– W –

Wages (payment, revenue, salary)

Payment(s) made for services rendered

Genesis 31:8. Animals paid as wages

Deuteronomy 24:14–15. Do not withhold pay.

Judges 17:10. Money paid for priestly service

Matthew 20:1–2. Paying a day’s wage

Mark 1:20. Hired help

Luke 6:23. Reward in heaven

Luke 10:7. Workers deserve their pay.

Romans 4:4. Something that is earned

Romans 6:23. Wages of sin

1 Corinthians 9:14. Earning a wage from gospel ministry

2 Corinthians 11:8. Mishandling wages

1 Timothy 5:18. Paying what is due

1 Peter 5:2. Serving out of desire, not greed

2 John 8. Preserving one’s wages

Waiting (remain, rest, stop)

Staying in one place or delaying an action until a given point of time

Genesis 8:10. Noah waiting in the ark

Judges 3:25. Waiting for a ruler who wouldn’t come

2 Kings 7:3. Waiting for death?

Job 30:26. Waiting for good

Psalm 5:3. Waiting on the Lord

Psalm 37:7. Waiting patiently

Lamentations 3:25. Good things come to those who wait.

Mark 9:9. Waiting to tell about the Son of Man

Mark 15:43. Awaiting God’s kingdom

Acts 1:4. Waiting in Jerusalem

Romans 3:25–26. God waited to deal with sins.

Romans 8:19. Creation eagerly waiting

1 Corinthians 1:7. Awaiting Christ’s revelation

1 Corinthians 4:5. Wait until the Lord comes.

Hebrews 6:15. Abraham waited patiently.

1 Peter 3:20. God’s patience in the days of Noah

Waiting in the wings (accession, waiting, succession)

A modern idiom referring to the period of waiting for one’s future office or ministry to begin

Leviticus 8:33. Prolonged ordination ceremony

Joshua 1:1–2. Joshua takes over for Moses.

1 Kings 1:20. Who shall succeed?

Acts 25:1. Festus assumes duties.

Walk (manner of life, walking)

Used to describe the action of walking in a literal sense; metaphorically refers to following God in faith

Deuteronomy 1:36. Walking through the land

Joshua 14:9. Land your feet traversed

Habakkuk 3:19. Walking on the path

Matthew 9:5. Commanded to get up and walk

John 8:12. Following after Jesus

Acts 3:8–9. Walking again

Romans 6:4. Walking in newness of life

2 Corinthians 5:7. Walking by faith and not sight

Galatians 5:16. Way of living

Ephesians 2:2. Following worldly ways

1 Peter 5:8. An opponent on the prowl

1 John 1:6–7. Walking in darkness and light

2 John 4. Walking in the truth

Wall(s) (see City walls)

Wallowing (lull, splash, wade)

Kick about, splash, or dwell in a dirty substance such as mud, vomit, or blood

2 Samuel 20:12. Wallowing in blood

Jeremiah 48:26. Residing in vomit

Ezekiel 16:6. Kicking around in blood

Ezekiel 16:22. Youthful days

Ezekiel 27:29–30. Wallowing in ashes

2 Peter 2:22. Returning to the mud

Wander (abandon, drift, stray)

Aimlessly moving around, typically on account of one’s proclivity toward sin

Numbers 32:13. Wandering forty years in the desert

2 Kings 21:8. Conditional promise that God’s people will not wander again

Psalm 59:15. Wandering to find food

Psalm 119:10. Asking for sustaining power

Proverbs 5:6. Path of folly

Isaiah 35:8. Off the beaten path

Isaiah 63:17. Asking for God’s guidance

Jeremiah 4:1. Perceiving God’s distance from a sinful people

Jeremiah 31:22. Unfaithful wanderers

Ezekiel 14:11. Looking forward to a day

Hosea 9:17. Rejecting God

Amos 8:12. Aimless wandering

Zechariah 10:2. Led astray by false idols

Wanton behavior (see Lascivious behavior, Lust, Sin[s])

Wants (desires, lacking, need)

To be in short supply of or lacking something desirable

Exodus 16:16–18. Gathering double portion to meet the wants of the Sabbath

Mark 10:21. Something’s missing

Luke 10:34. Attending to the wants of a wounded man

1 Corinthians 9:11. Payment in the form of earthly goods

1 Corinthians 16:17. Coworkers filling the void

2 Corinthians 8:14. Balance of needs

Philippians 4:12. Living in either circumstance

Colossians 1:24. Filling up what is lacking

1 Thessalonians 3:10. Needs supplied for faith

Hebrews 4:1. Promise has not been found lacking.

War (battle, conflict, fighting)

Armed conflict between two opposing forces, typically national or tribal

Exodus 15:3. The warrior Lord

Judges 4:14. Lord leads into battle

Judges 7:18. Battle horn

1 Samuel 17:45. God of the army of Israel

2 Samuel 5:23–24. Dependence on God

1 Kings 22:19. Ready for battle

2 Chronicles 20:15. Battle belongs to the Lord

Psalm 18:34. Hands trained for battle

Psalm 46:9. Wars ended

Isaiah 42:15. Effects of war

Jeremiah 21:5–6. Fury and rage

Micah 4:3. Future peace

Matthew 24:6. Wars and rumors of wars

Matthew 26:52. Put away your sword.

Ephesians 6:10–20. Spiritual warfare

1 Timothy 1:18. Continuing to fight the noble war

1 Peter 2:11. Under attack from sinful desires

Revelation 16:16. Armageddon

Wardrobe (see Clothing)

Warning(s) (alert, caution, notice)

Statements which provide cautionary notice regarding an unpleasant future circumstance

Exodus 9:20. Heeding the Lord’s warning to Pharaoh

Deuteronomy 32:46. Warning to obey teachings

2 Samuel 22:16. Powerful warning

1 Kings 2:3. Obeying the law

Nehemiah 9:34. Ignoring the Lord’s gracious warning

Job 36:10. Seeking to reorient lives

Proverbs 15:31–32. Heeding a warning

Jeremiah 6:8. Judgment to be poured out

Mark 6:11. Visual sign of warning

1 Corinthians 10:11. An example and warning to learn from

2 Corinthians 13:2. Warning about a future visit

Warrior (mighty one, powerful one, soldier)

A brave or experienced soldier, typically one who is more impressive than his or her contemporaries

Genesis 10:8–9. Nimrod, mighty warrior of the earth

Exodus 14:4. Plotting the Lord’s victory

Joshua 1:14. Best soldiers protect family.

Judges 6:12. Gideon equipped with the Lord

2 Samuel 23:8–9. David’s mighty men

Psalm 24:8. God is a strong warrior.

Psalm 45:3. Preparing for battle

Isaiah 3:25. Widowed wives of warriors

Isaiah 42:13. The Lord marches out.

Jeremiah 51:30. Babylon’s warriors fail.

Daniel 11:3. Warrior-king who is to come

Revelation 6:2. Victorious warrior on a white horse

Revelation 19:17–18. Destroyed by birds of prey

Washing (cleaning, laundering)

The cleaning or laundering of clothing or a human being

Genesis 49:11. Washing garments

Exodus 2:5. Attempted bathing

Exodus 19:10. Preparing to be set apart

Leviticus 6:27. Washing blood out of clothes

Numbers 8:7. Ceremonial cleaning

Deuteronomy 21:6. Washing hands

2 Samuel 19:24. Grungy meeting

Psalm 51:2. Requesting spiritual cleansing

Isaiah 1:16. Metaphor for human condition in sin

Jeremiah 2:22. Stains which cannot be washed

Acts 16:33. Washing wounds

Acts 22:16. Washing away of sins

1 Corinthians 6:11. Washed and made holy through Christ

1 Timothy 5:10. Hospitable care for guests

Hebrews 10:22. Washed with cleansing water

Watchfulness (focus, guard, protect)

The close observation of someone or something

1 Samuel 1:12. Eli watches Hannah.

Job 10:12. Life preserving

Isaiah 27:3. The Lord’s watchful eye

Matthew 24:42. Alertness

Matthew 26:41. Prayer during the night

Mark 13:33. Waiting and watching for the Lord

Acts 20:31. Alertness for false doctrine

1 Corinthians 16:13. Conscientious Christians

Colossians 4:2. Attentive in prayer

1 Peter 5:8. Clarity of mind

Watchman/Watchmen (guard, lookout scout)

Persons who are appointed to stand guard and watch over a specific location

2 Samuel 18:24–25. The king’s watchman

Job 7:20. Big brother

Psalm 127:1. Need for an alert guard

Isaiah 21:6–8. Lookout for enemies

Ezekiel 3:17. Prophet is a watchman over God’s people.

Daniel 4:13. Heavenly guardian

Water (drink, river, stream)

The essential drink for sustaining human life; metaphorically, spiritual life-giving

Genesis 1:6. Separating waters above and below

Genesis 7:11–12. Floodgates opened

Exodus 7:17. Nile water contaminated

Exodus 17:6. Water from a rock

1 Kings 17:1. Elijah controls the water supply.

Psalm 23:2. Sign of peace and refreshment

Jeremiah 2:13. God the source of life-giving water

Jeremiah 14:3. Empty cisterns

Lamentations 5:4. Water rations

Ezekiel 26:19. Cosmic waters of judgment

Joel 1:20. Dry streambeds

Amos 8:11. Indication of spiritual need

Zechariah 14:8. Waters of blessing flowing from Jerusalem

Matthew 23:25–26. Spiritual cleansing

Luke 7:44. Washing Jesus’ feet

John 4:14. Thirst-slaking water

John 7:37–38. Streams of living water flowing from people

1 Corinthians 10:1–2. United by baptismal waters

Revelation 7:17. Led to springs of water of life

Revelation 21:6. Fountain filled with life-giving water already flowing

Way, the (Christianity)

One of the earliest designations for the Christian church

Isaiah 40:3. The way of the Lord

Matthew 7:14. Few find the way.

John 14:6. I am the way.

Acts 9:2. Attempts to arrest followers of the Way

Acts 19:9. Speaking evil of the Way

Acts 19:23–25. A great disturbance

Acts 22:4. Paul’s testimony

Acts 24:14. An alleged religious sect

Romans 6:4. Newness of life

Galatians 5:25. Way of the spiritual nature

Ephesians 5:2. Walking in love

Colossians 2:6. Walking in Christ

2 Peter 2:2. The way of truth

Weakness (delicate, frailty, sickness)

The condition or status of being frail and without strength, energy, or charisma

Luke 5:15. Physical illness

Luke 13:11–12. Longstanding weakness

John 11:4. God glorified through weakness

Romans 6:19. Weakness of the corrupt nature

1 Corinthians 2:3. Weak in presence

1 Corinthians 15:43. Weakness of the human body

2 Corinthians 12:10. Paradoxical strength

Hebrews 4:15. Christ sympathizes with our weaknesses.

Hebrews 11:33–34. Strength in times of weakness

Wealth (money, storehouse, treasure)

An abundance of possessions, either material or spiritual, which one possesses

Genesis 2:11–12. Earth’s wealth

Deuteronomy 6:10–12. Promise of prosperous land

Deuteronomy 7:25. The snare of wealth

1 Samuel 2:7. Given by God

2 Samuel 8:9–12. Plundered wealth dedicated to God

2 Chronicles 9:22. Solomon’s immense wealth

Job 1:3. Job’s wealth

Psalm 39:6. Accumulating wealth

Psalm 119:14. Joy in God’s law over riches

Proverbs 3:9–10. Honoring the Lord with wealth

Ecclesiastes 2:11. Pointless accomplishments

Jeremiah 17:11. Loss of wealth

Haggai 2:8. Commodities which belong to God

Matthew 6:19–21. Storing up treasure in heaven

Luke 6:20. Blessed are the poor.

Ephesians 1:7–8. Riches of God’s grace poured out

Philippians 4:19. Needs met through Christ

1 Timothy 6:9. God and money difficult to balance

James 1:10. Exalting in humble circumstances

Revelation 2:9. Richness in Christ

Weapon(s) (bow, sword, tool)

An item specifically designed to inflict pain even to the extent of death

1 Samuel 13:19–20. No blacksmiths in Israel

1 Samuel 17:45. God stronger than great weapons in a champion’s hand

2 Samuel 22:35. Shooting a bow

Psalm 35:3. Spear to block the way

2 Corinthians 10:4. Arguments as powerful weapons

Ephesians 6:17. Sword of the Spirit

Hebrews 4:12. Double-edged sword

Weary (exhausted, fatigued, tired)

Showing extreme tiredness on account of physical exertion or poor sleep habits

Exodus 17:12. Moses grows weary.

Deuteronomy 25:18. Attack on the weary

2 Samuel 17:2. A weary opponent

Job 3:17. Place of rest for the weary

Psalm 69:3. Exhaustion from crying out to God

Isaiah 28:12. Rest for the weary

Matthew 11:28. Call to the weary

Galatians 6:9. Do not grow weary of doing good.

2 Thessalonians 3:13. Maintaining strength to do what is right

Hebrews 12:3. Remember Jesus in your weariness.

Revelation 2:3. Persecution endured on account of Christ’s name

Weather (elements, rain, storm)

The atmospheric elements in a given place at a given time

Genesis 8:1–2. Control of the winds

Leviticus 26:4. God sends rain at the right time.

Joshua 10:11. Large hailstones win the battle.

Job 37:3. God directs lightning.

Psalm 29:10. Control over the flood

Psalm 78:47. Hail and frost

Isaiah 29:6. Various drastic weather patterns

Jeremiah 10:13. Rain and lightning controlled by God

Jeremiah 24:10. Judgment through famine

Matthew 16:2–3. Red sky at night

Mark 4:39–41. Jesus stills the storm.

Weaving (see Textile arts)

Wedding(s) (celebration, feast, marriage)

Marriage ceremony and subsequent celebration

Genesis 34:12. Paying the dowry

Esther 2:18. Massive banquet

Psalm 45:9. Taking a new queen

Song of Songs 3:9–11. Opulent wedding day

Isaiah 61:10. Dressed for the wedding

Jeremiah 2:32. God’s people like a forgetful bride

Joel 2:16. Wedding night disturbed

John 2:1–10. Miracle at a wedding

Revelation 18:23. No more brides and grooms

Revelation 21:9. The bride of Christ

Weed(s) (flower, plant, wild)

A wild, unwanted plant that is competing for nutrients with cultivated plants

Proverbs 24:31. Overgrown land

Isaiah 5:6. Wasteland that will not be pruned

Hosea 9:6. Sign of judgment and loss of wealth

Hosea 10:8. Illegal worship sites will be overgrown.

Matthew 13:25–30. Weeds planted among wheat

Weeks, Feast of (Feast of Harvest, Pentecost)

One of three major Israelite festivals celebrated annually, also known as Feast/Festival of Harvest and Pentecost in the New Testament

Exodus 23:16. Harvest celebrating firstfruits

Numbers 28:26. Festival of Weeks

Acts 2:1. Pentecost, fifty days after Passover

Acts 20:16. Celebrating Pentecost in Jerusalem

1 Corinthians 16:8. Paul’s plans for Pentecost

Weeping (anguish, crying, tears)

Intense crying or anguish

Numbers 11:10. God’s people weeping in their tents

Deuteronomy 34:8. Weeping for Moses’ death

Ezra 10:1. Weeping over the temple

Psalm 30:5. Weeping night, joyful morning

Isaiah 65:19. No more weeping in the new creation

Matthew 8:11–12. Weeping and gnashing of teeth

Mark 5:38–39. Weeping over a child

John 20:11–13. Mary weeps at the tomb.

Revelation 18:15. Mourning over torture

Revelation 21:4. No more tears

Weight(s) (measurement, poundage, scales)

Variety of measuring tools used in commodity trading and payment

Genesis 23:16. Weighing out silver

Deuteronomy 25:13. Weights carried

1 Samuel 17:5. Heavy armor scales

2 Samuel 12:30. A heavy crown

2 Kings 18:14. Demanding a sizable weight of precious metal

Proverbs 16:11. God uses honest scales and weights in his judgments.

Micah 6:11. No toleration for dishonesty

John 12:3. Pouring a pound of pure nard

John 19:39. Much myrrh and aloe

Welcome (greeting, salutation)

Greeting someone upon meeting them

Matthew 10:14. How to deal with a city that is not welcoming

Matthew 25:43. Unwelcoming to stranger

Acts 18:27. Welcoming Apollos in Greece

Romans 14:1. Welcoming less mature Christians into your midst

Romans 15:7. Accepting each other in a Christlike manner

Romans 16:2. A warm Christian welcome

2 Corinthians 6:17. Unwelcome with unbelievers, welcome with God

Colossians 4:10. Welcoming Christian brothers from other churches

Hebrews 11:31. Rahab’s treatment of Joshua’s spies

3 John 10. Wrongly refusing the welcoming of new believers

Well(s) (cistern, pit, water)

A crevice in the ground, either naturally occurring or manmade, which collects and stores water

Genesis 21:25. Disputing over a precious commodity

Genesis 37:24. Joseph dropped in a cistern

Numbers 21:17–18. Springs of water

1 Chronicles 11:17–18. Public well

Psalm 40:2. Deliverance from the pit

Jeremiah 38:6. Jeremiah tossed into an empty well

John 4:6. Waiting by Jacob’s Well

James 3:11. Illustrating hypocrisy

West (direction)

The direction from which the sun sets

Genesis 13:14. Looking in every direction

Exodus 10:19. Strong western wind

Deuteronomy 11:30. Mountains to the west of the Jordan

Joshua 1:4. Western border

1 Chronicles 9:24. Gatekeepers on four sides

2 Chronicles 32:30. Water tunnel west of Jerusalem

Wheel(s) (disk, rolling, round)

A round object which spins around an axle allowing for easy movement for the purpose of transportation, irrigation, or craftsmanship

1 Kings 7:32–33. Bronze stands made to look like chariot wheels

Ecclesiastes 12:6. Water wheel

Jeremiah 18:3. Potter’s wheel

Jeremiah 47:3. Thundering sound of chariot wheels

Ezekiel 23:24. When chariots and wagons attack

Daniel 7:9. Throne with wheels of fire

Nahum 3:2. Enemy approaching

Whirlwind (storm, thunderstorm, windstorm)

A violent windstorm; also refers to a sudden attack and thus, symbolizes judgment

2 Kings 2:11. Elijah taken to heaven in a windstorm

Job 27:20. Storms in the night

Job 38:1. The Lord speaks from the storm.

Isaiah 5:28. Sudden attack

Isaiah 66:15. The Lord’s terrible return

Hosea 8:7. Reaping a bad storm

Whisper (mumble, murmur, softly)

A soft, breathy way of speaking which preserves confidentiality

2 Samuel 12:19. Whispering bad news

1 Kings 19:12. God’s presence in a still, small whisper

Psalm 31:13. Rumors

Psalm 62:9. Meaningless breath

Isaiah 8:19. Garbled truth

Jeremiah 20:10. Fears rising

Matthew 10:27. Making the whispers public

John 11:28. Softly sharing a message

White (bright, pure, radiant)

Symbolic color, representing purity or radiance associated with God’s glory

2 Chronicles 5:12. Levite musicians dressed in white linen

Psalm 51:7. White as snow

Isaiah 1:18. White like wool

Daniel 7:9. White clothing and hair

Matthew 17:2. Appearance white as light

Revelation 3:18. White clothes

Revelation 7:14. White robes washed in the blood of the lamb

Wicked (depraved, evil, sinful)

Not merely a quality of malignance, but evil or sinfulness which is active and persistent

Genesis 6:5. Lord’s wrath welling up against evil humanity

Numbers 16:26. Wicked men under judgment

Psalm 18:20–21. Wickedly turning from God

Proverbs 15:26. Evil people with evil thoughts

Jeremiah 17:9. Beware of the evil mind.

Matthew 16:4. Evil people seek a sign.

Mark 7:21–23. Evils which come from within

Romans 1:29. Evil lives

Ephesians 6:16. Extinguishing the evil one’s arrows

Colossians 1:21. Evil actions which alienate from the life of God

1 John 2:13. Victory over the evil one is won.

1 John 3:12. The evil child Cain

Widow(s) (survivor, woman)

A woman who has lost her husband, yet has not remarried

Exodus 22:22. Never exploit widows.

Deuteronomy 26:12. Money goes to widows.

Ruth 1:3–5. Three widows

2 Samuel 20:3. Living like widows amidst the king

2 Kings 4:1. Widow’s money troubles

Job 27:15. Widows who do not cry

Psalm 68:5. God cares for the fatherless and the widow.

Jeremiah 15:8. Judgment coming, many widows soon

Ezekiel 44:22. Regulations for priests

Luke 21:1–4. Widow’s generous offering

1 Timothy 5:3–5. Honoring widows

James 1:27. Essence of true religion

Wife(ves) (partner, spouse, woman)

A woman who is married to a man

Genesis 2:24. Man and wife united

Genesis 4:19. Early acceptance of polygamy

Exodus 21:10. Caring for the first wife

2 Samuel 6:20. Undermining wife

2 Chronicles 11:21. Favored wife

Job 2:9–10. Wife’s bad advice

Proverbs 12:4. Crown of husband

Matthew 19:8–9. Grounds for divorce

1 Corinthians 7:3–5. Satisfy each other

Ephesians 5:22. Under husband’s authority

Ephesians 5:25. To be cherished as Christ loves the church

1 Timothy 5:14. Encouraging younger widows to remarry

Wild ox (bovine, bull, cow)

A non-domesticated male or female cow

Deuteronomy 33:17. Symbol of power

Job 39:9–10. Untamable

Psalm 29:6. Poorly treated animal

Wiles (ploys, schemes, tricks)

Elaborate and devious trickery employed to manipulate an outcome otherwise not expected or deserved

Genesis 27:36. Jacob’s trickery

Numbers 25:18. Plotting trickery

Job 5:13. God catches the wise in their tricks.

Proverbs 12:2. The Lord condemns schemers.

Luke 20:23–26. Jesus sees through opponents’ schemes.

Acts 13:10. Tricks and schemes against God’s people

1 Thessalonians 2:3–5. No wiles in spreading the Good News

Will, the (determination, mind, resolution)

That faculty of reasoning by which a person makes choices in accordance with what seems most reasonable and best

Mark 3:35. Acting in accordance with God’s desire

Luke 22:42. Human and divine will

Luke 23:25. Will of the crowd

John 1:13. New birth not according to human willing

Romans 12:2. Determining God’s will for your life

Ephesians 2:3. Following corrupt nature

Ephesians 6:6. Desiring what God desires

Colossians 4:12. Growing to maturity according to what God wants

1 Thessalonians 4:3. Following God’s will for sexuality

Hebrews 10:36. Endurance to follow through with what God wants

1 Peter 3:17. God’s will to suffer

2 Peter 1:21. Human will subservient to divine will

Wind (air, breath, breeze)

The natural movement of air in the atmosphere in the form of a current

Exodus 14:21. East wilderness wind

1 Kings 18:44–45. Westward wind and rain

Psalm 107:25. Voice controlled wind and waves

Proverbs 25:23. North wind brings rain.

Isaiah 21:1. Tempestuous South wind

Isaiah 40:7. The Lord’s breath

Jeremiah 49:36. Four winds from the four corners

Ezekiel 37:9. Breath of life

Daniel 7:2. Winds which stir up the sea

Amos 4:13. Created by God

Acts 27:14–15. Northeaster causes Paul’s shipwreck.

Window(s) (aperture, opening, slit)

An opening in a building or wall which allows for the admittance of fresh air and light

Genesis 7:11. The windows of heaven

Genesis 26:8. Abimelech sees more than he bargained for.

Joshua 2:15. Rappelling down the city wall from the window

2 Kings 1:2. King Ahaziah falls and hurts himself.

2 Kings 9:31–33. Jezebel thrown to her death

Joel 2:9. Entry point of thieves

Malachi 3:10. Windows of heaven opened for blessings

Acts 20:9. Nodding off

2 Corinthians 11:33. Paul narrowly escapes.

Wine (alcohol, strong drink, vino)

An alcoholic drink made by fermenting the juice of grapes

Exodus 29:40. Wine offering used in sacrifices

Leviticus 10:9. Priests must be completely sober when they enter the tent.

Numbers 6:3. No grape products for Nazirites

2 Samuel 16:2. Nourishing tired travelers

Nehemiah 2:1. Cup bearer

Esther 1:7–8. Social drinking

Psalm 104:15. Gladdens the heart

Proverbs 21:17. Expensive tastes

Ecclesiastes 2:3. Drowning of sorrows

Song of Songs 4:10. Love preferred to wine

Mark 2:22. New wine in new wineskins

Luke 21:34. Avoid drunkenness.

John 2:1–11. Jesus turns water into delicious wine.

Ephesians 5:18. Drunkenness forbidden

1 Timothy 5:23. Aiding in wellness

Titus 1:7. Overseers should only drink in moderation.

Wing(s) (extension, pinion)

Feathered limb of bird, typically used for flying; metaphorically used to speak of care, concern, protection, and swift action

Genesis 1:21. God created winged creatures.

Exodus 25:20. Wings of the cherubim

Deuteronomy 32:11. Swift action

Ruth 2:12. Refuge under the wings of God

Ruth 3:9. Marriage proposal

Job 39:13. Ostrich wings

Psalm 17:8. Hidden in the shadow of God’s wings

Psalm 36:7. Mercy and care

Psalm 68:13. Wings of a dove

Psalm 91:4. Shielded by God

Jeremiah 48:40. A swift attack

Ezekiel 10:21. Ezekiel’s angelic vision

Ezekiel 16:8. Protection and covenant keeping

Malachi 4:2. Healing in his wings

Winking (batting, blink, gesture)

Closing and opening of an eye quickly which may indicate flirtation, joking, or even hostility

Psalm 35:19. Actions toward an enemy

Proverbs 6:13. Malicious actions

Proverbs 10:10. Causing heartache

Proverbs 16:30. Plotting something

Isaiah 3:16. Flirting with eyes

Winnowing (dividing, preparing, separating)

Separating the chaff from the grain by throwing it up in the air with a shovel; often used to metaphorically described God’s action of judging others

Ruth 3:2. Boaz on the threshing floor

Psalm 1:4. Wicked are like husks in the wind.

Isaiah 21:10. Winnowing of God’s people

Isaiah 30:24. Winnowed with forks and shovels

Jeremiah 4:11–12. Coming judgment

Jeremiah 51:2. God’s people will judge Babylon.

Matthew 3:12. Working with wheat

Winter (season, wet)

Season in the Middle East characterized by rainstorms which roll in off the Mediterranean Sea

Genesis 8:22. Ongoing seasons

Psalm 74:17. Seasons created by God

Isaiah 28:25. Storing wheat for the winter

Jeremiah 36:22. A warm fire in the middle of winter

Amos 3:15. Winter houses destroyed

Zechariah 14:8. Waters flowing all season long

Matthew 24:20. Difficult time for travel

John 10:22. A winter festival

Acts 27:12a. Harbor not a good place to dock for winter

1 Corinthians 16:6. Paul considers spending the winter.

Wisdom (experience, knowledge, morality)

A category or quality of knowledge which is both moral and intellectual; a way of life for those who earnestly desire to live according to God’s standards

2 Chronicles 9:23. Impressive wisdom

Job 11:6. Need for true wisdom

Psalm 90:12. Asking for aid to grow in wisdom

Psalm 111:10. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Proverbs 10:23. Wisdom and understanding

Proverbs 13:10. Taking the advice of others

Matthew 13:54. Amazing wisdom of Jesus

Acts 6:3. Spiritually wise chosen to serve

Romans 11:33. Attribute of God

1 Corinthians 2:6–7. Mystery of God’s wisdom

1 Corinthians 3:18. Worldly wisdom

Ephesians 1:17. Desire for a spirit of wisdom

Ephesians 5:15. Wise living

Colossians 1:9. Prayer for spiritual wisdom

Colossians 2:23. Having the appearance of wisdom

Colossians 3:16. Wisdom of the word of Christ

Colossians 4:5. Wise living among unbelievers

James 1:5. God’s generosity to those who ask for wisdom

Wise men (see Magi)

Wishing (desire, dream, hope)

A strong, heartfelt desire for something which is either unreasonable or difficult to attain

Ezra 5:7. Well wishing

Job 11:5. Wishing to hear God’s voice

Psalm 145:16. God satisfies wishes of the living

Acts 16:19. Loss of monetary hope

Romans 9:3. An anguished apostle’s wish

1 Corinthians 14:5. Desire for the church

Galatians 4:20. Wishing to be present

Revelation 3:15. A wish for God’s people

Witchcraft (divination, magic, sorcery)

A means of attaining and discerning information and manipulating an outcome

Exodus 22:18. Ridding the land of witches

Leviticus 19:31. Witchcraft forbidden

1 Samuel 15:23. Rebellious magic

2 Chronicles 33:6. Grotesque actions

Isaiah 19:3. Egyptians turn to false means of knowledge.

Micah 5:12. Judgment against divination

Nahum 3:4. Judgment and destruction

Withdrawn (isolation, separation)

Isolating oneself, if only for a time, from the public and often to solitude

Lamentations 2:3. Withdrawing strength

Ezekiel 9:3. God’s glory departing from the temple

Daniel 11:30. Abandoning the holy promise

Hosea 5:6. The Lord withdrew.

Luke 5:16. Prayer and isolation

John 5:13. Jesus withdraws from the crowd.

Acts 15:38. John Mark’s withdrawal

Withholding (hold back, keep, retain)

Refusing to give or holding back something

Genesis 23:6. Nothing withheld

Exodus 22:29. Not withholding the best from God

Deuteronomy 24:14. Forbidding of withholding payments

Psalm 40:11. Need for compassion

Isaiah 32:6. Actions of fools

John 20:23. Giving or withholding forgiveness

1 Corinthians 7:5. Do not withhold sex within marriage.

Witness (observer, testimony, truth)

An onlooker who provides testimony concerning a past or present event

Joshua 22:27. Remembrance of witness

Ruth 4:7. Witness of a matter

1 Samuel 12:5. God is my witness.

Proverbs 14:5. Trustworthiness

Jeremiah 32:10. Many sign a deed.

Mark 14:63. No more witnesses needed

Acts 1:8. Called to be witnesses of Jesus

Acts 7:58. Witnesses begin stoning.

Acts 26:16. Paul is appointed to be a witness.

Romans 1:9. God as witness

Hebrews 12:2. Witness to Jesus’ life

1 Peter 5:1. Witness of Christ’s sufferings

Revelation 1:5. The faithful witness

Woe(s) (distress, misery, sorrow)

An onomatopoeia outburst which expresses emotional pain or anguish on account of an impending situation

1 Kings 13:30. Cries when a man of God is buried

Isaiah 1:4. Anguish concerning the nation

Isaiah 5:8. Woes to those who aimlessly buy

Jeremiah 22:18. No mourning of the king

Ezekiel 13:3. Woe against false prophets

Matthew 11:21. Woe to cities who have rejected Jesus

Matthew 23:13–33. Woe against the Pharisees

Matthew 24:19. Woe to pregnant women

Matthew 26:24. Woe to Judas

1 Corinthians 9:16. Personal woe if the Good News is not preached

Jude 11. Woe against those who follow patterns of sin

Revelation 8:13. Expressions of coming judgment

Wolf(ves) (animal, dog, predator)

A large carnivorous animal which preys on smaller animals and incites fear in shepherds

Isaiah 11:6. Wolves will live with lambs.

Jeremiah 5:6. Destroyed by a wolf

Ezekiel 22:27. Leadership like wolves

Habakkuk 1:8. A quick animal

Zephaniah 3:3. Judges like wolves

Matthew 7:15. Dressed in sheep’s clothing

Matthew 10:16. Dangerous animal

Acts 20:29. Unsparing animal

Woman (female, lady, wife)

A wife or person of the female gender

Genesis 2:23. Taken out of man

Exodus 2:16. Tending sheep

Exodus 15:20. The prophetess Miriam

Exodus 35:26. Women at work

Judges 1:13–15. Negotiating a land deal

Judges 4:4–5. Deborah’s wisdom as a prophetess

Ruth 4:11. Strong women of Israel

Psalm 68:11. Women announcing good news

Proverbs 12:4. Husband’s crown

Isaiah 19:16. Weaker sex

Luke 8:2–3. Women patrons of Jesus

Romans 16:1–2. Phoebe’s help in advancing the gospel

1 Corinthians 11:3. Relationship to husband

1 Corinthians 11:8–9. Created for man

1 Corinthians 14:33–34. Paul’s instruction on women teaching

Ephesians 5:25. To be loved like the church

1 Timothy 2:11–12. Learning in silence

1 Timothy 5:11. Sexual longing

Titus 2:3–5. Instructions for older women

1 Peter 3:7. Weaker vessel

Wonders (astonishment, miracle, sign)

Extraordinary deeds of God or an apostle; has a positive sense

Genesis 18:14. Nothing is too hard for the Lord.

Exodus 3:20. Miracles performed in Egypt

Deuteronomy 28:59. Terrible plagues

Joshua 3:5. The Lord will do miracles.

Psalm 9:1. Speaking of the Lord’s wonders

Psalm 71:17. Remembering God’s miracles

Matthew 24:24. False wonders

John 4:48. Need to see miracles

Acts 2:19. Miracles in the sky

2 Corinthians 12:12. Wonders which prove apostleship

Hebrews 2:4. Words verified through wonders

Word of God (Bible, Scripture, Word)

God’s written Word which is recorded in the Christian canon

Exodus 31:18. Inscribed by God

Deuteronomy 31:9–11. Moses records portions of the law.

Isaiah 30:8. Permanent witness

Jeremiah 30:2. Recording the words of the Lord

1 Corinthians 14:37. Paul writes the commands of the Lord.

2 Timothy 3:16. Scripture inspired by God

2 Peter 3:2. Words of prophets and apostles

Word, the (Jesus, logos, message)

A spoken message or deed; in the New Testament also refers to Jesus as “the Word” of God

Deuteronomy 12:32. Obeying and maintaining the Lord’s command

Psalm 103:20. Spoken orders

Isaiah 40:8. The enduring word

Isaiah 55:11. God’s word is effective.

Jeremiah 2:31. Considering the word of the Lord

Mark 2:2. Speaking God’s word

John 1:1–2. Jesus the Word of God

Acts 6:2. Ministers of God’s word

Acts 13:26. The message of salvation

Romans 10:8. The word is near.

1 Corinthians 1:18. Message of the cross

Galatians 6:6. Learning from and sharing God’s Word

Ephesians 1:13. The message of truth

Ephesians 6:17. Word of God as a sword

Hebrews 6:5. Goodness of God’s word

Revelation 19:13. The risen Lord

Words (communication, speaking)

Oral communication spoken between one or more parties

Mark 10:24. Stunning words

John 16:29. Teaching with plain words

Acts 20:35. Remembering the words of the Lord

Romans 16:18. Flattering words

2 Corinthians 9:15. Speechless

Ephesians 6:19. Praying for the right words

1 Thessalonians 4:18. Words of comfort

1 Timothy 5:1. Avoiding harsh words

1 Peter 4:11. Speaking God’s words

1 John 3:18. Empty words

Revelation 21:5. Faithful and true words

Work (job, labor, vocation)

Exertion of physical energy or intellectual faculties in order to accomplish a given purpose, typically as a paid vocation

Exodus 1:13–14. Hard physical work

Nehemiah 5:16. Best efforts

Psalm 90:17. Seeking success in work

Proverbs 14:23. Benefit from hard work

Ecclesiastes 3:13. Work is a gift from God.

2 Corinthians 11:27. Intense work schedule

2 Thessalonians 3:10. Working and eating

2 Timothy 4:5. Devotion to work

World, the (cosmos, earth, sphere)

Biblically, a place of hostility and opposition toward God

Romans 3:19. Everything judged

Romans 4:13. Inheriting the whole world

Romans 5:12. Sin entered the world through one person.

1 Corinthians 1:21. Unable to recognize God’s wisdom

2 Corinthians 7:10. Worldly distress

Galatians 4:3. Slaves to worldly principles

Ephesians 2:12. Apart from God

Colossians 2:8. Worldly traditions

1 John 2:2. Sins of the whole world

Worldliness (corruption, flesh, material)

The quality of being caught up in worldly ways

Genesis 6:11–12. Corruption

Luke 16:8. Cleverness

1 Corinthians 1:26. Human standards

1 Corinthians 3:3. Living according to human standards

2 Corinthians 10:4. Weapons of the world

Philippians 3:19. Minds set on earthly things

Colossians 3:2. Set minds on things above.

Colossians 3:5. Put sinful ways to death.

Titus 2:12. Training against worldliness

1 Peter 2:11. Desires of the corrupt nature

Jude 19. Physical things, not spiritual things

Worm(s) (larva, maggot)

A small creeping animal typically associated with death and decay

Exodus 16:20. Manna becomes full of worms.

Deuteronomy 28:39. Worms destroy crops.

Job 25:6. Man compared to a worm

Isaiah 14:11. Consumed by maggots and worms

Isaiah 51:8. Destroyer of goods

Jonah 4:7. God’s control of a worm

Mark 9:48. Consumed by worms, but not dying

Wormwood (bitter, drink, poison)

A woody shrub noted for its intense bitterness

Deuteronomy 29:18. Bitter poison

Proverbs 5:3–4. Kiss of an adulterous woman

Jeremiah 23:15. Given by God

Lamentations 3:15. Bitter drink

Lamentations 3:19. Compared with suffering

Revelation 8:11. Star named Wormwood

Worry (anxious, panic, stressed)

The overwhelming sense of panic or anxiety caused by one’s sense of loss of control over circumstances in life

Genesis 45:20. Do not worry about possessions.

Psalm 73:12. Why are the wicked without worry?

Proverbs 1:33. Living without worry

Isaiah 28:16. Believing in God’s promise

Matthew 6:28. Worrying about needs

Matthew 6:34. Do not worry about tomorrow.

Luke 10:41. A woman’s worries

Luke 12:11. Keeping worry in perspective

Acts 20:10. Calming the worries of others

Philippians 4:6. Presenting requests to God

Worship (homage, honor, praise)

The activity and attitude of glorifying God in His presence in both heart and voice

Exodus 34:14. Commanded to worship God alone

Psalm 29:2. Worshiping God’s great name

Psalm 95:6–7. Worship our Creator.

Isaiah 19:21. Sacrificial worship

Matthew 2:2. Coming to worship baby Jesus

Matthew 15:9. Pointless worship

Luke 1:46–47. Magnifying God

John 4:23–24. Worshiping in spirit and truth

Acts 7:7. Future time of true worship

Romans 1:25. Worshiping creature rather than Creator

Ephesians 1:12. To the praise of His glory

Colossians 3:16. Singing unto God

Hebrews 10:22. Drawing near to God

Jude 25. Doxology

Revelation 4:10. Elders’ endless worship

Worth (cost, price, value)

The quality of having value intrinsically as a creation of God or benefit due to natural value

Esther 5:13. No value added

Psalm 119:72. Valuable teachings

Proverbs 31:10. A wife of strong character

Isaiah 40:23. Reduced value

Lamentations 4:2. Worth of God’s children

Matthew 6:26. Of greater worth

Mark 12:42. Worthy sacrifice, yet low worth

Worthless (cheap, inferior, valueless)

Having no real value or worth

Deuteronomy 32:21. Idols are worthless.

Psalm 127:1–2. Worthless work

Ezekiel 13:6–9. Worthless prophetic visions

Romans 1:28. Acknowledging God thought to be worthless

1 Corinthians 15:17. Situation where faith would be worthless

Ephesians 4:17. Futile thinking

Philippians 3:7. Worthless compared with Christ

Titus 3:9. Worthless words

James 1:26. Worthless religion

1 Peter 1:18. Worthless life of ancestors

Wound(s) (injuries, hurts, pain)

An injury to the body which causes damage to the tissue and requires treatment

Psalm 38:5. Untreated wounds

Psalm 147:3. God bandages our wounds.

Proverbs 27:6. Friendly fire

Isaiah 53:5. By his wounds we are healed.

Jeremiah 30:17. God promises to heal Zion’s wounds.

Luke 10:33–34. Samaritan treats a wound.

Acts 16:33. Jailer cares for prisoner’s wounds.

1 Peter 2:24. Healed by the wounds of Christ

Wrath of God (anger, justice, righteousness)

God’s holy and just anger that will be poured out against all ungodliness

John 3:36. Result of rejecting the Son

Romans 1:18. Revealed against the ungodly

Romans 2:7–8. Anger and fury toward those who refuse to believe the truth

Romans 5:9. Saved from wrath by Christ’s blood

Ephesians 5:6. Failing to obey God

Colossians 3:6. Certain sins provoke God to anger.

Revelation 14:19. Agents of God’s wrath

Wrestling (fight, games, grappling)

The sport of grappling with an opponent in an attempt to pin them down

Genesis 32:24–26. Jacob wrestles with God.

Ephesians 6:12. Wrestling with spiritual forces

Writing (letters, script, words)

The practice of recording ideas through the use of letters, symbols, or pictures

Deuteronomy 27:8. Commanded to write carefully and clearly

Joshua 8:32. Joshua records teachings.

1 Chronicles 28:19. God’s written plan

Jeremiah 8:8. Scribes who turn teachings into lies

Jeremiah 36:6. Dictation

Habakkuk 2:2. Clearly writing a vision

Luke 1:3–4. Undertaking a noble writing project

John 8:6–8. Jesus writes in the sand.

Acts 18:27. Letters of commendation

2 Corinthians 10:10. Strong letters

Galatians 6:11. Paul takes up the pen.

Revelation 1:10–11. Write on a scroll.

Wrong/Wrongdoing (error, mistake, sin)

A sinful act which offends the holiness and righteousness of God

Exodus 34:7. Continued patience of God

Leviticus 4:3. Making atonement for wrongdoing

Deuteronomy 32:4. God does no wrong.

Nehemiah 1:7. Calling out public wrongs

Proverbs 3:29. Do not plot wrongdoing.

Matthew 18:21–22. Forgiving those who do wrong

1 Corinthians 13:4–5. Love does not keep track of wrongs.

Colossians 3:25. Reciprocating wrong

Hebrews 1:9. Loving what is right, hating what is wrong

1 John 1:9. Cleansed from every wrong

1 John 5:17. Various kinds of wrongdoing