Having never written a multi-book fiction series before, embarking upon the second book in this trilogy was both a daunting and exciting proposition. I wanted each book to be an exciting part of the story, not just a means to an end, and cliffhangers be damned. Even before I finished Shades of Valhalla, I knew exactly where the story was headed, how it would all end. But how best to get there?
Thankfully, I have had a wonderful, supportive group of people around me while I tackled Fates. Perhaps the most important is my family who never once resented the many hours I spent at the keyboard, especially my husband who slept so peacefully beside me into the wee hours of the night when inspiration would strike.
I am deeply grateful to the team at Earth Lodge for creating such luscious book covers and assembling my amazing group of beta readers. To my betas – thank you for your suggestions, and I promise all your questions will be answered in book three! The story only gets bigger and better.