– U –

UFOs (mysterious object)

Technically no UFOs (unidentified flying objects) are mentioned in the Bible. Below are listed a few common “proof texts” generally construed to be about UFOs.

2 Kings 2:11. Elijah carried up to heaven in a fiery chariot

Jeremiah 10:2. Omens in the sky

Ezekiel 1:15–21. Ezekiel’s vision of a chariot wheel

Revelation 9:13–16. Bringing about destruction upon humanity

Ultimatum(s) (demands, requests, threats)

A final request or demand which, if denied, will result in the swift action of retaliation

Exodus 8:21. Making ultimatums against Egypt

Deuteronomy 20:10. Offering peace before an attack

Joshua 24:15. Choose this day

1 Kings 20:39. Threat of loss

2 Chronicles 35:21. Stop now, or else

Psalm 13:3. Need to be restored

Jeremiah 38:21–22. Refusing to surrender

Unanimity (agreed, harmonious, united)

Two or more people who have come to an understanding or agreement

Job 22:21. Harmonious with God

Psalm 133:1. Living in harmony with family

Daniel 2:9. Agreeing on a phony story

Matthew 28:12. Leadership agrees on a devious plan

John 17:21. Unity like God’s unity

Acts 4:32. Believers living in agreement

Acts 15:28. Consensus between God and man

Romans 12:16. At peace with one’s surroundings

Romans 15:5. Granted by God

Galatians 2:9. Agreement over apostolic division of labor

Ephesians 4:3. Maintaining unity through the Spirit

Philippians 2:2. Caused by love

1 Timothy 1:11. Unanimity between the Law and the gospel

1 Peter 3:8. Rules for life in community

1 John 5:8. Three witnesses agree.

Unashamed (indifference, honor, pride)

Feeling or acting without guilt or embarrassment

Genesis 2:25. Naked and unashamed

Job 11:3. Talking without shame

Psalm 22:5. Trust without shame

Psalm 34:5. Faces not covered with shame

Psalm 119:6. No shame in studying the commandments

Isaiah 29:22. No more shame in Jacob

Isaiah 54:4. No cause for fear

Luke 9:26. Need to be unashamed of the Son of Man

Romans 1:16. Not ashamed of the gospel

Romans 9:33. Believers will not be put to shame.

2 Corinthians 7:14. No shame in bragging about others

Philippians 1:20. Desiring to be without shame

2 Timothy 1:8. Unashamed of Christ

1 Peter 4:16. Praising God on account of suffering for his name

Unaware (ignorant, unknowing, unmindful)

Without knowledge or foresight of a present or future situation

Job 13:23. Asking for an awareness of one’s sins

Ecclesiastes 5:1. Fools’ unawareness

Ezekiel 45:20. Making peace over sins of unawareness

Hosea 4:6. Destroyed because of ignorance

Matthew 24:39. Ignorance of impending judgment

Luke 2:43. Parents unaware of leaving Jesus behind

Acts 10:4. God is not unaware.

1 Corinthians 4:4. Apostle is not unaware.

2 Corinthians 1:8. Awareness of ministry and suffering

2 Corinthians 2:11. Not unaware about Satan’s plans

1 Thessalonians 4:13. No awareness about death

Hebrews 13:2. Unaware of hospitality to angels

Unbelief (disbelief, doubt, rejection)

Refusing to accept what is true; in the New Testament, the word for unbelief is literally a negated form of the word “faith.”

Genesis 17:17. Doubting God’s promise

Exodus 4:1. Moses questions the Lord.

Exodus 5:2. Pharaoh’s defiance

Judges 2:10. Unbelieving generation

2 Chronicles 15:3. Years of rebellion

2 Chronicles 15:13. Unbelief quashed

Matthew 9:23–24. Doubting Jesus’ words

Matthew 13:58. Miracles put on hold

John 12:37–40. Unbelief in spite of miracles

Romans 3:3. Acting out of unbelief

Romans 4:20. Faith without doubt

Romans 11:20. Israel’s unbelief

Romans 11:23. Turning from unbelief

1 Timothy 1:13. Acting in ignorance

Hebrews 3:12. Careful not to develop unbelieving heart

Unbeliever(s) (nonbeliever, unfaithful)

Someone who does not believe that Christ Jesus is Lord

Matthew 17:17. Unbelieving generation

Luke 12:46. Unfaithful people

John 20:27. Thomas called to stop doubting

Acts 26:8. Many who refuse to believe the resurrection

1 Corinthians 6:6. Bad conduct in front of unbelievers

1 Corinthians 7:12–15. Instructions for uneven marriages

1 Corinthians 10:27. Respecting requests and customs of unbelievers

1 Corinthians 14:22–24. Place of spiritual gifts

2 Corinthians 4:4. Minds blinded to Christ

2 Corinthians 6:14–15. Believers are not to be yoked with unbelievers.

1 Timothy 5:8. Conduct worse than an unbeliever

Titus 1:15. Corrupt in mind and conscience

1 Peter 2:12. Influencing unbelievers by gracious living

1 Peter 4:3–4. Leaving unbelieving ways behind

Unceasing (continuous, endless, incessant)

An action or actions which are without end

Nehemiah 9:19. God’s compassion

Psalm 119:20. Desiring God’s laws

Isaiah 14:6. Incessant attacks

Jeremiah 15:18. Unending pain

Daniel 7:9. The Ancient One

Nahum 3:19. No relief from endless evil

Romans 9:2. Endless heartache over Israel’s rejection of Jesus

1 Corinthians 13:8. Love never ends.

Ephesians 1:16. Consistent thanksgiving

Colossians 1:9. Constantly praying

Colossians 2:18. Incessant speaking

1 Timothy 1:3–4. Idle occupations

Revelation 4:8. Unceasing praise

Uncertainty (debatable, incalculable, unknown)

Doubting or questioning a present or future course of action

Genesis 15:1–3. Abraham’s uncertainty of God’s promise

Exodus 5:22–23. Uncertain outcome

Judges 6:12–13. Uncertain times

Proverbs 3:5–6. Trusting in God in times of uncertainty

John 8:45–47. Basis of uncertainty

John 13:22. Uncertain teaching

Acts 17:23. Uncertain which god is being worshiped

1 Corinthians 9:26. Living a life in faith

1 Corinthians 14:8. An uncertain call to battle

1 Timothy 6:17. Confidence in worldly things

Hebrews 11:1–3. Assured through faith

Jude 22–23. Showing mercy toward doubters that they might be saved

Unchangeable (established, fixed, immutable)

In reference to God’s character, the immutable nature of God’s being, purposes, and promises

Numbers 23:19. God does not waver like humanity.

1 Samuel 15:29. The resolute mind of God

Psalm 33:11. Plans which endure through the generations

Psalm 102:25–27. God remains the same.

Isaiah 46:9–11. God’s plans stand.

Malachi 3:6. The Lord does not change.

Ephesians 1:4. Election prior to the creation of the world

Hebrews 13:8. The unchangeable Christ

James 1:17. The Father’s constancy

1 Peter 1:20. Preexistent lamb

Unclean (ceremonially unclean, defiled, impure)

Actions or people who are not in keeping with God’s rules and standards for holiness and purity in certain physical and moral ways

Leviticus 10:10. Priests’ duty of teaching what is unclean

Leviticus 18:24–25. Land made unclean through people

Leviticus 20:3. Exclusion from the community

Numbers 35:33. Prohibition against murder

2 Chronicles 23:19. Nothing unclean allowed in the temple

2 Chronicles 36:14. Desecrated temple

Psalm 106:38. Murder and idolatry

Isaiah 52:11. Run away from impurity.

Ezekiel 22:26. Priests failing to discern unclean from clean

Matthew 10:1. Unclean spirits

Matthew 23:27. Unclean on the inside

Acts 10:14. Peter’s abstinence from all things unclean

Acts 10:28. All are declared clean.

2 Corinthians 6:17. Unbelief and unclean

2 Corinthians 12:21. Sexual sin

Unction (anointing, baptism)

The anointing of God’s people in Christ for service among the body of Christ

1 John 2:20. Gift of knowledge

1 John 2:27. Christ’s anointing teaches all things.

Undeniable (beyond doubt, indisputable, unquestionable)

Something that is beyond doubt or dispute

Matthew 28:1–7. The tomb is empty.

Mark 14:30–31. Peter’s denial

John 20:26–28. Thomas’s undeniable proof

Acts 4:16. Undeniable miracle

Acts 19:36. Reality that cannot be denied

Hebrews 7:7. Important bless the unimportant

1 John 1:1–2. Heard, seen, revealed

Underestimation (diminish, understate, undervalue)

Undervaluing or diminishing someone or something, judging them to be less capable or valuable than they actually are

Numbers 13:17–33. Underestimation of strength

1 Samuel 17:42–43. David underestimated

Proverbs 30:24–28. Small, yet wise

Matthew 6:19–21. Valuing earth above heaven

Matthew 13:57. Jesus undervalued in his hometown

John 1:46. Something good from Nazareth

Romans 4:20. God’s promises not underestimated

1 Corinthians 6:20. Valuing the body

Philippians 4:13. All things possible through Christ

1 Peter 1:18–19. Living in proportion to God’s sacrifice

Underprivileged (see Poor, the; Poverty)

Under scrutiny (examination, inspection, probing)

The passive action of being under examination or inspection

Leviticus 13:5. Priest’s examination of unclean persons

Psalm 33:13. God sees all things.

Proverbs 5:21. Ways of humanity seen by God

Matthew 12:10. Scrutinizing Jesus

Matthew 16:1. Testing Jesus

Luke 6:7. Keeping a close eye on Jesus

Luke 20:20. Spies sent to catch Jesus

2 Corinthians 13:5. Self-examination

Galatians 2:4. Spying out Christian freedom

Understanding (compassion, intellect, mind)

Faculties of reason and logic related to discerning information in order to make a sound judgment

1 Kings 3:11–12. Asking for understanding

Job 11:12. Difficulty of understanding for some

Psalm 119:32. Understanding increased through the commandments

Psalm 147:5. No limit to the Lord’s understanding

Proverbs 2:6. Wisdom from the mouth of God

Proverbs 3:5. Trusting in the Lord’s understanding

Isaiah 11:2. Spirit of understanding

Jeremiah 10:12. Heavens created through God’s understanding

Mark 12:33. Loving God with heart and mind

Luke 2:47. Stunning understanding

1 Corinthians 1:10. Seek unity in understanding.

Colossians 2:2. Riches in understanding Christ

1 Peter 3:7. Understanding with wives

1 John 5:20. Understanding the Father through his Son

Undivided (agreement, unified, whole)

The quality of being in agreement with someone or something in a way that produces a harmonious environment

1 Samuel 12:14. King and kingdom united

1 Samuel 14:7. Agreement

Nehemiah 8:1. People united as one

Amos 3:3. Two in agreement

John 13:34–35. Mark of discipleship

Acts 2:44–45. Undivided in community and purpose

2 Corinthians 13:11. Living in peace

Ephesians 2:14. Wall of hostility broken

Colossians 2:2. United in love

Titus 1:4. Common faith

Unexpected (abrupt, sudden, unanticipated)

An event or occurrence which happens suddenly and not in accordance with one’s expectations

Psalm 64:7. Sudden death

Isaiah 28:21. God’s mysterious deeds

Isaiah 29:5. Enemies fall quickly.

Matthew 24:44. Jesus’ return will be unexpected.

Acts 16:26–28. A violent quake, no jail break

Acts 22:6. Recalling a drastic conversion experience

Acts 28:5–6. Unexpected result of a snake bite

1 Thessalonians 5:3. Destruction coming like labor pains

Unfairness (biased, injustice, unbalanced)

The attitude or action of treating someone without due consideration to justice and equity

Genesis 16:5. Sarai’s complaint

Exodus 21:8. Treating a foreign wife unfairly

Psalm 82:2. Questioning God’s judgments in a time of distress

Psalm 92:15. The Lord is never unfair.

Proverbs 28:8. Unfair business dealings

Ezekiel 18:25. Turning the table on an accusation

Malachi 2:9. Misapplied teachings

Matthew 20:13. Sticking with an agreement

Acts 7:24. Stopping unfair treatment

Romans 3:5. God’s fairness

Romans 9:14. Making an unthinkable claim

1 Peter 2:18. Obeying an unfair master

Unfaithful (adulterous, untrue, wandering)

Having a heart and/or actions which wander from one’s commitments and values

Numbers 14:35. Life ending in destruction

Judges 8:33–34. Turning to foreign gods

Ezra 10:2. Unfaithful to God

Ezekiel 12:2. Living among rebellious people

Hosea 5:7. Unfaithful to the Lord

Hosea 9:1. Vivid depiction of Israel’s sin

Matthew 5:32. Appearance of unfaithfulness

Matthew 12:39. Desiring signs from God

Romans 3:3. God’s faithfulness cannot be negated.

2 Timothy 2:13. Unfaithfulness, faithfulness

James 4:4. Friend of the world

Revelation 21:8. Destined for the lake of fire

Unfit (unqualified, unsuited)

The failure to meet an expected standard of quality or response

Isaiah 52:3. Unfit price

Matthew 10:37–38. Unfit for discipleship

Matthew 22:8. Unfit to attend

Acts 13:46. Unfit for the preaching of the Word

Acts 27:12. Unfit place to spend winter

2 Corinthians 3:5. Unqualified for service

Titus 1:16. Unfit to do anything good

Unforgiveness (backsliding, falling, relapse)

A person’s own relapsing into sinful living and rejection of God

Numbers 15:30. Excluded from God’s covenant people

Deuteronomy 17:12. Disobedience to God’s servants

Hebrews 6:4–6. Deserted Christ

Hebrews 10:26. No sacrifice remains.

2 Peter 2:20. Entanglement with the world

1 John 5:16. Sin which leads to death

Unhappiness (abject, dejected, sorrowful)

The condition or feeling of being sorrowful or dejected

Genesis 40:7. Unhappy prisoners

Judges 10:16. Stopping Israel’s unhappy condition

Job 3:20. Life is bitter.

Proverbs 31:7. Drowning sorrows

Ecclesiastes 1:13. Weighed down

Ecclesiastes 4:8. Deprived of good things

Mark 10:22. Unhappy news

Romans 3:16. Persistent suffering

Unicorn (see Wild ox)

Unique (distinct, rare, special)

Someone or something which is rare and/or distinct from the normal patterns in the world

Genesis 1:27. Distinct from the rest of creation

Job 23:13. God is one of a kind.

Job 33:23. A special messenger

Psalm 139:13. Uniqueness of the Creator

Song of Songs 6:9. A unique woman

Jeremiah 1:5. Unique and set apart

Zechariah 14:7. A unique day

John 3:16. God’s unique Son

Unity (accord, harmony, oneness)

Living and practicing harmonious existence among humanity and before God

Psalm 133:1. Living in harmony

Proverbs 16:7. Unity with God and humanity

Zephaniah 3:9. All serving God with one purpose

Matthew 18:19. Agreement on earth and heaven

John 14:20. Unity in God

John 17:10. United in purpose

John 17:21. Unity modeled after God’s unity

Acts 2:44–45. All things in common

Romans 12:10. Devoted to family

Romans 15:5. Gracious gift of harmony in life

1 Corinthians 1:10. United in understanding

1 Corinthians 1:12–13. Christ is the unifying factor.

Galatians 3:28. Unity in Christ

Ephesians 4:3. Unity through the Spirit

Ephesians 5:31–33. Marital unity

Colossians 2:2. United in love through riches in Christ

Colossians 3:14. Unity through love

Titus 1:4. Common faith

1 Peter 3:8. Living in unity

Universe (cosmos, creation, world)

All the existing matter in the cosmos which has been created by God

Genesis 1:1–2. God created

Psalm 8:3–4. Man in relation to the universe

Psalm 102:25. Heavens are the work of God’s hands.

Matthew 24:29. Powers of the universe

Acts 17:24. All things created by God

Colossians 1:16. All things created for God

Hebrews 1:2–3. The Son’s role in creation

2 Peter 3:10. Universe destroyed

2 Peter 3:12. Elements of the universe destroyed

Unkind acts (affliction, persecution, violence)

Actions which are malicious and ill-conceived

Genesis 15:13. God’s people oppressed in foreign land

Exodus 1:8–12. Oppression under Egypt

Deuteronomy 26:7. God hears the cries of the oppressed.

Judges 10:8. Bad leaders

Psalm 9:9. The Lord is a stronghold.

Psalm 146:7. Justice for the oppressed

Proverbs 31:20. A righteous woman

Isaiah 1:17. Doing good

James 2:6. Rich oppressing the poor

Unmarried (bachelor, single, unattached)

The condition of never having been married, or being single after a marriage ends

Leviticus 21:2–3. Caring for an unmarried sister

Numbers 30:6–7. Unmarried woman’s vows

Judges 21:12. Many unmarried

2 Chronicles 36:17. Unmarried men not spared

Luke 20:34–35. Unmarried in the next world

Acts 21:9. Philip’s unmarried daughters

1 Corinthians 7:8. Paul’s singleness

1 Corinthians 7:11. Time to remain single

1 Corinthians 7:32–34. Unmarried ministry blessing

Unpardonable Sin (unbelief, unforgivable)

Rejection of the Holy Spirit

Matthew 12:31–32. Speaking against the Holy Spirit

Mark 3:28–29. Guaranteed truth

Luke 12:10. Dishonoring the Holy Spirit

Hebrews 6:4–6. Deserting Christ

Unprepared (surprised, unready)

Not ready or unable to deal with something

Ecclesiastes 9:12. Unprepared for a coming time

Malachi 3:1. Clearing a way for the future

Matthew 24:38–39. Unprepared for the flood

Luke 14:26. Not ready to be a disciple

Luke 21:34. Drunk and unprepared

1 Corinthians 3:2. Unprepared for solid food

2 Corinthians 9:4. Caught unprepared

Unproductive (barren, infertile, unfruitful)

Used primarily in reference to land which is fruitful or women who are infertile

Leviticus 26:20. Hard work, yet no fruit

Psalm 68:6. Unproductive land

Isaiah 5:10. Unproductive vineyard

Isaiah 32:10. No harvest

Isaiah 54:1. Barren women given cause for rejoicing

Hosea 9:16. Unproductive people

Mark 11:13. Fig tree’s unproductiveness

Luke 23:29. Blessing on barren women

Unresponsive (dumb, idle, slow)

Idle or dull to a message

Leviticus 5:1. Responsive to testimony

Job 19:7. Calling out with no response

Isaiah 6:10. People made like their idols

Jeremiah 2:30. Unresponsive to correction

Jeremiah 25:3–4. Ignoring the words of the prophets

Jeremiah 25:7. Idol-makers becoming idle

Ezekiel 12:1–2. Failure to hear

Matthew 11:20–24. Unresponsive cities denounced

Revelation 2:16. Fate of an unrepentant heart

Unrighteousness (injustice, unfair, ungodliness)

Wicked or ungodly actions or thoughts which are indicative of unbelievers

Job 27:7. Treated like an unrighteous person

Isaiah 55:7. Unrighteous called to the Lord

Jeremiah 22:13. Dishonest gain

Ezekiel 28:15. Exceptional behavior, then sin

Luke 18:6. Crying out against an unrighteous judge

Romans 1:18. God’s anger revealed against unrighteousness

Romans 2:8. Refusing to believe

Romans 3:5. Human unrighteousness demonstrates God’s righteousness.

Romans 6:13. Unholy use of the body

1 Corinthians 6:9–10. Unrighteous deeds

2 Thessalonians 2:12. Delighting in what displeases God

1 Peter 3:18. Christ’s sufferings for our unrighteousness

2 Peter 2:9. Immoral persons held for punishment

1 John 1:9. Cleansed from all unrighteousness

Unsaved (see Unbeliever[s])

Unseen (concealed, hidden, invisible)

Not being visible or revealed, but hidden or concealed

Exodus 33:20–23. God’s unseen face

2 Samuel 17:17. Need to be unseen

Job 33:21. Unseen flesh and bones

Psalm 77:19. Footprints missing

Isaiah 66:19. Glory unseen

John 1:18. No one has ever seen God.

John 5:37. Voice unheard, form unseen

Acts 26:16. Bearing witness to what you have seen

Romans 8:25. Hope for what we do not see

1 Corinthians 2:9–10. Unseen revealed to those who love God

2 Corinthians 4:18. Eternality of the unseen

Colossians 1:15. Christ, image of the invisible God

1 Timothy 1:17. Invisible God

Hebrews 11:3. Seen made by the unseen

1 Peter 1:8–9. Loving Christ, even though you have not seen him

Unselfishness (charitable, generous, selfless)

The quality of putting the needs of others in greater priority than personal needs

Genesis 13:6–9. Abram shares land with Lot.

1 Samuel 30:24. Sharing supplies

2 Samuel 19:29–30. Valuing life over land

2 Kings 4:8–10. Unselfishly caring for God’s workers

Nehemiah 5:14–15. Fear of God

Psalm 119:36. Valuing the Law rather than selfish gain

Acts 9:36. Dorcas’s charitable service

Romans 15:1–2. Caring for the concerns of others

1 Corinthians 10:33. Doing what’s best for others

2 Corinthians 8:9. Christ’s unselfishness

2 Corinthians 13:9. Mutual dependence

Galatians 6:6. Sharing with those who teach

Philippians 2:3. Acting humbly and valuing others

2 Timothy 2:10. Enduring difficult things for other believers

Unshakable (determined, purposeful, resolute)

Highly fixed, determined, and unwavering in purpose or process

Jeremiah 32:17–21. Surety of God’s work

Jeremiah 32:27. Nothing is too hard for God.

Habakkuk 3:19. Trusting in God’s strength

Matthew 16:18. Hell shall not prevail against the church.

Untruth (see Lying)

Unusual deaths (death, strange)

Deaths which occur in strange and irregular circumstances

Genesis 19:26. Look of death

Exodus 14:27–28. Swept up in the sea

Numbers 16:28–33. Swallowed up in the ground

Numbers 16:35. Consumed by fire

Joshua 10:11. Large hailstones

Judges 4:21. Hammering a tent peg

Judges 15:16. Massacre with a donkey’s jawbone

Judges 16:30. Building collapses

1 Samuel 4:18. Falling over in a chair

2 Samuel 20:10. Intestine-spilling death

1 Kings 3:19. Death by smothering

2 Kings 7:17. Trampled to death

Matthew 14:8. Asking for John’s head on a platter

Luke 13:4. Crushed by a building

Unwillingness (hesitant, reluctant, resistance)

Resistance to a stated plan or purpose

Genesis 3:6. Unwilling to obey

2 Chronicles 36:16. Unwilling to accept God

Psalm 81:11. Unwilling to listen

Proverbs 5:12. Hating discipline

Isaiah 65:12. Unwilling to live wisely

Jonah 1:1–3. Unwilling to obey God’s directive

Zechariah 7:12. Unwilling to listen

Matthew 22:3. Unwilling guests

Matthew 23:37. Rejection of God’s protection

2 Peter 3:9. Unwilling to come before the time is right

Upper room (second floor, upstairs)

A large, second-floor room of a wealthy patron, typically used for entertaining and lodging guests

Judges 3:20a. Message from the roof

1 Samuel 9:25. Saul’s place of slumber

1 Kings 17:19. Son carried upstairs

Daniel 6:10. Praying in the upper room

Mark 14:15. Preparing the upper room for Passover

Acts 1:13. Withdrawing to the upper room

Acts 9:37. Dead body stored in an upper room

Urgency (critical, desperate, serious)

The status or situation of requiring action immediately

Exodus 12:11. Eating with urgency

1 Samuel 21:8. King’s urgent business

2 Samuel 15:14. Fleeing for life

Psalm 70:5. Come without delay.

Ecclesiastes 9:10. Urgency of work

Isaiah 62:1. Working swiftly on behalf of Zion

Matthew 28:7–10. Urgently proclaim: “He is risen!”

Luke 14:21. Announcing release for the poor, blind, and lame

Acts 17:10–11. An urgent message

1 Corinthians 7:29–31. Living in urgent times

Ephesians 5:15–16. Seizing opportunities because the days are evil

Colossians 4:5. Wise living

Useless (futile, pointless, vain)

Falling short of an objective, or failing to provide useful aid or provision

2 Kings 18:20. Useless advice

Proverbs 26:7. Useless words

Hosea 7:16. People compared to a useless tool

Hosea 8:8. God’s people become useless.

Romans 4:14. Faith and promise made null?

Ephesians 5:11. Avoiding useless works

1 Timothy 1:6. Unfruitful discussions

Philemon 11. Slave becomes useful.

Hebrews 7:18. Useless requirements rejected

James 2:20. Useless faith

Usurp (expropriate, seize, take possession)

The acquisition of an unwarranted position of power or prominence, often by force

2 Kings 15:10. Strategic kill

2 Kings 15:30. Hoshea assumes the throne.

2 Chronicles 23:1. Plotting overthrow

1 Timothy 2:12. Usurping authority

Revelation 3:11. Holding steadily to the crown