolls

Ezekiel 3:3. Prophet commanded to eat a scroll

Zechariah 5:2. Vision of a large, flying scroll

Revelation 1:11. Writing and sending scrolls to seven churches

Revelation 5:5. Lion is worthy to open the scroll.

Sea monster (fish, leviathan, serpent)

A monster who lives in the sea

Job 41:1–34. Poetic description of Leviathan’s strength compared to the Lord

Psalm 74:14. Leviathan crushed

Psalm 104:26. Playing in the sea

Isaiah 27:1. Leviathan punished

Amos 9:3. Snake of the sea

Jonah 1:17. Large fish swallows up Jonah.

Sea of Galilee (sea, water)

A body of water located in Northern Palestine

Deuteronomy 3:17. Borderline of land

Matthew 4:13. Living on the shores of Galilee

Matthew 4:18. Calling fishermen to be disciples

Matthew 16:5. Traveling across the sea

Mark 4:1. Teaching from a boat

Seal(s) (clay, mark, wax)

In antiquity, one way of authenticating a letter or message was to seal it with wax or clay and impress a signet.

1 Kings 21:8. Signed, sealed, delivered

Nehemiah 9:38. Marking a document with seals

Esther 3:12. Sealed with king’s ring

Isaiah 8:16. Seal the teachings of God.

Matthew 27:66. Seal placed on the entrance to the tomb

John 6:27. Seal of approval

Romans 4:11. Circumcision as seal

1 Corinthians 9:2. Seal of apostleship

Ephesians 1:13. Sealed with the Holy Spirit

Revelation 5:1. Scroll with seven seals

Revelation 6:1. Opening the seals

Seamstress (see Textile Arts)

Séance (meeting, paranormal)

A meeting at which the living seek to contact the dead

Exodus 22:18. Ridding the land of witches

1 Samuel 9:8–9. Seer now called a prophet

1 Samuel 28:5–25. Calling up the dead

2 Kings 23:24. Josiah cleanses the land of spiritualists.

Isaiah 8:19. Asking God for help

Isaiah 65:11. Flirting with fortune and destiny

Search (hunt, look for, seek)

Carefully looking or seeking something out

Job 11:7. God’s unsearchable depths

Psalm 53:2. Searching out wisdom

Psalm 139:23. Search my heart and mind.

Proverbs 2:4–5. Searching out wisdom

Jeremiah 29:13–14. Seeking out God wholeheartedly

Luke 14:13. Searching out guests for a banquet

John 5:39. Searching the Scriptures

Acts 17:11. Carefully searching the Scriptures

Season(s) (period, time of year)

One of four subdivisions of the year: spring, summer, fall, winter

Genesis 8:22. Perpetual seasons while the earth exists

Leviticus 26:4. Rain and crops in their seasons

Ecclesiastes 3:1–2. A time for and season for all things

Daniel 2:20–21. God changes times and periods of history.

Zechariah 8:19. Season for fasting

2 Timothy 4:2. Be ready at all times.

Seasoning (flavor, spices)

Anything added to food in an attempt to enhance flavor

Exodus 30:35. Seasoned with salt

Song of Songs 4:13–14. Various spices and seasoning

Mark 16:1. Spices for anointing a dead body

Seat(s) (bench, chair, stool)

A place where one sits and, generally speaking, performs a certain kind of task from

Psalm 1:1. Sitting in the company of mockers

Psalm 113:5. God is seated and ruling on his throne.

Mark 10:40. Silencing an argument about heavenly seating

Luke 11:43. Important seats in the synagogue

Romans 3:25. Mercy seat

2 Corinthians 5:10. Christ’s judgment seat

James 2:3. Preferential seating

Revelation 20:4. Thrones for judges

Second coming (Parousia, rapture, return)

Used in reference to the bodily return of Christ in the air at the end of the ages

Matthew 24:44. An unexpected time

John 14:3. Jesus promises to come again.

Acts 1:11. Returning in the same way that he left

Philippians 3:20. Eagerly awaiting Christ’s coming

1 Thessalonians 4:16. Coming from heaven with a command

Titus 2:12–13. Awaiting our hope

Hebrews 9:28. Appearing a second time to save those who wait

Hebrews 10:25. The day which is drawing near

James 5:8. The Lord is near.

2 Peter 3:10. Coming like a thief in the night

Revelation 1:7. Coming in the clouds

Revelation 22:20. I am coming soon.

Secret(s) (hidden, private, surprise)

Something which is unknown or kept hidden from others

Deuteronomy 29:29. God knows all secrets

Psalm 51:6. Searching the secrets of a sinful heart

Psalm 94:11. Knowing our thoughts

Proverbs 11:13. Keeping a secret

Luke 8:17. Nothing will be hidden.

Ephesians 1:9–10. Mystery revealed

Revelation 22:10. Message which is to be shared

Secretary (amanuensis, scribe, writer)

One who performs the service of writing correspondence

2 Samuel 8:16–17. David’s secretary

2 Kings 12:10. King’s scribe

2 Chronicles 24:11. King’s scribe employed as public administrator

Ezra 7:6. Ezra’s expertise in the Law

Isaiah 36:3. Scribe and historian

Jeremiah 37:15. Imprisoned with the secretary

John 5:39–40. Professional students of Scripture

Galatians 6:11. Paul takes up the pen.

Sectarian (group, sect, section)

Describing or concerning a sub-group of a large group; a sect

Isaiah 29:13. Divided heart and allegiance

Jeremiah 8:8. Arguing wisdom versus folly

Jeremiah 23:25–26. False prophets

Acts 19:35–36. Worshipers of Artemis

Acts 24:5. Sect of Nazarenes

Acts 24:14. Follower of the way

1 Corinthians 1:11–13. Sectarianism within the body of Christ

Secular (laity, material, worldly)

Relating to that which is worldly and non-spiritual

John 2:13–16. Temple secularized

Romans 16:23. Church members in high government positions

1 Corinthians 3:3. Influenced by the corrupt nature

1 Corinthians 15:47–48. Earthly minded

1 Timothy 3:7. Secular reputation

1 John 4:5. Belonging to this world

Security (defense, protection, safety)

The quality of being guarded and free from looming dangers and threats

Psalm 32:7. Hidden with God

Luke 17:33. Reverse psychology

John 7:1. Keeping a safe path

John 10:28–29. Gift of eternal life

Romans 8:38–39. True security offered through God’s love

Ephesians 6:13. Armor of God

2 Timothy 1:12. Convinced of protection in Christ

Hebrews 12:28–29. A secure kingdom

1 Peter 1:4. Incorruptible inheritance

Sedative (see Gall)

Seduction (attractiveness, charms, tempting)

The action of tempting someone sexually or intellectually to wander

Exodus 22:16. Seducing a virgin

Job 31:9–10. Quid quo pro

Proverbs 7:21. Charms of a lady

Proverbs 9:13. Seduction and folly

Isaiah 3:16. Women of Zion

Ezekiel 16:25. Seduction with beauty

Daniel 11:32. Flatterer

Mark 13:22. Seductive teachings

Acts 20:30. Distortions of truth

2 Peter 2:14. Seduction of the mind

2 Peter 2:18. Appealing to sexual nature and desires

Revelation 2:20. Misleading God’s servants to sexual sin

Seed (offspring, plant, progeny)

A small unit of reproduction produced by flower plants

Genesis 1:11. Seed-bearing plants

Genesis 3:15. Enmity between offspring

Psalm 89:4. Offspring established forever

Matthew 13:31–32. Parable of the mustard seed

Mark 4:7–8. Parable of seeds

John 12:24. Death brings life

1 Corinthians 15:35–37. Parallel with bodily resurrection

2 Timothy 2:8. Descendant of David

Seek (find, hunt, search for)

The act of searching or attempting to find something or someone

Psalm 69:32. Refreshed hearts

Psalm 105:4. Seek the presence of the Lord.

Proverbs 28:5. Understanding all things

Jeremiah 29:13. Finding and seeking God

Hosea 10:12. Time for seeking the Lord

Matthew 6:33. Seeking the kingdom of heaven first

Matthew 7:7. Ask, seek, knock.

John 8:31. Seeking true discipleship

Romans 3:11. No one seeks God.

James 1:2–4. Seek Christian maturity.

James 4:8. Drawing near to God

Seeker(s) (Searcher)

Someone who is actively searching for someone or something

Exodus 33:7. Seeking the Lord

2 Chronicles 31:21. True seeker of God

Psalm 143:6. Outstretched hands

Lamentations 3:21–25. Lord’s goodness to those who seek him

John 12:20–22. Seeking to meet Jesus

Romans 3:10–18. Unregenerate heart

Segregation (separation, set apart)

The action of setting someone or something apart from others

Numbers 15:15. Laws which also govern foreigners

Nehemiah 13:1. No outsiders admitted into assembly

Luke 9:53–56. Samaritans and Jerusalemites segregated

John 4:9. No associations

John 7:41–43. Division over Jesus

Ephesians 2:14. Christ broke down the wall of hostility between Jews and Gentiles.

Selah (musical notation)

Precise meaning of the term is unknown, however most suggest that it is some sort of musical notation.

Psalm 3:2. A strange song

Psalm 46:3. Rushing waters, surging waves

Habakkuk 3:3. Poetic description of God redeeming a remnant

Selection (choice, election, preference)

The action of making a choice between one or more options

Numbers 35:11. Selecting cities of refuge

Joshua 4:4. Joshua selects one from each tribe of Israel.

Ezra 8:24. Selecting leaders

Ezekiel 24:4–5. Best selection of meat

John 15:16. Chosen by God

Romans 9:11. Child selected prior to birth

Romans 11:28. Jewish people loved by God

2 Timothy 2:10. All things endured for the sake of chosen

2 Peter 1:10. Labor to make calling sure

Self-centeredness (see Selfishness)

Self-control (discernment, maturity, restraint)

The ability to control one’s emotions, desires, and behaviors and their expression of them in situations

Proverbs 25:28. Image of some who lack self-control

Acts 24:25. Need of self-control

1 Corinthians 7:5. Lack of sexual self-control

1 Corinthians 7:9. Controlling sexual desires

1 Corinthians 9:25. Self-control in training for competition

Galatians 5:22–23. Fruit of the Spirit

1 Timothy 2:9. Dressing with modesty and self-control

1 Timothy 2:15. Saved through childbearing, if self-controlled

2 Peter 1:5–6. Adding self-control to faith

Self-denial (denial, discipline, sacrifice)

Denying one’s own needs and interests in a sacrificial manner so as to grow in Christian holiness

Matthew 16:24–26. Denying the world

Mark 10:28. Forsaking all things to follow Christ

Romans 8:13. Putting evil activities to death

Romans 14:20–21. Not causing others to stumble over food choices

1 Corinthians 9:19. Self-enslavement for the sake of the gospel

Galatians 5:24. Crucified passions and desires

Colossians 3:5. Putting to death worldly ways

Titus 2:12. Avoiding ungodly lives

Self-destruction (dangerous, harmful)

A person or large entity who inflicts harm upon themselves either intentionally as the result of grievous sin, up to and including suicide

2 Samuel 17:23. Suicide

Psalm 55:9–10. City’s self-destruction

Ecclesiastes 7:17. Dying before one’s time is up

Jonah 1:12. Cast into the sea

John 8:22. Questioning suicide

Self-esteem (confidence, self-respect, self-worth)

Confidence and satisfaction in oneself

Job 9:21. Low self-esteem

Proverbs 21:2. God is the judge of human hearts.

Isaiah 5:21. Inflated ego

Mark 12:31. Self-love basis for neighbor love

Romans 12:3. Sober self opinion

1 Corinthians 15:9. Self-deprecation

2 Corinthians 10:12. No self-recommendations

Galatians 6:1. Evaluation and response

Self-examination (consideration, reflection)

A reflective examination of one’s beliefs and motives

Psalm 139:23–24. Divine examination

Lamentations 3:40. Examining ways

2 Corinthians 13:5. Discern your faith commitment.

Galatians 6:4. Personal comparison

James 1:23–24. Forgetfulness of sin

1 John 3:20–22. Clean conscience

Selfishness (narcissistic, self-centered)

Lacking in consideration and concern for others

Psalm 10:3. Boasting in selfish desires

Amos 6:6. Self-indulgent narcissists

Romans 2:7–8. Refusing to believe the truth

2 Corinthians 12:20. Fearful of wayward church

Philippians 3:19. Taking pride in shameful actions

Self-pity (complaining, grumbling)

The disposition of unhappiness toward one’s personal circumstances expressed through excessive complaining

Job 6:2–3. Grief weighs heavy.

Psalm 73:12–13. No reward

Jeremiah 20:14–15. Cursing day of one’s birth

Habakkuk 1:1–3. Prophet cries out against injustice.

Luke 10:40. A sister’s complaint

Luke 23:27–28. Self-woe

Philippians 2:14–15. Working without complaint or arguing

Self-righteousness (convoluted, narcissism)

The disposition of unfound and uncritical self-appraisal and endorsement causing a looming personal blindness to flaws and personal sins

Proverbs 30:12. Blinded to flaws

Matthew 9:11–13. Pharisees’ self-righteousness

Matthew 23:30. Self-righteous attitude

Luke 16:15. Self-justifying actions

Romans 2:1. Self-condemning judgments

1 Timothy 1:9. Laws are intended for the self-righteous.

Self-worth (see Self-esteem)

Senses (sight, smell, sound)

Faculties which perceive the external stimuli of sight, sound, smell, and touch

Proverbs 20:12. Senses created by God

Ezekiel 12:2. Sensory failure

Matthew 27:34. Bad to the taste

1 Corinthians 15:34. Return to your senses.

1 John 1:1. Experience through the senses

1 John 2:16. Physical senses in a passing world

Sentence (see Justice; Verdict)

Separation (detachment, distinction, segregation)

Actively creating distinction between one’s former way of living and one’s new life in Christ

Isaiah 52:11. Clean and unclean separation

Romans 8:38–39. Nothing can separate us from God’s love.

Romans 13:12–13. Separating darkness from light

Ephesians 4:22–24. Setting off the old self and putting on the new

Titus 2:11–12. Separation from ungodliness

James 4:7. Resisting the devil

1 John 2:15–17. Living in distinction from the world

Septuagint (Greek Old Testament, LXX)

The Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible

Matthew 1:23. Underlying Hebrew source

Matthew 4:4. Underlying Greek source

Sepulcher (monument, tomb)

A cave or series of caves used as tombs for the kings of Israel

Genesis 23:20. Hittites sold tomb to Abraham.

2 Kings 21:18. Manasseh’s burial in his own palace

2 Chronicles 16:14. Personal tomb for king Asa

2 Chronicles 28:27. Family tomb

Nehemiah 3:16. Repairs on walls and tombs

Isaiah 22:16. Sepulcher on high

Acts 7:16. Abraham’s tomb

Seraphim (angel, celestial being)

A high order celestial being; an angel

Isaiah 6:2–3. Six-winged angels chanting God’s holiness

Isaiah 6:6–7. Angelic encounter

Serendipity (accident, coincidence, destiny)

A sudden and favorable unfolding of events

John 4:4–15. An off-chance meeting

Romans 8:28–30. All things work together for good

Sermon (authoritative message, teaching)

An authoritative message preached on a biblical subject aimed at moving the hearer’s affections and bringing about spiritual change

Matthew 5:1–7:29. Sermon on the M ount

Acts 10:42. Commanded to preach

Acts 13:16–41. Paul’s sermon before Israel

Acts 20:7. Late-night Scripture discussion

Romans 1:15. Eager to preach in Rome

Romans 15:20. Preaching the gospel in new places

Sermon on the Mount (see Sermon)

Serpent (see Snake[s])

Servant(s) (attendant, help, slave)

Someone who performs duties on behalf of others or in their service

2 Kings 5:22. Master and servants

Matthew 8:8–9. Asking for healing of a servant

Matthew 12:18. Servant of God endowed with the Spirit

Matthew 18:27–28. Unjust master

Luke 16:13. Cannot serve two masters

Romans 1:1. Paul, a servant of Jesus

Philippians 2:7. Christ’s role of servanthood

Colossians 1:25. Caring for God’s church

Service/Serving Others (labor, work, slave)

The action of helping others through the meeting of needs or gracious acts of service

Matthew 25:35–36. Meeting material needs

John 13:12–17. An important lesson in servant leadership

John 16:2. Cost of serving; suffering

John 21:15–17. Service reinstated

Romans 15:1–2. Building up one another’s faith

2 Corinthians 11:9. Serving without bothering

Galatians 5:13. Using freedom to serve others through love

Ephesians 6:5–9. Earthly servitude

Colossians 1:24. Filling up what is lacking in suffering

Colossians 3:16. Instructing each other in all wisdom

Seven (cardinal number, completeness, number)

Symbolically, a representation of completeness

Genesis 2:2. Resting on day seven

Genesis 29:18. Working seven years for Rachel

Exodus 20:8–11. Sabbath significance

Leviticus 4:6. Dipped in blood seven times

Leviticus 13:4–5. Seven-day isolation

Leviticus 23:6. Seven-day festivals

Deuteronomy 15:1–9. Canceling debts

Joshua 6:3–4. Seven days, seven priests, seven laps

1 Kings 6:38. Seven years building the temple

Matthew 18:22. Forgiveness seventy times seven

Mark 8:8. Seven baskets left over

Revelation 1:4. Seven churches (church universal?)

Sewing (designing, needlework, stitching)

The action or craft of sewing textiles into usable products

Exodus 28:5. Linen garments for priests

Exodus 35:35. High fashion, high skill

Ecclesiastes 3:7. Tearing apart and re-sewing

Isaiah 19:9. Textile workers put to shame

Ezekiel 13:17–18. Women who sew magic charms

Matthew 9:16. Patching an old coat

Acts 9:39. Hand-fashioned clothing

Sex (copulation, intercourse, lovemaking)

The intimate act of sexual intercourse God intended for husbands and wives to share freely with one another

Genesis 4:1. Adam made love to Eve.

Genesis 4:17. Love and procreation

Ruth 3:8. Sexual proposition

Proverbs 5:18–20. Enjoying sex

Song of Songs 2:15. Sexually aware and ready

1 Corinthians 7:5. Not withholding sex, except to pray

Sexual allegories (allegory, imagery, fantasy)

Vivid sexual images conveyed through the means of story meant to illustrate the pleasures of marital sexual relationship

Song of Songs 2:4. His banner over me is love(making)

Song of Songs 6:3. Openness and desire

Song of Songs 7:7–10. Longing for love

Sexual sin (immorality, sin)

Sins of immorality associated with extramarital sexual relationship

Leviticus 18:22. Sexual relationships delineated

Ezekiel 16:15. Sex trade

Ezekiel 23:20. Graphic sexual content

Matthew 5:27. Fidelity in sexual relationship

Romans 1:26. Natural sexual relations exchanged for unnatural ones

Romans 13:13. Not given to promiscuous relationships

Galatians 5:19. Corrupt nature and sexual sins

Ephesians 5:5. Sharing in the inheritance of the kingdom

1 Thessalonians 4:1–8. Keeping sexually pure

Shallow actions (hasty, unthoughtful)

Exhibiting actions which are inconsistent and unthoughtful with one’s stated system of values

Ezekiel 33:31–32. Listening, but not obeying

Mark 4:16–17. Shallow roots

Luke 6:49. Hearing without obeying

John 6:66. Call to commitment

Galatians 1:6–9. Deserting Christ

Ephesians 4:14. Changing beliefs on a whim

Shame (guilt, humiliation, remorse)

Feelings of contempt, derision, and humiliation

Proverbs 11:2. Arrogance and shame versus wisdom

Mark 8:38. Ashamed of Christ

Romans 1:16. No shame in the gospel

Romans 6:21. Shaming actions ending in death

1 Corinthians 1:27. Nonsense used to shame the wise

2 Timothy 1:12. Unashamed of suffering

2 Timothy 2:15. Unashamed to teach the Word

Hebrews 12:2. Despising shame

1 Peter 3:16. Ashamed of ridiculing Christians

Share (allot, divide, inheritance)

An allotment or inheritance

Exodus 29:28. Portion given to Aaron and sons

Numbers 18:20. Aaron’s line will have no property.

Deuteronomy 10:9. God is the possession of the Levites.

Joshua 19:9. Simeon’s inheritance

Psalm 73:26. Permanent inheritance

Isaiah 61:7. Double portion of land

Galatians 6:6. Sharing with teachers of God’s Word

Philippians 4:15. Sharing with the apostle

1 Peter 4:13. Sharing in Christ’s sufferings

Shaving (cut, trim)

The action of cutting hair from one’s head or beard

Genesis 41:14. Fresh shave

Leviticus 19:27. Growing out bangs and beard edges

Numbers 6:9. Cause of Nazirite to shave

Numbers 8:7. Actions for ceremonial cleanness

2 Samuel 10:4. Shaving half a beard

Job 1:20. Sign of grief

Ezekiel 5:1. Shaving head and beard

Acts 18:18. Hair cut during a vow

Acts 21:24. Shaving heads for a vow

Sheep (animal, offering, ram)

A domesticated animal kept for wool, meat, and use in sacrifices; often used in imagery of shepherd and sheep between Christ and His people

Genesis 46:32. Shepherds and flocks

Exodus 12:5. Passover offering

1 Samuel 25:2. Measurement of wealth

Psalm 23:1. The Lord is a shepherd.

Isaiah 53:6. Straying sheep

Matthew 12:11. Rescuing sheep on the Sabbath day

Matthew 26:31. Shepherd will be struck.

John 10:1–3. Sheep hear and respond to the shepherd’s voice.

John 10:11. Good shepherd sacrifices for his sheep.

1 Peter 2:25. Lost sheep returning to the shepherd

Shekinah (glory, presence, resting)

Refers to the glory of God’s presence dwelling and resting on particular places; in the New Testament Jesus is identified as the image of the glory of God dwelling among humanity.

Exodus 13:21–22. Columns of smoke and fire

Exodus 33:9. Descending glory

Ezekiel 9:3. Glory removed from the temple

Ezekiel 43:2–4. Vision of God’s glory returning

Hebrews 1:3. Christ the image of God’s glory

Shelter(s) (protection, shade, shadow)

A place of protection and shade from the elements and storms of life

Deuteronomy 33:27. God is your shelter.

Judges 9:15. Taking shelter in the shade of the king

Ruth 2:12. Protection under the Lord of Israel

Job 24:8. Unsheltered from the storm

Psalm 31:20. Hidden in a shelter

Isaiah 4:6. Protection from the elements

Isaiah 30:2. Seeking shelter in Egypt

Jonah 4:5. Jonah’s makeshift shelter

Sheol (grave, netherworld, pit)

The underworld or place of the dead

Deuteronomy 32:22. Depths of the earth

Psalm 49:13–14. Punitive aspect to Sheol

Proverbs 9:18. Place of the dead

Ezekiel 31:15. Below the surface of the earth

Luke 16:23. Hades, place of torment

Revelation 1:18. Christ holds the keys to death and hell.

Shepherd(s) (guides, Jesus, leaders)

A person who tends and cares for sheep

Exodus 7:9. Miracle with a shepherd’s staff

Numbers 14:33. Shepherds for forty years in the wilderness

Psalm 23:1. The Lord is my shepherd.

Isaiah 40:11. Caring like a shepherd for the flock

Jeremiah 3:15. Shepherds after God’s heart to lead Israel

Zechariah 11:7. Caring for the sheep that are oppressed

Luke 2:8–9. Shepherds witness angelic hosts.

John 10:11. Jesus is the good shepherd.

Acts 20:28. Shepherds of the church

Hebrews 13:20. Great shepherd of the sheep

1 Peter 5:2. Shepherd your entrusted flock.

Shepherd Tools (see Rod; Staff)

Shield (guard, protection)

An instrument of war, used for protection against enemy attacks both large and small; also used metaphorically for God’s protection for His people

Genesis 15:1. God is Abraham’s shield.

2 Samuel 1:21. Saul’s shield ruined

Psalm 35:2. Asking for protection

Jeremiah 46:3. Preparing for battle

Ephesians 6:16. Shield of faith

Ship(s) (boats)

A seaworthy vessel used for transporting people and goods

Numbers 24:24. Ships from Cyprus bringing certain destruction

Judges 5:17–18. Activities on the Mediterranean

2 Chronicles 9:21. Merchant ships

Jonah 1:3–5. Ship Jonah boarded

Matthew 14:22. Crossing over the sea

Mark 4:35–37. Jesus’ ship caught in a storm

Shipwreck (crash, stranded)

The situation of having one’s boat wrecked and unusable due to inclimate weather, difficult navigation, or often both

Ezekiel 27:34. Wrecked at sea

Acts 27:41. Crashing into a sandbar

Shoes (feet, sandals)

A foot covering typically made from wood and leather

Deuteronomy 29:5. Long-lasting shoes

1 Kings 2:5. Dressed for war

Psalm 60:8. Tossing in the shoe

Acts 12:8. Be prepared.

Ephesians 6:15. Ready to spread the Good News

Shrewd (clever, canny, sharp)

The quality of showing wit quick on the draw and astute powers of judgment

Exodus 1:10. Outsmarting enemies

1 Chronicles 26:14. Insightful counselor

Job 5:12. Shrewd prevented from carrying out plans

Isaiah 5:21. Shrewd in their own sight

Daniel 2:14. Speaking with shrewd judgment

Luke 16:8. Shrewdness commended by dishonest manager

Acts 7:19. Shrewd treatment of Israel

Shrine(s) (memorial, temple, home)

The home of a deity which is fashioned by humans

Judges 17:5. Judge’s shrine

2 Kings 17:29. Building shrines in illegal places of worship

Isaiah 44:13. Home for an idol

Acts 7:43. Shrine of Moloch

Acts 17:24. God’s home is not a human-made shrine.

Acts 19:24. Silver shrines of Artemis

Shun (avoid, distance)

Persistently avoiding, ignoring, or rejecting something

Psalm 88:8. Caused my shunning

Psalm 88:18. Beloved and friend shun

Ecclesiastes 9:2. Shunning an oath

Luke 17:33. Shunning the body

Siblings (brother, sister)

Offspring who share a common parentage

Genesis 4:8. Sibling rivalry

Genesis 12:13. Treating a wife as a sister

Genesis 27:6. Jacob and Esau

Numbers 6:7. Sibling’s death apart from the Nazirit

Acts 22:13. Term of endearment to Saul

1 Peter 5:13. Sister church

Sickness (disease, illness, weakness)

Physical ailments or illness with a degree of semi-permanence

Exodus 23:25. Protected from food poisoning

Deuteronomy 28:61. Plagued with sickness

2 Chronicles 21:19. Spilled intestines

Psalm 38:11. Quarantine

Psalm 39:10. Divine affliction

Psalm 91:10. Wellness in the home

Matthew 4:23. Various kinds of sicknesses healed by Jesus

Matthew 9:35. Every sickness healed

Matthew 10:1. Disciples given authority to cure ailments

John 11:4. Sickness which results in God’s glory

Siege(s) (encircle, surround)

A military tactic which surrounds a city and cuts off all essential supplies and avenues of transportation

Joshua 10:31. Attacking Lachish

1 Kings 15:27. Laying siege against Gibbethon

2 Chronicles 32:10. Siege upon Jerusalem

Jeremiah 10:17. Dwelling under siege

Ezekiel 4:7. Jerusalem blockaded

Ezekiel 24:2. Babylon’s siege on Jerusalem

Zechariah 12:2. Jerusalem’s fate will also come true in Judah.

Sight (eyes, glimpse, vision)

Although frequently used in reference to the faculty of vision, also extended to mean a range of awareness

Genesis 6:11. Corruption of the world visible to God

Exodus 4:11. The Lord gives sight to the blind.

Leviticus 21:20. Ailments barring proximity to the altar

Psalm 116:15. Martyrs a precious sight to God

Proverbs 4:20–22. Keeping God’s words in mind

Isaiah 42:7. Sight given to the blind

Matthew 20:34. Jesus restores sight by touch.

Luke 4:18. Summary statement of Jesus’ ministry

Luke 18:42. Sight restored by faith

Acts 22:13. Saul’s sight restored after three days of blindness

2 Corinthians 5:7. Lives guided by faith and not by sight

2 Corinthians 8:21. Doing what is right in the sight of all

1 Timothy 5:4. Actions pleasing in God’s sight

Sign(s) (signified, symbols)

A symbol that communicates meaning through what it signifies

Genesis 4:15. Sign of the Lord’s vengeance

Genesis 9:12–13. Rainbow as a sign of God’s promise

Genesis 17:11. Circumcision as the sign of Abrahamic covenant

Exodus 4:8. Miraculous signs meant to garner allegiance

Exodus 12:13. Blood on the house is a sign of protection on Passover.

Numbers 14:11. God expects remembrance of His signs.

Deuteronomy 4:34. God’s demonstration of numerous signs

2 Kings 20:8–9. Sign of Hezekiah’s healing

Psalm 74:9. No signs, no prophets

Isaiah 7:14. The sign of a virgin birth

Matthew 12:38. Desiring a miraculous sign from Jesus

Matthew 24:3. What will be the sign of Christ’s second coming?

Matthew 26:48. The sign of a kiss marks betrayal.

John 2:11. Jesus’ first miraculous sign

Acts 2:19. Signs in the sky

Romans 15:19. Ministry accompanied by amazing signs

2 Thessalonians 3:17. Paul’s own handwriting a sign of authenticity

Revelation 1:1. Message communicated by symbols

Signal(s) (gesture, sign, wave)

A gesture, sound, or action which serves to convey information or instructions to onlookers

Numbers 10:2. Trumpets used to signal breaking camp

Judges 20:38. Smoke signal

Proverbs 6:13. Various signals

Isaiah 5:26. Flag raised as a signal to attack

Isaiah 49:22. Hand signals relief

Jeremiah 6:1. Raising a flag signaling disaster

Matthew 26:48. Signaling betrayal

Signet ring (mark, seal, signature)

A small seal used as a mark of authenticity

Genesis 38:18. Signet ring

Esther 8:2. Royal signet ring

Esther 8:8. Seal of authenticity

Daniel 6:8–9. Marks a royal signature

Daniel 6:17. Seal marked on stone using a signet ring

Haggai 2:23. God’s people will be a seal.

Silence (peace, quiet, tranquil)

The absence of sound

Numbers 17:5. Silencing complaints

Job 11:3. Empty talk which silences

Psalm 8:2. Silencing the enemy

Psalm 65:1. Awe in Zion

Psalm 115:17. Death

Isaiah 47:5. Waiting in silence and darkness

Jeremiah 51:55. Babylon silenced

Daniel 11:18. Commander who silences insults

Romans 16:25. Mystery kept in silence revealed in Jesus Christ

1 Timothy 2:11. An instruction for orderly worship

1 Peter 2:15. Need to silence ignorance

Revelation 8:1. Heavenly action ceases for half an hour!

Silver (coins, metal, money)

A shiny, silver precious metal

Exodus 20:23. Do not fashion gods of silver or gold.

Leviticus 5:15. Commercial transaction

Numbers 7:13. Silver plate and bowl

Proverbs 3:14. Wisdom greater than silver

Proverbs 17:3. Refining silver in the crucible

Malachi 3:2–3. Enduring on the day of judgment

Luke 10:35. Two silver coins as payment

Acts 19:24. Silver shrines

James 5:3. Corroded silver

Simile (comparison)

Figure of speech comparing two unlike things, often introduced by like or as

Psalm 1:3. Righteous like a well-fed tree

Psalm 5:12. Surrounded like a shield

Psalm 17:8. Hidden and protected

Psalm 131:2. Contented soul

Isaiah 1:9. Destruction similar to Sodom and Gomorrah

Hosea 5:10. Pouring out fury

Luke 11:44. People like unmarked graves

Simplicity (easy, effortless, simple)

The quality of being easy to understand and carry out

Psalm 119:130. Your Word sheds light and guides the simple.

Psalm 131:1. Concerned with only simple things

Matthew 11:25. Truths revealed to children

Acts 2:46. Single purpose

Romans 6:19. Speaking humanly

2 Corinthians 1:12. Living by God’s grace, not human wisdom

Sin(s) (transgression, immorality, wrong)

An overt transgression against God’s covenant which creates enmity between a human and God

Genesis 20:6. Prevented from sinning against God

Joshua 7:11. Israel’s sin of apathy

1 Samuel 19:4. Sins against humanity

Psalm 38:3. No peace because of sins

Psalm 51:3–4. Sins against God

Isaiah 1:18. Our sins are bright red.

Matthew 9:2. Jesus forgives sins.

Matthew 26:28. Jesus’ blood poured out for sins

Luke 17:3–4. Correcting and forgiving a sinful believer

John 5:14. Stop sinning to prevent future harm.

John 9:2–3. Sin does not cause handicap.

Romans 3:23. All have sinned.

1 Corinthians 6:18. Sexual sins against one’s own body

1 John 3:4. Sin is disobedience.

Sincerity (honesty, genuine, trustworthy)

Actions which are free from false pretense or hypocrisy

2 Corinthians 2:17. Sincere message

Colossians 3:23–24. Working unto the Lord

1 Timothy 1:5. Sincere faith

James 3:17. Wisdom from above

1 Peter 1:22. Sincere love that comes from obeying the truth

1 John 3:18. Love demonstrated, not simply stated

Singing (song, music, voice)

The action of making music sounds with one’s voice

Exodus 15:1. Moses’ song to the Lord after the Red Sea

Nehemiah 13:5. Commodities belonging to Israelite singers

Psalm 95:1. Sing with joy.

Psalm 108:1. Making music with all your soul

Psalm 149:5. Singing in bed

Isaiah 30:29. Happy hearts in song

Luke 19:37–40. Singing stones

Ephesians 5:19. Musical conversation

Colossians 3:16. Sing with gratitude in your hearts.

James 5:13. Sing when you are happy.

Sinner (evildoer, wrongdoer, transgressor)

Anyone who commits even one sin against God and His standards for holiness

Ecclesiastes 9:18. Destruction of one sinner

Isaiah 6:5. A man of unclean lips

Luke 7:37–39. Sinful woman pours perfume on Jesus.

Luke 15:1–7. Jesus leaves the ninety-nine for a sinner.

Luke 19:1–10. Zacchaeus the tax collector

Romans 3:10–11. All are sinners.

Romans 5:8. Christ died for sinners.

1 Corinthians 6:9–10. Types of sinners

Six (cardinal number, number)

Significant in reference to six days of work with Sabbath rest on the seventh day; pattern also seen in reference to the Jubilee year

Genesis 1:31. Day six

Leviticus 25:3. Preparing for Jubilee

John 2:6. Six stone jars

John 12:1. Six days prior to Passover

James 5:17. Three years and six months

Revelation 4:8. Six-winged seraphim

Revelation 13:18. Mark of the beast

Skepticism (unbelief, doubt)

When person doubts the status quo or questions the world as they see it

Genesis 17:17. Doubting God’s promise

Genesis 19:14. Lot’s warning not heeded

Psalm 78:32. Discontinued belief in miracles

Mark 9:24. Help my unbelief.

Luke 1:18–20. Desiring proof of an angelic claim

Luke 24:9–11. Doubting the women’s story

John 1:45–46. Questioning goodness from Nazareth

John 7:5. Brothers’ unbelief

John 12:37. Closed hearts to Jesus’ miracles

Skill(s) (talents, abilities, gifts)

An above average ability to carry out a task or perform a certain job

Exodus 28:3. Textile artists

Exodus 31:1–6. Masters of the minerals

1 Chronicles 22:15–16. Workers of stone

2 Chronicles 2:13–14. Skillful son

Daniel 1:3–4, 17. Skilled and trained in divination

Romans 12:6–8. Differing spiritual gifts

1 Corinthians 12:28–31. Unique skill sets for the body of Christ

1 Peter 4:10. Stewarding God’s good gifts

Skipping death (skipping out, taken up)

Individuals who have not tasted physical death because of God’s intervention in their lives, taking them up to heaven

Genesis 5:24. Taken by God

2 Kings 2:11–12. Elijah taken up into heaven by windstorm

Slander (falsehood, maliciousness)

The action of falsely representing someone in such a manner as to damage their reputation

Exodus 23:1. Never speak false rumors.

Deuteronomy 5:20. Tell the truth in testimony.

Psalm 101:5. Slanderer destroyed

Proverbs 10:18. Spreading slander like a fool

Proverbs 11:9. Ruining a neighbor with godless talk

Ephesians 4:31. Speaking well

Titus 3:2. Unbefitting of believers

James 4:11–12. Byproduct of slandering each other

1 Peter 2:1. Ridding all slanderous communication

Slaughter (death, murder, pogrom)

Large-scale killing of people in a violent manner

Joshua 6:21. People will die.

2 Kings 21:16. Manasseh’s vicious pogrom

Isaiah 37:36. Angel of the Lord slays.

Daniel 8:5–7. Symbolic vision of slaughter

Slave(s) (servant, vassal)

The legal property of someone else, typically enslaved for a seven-year period

Deuteronomy 23:15–16. Treatment of a lost slave

2 Chronicles 8:9. Israelites not enslaved

Jeremiah 34:8–11. Slaves set free and then re-enslaved

John 8:34. Slave to sin

Romans 6:6–23. Slavery to sin ended

Ephesians 6:5–8. Household codes

Titus 2:9. Living under the authority of an earthly master

1 Peter 2:18. Obeying earthly masters

2 Peter 2:19. All are enslaved to something.

Slavery (institution, servant)

The condition of being a slave and under the power of an authority

Exodus 1:8–14. Backbreaking labor

Leviticus 25:44–46. Slaves from foreign nations

Galatians 4:7. No longer slaves, but children of God!

Galatians 5:1. Enjoying the benefits of freedom

Sleep (nap, rest, relaxation)

The condition of being at rest, allowing both mind and body to refresh for the next day’s events

Genesis 15:12. Abram’s deep sleep

Psalm 4:8. Peaceful sleep

Psalm 127:2. God’s provision while sleeping

Proverbs 6:10–11. Slumbering and napping

Proverbs 20:13. Nocturnal tendencies

Ecclesiastes 5:12. Sleep after work is sweet.

Jonah 1:5–6. Prophet asleep in the storm

Matthew 8:23–25. Sleeper in a storm

1 Thessalonians 4:14. Bringing back those asleep in the Lord

Slingshot (weapon, sling)

A leather tool used for slinging rocks moderate distances with a high decree of accuracy

Judges 20:16. Left-handed slingers

1 Samuel 17:40, 49–50. David’s famous kill

Proverbs 26:8. Like slinging a stone

Sluggard/Sloth (bum, lazy)

A person characterized by extreme laziness and procrastination

Proverbs 6:6–9. Learning from ants

Proverbs 13:4. Craving food, but having none

Proverbs 18:9. Laziness is like stealing.

Proverbs 26:14–16. A turning door, moving but going nowhere

Isaiah 56:10. Loving sleep

Jeremiah 48:10. Curse on those who neglect the Lord’s work

2 Thessalonians 3:6–12. Living disciplined lives

Hebrews 6:12. Leaving laziness behind

Smiling (beaming, grinning)

A warm, pleasant expression of happiness and satisfaction in one’s countenance

Numbers 6:24–26. God’s blessing

Job 9:27. Change of expression

Job 29:24. Surprising smile

Psalm 80:3. Restore with a smile

Proverbs 31:25. Smiling about future

Snacking (eating, food)

The action of consuming small amounts of food between meals or “on the go”

1 Samuel 17:17. Feeding family

Proverbs 24:13. Tasty honey

Ecclesiastes 9:7. Enjoying eating and drinking

Luke 6:1. Picking a snack while walking

1 Corinthians 10:31. All things for God’s glory

Snake(s) (asp, serpent, viper)

A slithering reptile known for its venomous bite and connection with the garden of Eden

Genesis 3:1–14. Cunning serpent

Exodus 4:1–12. Signs in Egypt

Numbers 21:8–9. A bronze snake

Jeremiah 8:17. Snakes that cannot be charmed

Matthew 7:9–10. Giving good gifts to children

Matthew 23:33. People like snakes

Luke 10:19. Nothing will hurt the disciples.

Acts 28:3. Paul’s strange bite

Revelation 20:2. Christ’s overpowering the ancient snake

Snakebites (bite, injury, illness)

Bites incurred from snakes; especially dangerous ones

Numbers 21:6–7. Snakes biting Israelites

Ecclesiastes 10:11. Charmed snake still biting

Amos 5:19. Snakebite at home

Acts 28:3. Paul’s brush with a snake

Sneezing (tickle, sniffle)

A sudden involuntary expulsion of air through the nose and mouth

2 Kings 4:35. Sneezing fit

Snow (flakes, snowfall)

The season of wetness coupled with reduced atmospheric temperature leading to frozen water vapor

2 Samuel 23:20. Memorable day

Job 37:6. Directing weather

Job 38:22. Storing snow and hail

Proverbs 26:1. Wrong seasons

Isaiah 1:18. Sins made white like snow

Jeremiah 18:14. Lebanon never without snow

Soap (clean)

A substance use for cleaning

Jeremiah 2:22. Lasting stains from wickedness

Malachi 3:2. Cleansing soap

Matthew 27:24. Pilate washes hands of this situation.

Sober (dry, sensible, serious)

Someone who is not addicted to much alcohol, using it either with extreme moderation or not at all

Leviticus 10:9. No wine for Levites in the tent of meeting

Numbers 6:1–3. Instructions for Nazirites

Proverbs 31:4–5. Kings and rulers should remain sober.

Isaiah 5:11. Drinking early in the day

Romans 13:13. Living soberly

Romans 14:21. Avoiding actions which cause doubts in others

1 Thessalonians 5:6–8. Moderation

1 Timothy 3:2–3. Sobriety

Social justice (equity, fairness, morality)

Actions which promote justice and liberation from oppression for all, especially orphans and widows

Leviticus 19:15. Administering justice fairly

Deuteronomy 15:1–18. Canceling debts

Proverbs 21:3. Justice preferred to sacrifices

Isaiah 1:17. Seek justice.

Jeremiah 22:3. Treating foreigners, orphans, and widows well

Micah 6:8. Do justice, love mercy, live humbly with God.

Zechariah 8:16–17. Dispensing justice in truth

James 1:27. Pure religion = caring for orphans and widows

James 2:2–3. Treating all men equally

1 John 3:17–18. Demonstrating love through action

Sodomy (copulation, unnatural)

Unnatural sexual activity which is typically practiced in homosexual relationships

Genesis 19:5. Homosexual men

Leviticus 18:22. Forbidden intercourse

Leviticus 20:13. Worthy of death

Romans 1:27. Unnatural relations

Jude 7. Recalling the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah

Soldier(s) (fighter, military, serviceman)

Someone who serves in the military

Numbers 1:45–46. Eligible soldiers

1 Samuel 14:52. Saul’s enlistment policy

2 Chronicles 17:13–15. Commander forces

Ephesians 6:10–17. Armor of God

2 Timothy 2:3–4. Suffering as a soldier of Christ

Solicitation (implore, request, solicit)

The action of asking in hopes of attaining a specific need or request

2 Kings 4:3. Requesting items from neighbors

John 16:7. Christ goes, the Spirit comes.

Acts 3:2–3. Soliciting handouts

James 1:5. Asking the generous God

1 John 5:14. Confidence in God’s provision

Solitude (alone, isolation, seclusion)

Status of being alone, typically to spend time in prayer

Matthew 14:23. Sneaking away to pray

Mark 1:35. Up before the dawn

Mark 6:31–32. Seeking solitude and rest

Luke 5:16. Seeking solitude and prayer

Luke 22:41. Stopping to pray

Solo(s) (song, performance, vocal)

A performance done without the aid of accompaniment

Exodus 15:21. Miriam’s song to the Lord after victory

1 Samuel 2:1. Hannah’s song

Luke 1:46–55. Mary’s Magnificat

Son(s) (child, heir)

Relating to one’s parental relationship between an adult and a male child

Genesis 17:16–19. God will provide an heir.

Genesis 22:2. Testing Abraham

Genesis 37:3. Son born in old age

Exodus 2:1–2. Birth of Moses

Luke 15:11–32. Parable concerning sons

John 3:16. God’s “one of a kind” Son

1 John 4:14. Father sent his Son as Savior of the world.

Son of God (God’s Son, sonship, children of God)

One of Jesus’ many titles; how the Father addressed Him at His baptism; also carries the connotation of both inheritance rights and relationship, two aspects available to all who believe in Jesus

Genesis 6:4. Sons of God, the Nephilim

Matthew 3:17. Baptism of Jesus

Mark 1:1. The Good News concerning the Son of God

Luke 3:38. Jesus’ genealogy traced back to Adam, first son of God

Romans 1:4. Declared Son of God in his nature

Romans 8:14. Those guided by the Spirit are God’s children.

Romans 8:19. Coming revelation of God’s children

Galatians 2:20. Life through believing in God’s Son

Ephesians 4:13. United in faith in God’s Son

1 John 4:15. Spiritual blessings for declaring that Jesus is the Son of God

Son of Man (Savior)

A messianic name taken from the book of Daniel which Jesus often applied in referring to Himself Daniel 7:13. Son of Man coming on the clouds

Matthew 8:20. Son of Man is without home.

Matthew 10:23. Son of Man will come.

Matthew 12:8. Authority over the Sabbath

Matthew 12:32. Words against Son of Man forgiven

Matthew 12:40. The sign of Jonah given to the Son of Man

Matthew 17:12. Son of Man must suffer.

Mark 14:21. Predictions of death

John 3:13–14. Son of Man came from heaven.

Acts 7:56. Heaven opened up, Son of Man on the throne!

Son of man (human, Ezekiel)

A title frequently given to the prophet Ezekiel likely in reference to human weakness

Psalm 8:4. Human son

Ezekiel 2:1. Prophet Ezekiel’s frequent designation

Daniel 8:17. Daniel’s infrequent designation

Song(s) (music, singing)

A poetic set of words set to music

1 Samuel 18:6. Song and dance

1 Kings 4:32. Sagacious poet

Psalm 32:7. Songs of salvation

Psalm 100:2. Entering Lord’s presence in song

Isaiah 52:9. Lord will reclaim Jerusalem

Ephesians 5:19. Spiritual music

Colossians 3:16. Christ’s word dwelling richly in you

James 5:13. Singing when happy

Sophistry (fallacy, deception)

Misleading or misguided argumentation intentionally presented to bring about confusion

Genesis 3:1–7. Misrepresenting the argument

Matthew 4:1–11. Satan attempts to mislead Jesus.

2 Corinthians 2:11. Cognizant of Satan’s scheming

2 Corinthians 11:3. Careful not to be lured

Sorcery (divination, magic)

The use of magic in seeking to manipulate an outcome

Exodus 7:11. Egyptian magicians

Leviticus 19:26. Consulting fortunetellers

Numbers 24:1. Balaam and omens

Deuteronomy 18:10. Divinatory practices forbidden in Israel

2 Kings 17:17. Child sacrifice

Isaiah 47:12. Casting spells and magic

Ezekiel 13:18. Judgment on those involved in magic trade

Daniel 1:20. Divination in Babylon

Acts 8:9. Simon the magician

Acts 19:19. Burning up books of the occult

Sorrow (grief, sadness)

A deep feeling of loss caused by overwhelming suffering or sadness experienced

Psalm 6:7. Grief-filled eyes

Psalm 119:28. Drowning in tears

Ecclesiastes 1:18. Wisdom and sorrow

Isaiah 51:11. Day of no sorrow

Isaiah 53:3–4. Man of sorrows

Jeremiah 8:18. Sick at heart

Jeremiah 31:13. Sorrows turned to joy

Mark 14:34. Great anguish

Romans 9:2–3. Paul’s heartache over his kinsmen

2 Corinthians 7:10. Distressed

Soul (emotional, moral)

The inner being and essence of a person, also understood as moral and emotional faculties

Deuteronomy 4:29. Loving God with heart and soul

Joshua 22:5. Serving God with heart and soul

1 Samuel 1:15. Outpouring of Hannah’s soul

Job 33:28. Freed soul

Psalm 23:2–3. Peaceful pastures, renewed soul

Psalm 35:9. Finding joy in God alone

Psalm 42:2. Thirsting for the living God

Mark 8:36. Gaining the world, losing one’s soul

Soul-winning (winsome, converting)

Evangelistic efforts undertaken to win converts to Christianity

Matthew 28:19. Great commissioning

Acts 15:3. Bringing great joy to all believers

Romans 10:1. Desiring salvation for Jewish people

Galatians 2:8–9. Divine labor and resources

1 Peter 2:25. Lost sheep return to the shepherd.

Sound doctrine (orthodox, truthful)

Teachings that conform to the core teachings of Scripture as pertains to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ

1 Corinthians 15:3. Matter of first importance

1 Timothy 1:10. Accurate teachings

1 Timothy 4:16. Life and teaching able to save

2 Timothy 4:3. Time when sound teaching will no longer be endured

Titus 1:9. Devoted to the message

Titus 2:1. Living according to sound teaching

South (direction, down)

The compass direction opposite north

Genesis 13:14–15. Looking in all directions

Numbers 2:10. South-side armies

1 Kings 6:8. Temple architecture

1 Chronicles 26:15. Representing south side

Job 9:9. Creator of stars in the southern hemisphere

Ezekiel 20:46–47. Burning the whole land

Daniel 11:17. Diplomatic efforts with the southern king

Luke 11:31. Queen (Sheba) from the south

Acts 8:26. Heading south on the road

Sovereignty (omnipotence, providence, power)

God’s complete and total exercise of power over His creation; God is both able and willing to accomplish His holy will in the world.

Genesis 18:14. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.

Psalm 24:8. The Lord is strong and mighty.

Jeremiah 32:17. Sovereign of heaven and earth

Daniel 7:27. All power and greatness belong to God.

Matthew 19:26. All things possible with God

Ephesians 3:20. One who works abundantly more than we can imagine

1 Timothy 6:15. King of Kings, Lord of Lords

Sow (plant, scatter, spread)

Planting or scattering seed in preparing for harvest time

Psalm 126:5. Sowing a harvest

Proverbs 11:18. Honest work

Ecclesiastes 11:6. Discerning where to sow

Matthew 6:26. Birds that do not sow

Matthew 13:3–39. Sowing seeds in various locales

Luke 8:8. Seeds planted in good earth

1 Corinthians 15:42–43. Body is planted

Galatians 6:7–8. Reaping what one sows

James 3:18. Sowing peace

Spain (country)

A country Paul intended to visit, according to Romans

Romans 15:24. En route to Spain

Romans 15:28. Visiting on the way to Spain

Sparrow (bird, worthless)

A bird sold very cheap and mentioned among offerings made by those who are in extreme poverty

Psalm 84:3. Sparrows finding a home

Proverbs 26:2. Fluttering bird

Luke 12:6–7. Sparrow’s worth versus humans

Luke 13:19. Birds that nested

Speech (words, talking)

The verbal expression of thoughts, ideas, and passions in a rhetorically satisfying manner

Genesis 11:1. Common world language

Exodus 4:10. Bad communicator

Psalm 19:2–3. Listening to the stories of day and night

Proverbs 22:11. Gracious speech

Mark 9:17. Demon silences speech

2 Corinthians 8:7. Growing in teaching proficiency

1 Timothy 4:12. Setting example in speech and behavior

1 Peter 3:10. Practicing guarded speech

Spice(s) (flavor, salt)

Variety of vegetable substances used to add flavor or preserve food

Genesis 37:25. Exotic materials from Gilead

Genesis 43:11. High-quality products

Exodus 30:34. Frankincense

1 Kings 10:2. Queen of Sheba’s entourage of camels and spices

2 Chronicles 9:1. Various spices

Song of Songs 6:2. Bed of spices

Matthew 23:23. Tithing spices at harvest, yet neglecting justice!

Mark 16:1. Spices to anoint a dead body

Spider(s) (bugs, insects)

An eight-legged insect known for spinning beautiful webs which serve in the process of catching food

Job 8:14. Fragile home

Isaiah 59:5. Hazardous home life

Spinster (older woman, single)

An unmarried older woman who is perceived to be beyond the normal years for marriage

Psalm 78:63. Virgins hear no music of weddings.

1 Corinthians 7:27–28. Remain as you are.

Spiritism (spiritualism)

System of religious practice interested in necromancy and divination

1 Samuel 28:7. Consulting the dead

Acts 8:9–11. Actively interested in magic and divination

Spiritual disciplines (holiness, prayer, fasting)

Christian disciplines which help increase holiness and strengthen faith

Daniel 9:3. Prayer and fasting

Matthew 4:2. Prolonged fasting

Matthew 6:16–18. Instructions for fasting

Luke 5:33. Frequently fasting

Philippians 4:8. Honorable things

2 Timothy 2:15. Teaching the word of truth correctly

Hebrews 10:25. Gathering together

Spiritual gifts (gifts, blessings, anointing)

Unique spiritual blessings which God grants through the indwelling work of the Spirit for the growth of the church

Romans 12:3–8. Differing gifts

1 Corinthians 12:1–2. Not for unbelievers

1 Corinthians 13:13. These three remain.

1 Corinthians 14:1–2. Pursuing love

Ephesians 4:11–12. Christian servants

1 Peter 4:10. Managing God’s gifts

Spiritual growth (growth, disciplines, grace)

Growth which results from the practicing of spiritual disciplines

Romans 12:2. Following what is good, pleasing, and perfect

Ephesians 4:16. Growing in Christian unity

Ephesians 4:23. New attitudes in Christ

Philippians 1:6. Perseverance of faith

2 Timothy 1:7. Spirit of power, love, and good judgment

James 5:16. Confession of sins to one another

1 Peter 2:2. Desirous for God’s Word

2 Peter 3:18. Growing in the knowledge of Christ the Savior

3 John 1:2. Peace in mind and body

Spiritual rebirth (see Born Again)

Spiritual thirst (hunger, longing, yearning)

The intense expressions of “thirsting for God” found in the Bible truly demonstrate the joy experienced in seeking God with all one’s might.

Psalm 42:2. Spiritual thirst for God

Psalm 63:1. Longing for God

Psalm 84:1–2. A longing soul

Psalm 143:6. Outstretched hands

John 4:13–14. Living water

John 7:37. Coming to Jesus for a drink

Revelation 21:6. Water of life

Revelation 22:17. Invitation to all who are thirsty

Spirituality (spirit, soul, transcendence)

An astute awareness of spiritual matters in all of life, discernment to judge spiritual teachings, and the prophetic voice to share and bless others with it

1 Corinthians 2:13–14. Spiritual teachings rather than intellectual arguments

1 Corinthians 10:3–4. Eating and drinking from Christ

Galatians 5:16. Living according to the spiritual nature

Colossians 1:9. Spiritual wisdom and insight into God’s will

2 Thessalonians 2:13. Life springs with spiritual devotion.

1 Timothy 4:14. Developing a spiritual gift

1 Peter 4:6. Earthly life contrasted with spiritual life

3 John 1:2. Knowledge of good spirituality

Spoils of war (booty, loot, plunder)

Those things which are taken from a conquered people by their captors in the wake of a military loss

Genesis 34:29. Houses looted, women and children taken

Exodus 3:22. “Borrowing” wealth from Egypt

Numbers 31:11. City looted

Deuteronomy 20:14. The Lord grants the spoils of war.

1 Samuel 30:19. Nothing was missing upon David’s return.

2 Chronicles 14:14. Much to take

Psalm 119:162. Priceless treasure

Isaiah 53:12. Dividing the prize with the strong

Amos 3:10. Collecting profit in palaces

Luke 11:22. Taking weapons and loot

Spring (season) (new life, season)

The time following the wet season when new life begins to emerge

Deuteronomy 11:14. Rain in the fall and spring produces new grain.

2 Samuel 11:1. Time when kings head out to battle

1 Kings 20:22. Preparing for a spring attack

2 Chronicles 36:10. Returning from Jerusalem with temple loot

Job 29:23. Spring showers

Jeremiah 5:24. Autumnal rain, spring rain

Zechariah 10:1. Asking at the right time

James 5:7. Time farmers wait for

Springs (water) (fountain, source, water)

Sources of fresh, drinkable water which provide necessary life sustenance

Genesis 7:11. Deep springs of the earth bursting open

Genesis 24:43–44. Rebekah’s hospitality

Deuteronomy 8:7. Rivers and streams that will not run dry

2 Chronicles 32:4. Finding abundant water

Psalm 107:33. Reversal of fortunes

Isaiah 35:7. Springs bursting from dry ground

Isaiah 41:18. God’s transformative power

Isaiah 49:10. Neither hungry nor thirsty again

Revelation 7:17. Springs that fill with the water of life

Revelation 21:6. Fountain filled with the water of life

Spy(ies)/Spying (competitor, enemy, watchful)

People sent out “below the radar” to ascertain information about a stated objective

Genesis 42:9–14. Brothers, not spies

Deuteronomy 1:22. Spying out the land ahead of time

Joshua 2:1. Joshua’s spies and Rahab

Joshua 6:23. Rahab and family spared

2 Samuel 10:3. Destroying a city

Luke 20:20. Religious spies watching Jesus

Galatians 2:4. Spying out Christian freedom

James 2:25. Recalling Rahab

Stability (faithfulness, firm, steadiness)

Used literally of one’s steadiness in walking and figuratively of strong and faithful foundation from which one operates

Exodus 17:12. Stabilizing Moses

Deuteronomy 20:1–2. Stable forces

Psalm 91:1. Protection from God

Proverbs 28:2. Wisdom to provide national stability

Proverbs 29:4. King’s presence

Isaiah 33:6. Foundation in place for a solid future

Colossians 1:23. Continuing on without straying from the solid foundation

2 Peter 3:17. On the lookout, maintaining spiritual stability

Staff (instrument, tool, utensil)

A rod or scepter used in various professions

Exodus 4:1–4. Shepherd’s staff

Exodus 7:19. Plagues called upon

Numbers 17:3. Staff for each tribe

1 Samuel 14:27. Honey-dipped staff

1 Samuel 17:40. Shepherd’s stick

Psalm 23:4. Rod and staff provide courage.

Isaiah 14:5. Staff of the wicked broken

Zechariah 11:7–14. Caring for sheep with Favor and Unity

Matthew 10:10. No need for a walking stick

Hebrews 1:8. God’s scepter for justice

Hebrews 9:4. Ark contains Aaron’s staff that budded.

Standard (excellence, level, quality)

A measure or model used in making comparative evaluations which seeks to bring about uniformity and fairness

Leviticus 19:35. Standard weights and measures

Numbers 1:52. Standard tribal family flag

2 Samuel 14:26. Royal standard

2 Chronicles 3:3. Standard form of measurement

Ezekiel 11:12. Standards of law disobeyed

Daniel 5:27. Placed on the scale and found to be lacking

John 8:15. Judging each other according to human standards

1 Corinthians 1:26. Run of the mill when you were called

2 Corinthians 10:2. Human motives

Star(s) (celestial bodies, heavens)

Used literally of heavenly lights (actual stars) which are visible on a clear night; figuratively in what a star refers to or communicates symbolically

Genesis 1:16. God’s creation of light

Genesis 15:5. Uncountable stars

Genesis 37:9. Joseph’s strange dreams

Deuteronomy 4:19. Astral worship forbidden

Judges 5:20. Stars at war in the heavens

Psalm 147:4. Stars numbered and named

Isaiah 34:4. Rolled up like a scroll

Matthew 2:9. Wise men follow a star.

Philippians 2:15. Shining like stars in the world

Status (circumstance, condition, position)

One’s current standing with regard to a project, position, or life in general

1 Samuel 19:7. Status returned

Proverbs 27:23. Awareness of flock’s condition

1 Corinthians 7:20. Remaining in a current position or context

1 Corinthians 7:24. God-given circumstances

Galatians 4:14. Illness presenting difficulties

Philippians 4:12. Working with every circumstance

Jude 6. Position of authority lost

Status symbol(s) (example, guide, model)

A person with significance derived from worldly accomplishments and wealth; viewed as an example to be imitated

Genesis 24:35. Abundant riches

Deuteronomy 8:17. Wealthy and strong

1 Samuel 17:25. Elevating social status through marriage

Esther 1:20. Husbands’ status elevated by decree

Statutes (decrees, regulations, requirements)

Intimately connected with Torah, “statutes” typically denote generic references to the law of God and its regulations.

1 Kings 3:3. Solomon’s regard for David’s rules but not the Lord’s statutes

1 Kings 11:34. God’s faithfulness on account of David’s faithfulness

Psalm 19:7. Perfect teachings

Psalm 119:2. Blessed are those who obey the Law.

Luke 1:6. God’s regulations

Steadfast (committed, faithful, loyal)

The quality of being firmly and resolutely committed to a person, purpose, or cause

1 Samuel 22:14. Who will be faithful like David?

1 Kings 8:23. Promises made and kept

Psalm 51:10. Faithfulness in spirit

Psalm 57:7. Confident heart

Isaiah 26:3. Perfect peace through pleasing protection

1 Peter 5:10. Support in the midst of suffering

Steadfast love (enduring mercy, grace, love)

The loving-kindness of God associated with the mercy and hope of His people

Exodus 15:13. Salvation and a holy dwelling

Numbers 14:19. Forgiveness and the steadfast love of God

Deuteronomy 7:9. Merciful to generations of those who love the commands

1 Chronicles 16:34. Mercy endures forever.

Nehemiah 9:17. God’s compassionate mercy

Psalm 13:5. Joyful heart in your salvation

Psalm 44:26. Rescue your people on account of your mercy.

1 John 3:16. Christ’s life given for us

Stealing (burglary, robbery, theft)

The unlawful taking of another’s property, typically by stealth

Exodus 20:15. Do not steal.

Exodus 22:7–8. Thieves caught and punished

Matthew 6:19. Earthly treasures will be stolen.

Matthew 27:64. Tomb raiders?

John 10:10. Difference between a thief and a shepherd

John 12:6. Judas, the thief

Romans 2:21. Correlating deed and action?

Ephesians 4:28. Quit stealing, work hard.

1 Thessalonians 5:2. Day which comes like a thief in the night

Titus 2:9–10. Honest workers

Steps (incline, path, stairs)

A series of small, flat surfaces which gradually incline

Exodus 20:26. Sage advice

2 Kings 20:9–10. Shadow defies physics.

2 Chronicles 9:11. An ornate royal palace

Job 23:11. Following footsteps

Ecclesiastes 5:1. Watching one’s step at the temple

Acts 21:40. Speaking on the steps of the barrack

1 Peter 2:21. Following the footsteps of Christ in suffering

Steward (manager, overseer)

One who oversees the affairs of the home and is responsible for the effective running of a household

Genesis 43:19, 24. Joseph’s hospitability

2 Samuel 16:1. Steward of many men and animals

Luke 8:3. Administrator of Herod’s household

Luke 12:42. Faithful, skilled manager

Luke 16:8. Dishonest manager

Stewardship (authority, responsibility)

The task of responsibly overseeing the actions of someone or something as an appointed manager to that realm

Deuteronomy 12:11. Stewarding God’s gifts

Matthew 23:23. Bad stewards

Mark 12:41–43. Surprising example of extreme stewardship

1 Corinthians 9:17. Entrusted with stewardship

Ephesians 3:2. Responsibility to share God’s kindness

Colossians 1:25. Stewardship of God’s message

1 Timothy 1:4. Distractions from stewardship of faith

Stiff-necked (see Stubborn)

Stingy (mean, miserly, parsimonious)

Ungenerous and unwilling to spend or give money for any reason

Proverbs 23:6. Avoid the food and company of a stingy person.

Proverbs 28:22. Stingy person’s get-rich-quick plan

Jeremiah 6:13. Eager for dishonest gain

1 Corinthians 5:10. Living between two worlds

1 Timothy 3:8. Deacons must not be stingy.

Stoicism (philosophy)

A philosophy noted for its ideals of high standard of personal conduct, sense of duty without delight, and asceticism

Acts 17:18. Stoic philosophers

Philippians 2:6–9. Self-abnegation

Philippians 4:11. Contentment in all circumstances

Stomach ailments (see Indigestion)

Stones (mountains, pebbles, rocks)

A hard, organic material of variable size, used for architectural purposes, writing surfaces, and weaponry

Exodus 23:24. Crushing sacred stones

Exodus 28:9–21. Working with minerals

Deuteronomy 27:5. Stone altar

Deuteronomy 27:8. Writing on stones

Joshua 4:20–21. Stones of remembrance

Joshua 8:32. Copy of Moses’ Teaching

1 Kings 7:10. Laying a foundation

Ecclesiastes 3:5. Scattering and gathering

Matthew 3:9. Confidence in God’s work

John 20:1. Tombstone was removed.

1 Peter 2:6. Chosen stone in Zion

Stoning (martyr, persecute, punishment)

A torturous form of capital punishment prescribed for particular offenses

Exodus 21:29. Stoning a deadly bull

1 Samuel 30:6. David’s distress

John 10:33. Threats of stoning on the charge of blasphemy

Acts 7:59. Stephen’s death

Acts 14:19. Paul stoned nearly to death.

Hebrews 11:37. Deaths in the great cloud of witnesses

Storm(s) (weather, wind, tempest)

A violent atmospheric disturbance, typically involving winds, rain, thunder, and lightning

Exodus 9:24. The perfect storm

Job 30:22. Tossed around in a storm

Psalm 55:8. Seek shelter.

Proverbs 10:25. Righteous have lasting shelter

Isaiah 25:4. Sheltered from rain and heat

Matthew 8:24–26. Jesus calms the storm.

Acts 27:13–15. Storms at sea

2 Peter 2:17. False teachers blowing in the wind like whims

Storytelling (see Parable[s])

Stranger(s) (newcomer, outsider, visitor)

Someone who is in a strange and foreign land

1 Chronicles 29:15. Resident aliens

Psalm 54:3. Attacked by strangers

Ezekiel 16:32. Adulterous wife prefers strangers.

Zechariah 7:14. Scattered among the nations

Hebrews 11:13. Living as a stranger on the earth

Hebrews 13:2. Be hospitable to the house of believers.

1 Peter 1:1. Temporary residents

3 John 5. Faithfulness to guests

Strategy (plan, plot, program)

A plan of action designed to achieve a large-scale goal

2 Kings 18:20. Taking and receiving advice for war

Proverbs 24:6. Waging war with the right strategy

Isaiah 8:10. Battle ready

Acts 20:3. Plotting to kill Paul

Acts 25:3. Plotting ambush

Stream(s) (fountain, river, water)

A small, flowing river

Exodus 7:19. Streams turned to blood

Leviticus 11:9–10. Swarming animals and creatures

Deuteronomy 8:7. Land with underground streams

Job 29:6. Buttermilk and olive oil

Psalm 1:3. Growing like a well-planted tree

Isaiah 19:6. Streams emptied and dried up

John 7:38. Streams of living water will flow from within believers.

Strength (might, muscle, power)

Used in reference to the raw power of animals and human beings

Exodus 15:2. The Lord is my strength.

Deuteronomy 3:28. Words of strength

Deuteronomy 6:5. Loving God with all your strength

Judges 16:17. Secret strength

2 Samuel 22:33. Armed with strength

Isaiah 33:2. Be the strength of your people.

Isaiah 40:31. Those who wait on the Lord will be strengthened.

Mark 12:33. Commanded to love God with full strength

Acts 16:5. Churches strengthened in faith

Philippians 4:13. Strengthened through Christ to do all things

Stress (anxiety, pressure, strain)

Mental and emotional pressure resulting from highly demanding circumstances, often causing physical duress

Psalm 34:19. Righteous delivered from troubles

Psalm 54:4. God is my helper.

Psalm 62:1. Waiting calmly for God

Proverbs 12:25. Anxiety weighs down, kind words lift up.

Matthew 6:34. Forgetting about tomorrow’s worries

1 Corinthians 1:8–9. Strength from God when it is needed

1 Peter 5:7. Trusting God with anxiety

Strife/Striving (bitterness, conflict, quarreling)

Anger and bitterness verbally expressed over an important point of conflict

Proverbs 30:33. Producing strife

Ecclesiastes 2:22. Anxious striving

Habakkuk 1:3. Strife is at hand

Romans 1:29. Life of strife

Galatians 5:15. Criticism and personal attacks

Ephesians 4:31. Ridding life of bitterness

1 Timothy 6:4. Unhealthy desire to mix words

1 Peter 2:23. Verbal and physical attack

Stripes (see Flogging)

Struggle (fight, scuffle, wrestle)

Physical fighting, constraining and wrestling; figuratively, difficult and challenging situations which require proportionate amounts of exertion

Genesis 32:28. Jacob wrestled with God.

Exodus 2:13. Moses interrupts two fighting men.

Hosea 12:3. Recalling Jacob’s life of struggle

Romans 15:30. Join in Paul’s struggles by praying for him.

Ephesians 6:12. Divine and spiritual warriors

Philippians 1:30. Similar struggles

Hebrews 12:4. Struggling, but not to the point of death

Stubborn (arrogance, prideful, stiff-necked)

The quality of being fixed and unshakable in one’s opinion, in spite of counterpoints and the use of logic and reason

Exodus 32:9. Stubborn people

Exodus 34:9. Stubborn people seeking forgiveness

Deuteronomy 9:6. Misunderstanding God’s gracious blessings

2 Kings 17:14. Family continuity

Nehemiah 9:17. Attempting to return to Egypt

Psalm 78:8. Rebellious generation with disloyal hearts

Mark 3:5. Closed minds even while healings take place

Acts 7:51. Stubborn and heartless like one’s ancestors

Student(s) (disciple, follower, learner)

Used in reference to persons who are studying either formally or informally under an instructor

1 Chronicles 25:8. Music students

Ezra 7:10. Diligent student

Jeremiah 32:33. Student backsliding

Daniel 1:17. Wisdom and proficiency in understanding Babylonian literature

Matthew 10:24–25. Student/teacher relationships

Mark 4:34. Explaining all things to the disciples

Acts 18:24. Study of the Scriptures

Galatians 6:6. Sharing with teachers of God’s Word

Study (meditation, research, reflection)

The disciplined undertaking of the acquisition of knowledge through research, reflection, meditation, and studying under someone

Psalm 119:4. Principles to be studied and followed

Ecclesiastes 1:13. Brilliant yet miserable

Ecclesiastes 12:12. Endless writing of books and exhaustion from too much study

John 5:39. Source of life discovered in the study of Scripture

2 Timothy 2:15. Rightly handling the word of truth

1 Peter 2:2–3. Craving the milk of God’s Word

Stumble (trip, fall, sway)

Conveys the act of tripping or falling in a literal sense; frequently found in contexts of judgment and sin

Leviticus 26:37. Unable to withstand against one’s enemies

1 Chronicles 13:9. Oxen stumbling on the threshing floor

Psalm 119:165. Lasting peace without stumbling

Isaiah 5:27. Prepared and ready for action

Daniel 11:35. Temporary setbacks

Hosea 14:9. Rebels stumble over the Lord’s righteous ways.

John 11:9–10. Walking during the day versus walking at night

Romans 9:32–33. Stumbling over the stumbling stone

Romans 14:20. Causing others to stumble over food issues

Subjection (subjugation, oppression, domination)

Used actively in reference to forceful domination and situations of military conquest; used passively with the nuance of willful subjugation of oneself to an authority

1 Samuel 7:1. God’s authority through the ark

Luke 10:17. Demons obey disciples of Jesus.

Romans 13:1. Obeying government as placed by God

1 Corinthians 15:28. All things subjugated to Christ

Philippians 2:9–11. Christ honored above all the earth

Titus 3:1. Willful subjugation to government

Hebrews 2:5. Under the angels’ control

1 Peter 2:13. Be subject to government

1 Peter 3:1. Wives under authority of their husbands

Submission (yielding, consent, compliance)

The action of willingly accepting and genuinely following the leadership and initiative of another

1 Chronicles 29:24. Loyalty pledged to King Solomon

1 Corinthians 15:28. All will submit to Christ.

1 Timothy 2:11. Submissive learning

Titus 3:1. Submitting to and helping government officials

Hebrews 5:7. Submissive to the Father

Hebrews 13:17. Submission to leadership is for your good.

1 Peter 3:1. Wife’s submission to husband’s authority

1 Peter 3:22. Christ’s authority and the submission of angels, rulers, and powers

1 Peter 5:5. Submission to spiritual leaders

Substitution (atonement, exchange, replacement)

Someone or something that acts in the place of another

Leviticus 27:10. Discerning a worthy sacrifice

Matthew 20:28. Son of Man gave his life as a ransom.

Acts 1:21. Choosing a substitute for Judas

2 Corinthians 5:21. A great exchange

1 Peter 3:18. Righteous for the unrighteous

1 John 2:2. Payment for the sins of the whole world

1 John 4:10. Love demonstrated through payment of sin

Success (victory, triumph, winner)

The accomplishment of an aim or purpose followed by the reaping of positive results

Genesis 24:12. Prayer for success

Genesis 39:3. Joseph’s success in all things and advancement

Deuteronomy 20:4. The battle belongs to the Lord.

Joshua 1:8. Success and prosperity found through internalizing the Law

1 Samuel 18:14. Success in the Lord

Psalm 118:25. Begging for protection and military success

Proverbs 16:3. Trusting God

Luke 10:17. Successful ministry

1 Corinthians 3:6–7. Sharing in God’s success

James 1:10. Successful business leading to humility

Successor (heir, inheritor, usurper)

Someone who steps in, filling a leadership void, either through death or consolidation of power

1 Kings 1:48. David and Solomon

1 Kings 11:43. Solomon succeeded by Rehoboam

2 Kings 16:20. Hezekiah succeeds Ahaz.

1 Chronicles 3:16. Family lineage

1 Chronicles 29:28. Death of David, rise of Solomon

Ecclesiastes 2:12. Difficult shoes to fill

Daniel 11:20. Kingly succession

Suffering (hardship, distress, misery)

Undergoing hardship for a cause; to experience great pain, duress, and hardships

Exodus 3:7. God’s people suffering in Egypt

Job 2:13. Suffering immense personal loss

Psalm 22:24. God hears the cries of the oppressed.

Isaiah 53:3. Coming one who will be rejected, and despised

Lamentations 1:12. Seeing the suffering of others

Mark 5:34. Relieved from suffering illness

Romans 5:3. Boasting in suffering because it produces endurance

Romans 8:18. Present sufferings are insignificant compared to future glory.

Colossians 1:24. Filling up what is lacking

James 5:10. Following the example of the prophets

1 Peter 2:19. God is mindful of those who suffer on his behalf.

Sufficient/Sufficiency (enough, ample, adequate)

The quality of being enough or adequate; able to stand up to an expectation

Isaiah 40:16. Insufficient for a sacrifice

Romans 15:18–19. Sufficient boldness to Gentiles

2 Corinthians 2:16. Who is qualified to testify about this?

2 Corinthians 3:5. Sufficiency from God

2 Corinthians 9:8. Sufficiency in God

2 Corinthians 12:9. Grace is sufficient.

1 Thessalonians 3:9. Sufficient thanks cannot be made.

Hebrews 7:26–27. A sacrifice sufficient for all time!

Suicide (death, self-murder)

The willful taking of one’s own life

Genesis 27:46. Contemplating the value of one’s life

1 Samuel 31:4. Saul finishes the job.

2 Samuel 17:23. Death and a “suicide note”

1 Kings 16:18. Death by fire

Matthew 27:5. Judas commits suicide.

Acts 1:18. Strange manner of death

Acts 16:27. Jailor’s near-death experience

Summer (dry season, warm season)

The warmest, driest season of the year

Genesis 8:22. Perpetual changing of days and seasons

Psalm 32:4. Strength fading in the heat of summer

Proverbs 10:5. Wise living in season

Proverbs 26:1. Right element, wrong season

Proverbs 30:25. Ants storing food

Jeremiah 8:20. Harvest not enough

Luke 21:30. Signs of summer

Summons (order, directive, command)

A written or oral request to appear before an authority

Numbers 22:37. Questioning a summons

Psalm 50:1. Commanding the days

Isaiah 45:3. Summoned by name

Isaiah 55:5. Summoning a new nation

Daniel 3:13. Youths summoned before the king

Acts 24:2. Paul summoned before leaders

Sun (sunshine, daylight, beams)

The glowing orb which rises daily and shines upon the land, providing light and warmth

Genesis 37:9. Cosmically involved dream

Exodus 16:21. Hot sun melts away Israel’s food.

Deuteronomy 4:19. Do not worship the sun.

Joshua 10:12–13. Joshua asks the Lord for an omen.

Psalm 72:17. An enduring name

Psalm 113:3. Praise God in all places.

Ecclesiastes 1:9. Nothing new under the sun

Mark 4:6. Scorching sun

Ephesians 4:26. Settling disputes before the sun goes down

Revelation 7:16. Sun’s heat ineffective with living water

Sunday (see Sabbath)

Sunrise (dawn, daybreak, first light)

The earliest moments of the day when the rays of the sun first break through the darkness in the eastern sky

2 Samuel 23:4. Like morning light

Psalm 113:3. Praise to the Lord

Isaiah 13:10. Sun rises in darkness.

Habakkuk 3:4. Bright like the sun

Mark 16:2. Dawn’s early light

Sunset (twilight, dusk, evening)

The last light of day before the sun sets in the western sky

Genesis 15:12. Falling into a deep sleep at sundown

Exodus 17:12. Steady until sunset

Exodus 22:26. Returning property before sunset

2 Chronicles 18:34. Death at sundown

Malachi 1:11. A great name over all the earth

Mark 1:32. Healing after hours

Superiority (supremacy, dominance)

A position of supreme status or preeminence

1 Corinthians 2:1. Not a superior speech

Hebrews 1:1–14. Son is superior to the angels.

Hebrews 8:6. Work of the priesthood is superior.

Supernatural (miracles, signs, wonders)

Suspension of the natural laws of physics in a manner that demonstrates the in-breaking of the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ

Matthew 12:38. Seeking a sign

Matthew 14:20. Multiplying the bread with plenty to spare

Luke 5:24. Healing a paralyzed man

Luke 11:16. Signs from heaven

John 2:18. Seeking to see a miracle

John 10:37. Jesus does what His Father does.

Acts 2:22. Worker of miracles, wonders, and signs

Acts 3:6. Causing a man to walk

1 Corinthians 15:46. Spiritual aspects come second.

Superstition(s) (myth, legend, unfounded belief)

Excessive spiritualism to the extent of refusing to see God’s working in and through time and space

Isaiah 2:6–22. Eastern influences

1 Timothy 1:4. Myths

1 Timothy 4:7. Avoiding godless myths

2 Timothy 4:4. Refusing the truth

Titus 1:14. Jewish myths

Supervisor(s)/Supervision (manager, overseer, governor)

An overseer, typically in a managerial role

2 Kings 22:9. Giving money to the workers

2 Chronicles 34:17. Paying builders

Nehemiah 3:5. Nobles unwilling to be supervised in work

Nehemiah 11:11. Supervising God’s temple

Daniel 1:11a. Supervisor over Daniel

Matthew 20:8. Manager of the vineyard

Titus 1:7. Appointed by God

Supplication (see Ask/Seek/Knock)

Supply (see Provision)

Suppression (persecution, ill treatment, subdue)

The action of stopping or minimizing someone or something from completing an objective

1 Samuel 7:13. Philistines suppressed

1 Chronicles 17:10. Enemies crushed

2 Chronicles 13:18. Victory through trusting the Lord

Nehemiah 9:24. Canaanites subdued

Psalm 17:13. Plea for help from God

Isaiah 45:1. Cyrus, God’s anointed

Mark 5:4. Demon possession that cannot be subdued

Romans 1:18–32. Unrighteous suppression of the truth

1 Thessalonians 5:19. Do not quench the Spirit.

Supremacy (authority, mastery, sovereignty)

The status of being ultimate in existence, power, and worth

Mark 9:7. Christ supreme

John 1:1–2. Christ with God prior to creation

1 Corinthians 8:6. One God, One Lord

Philippians 2:9–10. The preeminent Christ

Colossians 1:15–18. Supremacy of Christ

Hebrews 1:4. Greater than the angels

Revelation 1:5. Faithful witness

Surrender (concede, yield, submit)

The action of submission and ceased resistance prior to the outbreak of war

Joshua 20:5. Do not surrender one wrongly accused.

Psalm 37:7. Surrender to the Lord.

Psalm 41:2. At the mercy of the enemy

Jeremiah 21:9. Surrender to Babylon.

Luke 9:23. Surrendering life itself

Romans 12:1–2. Surrendering of self to God

1 Corinthians 13:3. Surrendering possessions

James 4:7. Surrendered to God’s authority

Surveying (observing, viewing, inspecting)

Careful and critical inspection of someone or something, often followed by a report of findings

Exodus 39:43. Inspecting the work of the people

Joshua 18:4. Surveying the new land

Job 5:24. Clean inspection

Job 7:18. Surveyor of all things

Proverbs 5:21. Ways seen by the Lord

Ecclesiastes 2:11. Life surveyed: pointless

Amos 7:17. Survey says: judgment

Survivor(s) (remainder, remnant)

Someone who has lived through circumstances in which most others have died

Exodus 2:1–10. Moses survives in the Nile.

Numbers 14:38. Two return.

1 Samuel 11:11. Scattered survivors

1 Samuel 18:11–12. Two close calls

Luke 14:31–32. Considering survival rates

Luke 15:16. Surviving on scraps

Suspicion (intuition, doubt, distrust)

An unconfirmed feeling that something is possible, likely, or true

Numbers 5:14. Jealous spouse

Numbers 20:12. No trust

2 Samuel 10:3. Suspicious of David

Proverbs 3:5. Suspicious of one’s own understanding

Isaiah 36:15. Creating suspicions

Matthew 14:31. Have faith.

1 Timothy 6:4. Arguments which cause suspicion

2 Peter 1:19. Confirmed words

Sustenance (nourishment, food, rations)

Food or drink that functions as a source of nourishment and strength to partakers

Genesis 1:29–30. Food for every creature

Genesis 9:15. Sustenance restored

1 Kings 18:4. Obadiah feeds hidden prophets.

Proverbs 22:9. Blessing due to generosity

Proverbs 30:25. Putting away food for later use

Matthew 6:11. Daily sustenance

2 Thessalonians 3:8. Working for food

Swearing (oath, curse, covenant)

Accepting an undertaking or confirming a not yet known fact by the offering up of an oath

Genesis 21:23–24. Abraham swears an oath.

Genesis 50:5–6. Honoring one’s father by carrying out an oath

Leviticus 19:12. Do not swear by God’s name.

Jeremiah 4:2. Words to make an oath by

Daniel 12:7. An oath by the one who lives forever

Matthew 5:34. Do not swear “by heaven.”

James 5:12. Letting yes be yes, no be no

Sweetness (sugary, sweetened, honeyed)

The quality of being sweet to the taste

Exodus 15:25. Water that became sweet

Judges 14:18. Samson’s riddle

Psalm 19:9–10. Lord’s decisions are always in good taste.

Psalm 119:103. Promises which are sweet to the taste

Revelation 10:10. Sweet scroll turns to bitterness.

Sword(s) (knife, blade, saber)

A sharp weapon used in warfare; figuratively used as a symbol of strength and might

Genesis 3:24. Angels to guard with flaming sword

Deuteronomy 33:29. Sword to aid in victory

1 Samuel 13:19. Weapon makers not found among the Hebrews

1 Samuel 17:39. Weighed down by another man’s sword

1 Kings 3:24–25. Sharp wisdom

Matthew 26:47. Angry mob

Romans 8:35. Can sword separate us from the love of Christ?

Hebrews 4:12. Double-edged sword which is the Word

Sword of the Spirit (spiritual weapon, Word)

The Word of God

Ephesians 6:17. Armor of God

Hebrews 4:12. Word which is sharper than a sword

Revelation 1:16. Word of God likened to a sword

Sycamore (tree, shade, fig tree)

An arboricultural specimen which highly resembles a fig tree

1 Kings 10:27. An abundant tree

Psalm 78:47. Trees destroyed

Amos 7:14. A fig farmer

Luke 19:4. Catching a glimpse of Jesus

Symbolism (emblem, representation, allegorical)

Communication which occurs at two levels: (1) through the literal words; (2) through what those words signify symbolically

Genesis 9:12–13. Rainbow as a sign of God’s promise

Genesis 17:11. Circumcision as the sign of Abrahamic covenant

Exodus 4:8. Miraculous signs meant to garner allegiance

Numbers 2:2. Flag symbolizing household tribe

Numbers 14:11. God expects remembrance of signs.

Deuteronomy 4:34. God’s demonstration of numerous signs

Ezekiel 20:12. Sabbath given as a sign

Matthew 24:3. What will be the sign of Christ’s second coming?

Luke 2:12. Jesus is a sign.

Acts 2:19. Symbols in the sky

Revelation 1:1. Message communicated by symbols

Sympathy (compassion, pity, concern)

Compassionate concern for the misfortune of others

1 Chronicles 19:2. Returning kindness for kindness

Psalm 69:20. Desiring sympathy

Jeremiah 16:5. Unsympathetic

Daniel 1:9. Sympathy from a high level official

Joel 2:14. Compassion reconsidered

Mark 6:34. Sympathy for the sheep

Luke 10:33. Samaritan’s concern for an abject man

Synagogue (temple, House of God, sanctuary)

House of worship that was set up remotely to allow worship practices to continue even though Jews were not at the true temple of Jerusalem

Matthew 4:23. Teaching in the synagogue

Matthew 6:2. Seeking acclaim in public

Mark 5:35–36. Call to belief in the synagogue

Mark 12:38–39. Careful to watch out for officials

Mark 13:9. Persecution in the Jewish courts

John 12:42. Fear of the Pharisees

Acts 6:9. Visitors from another synagogue

Acts 9:20. Preaching Christ in the synagogue

Acts 14:1. Belief and conversion in the synagogue

Syncretism (blending, merging)

The blending of Israelite religion with elements of pagan religions from the larger surrounding culture

Deuteronomy 17:17. Allowing foreign wives to change one’s heart

1 Kings 13:33. Illegal worship sites constructed

Syro-Ephraimite War (battle, war)

A war occurring during the early years of Isaiah’s ministry (c.a. 735 BCE)

Isaiah 7:1–12. Isaiah’s instructions from the Lord

Syrophoenicians (Greeks, Canaanites)

Inhabitants of Phoenicia, which during the New Testament era was located in the Roman province of Cilicia and Syria. These people lived northwest of Israel and were closely related to the Canaanites.

Matthew 15:21–28. Canaanite woman, from Syrophoenicia

Mark 7:24–30. Syrophoenician woman asks Jesus for help.