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Arbiter, Petronius, Memoirs of the Present Countess of Derby, late Miss Farren, H. D. Symond, London, 1797.
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Bewick, Thomas, A Memoir of Thomas Bewick Written by Himself, ed. Iain
Bain, Oxford University Press, London, 1975.
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Bray, Thomas, The Good Fight of Faith…Exemplified in a Sermon Preached…at the Funeral of Mr John Dent, W. Hills, London, 1709.
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Burke, Edmund, A Philosophical Enquiry into the Origins of our Ideas of the Sublime and the Beautiful, London, 1757.
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Charke, Charlotte, A Narrative of the Life of Mrs Charlotte Charke, W. Reeve, London, 1755; abridged form published in Gentleman’s Magazine; edn ed. Robert Rehder, Pickering & Chatto, London, 1999; scrapbook edn incorporates 1755 text with relevant portraits, theatrical cuttings and prints, British Library shelfmark C.184.B.16.
Cibber, Colley, An Apology for the Life of Mr Colley Cibber, printed for the author, London, 1740; edn ed. R.K. Lowe, 2 vols., London, 1889.
Cleland, John, Fanny Hill. Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure, 2 vols., G. Fenton, London, 1748–9; edn Luxor Press, London, 1964.
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Colquhoun, Patrick, A Treatise on the Police of the Metropolis, C. Dilly, London, 1796; 4th edn, 1800.
The Complete Newgate Calendar see The Newgate Calendar. A Congratulatory Epistle from a Reformed Rake to John F—g Esq, upon the new Scheme of Reclaiming Prostitutes, London, 1758.
Covent-Garden: A Satire, T. Legg, London, 1756.
Dalton, James, A Genuine Narrative of all the Street Robberies…by James Dalton, J. Roberts, London, 1728, British Library shelfmark Tracts 1080.m.32.(2).
Davies, Christian (previously attributed to Daniel Defoe), The Life and Adventures of Mrs Christian Davies, commonly call’d Mother Ross, R. Montagu, London, 1740.
Defoe, Daniel, Augusta Triumphans; or, the Way to make London the Most Flourishing City in the Universe, First to establish a University…, J. Roberts, London, 1728.
Defoe, Daniel, The Conduct of Robert Walpole, T. Warner, London, 1717.
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Defoe, Daniel, Some Considerations upon Street-Walkers, with a Proposal for Lessening the Present Number of Them, A. Moore, London, c.1726.
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Derrick, Samuel, Memoirs of the Shakespeare’s Head, London, 1755.
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Drury, Robert, The Humours of Covent Garden, London, 1737.
Dunton, John, The Night-Walker; or, Evening Rambles in Search of Lewd Women, London, 1696.
Farington, Joseph (ed.), The Diary of Joseph Farington, ed. Kathryn Cave et al., Yale/New Haven, 1978–84.
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The Gentleman’s Bottle Companion, London, 1768; facsimile edn, with description as ‘a collection of 18th-century bawdy ballads’, Edinburgh, 1979.
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The London-Bawd, with her Character and Life, John Gwillim, London, 3rd edn, 1705; 4th edn, 1711. ‘Ludovicus, M.’, A Particular but Melancholy Account of the Great Hardships, Difficulties and Miseries, that those Unhappy and Much-to-be-Pitied Creatures, the Common Women of the Town, Are Plung’d into at this Juncture, London, 1752.
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Maitland, William, The History of London from its Foundation to the Present Time…New Edition Edited by John Entick, 2 vols., J. Wilkie, London, 1775.
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Muilman, Teresia Constantia, An Apology for the Conduct of Mrs Teresa Constantia Phillips, 3 vols., printed for the author, London, 1748.
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Nocturnal Revels; or, The History of King’s-place and Other Modern Nunneries by a ‘Monk’ of the Order of St Francis of Medmenham, 2 vols., M. Goadby, London, 1779.
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Pretty Doings in a Protestant Nation, being a View of the Present State of Fornication…in Great Britain by ‘Father Poussin’, J. Roberts, London, 1734, British Library shelfmark Tab.603.2.12(1).
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Priddon, Sarah (calling herself Sally Salisbury), The Effigies, Parentage…Life…of Sally Salisbury, London, 1722–3.
Priddon, Sarah (calling herself Sally Salisbury), see also The Genuine History of Mrs Sarah Prydden; see also Walker, Captain Charles.
Quennell, Peter (ed.) see Hickey, William.
Ramsay, Allan, A Letter…Concerning the Affair of Elizabeth Canning, London, 1753.
Ranger’s Impartial List of the Ladies of Pleasure in Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 1775; facsimile edn, Edinburgh, 1978.
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Salisbury, Sally see Priddon, Sarah.
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Smollett, Tobias, The Adventures of Roderick Random, J. Osborn, London, 1748; Oxford University Press edn, 1981.
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