Auto service

If we are going to reuse the opportunity entity to store service information, we need to customize the opportunity entity form, as we have in the following example:


Please refer to the Appendix1 folder on the GitHub repository for this book, at


We will be using the following views for our auto service entity:

Default view Change to Sorting Filter condition
Open Opportunities Open Auto Services Topic Status Equals Active
Closed Opportunities Closed Auto Services Topic Status Equals Inactive
Opportunity Lookup View Auto Service Lookup View Topic Status Equals Active
Opportunity Associated View Auto Service Associated View Topic Status Equals Active
Opportunity Advanced Find View Auto Service Advanced Find View Topic

Status Equals Active


All the views will have the following fields:


Set up the following custom N:1 relationship in the auto service entity:

Primary entity Secondary entity Type of behavior Relationship name Lookup field name
Vehicle Auto Service Referential him_vehicle_opportunity_Vehicle Vehicle