Index by Book

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1984, 65


Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, The, 68-69

Aeneid, The, 70

Animal Farm, 30-31

Anna Karenina, 86-87

Anne of Green Gables, 146-147


Bell Jar, The, 131

Beowulf, 11

Bible, The, 156

Brave New World, 17

Brothers Karamazov, The, 24-25


Candide, 138-139

Canterbury Tales, The, 56-57

Catch-22, 40

Catcher in the Rye, The, 28

Charlotte’s Web, 136

Count of Monte Cristo, The, 125

Crime and Punishment, 38-39

Crucible, The, 83


Da Vinci Code, The, 90-91

Divine Comedy: Inferno, The, 58

Don Quixote, 36-37


Emma, 76

Ethan Frome, 84-85


Faerie Queen, The, 29

Fahrenheit 451, 152-153

Farewell to Arms, A, 50-51

Fountainhead, The, 112

Frankenstein, 62-63


Grapes of Wrath, The, 48-49

Great Expectations, 66-67

Great Gatsby, The, 78-79

Gulliver’s Travels, 64


Hamlet, 107

Handmaid’s Tale, The, 114-115

Heart of Darkness, 41

Hunchback of Notre Dame, The, 124


Iliad, The, 35

In Search of Lost Time, 18-19

Ivanov, 82


Jane Eyre, 88

Julius Caesar, 137

Jungle Book, The, 142


King Lear, 80-81


Life of Pi, 155

Little Women, 96-97

Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The, 122-123

Lolita, 110-111

Lord of the Flies, 144-145

Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The, 77


Macbeth, 16

Madame Bovary, 100

Metamorphosis, The, 104-105

Moby Dick, 8-9

Moll Flanders, 132-133

Mrs. Dalloway, 150-151

Mysteries of Udolpho, The, 94


Naked Lunch, 22


Odyssey, The, 34

Oedipus Rex, 113

Of Mice and Men, 108-109

Old Man and the Sea, The, 148

Oliver Twist, 12-13

On the Road, 54-55

Othello, 53


Paradise Lost, 120-121

Pearl, The, 47

Peter Pan, 59

Picture of Dorian Gray, The, 23

Pilgrim’s Progress, The, 98-99

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, A, 116-117

Pride and Prejudice, 32-33

Prince, The, 140-141


Raven, The, 143

Red Badge of Courage, The, 128-129

Republic, The, 42-43

Return of the Native, The, 71

Richard III, 119

Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The, 52

Robinson Crusoe, 46

Romeo and Juliet, 92-93


Scarlet Letter, The, 95

Sense and Sensibility, 72-73

Stranger, The, 19

Sun Also Rises, The, 20-21


Tarzan of the Apes, 130

Three Musketeers, The, 134-135

To Kill a Mockingbird, 26-27

To the Lighthouse, 102-103

Tom Jones, 149

Treasure Island, 60-61

Trial, The, 74-75

Tropic of Cancer, 154

Twelfth Night, 89


Ulysses, 7


Waiting for Godot, 106

Walden, 14-15

War and Peace, 10

Waste Land, The, 126-127

Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The, 118

Wuthering Heights, 44-45