
A note about the index: The pages referenced in this index refer to the page numbers in the print edition. Clicking on a page number will take you to the ebook location that corresponds to the beginning of that page in the print edition. For a comprehensive list of locations of any word or phrase, use your reading system’s search function.

Page numbers in italics refer to maps.

AAA (Asociación de Amigos Aureliano, action group), 240, 261, 284

Acusador, El, 159

Agostini, Jorge, assassination of, 261

Agramonte, Roberto, 156, 214, 219–20, 335

Agramonte, Roberto, Jr., in meeting with FC, 325

Agrarian Reform Law, 411–12

Aguilera, Pedro, 262

Alcalde, Oscar, 165, 168, 183, 205, 218

Alemán, José Manuel, 87, 120, 137, 138

Cayo Confites expedition and, 98–99

FC’s attacks on, 93, 107

Alerta, 143, 156

Alles Soberón, Agustín, 258

Alliance for Progress, 410–11

Almeida, Juan, 183, 249, 255, 304–5, 315, 351

FC’s orders to, 368–69

Ameijeiras, Efigenio, 315

Árbenz, Jacobo, xvii

coup against, 244–45, 273

Arcos Bergnes, Gustavo, 206

Argentina, 109

Argiz Fernández, Antonia (FC’s grandmother), 1, 2

Argota, María Luisa (Angel’s first wife):

children of, 28, 29

marriage of Angel and, 23

separation of Angel and, 24, 25

Armas, Héctor de, 176, 178

Artemisa, Cuba, 108

Aspiazo, Jorge, 141

as FC’s law partner, 134–35

Aspiazo-Castro-Resende, 133–34, 140

Association of Secondary School of Students, 108

Auténtico Party, 118–19, 120, 156, 181, 241, 267, 306, 324, 335, 375

Ávila, Rafael, 102

Banes, Cuba, 123–25

Bárcena, Rafael García, 164, 165, 166, 267

Movimiento Nacional Revolucionaro, 267

Barquín López, Ramón, 283, 328, 392, 400

Barroso, Enrique, 325

baseball, FC and, 68–69, 78, 85–86

basketball, FC’s love of, 52–53, 68, 86, 89

Batista, Fulgencio, 38–39, 72, 124, 125

accused of ordering Moncada executions, 184

Céspedes Medal awarded to Trujillo by, 247

FC’s attacks on, 93

FC’s lawsuit against, 157–58, 185, 196

in flight to Santo Domingo, 399, 402

Moncada amnesty and, 248–49, 250, 254

in 1940 election, 72–73

in 1952 coup against Prío, 150–51, 153–55

in 1954 election, 248

1956 coup plot against, 283

presidency of, 154

in renewed threats against FC and rebels, 260–61

in Sergeants’ Revolt, 34–35

tanquistas plot against, 284–85

U.S. proposals for resignation of, 392

in visit to Isle of Pines prison, 227

Batista regime, 204–5

British aid to, 386–87

brutality of, 248, 261, 267, 275, 283, 284, 348, 354–55, 398, 407

censorship under, 150, 154, 156, 248, 261–62

Constitution suspended by, 154, 157

crackdown on dissidents by, 154

FC’s death at Las Coloradas reported by, 316

in indiscriminate attacks on opposition, 354

proposed civic dialogue with, 267, 269, 272, 275, 276, 283

U.S. discomfort with violence of, 348, 349

U.S. military aid to, 347, 348–49

U.S. suspension of arms shipments to, 360, 388

Batista regime, opposition to, 267–68, 272, 275, 283–84, 324, 335

by judges, 354–55

by professional and civic groups, 354–55

see also specific groups

Bayamo, attack on, 166, 168, 171, 175, 198

Bayo, Alberto, 282, 286

Bay of Pigs invasion, xvi, 398, 410, 412

Bell of Demajagua, 105–8

Benavides Santos, Enrique, 135, 138–39

Benítez, Reinaldo, 289, 315

Berle, Adolf, 347–48

Bermúdez, Carlos, 288–89

Bernardo, Brother (teacher), 61–63

Besada, Benito, 138, 139

Betancourt, Flores, 177–78

Betancourt, Rómulo, 109, 111, 113

Birán, Cuba, xxii, 24, 29, 40

Birán Castro, see Finca Manacas

Bogotá, Colombia, 108–9, 112–13

Student Conference at, 114–15

Bogotazo riots, 115–16, 117

Bohemia, 111, 147, 150, 246, 253, 260, 277, 279, 290, 325, 333, 346

amnesty petition in, 250

article on Isle of Pines prisoners in, 243

post-prison photographs of FC in, 258–59

Bolívar, Simón, xvi, xvii, 250

Boniato Prison, 202, 204

FC in, 190–92

Bonito, Luis, 262

Borbonet, Enrique, 390, 392

Bordón, Víctor, 386

Bosch, Juan, 98, 99, 103

Braddock, Daniel, 349

Brussels Pact, 109

Buch, Luis, 336

Buch, Tony, 343–44

Buehlman, Victor, 321

Bureau for the Repression of Communist Activities (BRAC), 346

Bureau of Police Investigations, 89

Burke, Arleigh, 377, 378

Bustillo, Carlos, 178

Calle, La, 260, 261–62

Camp Columbia, xxiv, 164, 166, 310, 382, 396

Cano, Panchito, 146, 147–49, 181

photographs of Moncada massacre taken by, 149–50

Cantillo, Eulogio, 392, 393

command of Cuban military assumed by, 399

FC’s correspondence with, 382–83, 390, 395–96, 397

in meeting with FC, 396

in plan to join forces with FC and arrest Batista, 396

as reneging on deal with FC, 397, 402

Capital (Marx), 221–23

Caracas, Pact of, 375–76, 380

Caracas, Venezuela, 111

Carillo, Justo, 392

Carnegie Steel, 20

Carracedo, Spain, 3, 4

Carrasco Artiles, Nelson, 390

Carrillo Hernández, Justo, 168

Carvajal Moriyón, Juan Miguel, 108

Castellanos, Baudilio, 191, 196, 200, 207

Castillo Armas, Carlos, 245

Castro, Angela, 39, 44, 48, 64

as boarder with Feliú family, 57, 58

and FC’s wedding to Mirta, 125

Castro, Augustina, 39, 65, 187

Castro, Carmen, 162, 163, 185–86

Castro, Enma, 36, 39, 41, 42, 43, 50, 100, 125, 128, 132, 144, 169, 187, 254, 255

and FC’s affair with Revuelta, 263

FC visited in prison by, 219

in Gutiérrezes’ Mexico City home, 267

and release of FC and Raúl from Prison, 257

Castro, Fidel (August 13, 1926–November 25, 2016), 170

agricultural reform program of, 384–85

anti-Batista organizing by, 158–65; see also July 26 Movement

anticommunism of, 350, 365

Batista coup and, 156, 185

Batista regime’s censorship of, 261–62

belated baptism of, 39, 58

in Boniato Prison, 190–92, 202

bravado of, 49–50, 69, 117

British aid to Batista denounced by, 386–87

in calls for armed resistance to Batista, 157, 164, 185

Cayo Confites lessons taken to heart by, 104

charisma of, xx, 77, 114, 162, 192, 213, 274, 292, 318

Cienfuegos arrest and trial of, 136–39

Cienfuegos student strike and, 135

civil liberties espoused by, xvi–xvii, 92, 137–38, 155, 157–58, 208, 210–11, 327, 350–51

contradictory personality of, xx, 83–84, 121

in conversion to communism, 344–45

Cuban missile crisis and, 412–13

in departure for Mexico, 262–63

on educational reform, 47

in escape to Sierra Maestra, 314–15

expeditionary force and, see July 26 Movement expedition

first cases of, 134

as forced into Soviet alliance by U.S. machinations, 412, 413, 414

global self-determinism and social justice as goals of, 100, 105

in Havana, 73–74

improbable survival of, xix–xx

intellectual curiosity of, 50, 216–17, 225

in Isle of Pines prison, see Isle of Pines prison, Castro in

joining civil-military junta rejected, 392–93, 396

Kant studied by, 225–27

law degree of, xviii, 133

law office of, 133–34, 140

lawsuit against Batista filed by, 157–58, 185, 196

leadership skills of, 70, 114, 116–17, 121, 364

legal acumen of, 210

liberal constitutionalist platform of, 208–9, 211

liberal nationalist agenda of, xvi, xvii

Liberation Junta denounced by, 336–37

marriage of Mirta and, see Díaz-Balart, Mirta

Marx studied by, 221–23, 230–32

Mexican exile of, see Mexico, Castro in

micromanaging by, 363, 384

in Moncada Barracks attack, see Moncada Barracks attack

in Moncada trial, see Moncada trial

mood swings of, 363, 364

need for further public consciousness raising accepted by, 328–29, 330

need for secrecy understood by, 165

in negotiations for release of enemy captives, 381

1959 U.S. trip of, 408–9

in Ortodoxo Party, see Ortodoxo Party

outsider feelings of, xviii–xix, 53–54

in overtures to army commanders, 352–54

and País’s murder, 331

País’s suggestion of second exile rejected by, 317

Parque Céspedes speech of, 400–404

peasants warned of coming fighting by, 365–66

and Pedro Emilio Castro’s election campaign, 73

photographic memory of, 66–67, 77, 209–10, 364, 368

popular embrace of, 257

in post-Moncada flight and capture, 182–83

in post-Moncada press interview, 190

post-Revolution reconciliation and rule of law promised by, 403–4

prison-release press conference of, 256–57

pro bono wage case taken by, 160–61

public relations campaign of, 365

Ramírez in peace negotiations with, 349–50

reconciliation with Llano urged by, 339–40

in release from prison, 255–56

Revuelta and, see Revuelta, Naty

Rodríguez murder case and, 155–56

self-aggrandizement of, xix, xx

self-confidence of, 49, 80–81, 117, 209–10, 274, 317

in Sierra Maestra, see Sierra Maestra rebels

Sierra Maestra Manifesto issued by, 327–28

social rights championed by, 208, 210–11, 222, 230

on Soviet imperialism, 345

“To the People of Cienfuegos” broadside of, 137–38

U.S. attention to activities of, 345–47

U.S. loans sought by, 411

U.S. public enthusiasm for, 409–10

Castro, Fidel, childhood and adolescence of:

appearance of, 76

appendicitis of, 65

athletic ability of, 50, 68–69, 76, 78, 80

baccalaureate entrance passed by, 71

baseball and, 68–69, 78

basketball as love of, 52–53

birth of, 29–30, 39, 40

as boarder with Feliú family, 59–60

as boarder with Mazorra family, 64, 65

Brother Bernardo and, 61–63

bullies and liars hated by, 50, 68

at Colegio de Belén, 73–74, 80–81

at Colegio de Dolores, 52–53, 63–64

at Colegio de La Salle, 59–63

curiosity of, 49, 64, 65, 216–17

emotional insecurity of, 53–54

at Finca Manacas, xvii–xviii, 27–28, 45, 48–51

in friendships with children of laborers and peasants, xviii, 32

horsemanship of, 27

nature as love of, 28–29, 69, 72, 80

primary schooling of, 46, 48

regular recess detentions of, 70

religious ritual disdained by, 79–80

school prizes won by, 82–83

shyness of, 77–78

Castro, Fidel, college years of:

accused of Manolo Castro murder, 110–11

arrests of, 96–97

athletics as first focus of, 85–86, 89, 90

Birán stays of, 123, 128–30

at Bogotá Student Conference, 114–16

in Bogotazo riots, 115–16, 117

in Cayo Confites expedition, 99–100, 103

Colón cemetery speech of, 91–93, 94, 95

death threats against, 118, 122

Demajagua Bell affair and, 106–8

in Gómez shooting, 93–95

as Havana University law student, 85–86, 96

as indifferent student, 90

plans to study in U.S. abandoned by, 127

in renewed determination to finish law school, 128, 132–33

student politics taken up by, 86, 90–91

30 September rally speech of, 118, 122, 128

in trip to Bogotá conference, 111–12

Castro, Fidel Ángel “Fidelito” (FC’s son), xx, 132, 192, 238

custody battle over, 251

FC visited in prison by, 219, 259

Castro, Juanita, 26, 39, 54, 100, 123, 125, 128, 132, 187, 298

in aftermath of Moncada attack, 188–89

on Gutiérrezes’ support of FC, 266–67

and release of FC and Raúl from prison, 255, 256, 257

Castro, Lidia, 24, 156, 251, 254, 263

false accusations against, 262

FC visited in prison by, 219

in Gutiérrezes’ Mexico City home, 267

Castro, Manolo, 91, 94, 95

Cayo Confites expedition and, 99

elected FEU president, 96

murder of, 110–11

Castro, Manuel (grandfather), 1–2, 5

Castro, Martín, 25

Castro, Pedro Emilio, in 1940 election, 72, 73

Castro, Ramón, 39, 48, 63, 65

as boarder with Feliú family, 55, 58, 59

and FC’s wedding to Mirta, 125

Castro, Raúl, 39, 54, 63, 125, 197, 351, 387, 396

Angel’s last letter to, 297–98

arrest of, 289

as boarder with Felix family, 59

capture of U.S. marines by, 377–78

as communist, 131–32, 344

in escape to Sierra Maestra, 314–15

executions overseen by, 407

false accusations against, 262

FC’s growing closeness to, 131

at Havana University, 130–31

in Isle of Pines prison, 253

in Mexico, 266, 268, 273

in Moncada attack, 171, 178–79, 180, 188

in Moncada trial, 197, 202, 205

police-sanctioned beating of, 169–70

post-Moncada arrest and imprisonment of, 181–82, 189

in release from prison, 255

Sierra Cristal forces commanded by, 358–59, 361

transferred to FC’s prison cell, 239

at Vienna student congress, 169

Castro Argiz, Ángel (FC’s father), 132, 144

in aftermath of Moncada attack, 187–88

anticommunism of, 38–39

arrival in Cuba of, 5

Castro boys withdrawn from La Salle by, 63

character and reputation of, 25–26, 36, 42–43

childhood of, 1–2

as cockfighting aficionado, 37–38

in Daiquirí, 20–21

death of, 298

diseases contracted by, 7

El Progreso inn bought by, 22–23

as father, 42

and FC’s education, 54, 57–58, 59, 63, 83

FC’s help in restoring Finca Manacas title to, 139–40

and FC’s joining of Cayo Confites expedition, 100

and FC’s law school graduation, 133

FC’s political activities disapproved by, 169

and FC’s promise to finish college, 123

in Havana, 14, 16, 18

illiteracy of, 3

labor contracting business of, 22

last letter to Raúl from, 297–98

in Madrid, 2

Manacas property bought by, 24

plantation of, see Finca Manacas

political influence of, 41

in return to Cuba, 14

in return to Láncara, 12–14

self-assurance of, 4

in Spanish army, 5–7, 11

strong work ethic of, 42–43

subcolonos and, 37

in visit to Feliú home, 57

wives of, see Argota, María Luisa; Ruz González, Lina

Casuso, Teresa, 291–92, 296

Cayo Confites expedition, 98–104, 105

Cuban Navy’s interception of, 103

lessons of, 104

as poorly kept secret, 101, 104

U.S. response to, 103–4

Céspedes, Carlos Manuel de, 34, 105, 106, 203, 315

Chalco, Mexico, expeditionary force training camp at, 282–83, 289–90

Chanes, Mario, 183

Chaumont, Andrés Pérez, 201, 207

Chaviano, Alberto del Río, 148–49, 166, 181, 199, 343

appointed Oriente Province commander, 260

FC interrogated by, 190

FC’s joining of civil-military junta proposed by, 392–93, 396

FC’s rebuke of lying by, 260

mendacious report on Moncada attack by, 194, 202, 260, 346

rumors of pending Moncada attack dismissed by, 170

Chibás, Eduardo, 120, 122, 137, 220, 272, 290, 396

FC and, 140–41

Sierra Maestra Manifesto issued by, 327–28

suicide of, 143

Chibás, Raúl, 268, 325

Chicago Tribune, 365

Chinea, Aquiles, 353–54

Chomón, Faure, 279, 306, 335

CIA, stopping FC as goal of, 391–92

Cienfuegos, Camilo, 315, 400

in advance into central Cuba, 385–86

FC’s orders to, 367–68

Cienfuegos, Cuba, student strike at, xxi, 135–36

Civic Resistance, 294, 336, 356

Civil Order No. 62, 19

Civil War in France, The (Marx), 231–32

Clark, William Jared, 18, 22

CMKC radio station, 260

CMKR radio station, 190

CMQ radio station, 108, 120

cockfighting, 37–38

Cold War, xvii, 109, 245

Cuba as pawn in, 346, 360

Colegio de Belén, 73–76

Colegio de Dolores, 52–55, 59

Colegio de La Salle, 59–60

Colón Cemetery, 92

Column 4:

Guevara as commander of, 332

in raid on Bueyeito garrison, 333

Commission on Cuban Affairs, U.S., 46, 79, 127, 151–52


FC’s conversion to, 344–45

of Guevara, 344, 350

of Raúl Castro, 344

Communist Manifesto, The (Marx and Engels), 232

Communist Party, Cuban (PSP), xvi, 131, 250, 324

FC’s Mexican meetings with, 295–96

general strike opposed by, 356

Congress, Cuban, amnesty bill passed by, 254

Constitution, Cuban (1901), Platt Amendment and, 15

Constitution, Cuban (1940), 72, 79, 138, 155, 196, 205, 208–9, 211, 385, 394

Batista’s suspension of, 154, 157

Conte Agüero, Luis, 219, 242, 250, 257, 268

FC’s prison letters to, 239–40, 243, 246–47, 253

Contramaestre, 69

Corcho, Rigoberto, 178

Corinthia (ship), 322

Correspondencia Militar, La, 13

Corzo, Pablo, 366

Cossío del Pino, Alejo, 105, 106

Court of Auditors, 155

Crespo, Abelardo, 206, 207

Crisol, El, 255

Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 225–27

Cronin, A. J., 221, 228

Cuba, Republic of, xxi, 15

corruption in, 151, 153

disease in, 152–53

educational reforms in, 79

former Spanish soldiers in, 18

founding of, xvii

gang warfare in, 87–89, 93–95, 97, 98

Grau-Guiteras regime in, 34–35, 72

labor shortages in, 17–18

literacy rate of, 46, 47

malnutrition in, 153

as pawn in Cold War, 346, 360

political corruption in, xvii, 33, 41–42

public education in, 46–47, 55–56, 152

Sergeants’ Revolt in, 34

sugar economy of, see sugarcane industry, Cuban

Truslow Report on, 151–52

unemployed Haitians expelled by, 58–59

U.S. immigrants in, 14–15

U.S. investments in, 15, 16, 19–20, 21–22

U.S. occupation of, 13, 14, 19

Cuba, Republic of, revolutionary government of:

Agrarian Reform Law of, 411–12

economic problems of, 408–9, 411

executions by, 407–8

sabotage and terrorist attacks against, 408

Soviet aid to, 411–12

Cuba Libre movement, xvii, 10, 17, 87, 122, 203, 210, 221, 270, 382

FC’s dedication to, xvi, xix

Cuban Army:

expedition landing anticipated by, 307–8

murder of civilians by, 320, 366–67, 379, 382

Plan Fin-de-Fidel of, see Plan Fin-de-Fidel

Sierra Maestra avoided by, 332–33, 351, 356

Sierra Maestra scorched-earth campaign of, 335

see also specific units

Cuban Confederation of  Workers, general strike opposed by, 356

Cuban Liberation Junta:

FC’s denunciation of, 336–37

limiting FC’s post-Batista role as goal of, 335, 340, 381, 394–95

Miami Pact of, 335–36, 339

Cuban missile crisis, 412

Cuban Revolution:

expanding role of peasants in, 329–30, 342

as FC’s one true love, 236

FC’s self-identification with, xix, xx

Revuelta’s dedication to, 216

Cuban-U.S. relations, 245, 330–31

arms shipments to Batista suspended in, 360, 377, 378, 388

Cuban subservience in, xvii, 15–16, 32, 398–99

in Cuban War of Independence, 8–9

FC’s activities followed by, 345–47

and growing discomfort with Batista’s violent regime, 348, 349

history of, xvi–xvii

military aid to Batista regime by, 347, 348–49, 359–60

Platt Amendment and, 15, 32, 34, 35

revolutionary government and, xvii, 406, 408

sidelining FC as goal of, 347–48, 381, 391, 395, 397

Teller Amendment and, 10, 11–12, 15

see also State Department, U.S.

Cuban War of Independence, 5, 8–9, 105, 210, 384, 385

U.S. and, 8–9

Daiquirí, Cuba, xxii, 20–21

Dance of Millions, 25

Danger, Emiliana, 64–65, 66

Darío, Rubén, 225

de la Cruz, Juan, 49–50

de la Torriente, Cosme, 267, 272

del Conde, Antonio “El Cuate”:

Batista regime’s bounty on, 302

and FC’s departure from Mexico, 303–4

FC’s first meeting with, 264–65

Granma purchased by, 300–301

in search for suitable expedition boat, 299–301

and training of expeditionary force, 281–82

Depression, Great, xviii, 36, 139

Descartes, René, 225, 226

Dewey, Thomas, 127–28

Diario de Cuba, 147

Diario de la Marina, 228

Diario Nacional, 253

Díaz, Julito, 287, 288

Díaz-Balart, Frank, 110, 123, 124, 132

Díaz-Balart, Mirta (FC’s first wife), xx, 247

in aftermath of Moncada attack, 189

Batista government sinecure of, 245–46

and birth of Fidelito, 132

courtship of FC and, 128–29

FC’s divorce from, 246, 251

FC’s epistolary affair with Revuelta discovered by, 236–37

FC’s prison letters to, 192, 238

FC visited in prison by, 219

growing distance between FC and, 144–45

honeymoon of, 125

Movement activities of, 238, 240, 242

wedding of FC and, 123, 124–25

Díaz-Balart, Rafael, 94, 95, 97, 123, 124, 132, 254

in Batista government, 245–46

FC’s friendship with, 126, 128, 129

Díaz-Balart, Rafael José, 124

Díaz-Balart family, 123–24

enmity toward FC of, 251

Díaz Olivera, Ricardo, 192

Díaz Tamayo, Martín, 184

Discourses on Inequality (Rousseau), 232

Dominican Republic, 110

Cayo Confites expedition against, 98–104

Dominican Republican Party, 98

Doña Bárbara (Gallegos), 228

Don Quixote (Cervantes), 271

Dubois, Jules, 365, 407–8

Dulles, Allen, 346, 391, 398, 406–7

Dulles, John Foster, 347, 359, 391–92

Dumois, Hipólito, 21

Echeverría, José Antonio, 253, 257, 267, 268, 275, 279

in aborted Havana attack, 305–6

FC’s Mexican meetings with, 294–95, 298, 299

Matthews’s interview with, 319

18th Battalion, Cuban, 367–68, 370

entrapment of, 372–73

in Jigüe battle, 373–75

in La Plata campaign, 365

Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon, The (Marx), 230–31

Einstein, Albert, 225, 226

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 391–92, 397–98, 406, 412

elections, Cuban:

of 1940, 72–73

of 1944, 87

of 1948, 120

of 1954, 248

of 1958, 389

elections, U.S., of 1948, 127–28

11th Battalion, Cuban, 372

in Santo Domingo battle, 376

El Hombrio valley:

Column 4 base camp in, 334–35

rebels’ ambush of army in, 333

Ellis, R. B., 377

El Príncipe prison, Havana, 324

El Uvero, 313, 362, 373

rebels’ attack on, 322–23

Escalona, Victor, 175

Escuela Rural Mixta No. 15 (Finca Manacas schoolhouse), 45–46, 48, 54, 56

Espín, Vilma, 262, 331

Estrada Palma, Tomás, 10

Excelsior, 290, 291

Fantasma (ship), 102, 103

Federación Estudiantil Universitaria, see FEU

Federal Police, Mexican, 287

Feliú, Eufrasia, 48, 54, 56, 58

Feliú, Néstor, 55

Feliú de Hibbert, Belén, 54, 55, 57, 58

Feliú family:

Angel Castro’s payments to, 56

Castro children as boarders with, 54–60

Fernández, Conchita, 327

Fernández, Eufemio, 107

Fernández, Julio César, 35

Fernández, Orlando, 212, 214

Fernández, René, 69–70

FEU, 88, 89, 91, 95, 106, 135, 155, 256, 267

amnesty campaign and, 249

Manolo Castro elected president of, 96

Ovares elected president of, 97–98

Fidalgo, José Manuel, 266

Figueres, José, 356

Figueroa, María Antonia, 262, 294

Finca Manacas (Castro family home), xvii–xviii, 24, 27–28, 123, 139–40, 187

agricultural diversity at, 30–31, 36–37

cleanliness of, 30, 32

cockfighting at, 37–38

daily life at, 40–41

entertaining at, 45

Haitian workers at, 31–32

self-sufficiency of, 30–31, 37

Fleitas, Gildo, 170, 171–72

Four Giants of the Human Soul, The (Mira y López), 223–24

Franqui, Carlos, 65, 91, 155, 296, 310, 324, 393, 394

Fuentes, Justo, 119

Gadea, Hilda, 273–74

Gaitán, Jorge Eliécer, 115

Gallegos, Rómulo, 228

García, Armando, 338

García, Calixto, 11–12

García, Guillermo, 368–69

García Bárcena, Rafael, 267, 328

García Díaz, Andrés:

attempted murder of, 198–99

Moncada trial testimony of, 198–99

Garvey, Michael, 321

Genovevo Pérez Dámera, General, 101, 102

Goicuría Barracks, Havana, attack on, 284

Gómez, Leonel, shooting of, 93–95

Gómez, Máximo, 6, 8–9, 15, 283

Gómez García, Raúl, 161, 178

Gonzáles, Pancho, 183, 288, 315

González, Isidoro, 266

González, María Antonia, 268, 286, 289

FC supported in Mexico by, 266, 268, 273

Gordon, Barbara, 128–29, 130

Granado, Gerardo, 178

Granma (boat), 300–303

del Condes purchase and repair of, 300–301, 302

FC’s return to Cuba aboard, 304–9

Grau, Ramón, 34, 35, 248

Grau presidency (1944–48), 89

Cayo Confites expedition and, 98–99, 101–2, 105

corruption in, 120

FC’s attacks on, 93, 95, 107

gang warfare encouraged by, 87, 118

Orfila Massacre and, 102, 105

self-interest and corruption in, 87

Great Britain, Batista regime aided by, 386–87

Great Depression, xviii, 36, 139

Gualberto Gómez, Juan, 33

Guanajay, Cuba, 158, 159

Guantánamo Bay:

Cuba Air Force refueling at, 377, 378

1895 U.S. landing at, 10–11

U.S. Marines at, 377, 387

U.S. Navy lease of, 15, 110

Guaro, Cuba, 22–23

Guatemala, anti-Arbenz coup in, 244–45, 273

Guevara, Alfredo, 117, 122

at Bogotá Student Conference, 114, 115, 116

Demajagua Bell affair and, 106–7

FC’s friendship with, 89–90

on FC’s natural leadership skills, 114

Guevara, Ernesto “Che,” 245, 305, 316, 399, 400

in advance into central Cuba, 385–86

arrest of, 290

Chalco training camps established by, 282–83

as Column 4 commander, see Column 4

communism of, 344, 350

on early days in Sierra Maestra, 321

in escape to Sierra Maestra, 314–15

in expeditionary force training, 282–83

FC rejoined in La Plata by, 369–70

FC’s complementary relationship with, 274

FC’s first meetings with, 273–74

FC’s letters to, 349, 393

on Las Coloradas landing, 314

Llano’s clashes with, 338–39

rebels’ resentment of, 283, 286

Santa Clara captured by, 396–97

self-confidence of, 274

in shared command with Revolutionary Directory, 393

on use of execution and punishment, 334

Guisa, Cuba, 313, 390

Guitart, Renato, 165, 168, 169, 170, 177

Guiteras, Antonio, 34, 35

Gutiérrez, Alfonso “Fofó,” FC supported in Mexico by, 266–67

Gutiérrez Barrios, Fernando, 287, 288, 289–90

Gutiérrez Planes, José, 165


at Finca Manacas, 31–32

unemployed, expulsion from Cuba of, 58–59

Hart, Armando, 262, 273, 285, 296, 320, 324, 338, 339

arrest of, 343–44

in clashes with Sierra leadership, 338

Liberation Junta opposed by, 336

Llano and, 326, 327

Havana, Cuba, xxiv, 14, 18, 74

FC’s adolescence in, 73–74

gang warfare in, 102

October, 1955, opposition rally in, 275–76

post-independence prosperity in, 16

Havana, University of, 85–86, 212–13

commemoration of murdered medical students at, 86, 87, 91–93

gang warfare at, 88–89, 93–95, 97, 98, 118–19

outsized political influence of, 88

Havana Convention (1928), 98

Heraldo, El, 159

Hermida, Ramón, 246

Hernández, Emilio, 182

Hernández, Melba, 162, 172, 180, 184, 262

as FC’s Movement lieutenant, 234–36, 238, 239, 240–42, 270, 272, 277, 284–85

FC’s note to Moncada judges delivered by, 200

in Moncada attack, 170, 178

Moncada sentence of, 205

release from prison of, 234

in trip to Mexico, 235, 240

Herter, Christian, 392, 409

Hibbert, Louis, 39, 58, 59

“History Will Absolve Me” (Castro), 206, 223, 235, 236, 246, 294, 384

publication of, 247–48, 250

smuggled out of prison, 242

Ho Chi Minh, xvii

Holguín, Cuba, 98, 99, 101

Ibarra, Laureano, 331

Isle of Pines prison:

Batista’s visit to, 227

Bohemia article on, 243

classes at, 217–18

daily routine at, 217

prisoner government at, 218

prisoners’ library at, 217, 220

release of Moncada rebels from, 255

Isle of Pines prison, Castro in, 215–18

end of solitary confinement of, 239

family visits with, 219

as focus of Bohemia article, 243

prisoners’ classes overseen by, 218

reading program of, xiii–xiv, 220–24, 225–27, 228, 230–33

rebuilding Movement as focus of, 219, 234–36, 238–42

solitary confinement of, 227

J’Accuse! (Zola), 138

Janney, Samuel, 10

Jean-Christophe (Rolland), 220–21

Jigüe, Battle of, 362, 373–75, 382

Jiménez, Eva, 156

July 26 Movement, 164, 214, 266, 277, 283–84, 290

defeat of, as U.S. goal, 347–48

expanding influence of, 340

in failed general strike, 355–57, 401

FC named commander in chief and secretary general of, 357

FC’s concern for rebuilding of, 219, 234–36, 238–42

FC’s Mexican letters to, 269–70

fundraising by, 165–66, 276–77

growing popularity of, 276

growing split between Sierra and Llano leadership in, 333–34, 337–38

meeting between Sierra and Llano leadership in, 317

Mier and, 159

Mirta in, 238

National Executive of, 394

new general strike called by, 399–400

1958 election and, 389

organization of, 262

in Pact of Caracas, 375–76

País and, 285, 299, 326

peace terms offered by, 350

platform of, 270, 271, 278, 318

precise programs lacked by, 327

provisional government role announced by, 394–95

Revolutionary Directory and, 294–95, 299, 306, 324, 386, 393

rival opposition groups and, 272–73, 280

size of, 401

tanquistas and, 284–85

urban underground of, see Llano

July 26 Movement expedition:

Cuban military’s ambush of, 314

in departure from Mexico, 303–4

in Granma voyage, 304–8

in Las Coloradas landing, 308–9, 310, 314

Juventud Rebelde, 100

Kant, Immanuel, 225–27

Kennedy, John F., 410, 411

Cuban missile crisis and, 412–13

Keys of the Kingdom (Cronin), 221

Khrushchev, Nikita, Cuban missile crisis and, 412–13

King, J. C., 391, 392

Kirkpatrick, Lyman, 347

Láncara, Spain, 1, 12–14

La Plata, Battle of, 316, 341

La Plata River valley, 362

FC’s command post in, 332, 358, 364, 367

Las Coloradas, 313

Cuba, rebels landing at, 308–9, 310, 314

Las Mercedes, 362

Battle of, 382

Las Villas Province:

1958 election in, 389

rebels in, 386

Latin America:

economic problems of, 411

growing hostility toward U.S. in, 379

Latin American Student Association, 110

Leiro, Humberto Ruiz, 96

Lenin, V. I., 232

Lesnik, Max, 268

FC and, 120

and FC’s 121–22

on FC’s alliance with Soviets, 413

on FC’s campaigning skill, 142–44

on FC’s character, 121

Liberated Territory of Cuba, 350, 358

criminal and civil code of, 380, 386

expansion of, 395

FC as chief executive of, 389

FC’s micromanagement of, 384

Liberating Action, 168

Llano (urban wing of Movement), 327

failed general strike as disaster for, 357

FC’s desire for reconciliation with, 339–40

FC’s tension with, 326

growing split between Sierra rebels and, 337–38

Guevara’s clashes with, 338–39

in meeting with Sierra rebels, 317

País as leader of, 325–26

revolutionary activities of, 326–27

Llorente, Amando, FC and, 80–81

Lockwood, Lee, 344–45

Look, 394

López, Ñico, 285

Louis Napoleon, emperor of France, 231

Maceo, Antonio, 203

Maceo (ship), 102–3

Machado, Ángel, 190

Machado, Gerardo, 210

dictatorial regime of, 55–56, 58

FC’s attacks on, 93

McKinley, William, 9

Madrid, Spain, 2–3

Maestre, Armando, 183

Maine, USS, explosion of, 9

Mal Tiempo, Battle of (1895), 7

Malvinas (Falkland Islands), 110

“Manifesto of Montecristi” (Martí), 204

“Manifesto to the Cuban People from Fidel Castro and the Combatants” (Castro), 256

Manuel Márquez, Juan, 289, 309

Manzanillo, Cuba, 105–6, 313

“Marcha de 227, 312

Marinello, Juan, 206

Marines, U.S.:

at Guantánamo Bay naval base, 387

Raúl Castro’s capture of, 377–78

Marín, Federico, 96

Márquez, Juan Manuel, 261

Marrero, Pedro, 177–78

murder of, 180

Marshall, George, 113

Marshall Plan, 113

Martí, José, 5, 99, 203, 248, 346, 413

Martínez, Orlando, 228–29

Martínez, Raúl, 176, 235

Martínez Ararás, Raúl, 165

Marx, Karl, 230–32

Masferrer, Rolando, 91, 156, 351

Cayo Confites expedition and, 102, 104

FC’s attacks on, 110–11

Matanzas Province, xxi, 80

Matthews, Herbert:

Echeverría interviewed by, 319

FC interviewed by, 317–19

Maugham, Somerset, 228

Mayarí, Cuba, xxii, 21, 24

Mazorra, Martín and Carmen, 65

Medellín, Colombia, 112

Medina brothers, 314, 372, 374

Medrano, “Kid,” 270

Mejías del Castillo, Ramón “Pichirilo,” 103

Mejías Valdivieso, Juan Francisco, 192

Mella, Julio Antonio, 88

Mendieta, Carlos, 34

Mendieta Hechavarría, Francisco, 195–96, 207

Meneses, Enrique, 350

Menoyo, Eloy Gutiérrez, 386

Mexico, Castro in, 264–75

in call for Ortodoxo Party to join armed insurrection, 272

Che Guevara and, see Guevara, Ernesto “Che”

communist connection denied by, 290

courier network in, 268

del Conde and, see del Conde, Antonio

and discontent at rebel camps, 286

in expedition’s return to Cuba, 303–9

Federal Police arrest of and imprisonment of, 287–93

in fundraising trip to U.S., 277

Granma chosen for return to Cuba, 301–2

low profile maintained by, 268

manifestos issued by, 270–71

María González and, see González, María Antonia

in meetings with opposition leaders, 293–94

and recruiting and training of expeditionary force, 280–83

rules for safe houses promulgated by, 280–81

SIM surveillance of, 269

U.S. surveillance of, 346–47

Miami, Fla., FC’s visit to, 125–26

Miami Herald, 279

Miami Pact, 339, 395

Mier, Rosa, 163, 185–86

background of, 158

FC’s friendship with, 158–60

on FC’s personality, 159

Mill, John Stuart, 222–23

Mira y López, Emilio, 252

Miret, Pedro, 179, 218, 369, 371

Miró Cardona, José, 380–81, 408

MNR (Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario), 267

Moncada Barracks attack, 146–50, 174

amnesty campaign for, 248–49, 253

Carnival as cover for, 147, 171

Chaviano and, 170, 181

Civil Hospital occupied in, 178–80

defections from, 175

FC in, 177–79

FC in planning of, 172–73, 175

FC named as leader of, 149

massacre of captured rebels in, 179–80, 189, 198–99

Palace of Justice occupied in, 180

Villa Blanca as staging area for, 172, 182

Moncada Manifesto, 171

Moncada trial, 206

Castellanos in, 200, 203–4

Chaviano’s report read in, 194

defense in, 196

FC permitted to act as own defense counsel in, 207–8

FC’s note to judges in, 200–201

FC’s response to charges in, 195–96

FC’s sentence in, 207

FC’s speeches in, 207–8, 211

and FC’s supposed illness, 199–200

García Díaz’s testimony in, 198–99

Mendieta’s closing arguments in, 202–3

Mendieta’s questioning of FC in, 195–96

Nieto as presiding judge in, 194, 196, 200, 202

Raúl Castro in, 202

Montané, Jesús, 165, 249, 262, 297

Montané-Bosque committee, 253

Montano, Eduardo, 183

Montejo, César, 105

Montesquieu, xvi

Montreal Pact, 167

Mora, Alberto, 335

Morán, Lucas, 345

Movement, the, see July 26 Movement

MSR (Movimiento Socialista Revolucionario), 96, 102

Cayo Confites expedition and, 100

FC’s brief membership in, 119

in Gómez shooting, 93–95

UIR’s rivalry with, 91, 102

Mujeres Martíanas, 275–76

Muñoz, Mario, 172, 178

murder of, 181

Nasser, Gamal Abdel, xvii

National Directorate of Civilian Resistance, 326–27

National Police, FC arrested by, 96–97

National Police Academy, 89

National Security Council, 397–98

New Deal, xiii

New York, N.Y.:

FC and Mirta’s stay in, 126–27

FC’s fundraising in, 277–78

New York Herald, 8

New York Journal, 9

New York Times, 410

Matthews’s Castro articles published in, 318–19

Nicaragua, 109

Nieto Piñeiro-Osorio, Adolfo, 192, 194, 196, 199, 201, 202

Ninth International Conference of American Studies (Bogotá), 113

U.S. agenda at, 113–14

Nipe Bay, xxii, 21, 29

Nipe-Sagua-Baracoa massif, 20

Nixon, Richard, 379

on FC’s character, 409

Noa, Carmelo, 177–78

Norweb, Henry, 101

Nuevo, Alberto, 160

Nuñez, Pastorita, 163

Ocaña, Ernesto, 148

Ochoa, Emilio, 157, 219

in Montreal Pact, 167

Opposition Front, 72

Orfila Massacre, 105

Organization of American States, 113, 411

Oriente Province, xxii, 18, 313

agriculture and mineral diversity of, 20

Batista regime’s reprisal campaign in, 320

battle for, 395

dispossession of small farmers in, 21–22

1958 election in, 389

polio epidemic in, 56

sugarcane industry in, 21–22

support for revolution in, 320

symbolic and cultural importance of, 166–67

U.S. land ownership in, 19–20

Oriente Provincial Assembly, 140

Oriente Radio Network, 239

Ortodoxo Party, 136–37, 335

armed insurrection endorsed by, 272–73

and Chibás’s suicide, 143

civil resistance against Batista favored by, 157

FC in 1951 delegate election of, 141–42

FC’s membership in, 140–41

FC’s opposition to alliances with other parties, 141

FC’s post-Moncada renewal of ties to, 239–40

and opposition to Batista, 267, 272

post-Moncada arrests of, 181

Ovares, Enrique, 97, 110

at Bogotá Student Conference, 115, 116

elected FEU president, 97–98

on FC’s college years, 91

Pacto de las Pandillas (Pact of the Gangs), 122, 128

País, Frank, 267, 279, 316, 324

assassination of, 381

FC’s letters to, 328–31

FC’s Mexican meetings with, 298–99

FC’s relationship with, 328

FC urged to return to exile by, 317

July 26 Movement joined by, 299

as leader of Llano, 325–26

as leader of Oriente rebels, 298–99

Movement leadership streamlined by, 326

and Movement’s lack of precise program, 327

need for further organizing and consciousness-raising emphasized by, 330

Péréz’s meeting with, 316

in Santiago de Cuba attack, 305–6, 309–10

support-building efforts of, 326

Palace of Justice, Santiago de Cuba, 173, 174, 180, 192

Palma Mocha River, 367–68, 370

Palm Gardens, New York City, FC’s fundraising address at, 277–78

Panama, FC’s 1948 visit to, 113

Panama Canal Zone, 112

Pantepec River, 304

Pardo Llada, José, 143, 235, 250

in Montreal Pact, 167

Paris Commune (1871), 232

Paris Match, 350

Patac, José María, 70

Pawley, William D., 391–92

Paz, Ramón, 369

18th Battalion’s advanced blocked by, 370–71

FC’s orders to, 371

Pazos, Felipe, 335, 348–49

Sierra Maestra Manifesto issued by, 327–28

Pazos, Javier, 343–44


army’s scorched-earth campaign against, 335

expanding role in Revolution of, 342

FC’s relationship with, 342

land ownership and, 384–85

Sierra Maestra rebels supported by, 321–22, 329, 361

Pelayo, Aida, 163

arrest of, 276

October 1955, speech of, 275–76

Pena, Félix, 310

Perdomo Ramos, Paulino, 160

Pérez Almaguer, Waldo, 184

Pérez Borroto, Manuel, 139

Pérez, Crescencio, 315, 316

Pérez, Faustino, 268, 296–97, 305, 309, 394

and failed general strike, 355–57

Liberation Junta opposed by, 336

in meetings with País, 316

Pérez, Ramón, 315

Pérez Leiva, Faustino, 135–36

Pérez Serantes, Enrique, archbishop of Santiago, 183, 198, 391, 396

Perón, Juan, 109–10

Perrand, Engracia, 47–49

Piedra y Piedra, Carlos Modesto, 399

Piña, Luis, 183

Pinar del Río Province, xxi, 80

Pinares de Mayarí, Cuba, 28

Piñeiro del Cueto, Carlos, 182

Pino, Onelio, 308

Pino, Orquídea, FC supported in Mexico by, 266–67

Pino, Rafael del, 112, 116

Pino del Agua, Cuba, 352

Pino Santos, Fidel, 74, 139–40

Angel’s friendship with, 39

Plan Fin-de-Fidel (1958 military offensive), 314

Sierra Cristal campaign of, 361

Plan Fin-de-Fidel (1958 military offensive), La Plata campaign of, 364–65

in advance on FC’s command post, 367–77

aerial and artillery bombardments in, 377

18th Battalion in, 367–68, 372–73

Jigüe battle in, 373–75

Santo Domingo battle in, 376

Platt Amendment, 32

abrogation of, 35

Poll Cabrera, Gerardo, 207

Porra, 34

Prensa, La, 291

Presna Libre, 97

Preston, Andrew, 21

Preston, Cuba, xxii, 21, 29

Prío Socarrás, Carlos, 267, 290, 350, 359

accused of leading Moncada attack, 194

Batista opposition and, 241, 267

FC’s decision to accept funding from, 296–97

FC’s Texas meeting with, 297

in Montreal Pact, 167

in Pact of Caracas with July 26 Movement, 375–76

in return to Cuba, 275

Prío Socarrás, Carlos, presidency of, 143

Chibás’s accusations against, 120

corruption in, 150

coup against, 153–55

pact between gangs and, 119

Quevedo, José, 372, 382, 396

Quevedo, Miguel, 246

Quinteto Rebelde, 358, 374

Radio Rebelde, 374

Ramírez, León (Nené), 394

Ramos Latour, René, 338, 381

Rasco, José Ignacio, 93, 123

on FC’s Colegio de Belén days, 80

Razor’s Edge, The (Maugham), 228

Reciprocity Treaty (1903), 32

Redondo, Ciro, 289, 315

Rego Rubido, José María, 397, 399

Rente, Cuba, xxiii, 60–61

Resende, Rafael, 134

Revolutionary Directory, 306, 335, 386, 393

assassination and terrorist tactics of, 328

in failed attack on Presidential Palace, 323–24

July 26 Movement and, 299, 324, 386, 393

1956 general strike opposed by, 356

in Pact of Caracas, 375–76

successful labor strike of, 279–80

Revolution of 1933, 353

Revuelta, Naty, 212–13, 238

author’s meetings with, xiv–xv

consummation of FC’s love affair with, 263

FC’s child by, 275

FC’s epistolary love affair with, 216, 252

FC’s first meeting with, 213

FC’s friendship with, 214

FC’s prison correspondence with, 47, 218, 223, 227, 233, 239, 259

house key given to FC by, 214

letter to Lina Ruz from, 215

and Mirta’s discovery of FC’s epistolary affair, 236–37

Moncada attack and, 214–15

Reyes, Nancy, 341

Rio Pact, 98

Rodríguez, Armando, 315

Rodríguez, Carlos, murder of, 161

Rodríguez, Ceferino, 352–53

Rodríguez, Horacio, 367

Rodríguez, Lester, 235, 285, 335

Rodríguez, René, 315

Rodríguez Rodríguez, Pedro Pasqual “Paquito,” 36, 216–17

on Angel’s character, 42–44

in Communist Party, 38–39

FC’s friendship with, 50

Rojas, Marta, 181, 194–95, 250

Rolland, Romain, 229

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 250

FC’s childhood letter to, 67

Roosevelt, Theodore, 15

Roque, Felix, 308

Rough Riders, 11

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 232

Rubottom, Roy, 377

Ruiz Cortines, Adolfo, 291, 293

Ruz González, Lina (FC’s mother), 132, 144

in aftermath of Moncada attack, 187–90

and Angel’s death, 298

Angel’s relationship and marriage with, 24–25

character of, 44–45

children of, 29, 44, 65

company store run by, 44

at FC’s Colegio de Beleú graduation, 82–83

and FC’s education, 57–58, 63, 83

and FC’s marriage to Mirta, 123

Feliú family and, 58

Finca Manacas household managed by, 44

ill and injured workers cared for by, 40

and release of FC and Raúl from prison, 257–58

Revuelta’s letter to, 215

in visit with FC at Cayo Confites expedition, 100

workers’ protected by, 44

Ryan, Charles, 321–22

St. George, Andrew, 394

Salabarría, Mario, 91, 102, 138

Salas Cañizares, Rafael, 331

appointed police chief by Batista, 156

convicted for Rodríguez murder, 155–56

Salgueiro (teacher), 70–71

Sánchez, Celia, 316, 327, 332, 350, 367

FC’s letters to, 331, 340, 363–64

Sánchez, Universo, 288–89, 315

Sánchez Arango, Aureliano, 137, 240, 261

Sánchez Mosquera, Ángel, 376

San Juan Hill, 11

Santa Clara, Cuba, xxi

Guevara’s capture of, 396–97

Santa Coloma, Boris Luis, 180

Santamaría, Abel, 164, 180, 394

execution of, 184

in Moncada Barracks attack, 178–79

Santamaría, Haydée, 184, 324, 359

as FC’s Movement lieutenant, 240–42, 277

in Moncada attack, 172, 178

Moncada sentence of, 205

release from prison of, 234

Santiago Bay, xxiii, 61

Santiago de Cuba, xxiii 23, 52

FC’s Parque Céspedes speech in, 400–404

Moncada Barracks attack in, see Moncada Barracks attack

1953 Carnival in, 167

protest over País’s murder in, 331

as provisional capital of Cuba, 401

rebels’ march on, 390–91, 395

support for revolution in, 320

in surrender to U.S. forces, 11

Santiago de la Peña, Mexico, 301, 304

Santo Domingo, Cuba, 362

battle at, 314, 376

Sardiñas, Lalo, 375

Sarría Tartabull, Pedro, 183

Saturnino Lora Civil Hospital, Santiago de Cuba, 173 174, 178–80

Secret Police, Mexican, 288

Selva Yero, Carlos, 190

Serano, Israel Rodríguez, 365–66

Servicio de Inteligencia Militar (SIM), 269, 346

17th Battalion, Cuban, 366

Shafter, William, 11–12

Sierra Cristal Mountains, xxii, 21, 30, 351

rebel forces in, 358–59

Sierra Maestra Manifesto, 335, 375

Sierra Maestra mountains, 21, 69, 313

army’s scorched-earth policy in, 335

expedition survivors’ escape to, 314–15

Sierra Maestra rebels:

arms and ammunition lacked by, 367

army’s 1958 campaign against, see Plan Fin-de-Fidel

army’s avoidance of, 351, 356

arrival of País’s recruits in, 321

in attack on El Uvero barracks, 322–23

captured soldiers treated with dignity and released by, 341–42, 382

casualties of, 381

Column 4

in defense of La Plata command post, 370–77

Estrada Palma garrison raid of, 333

executions and punishments by, 334

in La Plata battle, 316

La Plata command post of, 332

in Las Mercedes battle, 366

in march on Santiago, 395

military’s hunt for, 321

País’s support for, 325–26

peasants’ support for, 321–22, 329, 361

in Pino del Agua battle, 352

rearming of, 315

in Santa Domingo battle, 314

schools and hospitals built by, 380, 395

size of, 322

tactics honed by, 367–68, 372

tension between Llano and, 337–38

see also Liberated Territory of Cuba

Skelly, Jack, 128, 129–30

Smith, Earl E. T.:

as Batista ally, 348, 359–60, 379, 388, 398

on Batista’s flight from Cuba, 399–400

in call for U.S. military intervention in Cuba, 378

in calls for end to U.S. military embargo, 388

FC denounced as communist by, 377

increasingly ludicrous reports of, 391

named U.S. ambassador to Cuba, 347

Snow, William Pennell, 391

Solis, Rafael Suárez, 229

Somoza, Anastasio, 110

Sorí Marín, Humberto, 383

Soto, Lionel, 107

Soviet Union, 109

economic aid to Cuba by, 411–12

FC’s alliance with, xvii

see also Cold War

Spanish army:

casualties of, 6

corruption and abuse in, 4

rampant disease in, 6

Spanish Civil War, 82

Spanish-Cuban-American War, 398

Stars Look Down, The (Cronin), 228

State and Revolution (Lenin), 232

State Department, U.S., 347–48

appeals for withdrawal of Batista support rejected by, 380–81

as concerned about Batista regime’s violence, 348

FC’s intentions as misread by, 379–80

results of 1958 Cuban election rejected by, 389

rewriting of history by, 398

stopping FC as goal of, 398

and U.S. military aid to Batista, 360, 378–79

Student Directory, 95

Suárez, José “Pepe,” 218, 262

subcolonos (small-scale planters), 37

sugarcane industry, Cuban, 10, 24

falling prices and, 35–36

foreign ownership of, 21–22, 36, 40

layoffs in, 36

1920 crisis in, 25

overreliance on, 153

plantations in, 39–40

World War II as stimulus to, 151

Sugar Coordination Act (1937), 384

Sullivan, Ed, FC interviewed by, 405–6

Tabernilla, Francisco, 393, 402

tanquistas plot, 284–85

Tápanes, Israel, 218

Tapia, Sebastían, 112

Tasende, José Luis, 180

Teller, Henry M., 10

Teller Amendment, 11–12, 15

They’re All the Same (Son los mismos), 161–62

30 September Committee, 119

FC as member of, 121–22

Tizol, Ernesto, 165

in Moncada attack, 168–69

Moncada sentence of, 205

wrong turn in Moncada attack taken by, 178

Torres, Adolfo, 141

Total War Manifesto, 356

“To the People of Cienfuegos” (Castro), 137–38

Toussaint L’Ouverture, 56

Trejo, Rafael, police murder of, 118

Tro, Emilio, 102

Troyano, Amaury, 26

Trujillo, Rafael, 110, 284

attempted overthrow of, 99, 101, 104

Céspedes Medal awarded to, 247

Truman, Harry, 127–28

Truslow Report, 151–52

22nd Battalion, Cuban:

ambush of, 372

in Santo Domingo battle, 314, 376

UIR (Unión Insurreccional Revolucionaria), 91, 102

FC’s membership in, 119–20

Union of  Young Communists, 131

United Fruit Company, 22, 43, 123–24

picnics of, 128–30

United States:

anticommunist agenda of, 113–14

Cuban relations with, see Cuban-U.S. relations

FC’s 1955 fundraising trip to, 277–78

FC’s 1959 trip to, 408–9

growing Latin America hostility toward, 379

Guatemala coup supported by, 273

in war with Spain, 9–12

see also Cold War; State Department, U.S.

Urrutia Lleó, Manuel, 392

as provisional president, 401

Valdés, Ramiro, 315, 368–69

Vanegas, Arascio:

FC’s manifestos printed by, 270–71

and training of expeditionary force, 286

Vasconcelas, Ramón, 261

Vegas de Jibacoa, Cuba, 365–66

Velásquez, Lucila, 274

Venezuela, 109

FC’s 1948 visit to, 113

Verdeja Act (1926), 35

Villa Blanca:

executions of captured rebels at, 184

as staging area for Moncada attack, 172, 182

Weyler, Valeriano, 18

Wiecha, Robert, 330

Wieland, William, 348–49

Wollam, Park, 379

Wood, Leonard, 15, 18

World Bank, Truslow Report of, 151–52

World War II, 151

Yánez Pelletier, Jesús, 190

Yara River, 372

zafra (sugarcane harvest), 36, 40, 43

Zaydín, Ramón, 276

Zelaya, Guillén, 288

Zola, Emile, 139