– V –

Vacillation (fluctuate, indecisive, undecided)

Alternating between one or more positions

1 Samuel 15:29. Unchanged mind

1 Kings 18:21. Vacillating between God and Baal

2 Kings 22:19. Change of heart

Psalm 125:1. Unshaken trust in God

Jeremiah 18:10. Conditional plans

Ezekiel 21:26. The times are changing.

Joel 2:13–14. Reconsidering plans

Jonah 3:10. Plans for destruction changed

2 Corinthians 1:17. Not vacillating

Vagabond(s) (fugitive, nomad, wanderer)

One who perpetually travels from place to place without home or work

Genesis 4:12. Wandering on the earth

Psalm 109:10. Children who wander and beg

Proverbs 6:11. Need arising like a vagabond

Acts 19:13. Traveling spiritual groups

Valiant (see Bravery; Courage)

Validity (believable, credible, reasonableness)

Used in reference to whether a message or idea is considered believable or reliable

John 8:16. Judgment validated by God

2 Thessalonians 1:9–10. Day of validation

1 Timothy 2:6. Validity of God’s message for all time

1 Peter 1:8–9. Belief validated

1 John 5:10. Message invalidated

1 John 5:13. Purpose of this message

Valley(s) (basin, gully, depth)

A low plain surrounded by mountains

Genesis 26:17. Moving into the valley

Deuteronomy 8:7. Refreshing valley

Joshua 11:17. Strategic land

Psalm 84:5–6. Valley of blessings

Psalm 104:8. Mountains high, valleys low

Isaiah 22:1. The valley of Vision

Isaiah 41:18. Replenishing valley

Luke 3:5. Leveling of the land

John 18:1. Crossing over the valley

Value(s) (beliefs, ideas, judgments)

Foundational ideas or beliefs which serve as a guide for life

Psalm 52:7. Trusting wealth, not God

Isaiah 5:20. Misguided values

Haggai 1:2–3. Building homes rather than the temple

Luke 7:2. Valued life

Vanity (breath, futility, temporality)

Metaphorical reference that carries with it the sense of temporality and futility

2 Chronicles 26:16. Success-inspired pride

2 Chronicles 32:24–25. Pride and humility

Proverbs 21:24. Blinding arrogance and conceit

Proverbs 30:8. Keeping vanity away

Ecclesiastes 1:2. All is vanity!

Isaiah 5:21. Vanity of self-inflation

Jeremiah 10:3. Worthless religion

Jeremiah 50:11–12. Conqueror brought low

Hosea 12:8. Wealth equated with righteousness

Luke 11:43. Seeking honorable positions

2 Corinthians 10:12. Self-comparison

1 Timothy 6:3–4. Vanity of speech

Vanquished (conquer, defeat, pogrom)

A thorough defeat of one’s opposition

Genesis 6:13. Vanquishing the earth

Genesis 14:7. Conquering an entire territory

Numbers 21:30. Total destruction

Deuteronomy 4:3. God’s devastation of idol worshipers

Joshua 13:1. Much left to be conquered

Job 32:13. Defeated by God

Isaiah 49:19. Land lying in ruins

Galatians 1:13. Attempting to vanquish the church of God

Philippians 3:19. Self-destruction

2 Peter 3:16. Destruction of those who distort the truth

Variety (change, diversity, variation)

The quality of being diverse in comparison to normal expectations

2 Chronicles 16:14. Various spices

Matthew 4:24. Numerous diseases and ailments healed by Jesus

Matthew 22:42. Variety of opinions about the Messiah

1 Corinthians 12:4–6. Variety of gifts in the church

Vegetable(s) (crop, food, plant)

A cultivated crop used as a food source

Deuteronomy 11:10. Cultivated crops

2 Samuel 17:27–28. Beans served to troops

2 Samuel 23:11–12. Lentils

1 Kings 21:2. Purchasing a garden

Isaiah 1:8. Farmer hut

Vegetarian (meatless, vegan)

Someone who does not eat meat, and in extreme cases does not consume any animal products

Numbers 11:5. Cucumbers, garlic, and onion from Egypt

Proverbs 15:17. More important to have love than rich foods

Daniel 1:8–16. Diet of vegetables

Romans 14:2. Strong and the weak

Vengeance (payback, revenge, retribution)

Revenge exacted for an injury or wrongdoing

Genesis 4:15. Promised vengeance for killing Cain

Leviticus 19:18. Never get revenge (on your own initiative).

Numbers 31:3. Settling a score with Midian

Deuteronomy 32:35. Satisfying vengeance

1 Samuel 25:39. Vengeance returned

2 Samuel 14:11. Avenger of blood

Psalm 94:1. God of vengeance

Isaiah 59:17–18. Righteous vengeance

Ezekiel 25:14. Israel as an instrument of revenge

Romans 12:19. Vengeance belongs to God.

2 Thessalonians 1:7–8. Christ will avenge those who deny the Good News.

Revelation 6:10. Apocalyptic revenge

Venom (poison, toxin)

A poisonous fluid secreted by snakes and other animals which is highly potent and life-threatening to humans

Deuteronomy 32:33. Deadly poison

Job 20:13–14. Food turns to venom in the stomach.

Psalm 58:4. Dangerous enemies

Psalm 140:3. Waiting to strike

Romans 3:13. Venomous words

Verdict (adjudication, justice, ruling)

A decision rendered over a civil, criminal, or religious dispute

Deuteronomy 17:9. Asking priests for a verdict

Psalm 17:2. Verdict from God

Psalm 58:1. Questioning the king’s verdicts

Psalm 76:8. Verdict sent from heaven

Lamentations 3:59. Seeking just recompense

Zechariah 8:16. Commanded to seek justice

Matthew 26:66. Assigning the death penalty

Romans 5:16. Verdict on one, verdict on all

Romans 5:18. One verdict brings about righteousness.

2 Peter 2:3. Long-standing verdict

Versatility (adaptable, adjustable, flexible)

One’s ability to adapt and assimilate to a new environment or situation

Acts 15:22–29. Versatile beliefs and practices in the church

Acts 17:22. Paul addresses the Areopagus.

1 Corinthians 1:7. Lacking in no good gifts

1 Corinthians 9:22. The adaptable man

2 Peter 3:9. Patience not slowness

Vice (see Crime[s]; Sin[s])

Victim (injured, innocent, sufferer)

A person or thing who has been disturbed, injured, or killed as a result of an action

Numbers 23:24. Preying on a victim

Deuteronomy 21:1–6. Instructions for finding a murder victim

Psalm 10:8–10. Waiting to prey on the next victim

Psalm 109:25. Victim of insults

Proverbs 7:26. Many victims

Isaiah 59:15. Turning from evil

Jeremiah 14:16. Catastrophe victims

Lamentations 4:9. Victims compared

1 Timothy 3:7. Devil’s victim

Victory (success, supremacy, triumph)

The supremacy of God in all things

Exodus 14:13–14. “The Lord is fighting for you.”

1 Samuel 17:47. Victories determined by God

Isaiah 42:24–25. Handed over to destruction

Jonah 2:9. “Victory belongs to the Lord.”

1 Corinthians 15:54–57. “Death, where is your victory?”

Ephesians 6:16. Victory over the evil one

1 John 5:4–5. Victory over the world through faith

Revelation 7:9–10. “Salvation belongs to our God!”

Vigorous (healthy, robust, vibrant)

A quality or condition of good health, energy, and vibrancy

Exodus 1:19. Midwives lie about Hebrew women.

Deuteronomy 34:7. Virile until death

Job 20:11. Losing life

Job 21:23. Death in the prime of life

Job 30:2. Vigor is gone.

Job 33:25. Youthful vigor

Psalm 38:19. The strength of the enemy

Isaiah 59:10. No zest for life

Vindication (absolve, acquit, exonerate)

The exoneration or acquittal of responsibility or blame from someone

Genesis 20:16. Sarah vindicated

Deuteronomy 32:36. The Lord vindicates his people.

Job 6:29. Job’s vindication on the line

Psalm 35:24. Vindication according to righteousness

Isaiah 50:8. Nearness of God

Jeremiah 51:10. God wrought vindication.

Ezekiel 36:23. Holiness of God’s name vindicated

1 Timothy 3:16. Vindicated by the Spirit

Vindictiveness (revenge, spite, vengeance)

Demonstrating a strong and irrational desire for revenge

Judges 16:21. Vindictiveness toward Samson

1 Samuel 14:24. Saul desires revenge on his enemies.

1 Samuel 31:8–10. Vindictiveness toward the dead

2 Kings 9:7. Plotting revenge

Micah 5:15. Anger toward the nations

Acts 5:28. Accused of taking revenge

Vine, the (Israel, Jesus)

Plant whose stem requires support; often used in reference to God’s people, Israel

1 Kings 4:25. Security

Psalm 80:8. Symbol of Israel

Psalm 128:3. Wife as a fruitful vine

Jeremiah 2:21. God’s people

Joel 1:11–12. Withering vines a symbol of destruction

Habakkuk 3:17–18. Happiness despite bad circumstances

Zechariah 8:12. Vines will grow again.

Matthew 26:29. Fruit of the vine

John 15:1–4. Jesus the true vine

Revelation 14:18–19. Harvesting grapes image of the final judgment

Vineyard (garden, vinery, vines)

Place where grapevines grow; symbol of wealth and blessing

Genesis 9:20. Noah plants a vineyard.

Exodus 22:5. Rules for replacing damaged goods

Exodus 23:11. Social welfare

Numbers 18:12. Firstfruits belong to God.

1 Samuel 22:7. Sign of wealth

2 Kings 5:26. Trading goods

Proverbs 24:30–31. Cultivating the vineyard

Isaiah 5:7. God’s people are his garden of delight.

Matthew 20:1–16. Parable of the vineyard laborers

Matthew 21:28–32. Parable of sons working in the vineyard

1 Corinthians 9:7. Eating from your own vineyard

Violence (disturbance, fighting, hostility)

Strong, disturbing behavior generally involving physical force and damaging of things or people

Genesis 6:11. World of violence

Genesis 49:5. Weapons of violence

Psalm 35:11–12. Repaid with evil

Isaiah 53:9. No violence committed

Isaiah 59:6. Societal injustice

Jeremiah 6:7. Cries of violence from Jerusalem

Ezekiel 7:11. Violence as a means of judgment

Acts 5:26. Minimal force

Acts 21:35. Mob mentality

Acts 27:41. A violent storm

Virgin (chaste, unmarried, untouched)

A person, typically a woman, who has never had sexual relations

Genesis 24:16. An attractive virgin

Genesis 34:1–4. Dinah violated

Deuteronomy 22:13–21. Requiring proof of virginity

Judges 21:12. Large gathering of virgins

2 Samuel 13:2. Protecting a virgin’s honor

Job 31:1. Promised not to look with lust

Isaiah 7:14. A virgin will conceive.

Isaiah 47:1. Virgin princess of Babylon

Matthew 1:23. Mary conceives Jesus.

Luke 1:27. Angelic visit to the virgin Mary

1 Corinthians 7:28. Concerns of a young virgin

2 Corinthians 11:2. God’s people betrothed to Christ

Virgin birth (incarnation, miracle)

Teaching that Jesus was conceived in the womb of his mother Mary by a miraculous work of the Holy Spirit and not by a human father

Isaiah 7:14. Promise made

Matthew 1:18–25. Pregnant by means of the Spirit, not Joseph

Luke 1:34–35. Mary’s sexual chastity

Galatians 4:4–5. Jesus’ incarnation

Virtue(s) (goodness, morality, righteousness)

Behaviors or patterns of thinking which demonstrate godly characteristics of holiness and morality

Ruth 3:11. A woman of character

Proverbs 12:4. A husband’s crown

Proverbs 31:10. Virtuous wife

Philippians 4:8. Virtue list

Titus 2:3. Examples of virtue

1 Peter 2:9. Sharing God’s virtues

2 Peter 1:3. Virtue through God’s power

2 Peter 1:5. Adding virtue to faith

Vision (appearance, apparition, dream)

A vivid appearance or interaction with God in a dreamlike state

Numbers 12:6. Communicating through visions to prophets

1 Samuel 3:15. Samuel’s fear of the vision

Isaiah 1:1. Isaiah’s vision

Ezekiel 12:27. A far-off vision?

Daniel 2:19. Daniel’s visions explain reality.

Matthew 17:9. Transfiguration

Luke 1:22. A vision in the temple silences Zechariah.

Acts 9:10. Visionary calling

Acts 10:9–16. Peter’s visionary experiences

2 Corinthians 12:1. Visions and revelations from the Lord

Visitation (appearance, manifestation, return)

A time of judgment which is yet to come

Luke 19:44. Unknown day of visitation

1 Peter 2:12. Glory to God on the day of visitation

Vocalist(s) (singer, vocal, voices)

A singer or group of singers who recite and perform music for the purpose of entertainment or praise

Exodus 15:1–21. God’s people sing of deliverance.

Judges 5:11. Singing of God’s victories at the wells

Psalm 33:1–3. Sing a new song.

Psalm 100:1–2. Entering God’s presence with song

Psalm 118:15. Righteous break into song.

Psalm 149:1–3. Music of praise

Acts 16:25. Silas and Paul singing in prison

Revelation 14:3. New song before the throne

Vocation (calling, job, work)

Any trade, profession, or occupation; a calling to a particular work

Psalm 68:6. Productive lives

Proverbs 16:3. Entrusting work to God

Romans 11:29. God’s calling on someone

1 Corinthians 1:26. Consider your calling.

1 Corinthians 10:31. Working for God’s glory

1 Corinthians 16:9. Opportunity for effective work

Colossians 3:17. Work in the name of the Lord.

Colossians 3:23. Working wholeheartedly

Titus 3:14. Examples of productive lives

Philemon 6. Effective faith sharing

2 Peter 1:8. Increasing knowledge and productivity

Voice(s) (communication, expression, utterance)

Sound or communication produced through the vocal chords

Genesis 4:10. Voice of the dead cries out.

Genesis 21:6. Voices of laughter

Exodus 3:18. Listening to the prophetic voice

Judges 9:7. Shouting from the mountaintops

1 Samuel 15:14. Vocal sounds of animals

Isaiah 65:19. Rejoicing over Jerusalem

Matthew 3:17. A voice from heaven

Mark 1:3. A voice crying in the desert

John 10:4–5. Following the voice of the shepherd

Galatians 4:20. Desiring to change the tone of voice

Volunteer(s) (availability, offer, service)

Someone who willingly offers up their services for a cause

Judges 5:2. Men vowing to fight for Israel

1 Samuel 22:2. Banding together

2 Chronicles 17:16. Volunteering to serve the Lord

Psalm 110:3. Volunteer army

Acts 28:30–31. Paul lives at his own expense.

1 Corinthians 9:17. Spreading the Good News willingly

Vomit (regurgitate, sickness, spit up)

The unwanted release of previously consumed matter; metaphorically, to cast out, exile

Leviticus 18:25. Allusions to exile

Leviticus 18:28. Promise of exile

Leviticus 20:22. Called to obey

Job 20:15. Riches swallowed up and expelled

Proverbs 23:8. Ruining a nice time

Proverbs 25:16. Do not eat too much.

Proverbs 26:11. Acting like a fool

Isaiah 19:14. Drunk and disorderly

Isaiah 28:8. Vile condition

Jeremiah 25:27. Drinking to forget

Jeremiah 48:26. Wallowing in filth

2 Peter 2:22. Proverbs coming true

Voting (choose, decide, elect)

A formal indication of one’s choice between two or more options

Numbers 27:16. Appointing new leadership

Deuteronomy 17:14–15. Picking a king

Matthew 27:15–26. Barabbas selected over Jesus

Acts 26:10. Voting for death

Vow(s) (oath, pledge, promise)

A promise made in the name of God or gods, thus heightening the level of commitment

Genesis 28:20–22. Jacob’s vow to God

Numbers 30:3–5. Father’s role in daughter’s vow

Judges 11:30–31. Rash vow

1 Samuel 1:11. Vowing a future son’s service

Jonah 1:16. Sacrifices and vows attempted to appease God

Acts 18:18. Paul cuts his hair at the end of a vow.

Acts 21:23. Fulfilling a vow

Voyage (expedition, journey, trip)

A journey undertaken by way of the sea

Proverbs 30:18–19. Difficult voyage

Jonah 1:4–6. Trouble on the high seas

Acts 16:11. Direct voyage

Acts 21:7. Completing a voyage

Acts 27:10. A voyage with heavy losses

Revelation 18:17. Cargo lost

Vulnerability (availability, susceptible, weak)

Used negatively of susceptibility to attacks and pressure and positively in terms of emotional and physical availability. In the New Testament, the early church’s vulnerability with each other allowed for the mutual meeting of needs and the growth of the Christian church.

Acts 2:42–45. Being the body together

1 Corinthians 12:10. Sharing spiritual gifts in community

Galatians 6:1. Being helpful without being vulnerable

Philemon 6. Vulnerability in community

James 5:20. Restored from a vulnerable position