Yahweh (Adonai, God, Jehovah)
The Hebrew name for God par excellence; denotes the holy, personal, Creator and sustainer of the world
Genesis 2:4. Yahweh is the true Creator God.
Exodus 6:3. Personal God
Exodus 12:50–51. Yahweh brings Israel out of Egypt.
Exodus 33:18–19. Glory associated with God’s name
Leviticus 11:44. Yahweh’s holiness a standard for human holiness
Deuteronomy 4:24. Jealousy of Yahweh
Judges 5:11. Divine warrior
1 Samuel 2:7. The sovereign God
Psalm 8:1. Majestic name
Psalm 33:21. Trust in God’s holy name
Psalm 102:15. Glory of the Lord’s name
Isaiah 30:27. Yahweh comes to judge.
Year of Jubilee (forgiveness, homecoming, sabbatical)
Marked every fiftieth year by the release of every debt, holdings of land, and the freeing of slaves
Leviticus 25:10. Setting aside the fiftieth year
Leviticus 25:11–12. Eating spontaneous, uncultivated crop
Leviticus 25:13–14. Slaves set free
Leviticus 27:16–24. Returning property to an original owner
Numbers 36:4. Awaiting the year of jubilee
Yeast (leaven)
The leavening agent of bread; metaphorically refers to a catalyst for multiplying good or evil
Exodus 12:15. Removing yeast during Passover
Matthew 13:33. Kingdom of heaven is like yeast.
Matthew 16:6. Symbol of hypocrisy
1 Corinthians 5:6–8. Illustration using yeast
Galatians 5:9. The effects of even a small amount of yeast
Yield (deliver, give, permit)
Commonly used to refer to the transaction or transference of an object
Genesis 1:11. The earth yields crops for eating.
Genesis 4:12. Ground cursed because of the fall
Numbers 20:8. Yielding water from the rock
Deuteronomy 13:8. Not yielding to certain people
2 Chronicles 30:8. Yielding to the Lord
Hosea 10:1. Israel like a vine which yields fruit
Matthew 13:23. Someone who bears good fruit
Matthew 27:50. Yielding up his spirit
Galatians 2:5. Not yielding to false teachers
Hebrews 12:11. Yielding peace from discipline
James 3:12. Like yields like.
Revelation 22:2. Yielding various fruits
Yom Kippur (see Atonement)
Youth (adolescence, juvenile, young)
The early stages of one’s life which precede maturity or adulthood
1 Samuel 2:26. Growing and gaining favor
1 Samuel 9:2. Handsome young man
2 Kings 2:23–24. Mocking youth
2 Chronicles 13:7. Youthful inexperience
2 Chronicles 26:1. Young king
Job 32:4. Youth must wait.
Psalm 71:5. Youthful faith
Psalm 119:9. Keeping life pure from youth
Proverbs 20:29. Young men’s strength
Isaiah 9:17. Ungodly youth
Jeremiah 1:6–8. Young prophet called
1 Timothy 4:12. Do not look down on the young.
2 Timothy 2:22. Youthful lusts
1 Peter 5:5. Respecting spiritual leadership
1 John 2:13. Victory won