Love is reading someone’s drafts. Thank you, Matthew.
A large number of people have helped me, and I would like to thank all the online and offline friends who have read and encouraged, and been patient with my late replies, extended disappearing acts, and last-minute cancellations. The denizens of Henneth Annûn, Emyn Arnen, and the Lyst have never failed to entertain, educate, inform—and distract.
Two people should here be held accountable for the parts played in setting me on this particular career path. Pat McCormack made me watch Blake’s 7 at an impressionable age and thus must be held personally responsible for all that has followed. Andrew Moul pressed his tapes of Deep Space Nine on me, saying, “You’ll like this.” He was rather more right than perhaps any of us could have imagined.
I would like to extend grateful thanks in particular for all the kindness and encouragement I have received from the following people: M.A.E. has the rare and special skill of being able to come up with names—and the generosity to supply them on demand. Tavia Chalcraft has been enthusiastic and merciless in exactly the right quantities. Andria Laws has provided icecream and moral support beyond the call of duty. Brenda Evans has shown me new possibilities in narrative, characterization, and collaboration—and, in turn, has been most receptive to the joys of symmetry. Ina Hark coaxed me, guided me, and pushed me through my first attempts at writing—I cannot measure the debt and can only thank from the heart.
Finally, a deeply heartfelt thank you to Marco Palmieri—for having faith in someone new, for subtle ideas and shrewd editing, for never failing to make things better… and for letting me loose on Cardassia Prime.