Physical Characteristics of the Cocker Spaniel
(from the American Kennel Club breed standard)
Eyes: Eyeballs are round and full and look directly forward. The shape of the eye rims gives a slightly almond shaped appearance. The color of the iris is dark brown.
Nose: Of sufficient size to balance the muzzle and foreface, with well developed nostrils typical of a sporting dog.
Lips: The upper lip is full and of sufficient depth to cover the lower jaw.
Teeth: Teeth strong and sound, not too small and meet in a scissors bite.
Skull: Rounded but not exaggerated with no tendency toward flatness; the eyebrows are clearly defined with a pronounced stop. The muzzle is broad and deep, with square even jaws.
Ears: Lobular, long, of fine leather, well feathered, and placed no higher than a line to the lower part of the eye.
Neck: The neck is sufficiently long to allow the nose to reach the ground easily, muscular and free from pendulous “throatiness.” It rises strongly from the shoulders and arches slightly as it tapers to join the head.
Forequarters: The shoulders are well laid back forming an angle with the upper arm of approximately 90 degrees. Forelegs are parallel, straight, strongly boned and muscular and set close to the body well under the scapulae. The pasterns are short and strong. Feet compact, large, round and firm with horny pads.
Topline: Sloping slightly toward muscular quarters.
Coat: On the head, short and fine; on the body, medium length, with enough undercoating to give protection. The ears, chest, abdomen and legs are well feathered, but not so excessively. The texture is most important…silky, flat or slightly wavy and of a texture which permits easy care.
Body: The chest is deep, its lowest point no higher than the elbows, its front sufficiently wide…yet not so wide as to interfere with the straightforward movement of the forelegs. Ribs are deep and well sprung. Back is strong and sloping evenly and slightly downward from the shoulders to the set-on of the docked tail. The docked tail is set on and carried on a line with the topline of the back, or slightly higher.
Hindquarters: Hips are wide and quarters well rounded and muscular. When viewed from behind, the hind legs are parallel. The hind legs are strongly boned, and muscled with moderate angulation at the stifle and powerful, clearly defined thighs. The stifle is strong. The hocks are strong and well let down.
Proportion: The measurement from the breast bone to back of thigh is slightly longer than the measurement from the highest point of withers to the ground.
Color and Markings: Black Variety, any Solid Color Other than Black (ASCOB), Parti-Color Variety.
Size: The ideal height at the withers I for an adult dog is 15 inches and for an adult bitch, 14 inches.