Hello Reader!
I wanted to start this off by extending a massive thank you to YOU for picking up my work in the first place. I personally believe in complete and total transparency when it comes to understanding what you will face when it comes to reading, so please have a good read through of the following triggers and get yourself accustomed to the material before we settle in for the ride! This is a Dark Contemporary Urban Romance that follows Sex-Worker, Valentine and her Driver, Cain. Because of the nature of her work, there will be plenty… and I mean plenty of spice. Some more fuzzy than other bits. Here is a list of potential triggers:
Did I mention this is a book about a sex-worker? If the idea of selling your body for money or for some other form of payment, makes you uncomfortable, this is not the novel for you. Murderess of the Midnight Raven delves into the mental health awareness behind sex addiction and the negative effects that sex has on the body, mind, along with the ensuing psychosocial stressors.
There will be depictions of sex that are expressed as morally corrupt, but it only makes the character all that more real. This is something that real men and women (and all our amazing friends in between and outside) put themselves through, and it should be highlighted in raw form.
Saying this, the relationship between Cain and Valentine will hopefully demonstrate that even when you feel hopeless; like the world takes advantage of you, there is someone who will kill to keep you from harm. You are still worthy of having your story written. Things can change for the better. I like to say that, though I write Dark Romance, it is the world around them which carries the darkness and not the romance itself.
This book also features a strong, stoic male character who expresses genuine emotions. Cain cries, as all men are allowed to do.
If you or anyone you know is struggling with sex addiction, are under duress to provide these services, or just need a helping hand, please reach out to your local mental health resources. In the UK: MIND, The Samaritans, and much more are available to help, judgement free.
You’re worthy of being heard <3 Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read my story. The first of many to come!