Pipián SaucePipián Sauce

Yields 3.5 cups (830 ml)


  2 cloves garlic, unpeeled

  1 cup (127 grams) raw pepitas (pumpkin seeds)

  ½ cup (72 grams) plus 1 tablespoon (9 grams) brown unhulled sesame seeds (1 tablespoon reserved for garnish)

  12 ounces (340 grams) tomatillos, husks removed, cored, and quartered

  5–6 serrano chiles, destemmed and sliced

  1 poblano chile, fire roasted, peeled, destemmed, deseeded, and roughly chopped (see page 57)

  1 small yellow or white onion, peeled and chopped

  Approximately 2 cups (473 ml) pork or chicken stock

  ¼ cup (59 ml) vegetable oil

  Parsley sprigs

  Kosher salt to taste


  Place the garlic, pepitas, and sesame seeds in separate areas on a baking sheet and roast in a 350°F (177°C) oven for a few minutes, stirring occasionally, until the pepitas and sesame seeds barely begin to color. Remove the pepitas and sesame seeds from the pan and set aside, reserving 1 tablespoon (9 grams) sesame seeds for garnish.

  Roast garlic a few minutes longer, until a few brown spots appear. Cool and peel.

  Place the pepitas, sesame seeds, garlic, tomatillos, serranos, poblano, and onion in a blender along with pork or chicken stock. Purée, adding a little more stock or water as needed, to achieve a medium sauce consistency.

  Place the vegetable oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the puréed sauce and gently simmer, stirring often, until the foam subsides and the sauce slightly darkens, 30–45 minutes. Add additional water as needed to maintain a medium sauce consistency. Remove from heat.

  Place several parsley sprigs in the blender with some sauce. Purée and add back to the sauce (this gives it a nice color). Add salt to taste, cover, and keep warm.

Notes: Pipián Sauce is used for pork, chicken, or duck enchiladas.

It can be refrigerated for a week or frozen for up to one month.

Because of the pepitas and sesame seeds, this sauce will not be perfectly smooth. The longer it is cooked, however, the more homogenous it will become. For a smoother texture, purée the finished sauce just before serving.