
It had been nearly a year since Nichole had gone back home and said she would be back but Alice and Alfie knew in their hearts they might never see her again. Then one morning they heard Jacques on the telephone, he was talking to Nichole’s mummy and daddy. He said he would love them to come and visit. Alice heard the conversation and she told Alfie. They could not believe Nichole was coming back to stay and they both jumped for joy. Alice said, “Hip, hip, hooray. Nichole’s coming to stay.”


The day arrived and Nichole was coming back to them. Alice and Alfie could not believe it; it had been such a long time. Then the telephone rang and Jacques answered it. He said, “Never mind, another time,” It appeared that Nichole’s daddy was not well and the family had had to cancel their trip.


All afternoon Alice cried and cried and cried. Alfie did not know what to do. That evening they sat at the window staring out and thinking of all the exciting things they had done. The mice came and sat with them; the seagulls landed on the windowsill too but still Alice kept crying. Then it grew dark and the moon came down and asked Alice, “What is the matter?” She told him that Nichole could not come after all. The moon said, “Don’t be sad Alice, why not draw some happy faces,”

“How do you mean?” said Alfie.



The moon said, “Get a round glass and draw a circle around it. Now draw some hair and then a face on it.”

Alice drew a headband on hers and Alfie put a hat on his. “They look just like yourselves now,” said the moon, “You are laughing and happy. Now I want you to close your eyes and pretend these faces are you,” and so they did. “Now open your eyes.” he said. They found they were both floating with the moon in the sky and they could not believe it. The moon flew and flew and they went up into the sky and reached the magic star shining bright.


The moon called to them, “Nichole’s star is shining bright, make your wish tonight.” They made their wish and the moon told them that when you wish upon a star your wish comes true, wherever you are. The moon knew what they had wished for and he blew and he blew until they were fast asleep.

When Alice and Alfie woke up they were in Nichole’s bedroom. They fell to the floor and there they lay forever asleep with dreams of the magic windmill. The moon had made their wish come true.
