
1 Tuning in to the Enemy

1 Maurice de la Bertauche’s memoirs of his time in the Y Service can be found in the Imperial War Museum’s collections

2 Reporting for Special Duties

1 de la Bertauche, Imperial War Museum

2 Peggy West, address given to the 2003 Australian War Memorial history conference ‘Air War Europe’

3 Vivienne Alford in Gwendoline Page, ed., They Listened in Secret, George R. Reeve Ltd 2003

4 Geoffrey Pidgeon, The Secret Wireless War, UPSO 2003

5 Elizabeth Mashall in Page, They Listened in Secret

3 The Human Computors

1 Peter Gray Lucas in F.H. Hinsley and Alan Stripp eds, Codebreakers, Oxford University Press 1993

2 West, address to 2003 Australian War Memorial history conference ‘Air War Europe’

3 Pidgeon, The Secret Wireless War

4 Pidgeon, The Secret Wireless War

5 Shirley Cannicott in Page, They Listened in Secret

6 Sybil Welch in Page, They Listened in Secret

4 The Listeners at Large

1 Lucas, Codebreakers

2 Lisa Ison in Page, They Listened in Secret

3 Daphne Baker in Page, They Listened in Secret

4 Imogen Ryan and Elizabeth Agar in Page, They Listened in Secret

5 Daphne Baker in Page, They Listened in Secret

6 Aileen Clayton, The Enemy is Listening, Hutchinson 1980

7 Ronald Lewin, Ultra Goes to War: The Secret Story, Hutchinson 1978

8 Frederick Winterbotham, The Ultra Secret, Purnell 1974

9 Ralph Bennett in Hinsley and Stripp, Codebreakers

10 Hugh Skillen, Knowledge Strengthens the Arm, Hugh Skillen 1990

11 Skillen, Knowledge Strengthens the Arm

12 Memo in the National Archives, HW14 series

13 Memo in the National Archives, HW14 series

14 Hugh Skillen, Spies of the Airwaves, Hugh Skillen 1989

15 de la Bertauche, Imperial War Museum

16 Joan Nicholls, England Needs You: The Story of Beaumanor Y Station, Joan Nicholls 2000

17 Skillen, Knowledge Strengthens the Arm

5 The Blitz and the Ghost Voices

1 Clayton, The Enemy is Listening

2 Imogen Ryan in Page, They Listened in Secret

3 Jean Campden in Page, They Listened in Secret

4 Memo in the National Archives, HW14 series

5 Skillen, Knowledge Strengthens the Arm

6 Memo in the National Archives, HW14 series

7 Skillen, Spies of the Airwaves

8 Harold Everett in Skillen, Spies of the Airwaves

6 Heat, Sand and Ashes

1 Henry Dryden in Hinsley and Stripp, Codebreakers

2 Hermione, Countess of Ranfurly, To War with Whitaker, Mandarin 1994

3 Clayton, The Enemy is Listening

4 Barbara Skelton, Tears Before Bedtime, Hamish Hamilton 1987

5 Skillen, Spies of the Airwaves

6 Clayton, The Enemy is Listening

7 G.A. Harries quoted in Skillen, Spies of the Airwaves

7 A World Wide Web of Intelligence

1 Ron Charters, writing for the Tel (s) (Telegraph Signals Association) newsletter, 1994

2 Pidgeon, The Secret Wireless War

3 Pidgeon, The Secret Wireless War

4 Harold Everett in Skillen, Knowledge Strengthens the Arm

5 Joan Dinwoodie in Page, They Listened in Secret

8 Feuds, Farce and Panic

1 Elizabeth Mashall in Page, They Listened in Secret

2 Harold Everett in Skillen, Spies of the Airwaves

3 Memos in the National Archives, HW14 series

4 Harold Everett in Skillen, Spies of the Airwaves

5 Report in the National Archives, HW14 series

6 Communication in the National Archives, HW42 series

7 Hugh Trevor-Roper, The Wartime Journals, I.B. Tauris 2012

9 Wilder Shores and Secret Missions

1 Hugh Denham in Hinsley and Stripp, Codebreakers

2 Peter Elphick, Far Eastern File: The Intelligence War in the Far East, Hodder and Stoughton 1997

3 John Boylan in Skillen, Knowledge Strengthens the Arm

4 Clayton, The Enemy is Listening

10 This is No Holiday Camp

1 Cynthia Grossman, interviewed by the BBC in 2003

2 Dafydd Williams, interviewed for Bedford Museum

3 Miggs Ackroyd in Page, They Listened in Secret

4 Vivienne Alford in Page, They Listened in Secret

11 Storms in the Desert

1 Rosemary Norton in Page, They Listened in Secret

2 Clayton, The Enemy is Listening

3 Countess of Ranfurly, To War with Whitaker

4 Clayton, The Enemy is Listening

5 Memo in the National Archives, AIR29 series

6 Harold Everett in Skillen, Spies of the Airwaves

7 Dryden in Hinsley and Stripp, Codebreakers

8 Countess of Ranfurly, To War with Whitaker

12 Rommel and the Art of Dirty Tricks

1 Skillen, Knowledge Strengthens the Arm

2 Clayton, The Enemy is Listening

3 Patrick Wilkinson in Hinsley and Stripp, Codebreakers

4 Dafydd Williams, interviewed for Bedford Museum

5 Pidgeon, The Secret Wireless War

13 Not So Quiet on the Domestic Front

1 Margaret Smee, interviewed by the BBC in 2003

2 Sybil Welch and Joy Hale in Page, They Listened in Secret

3 Vi Mitchell, contributing to ‘Women At War’ project

4 Wilma Hall, contributing to ‘Women At War’ project

5 Memo in the National Archives, HW42 series

6 Hugh Trevor-Roper’s reports in the National Archives, HW19 series

7 Trevor-Roper, The Wartime Journals

8 Reports in the National Archives, HW19 series

9 Clayton, The Enemy is Listening

14 Life-long Friendships Were Forged

1 Tom Goff, writing in the Tel (s) newsletter, 1997

16 Foreboding and Frustration

1 Harold Everett in Skillen, Knowledge Strengthens the Arm

2 Skillen, Knowledge Strengthens the Arm

3 Memo in the National Archives, AIR29 series

4 Clayton, The Enemy is Listening

5 Elphick, Far Eastern File: The Intelligence War in the Far East

6 Alan Stripp in Hinsley and Stripp, Codebreakers

17 Witnesses to Different Worlds

1 Skelton, Tears Before Bedtime

2 Rosemary Morton in Page, They Listened in Secret

18 D-Day and After

1 Memo in the National Archives, HW8 series

2 Memo in the National Archives, HW8 series

3 David Pearson in Skillen, Spies of the Airwaves

19 The End and the Beginning

1  Cynthia Humble, contributing to the Bletchley Park website