
Chapter 24   


Anna seemed perfectly well when she sat between King Jonathan and Queen Maria at dinner. Wulfric would watch her from the corner of his eye from time to time. She was wearing a light green dress that made her eyes look even more green and her hair look more golden. He could not imagine that there was a woman more beautiful than her. He could not understand that all the men in the room was not in love with her.

He looked around the room. Men and women were sitting at two long tables, that angled the table Anna was sitting at with the king and queen. Everyone was talking merrily, drinking and eating, and he was happy, that no one seemed to be keeping as close an eye on Anna, as him.

He had no idea what had happened to her when they had been together. He had been so surprised and so happy that she wanted to sleep with him again, despite stating only yesterday that they should not sleep with each other.

But it was clear that something had happened. Something to make her sad. He had thought it obvious that he could not spill himself inside of her, and since she had not moved at the time it had seemed imperative that he removed her. If he had been able to wait another second for her to reach her climax he would have, but there had been no time for that.

Wulfric took a sip of his wine and tried to focus on what Peter Goodwin said. He liked the Lord that was one of King Jonathan’s advisors along with himself. The two of them could always talk about the country’s defense if nothing else and Wulfric supposed that that was why they had been placed beside each other. But now he found it difficult to focus on what he was saying.

He had to look up when Peter Goodwin did not say anything. He found that Peter was looking expectantly at him.

“I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” Wulfric said and looked at Anna again. Then quickly looked back at the Lord. This time he really had to hear what he said.

“I don’t think it matters what I say when Lady Harold is in the room,” Peter Goodwin said with a smirk.

Wulfric looked around hoping that no one was listening. Peter smiled and shook his head.

“They are all busy talking about themselves,” he said. “You rarely do that, however, Rosenkranz.”

Wulfric shrugged.

“I’m not that interesting a person,” he said and took a bite of his meat.

Peter Goodwin laughed a little and slapped him on the back. Wulfric almost choked on the meat.

“It’s not for you to decide whether you’re interesting or not,” he said as he leaned in conspiratorially. “It’s for others to judge.”

Wulfric had to lean back a little when he turned and looked at the Lord. Otherwise, their faces would be too close to each other for him to properly examine the man’s face.

“Are you saying, you find me interesting, Goodwin?”

Peter Goodwin laughed and leaned back.

“Not in that way, Rosenkranz. I’m happily married,” he said and cut a piece of his meat, missing how Wulfric rolled his eyes at that statement.

“I do find your fascination with Lady Harold rather interesting,” Peter Goodwin said as he was chewing his food.

“My...” Wulfric began and had to look at Anna again, then he sighed and looked at his food. “It’s completely one-sided I’m afraid,” he mumbled, unsure whether Peter Goodwin would be able to hear him over the noise of other people talking, cutlery clinging against plates and servants rushing back and forth with trays of food and carafes of wine.

Peter Goodwin had to have good ears because he said:

“It can’t be completely one-sided. I’ve seen her looking at you from time to time as well.”

His statement of course made Wulfric look at Anna again. She was engaged in conversation with Queen Maria and did not seem to notice him at all.

“Don’t look at her all the time, if you don’t want the whole court to know,” Peter Goodwin said with a smile and took a sip of his wine.

Wulfric sighed, straightened his back, and decided that he would not look at Anna the next half hour unless it was absolutely necessary. If she gave a toast for example. It would be weird if he looked the other way at that moment.

“I heard Lady Goodwin is expecting again,” he said to change the subject. The Goodwins already had five children, three boys and two girls.

“Yes, well, but that’s not that interesting,” Peter Goodwin said and waved his hand, “Or of course it is, don’t ever tell my wife I just said that, but don’t change the subject on me.”

Wulfric could not help but smile.

“If the two of you like each other, then it should be a done deal...” Peter Goodwin began.

“Have you been talking to the queen?” Wulfric said and tried to tell whether what Peter Goodwin said next would be a lie or not. Wulfric was not great at spotting when people lied, but at least he should pay attention.

“I often talk to the queen,” Peter Goodwin said. “As you might remember, she is my former sister-in-law and I care about her. You have to be more specific than that and besides I think that you are changing the subject again.”

Wulfric nodded. Clearly, the queen had not asked Peter Goodwin to encourage him.

“Never mind,” he said and now it was his turn to wave his hand. “She doesn’t want me. Lady Harold,” he clarified when Peter Goodwin looked like he would mock him with which lady he was talking about.

Peter Goodwin did not answer right away.

“So, she has refused you?” he finally asked.

“Not in so many words, no,” Wulfric said and had to use all his willpower not to look at Anna again.

“Ah, there is your mistake, Rosenkranz,” Peter Goodwin said enthusiastically. “You have to tell women what you want.”

“I think my intension have been quite clear,” Wulfric said as he thought of the times that he and Anna had been together. She knew that he was in love with her. Everyone thought they would be an obvious match. She could not have any doubts that he wanted to marry her, could she?

“But you haven’t voiced your intentions,” Peter Goodwin said.

Wulfric was about to object again when Peter Goodwin said:

“Take it from someone who has been married for... well, for half an eternity, Rosenkranz. Sometimes you have to be very specific with women regarding what you want.” He looked pointedly at him.

For a moment their eyes locked, then they both turned to gaze around as people started to leave the tables.

“Oh, I guess dinner is over,” Peter Goodwin said with a smile. “Have you been invited to the royal chambers?”

Wulfric shook his head. He had been in Anna’s room most of the day. Even if the king and queen wanted him to join them there, they would hardly have had a chance to invite him.

“Well, I’m sure you’re welcome,” Peter Goodwin said and grabbed hold of his arm as they got up. “You’ll walk with me.”

Wulfric could not see any reason why he should not and fell into step with Peter Goodwin as they walked down the hallway towards the royal chambers.

“So, you’ll propose to Lady Harold then?” Peter Goodwin said when they were alone in the hallway.

“What... I... I don’t know,” Wulfric said, stunned by his bluntness.

“If you want a lady to marry you, then you have to propose to her,” Peter Goodwin said in a know-it-all voice.

“Well, I suppose,” Wulfric said, feeling dizzy from the prospect of proposing to someone. Even though it was Anna. His throat seemed to contract at the thought of him actually uttering the words: Will you marry me?

If she refused, he knew that he would never have a chance again.