
As always, I couldn’t have written this book without the relentless support of my family. Thank you to my parents, for always believing in me and being my two biggest fans.

Thank you to Jaclyn—for putting up with all of my quirks and thousand-yard stares throughout the writing process, for urging me to slow the pace down from time to time, and for suggesting a story idea that quite possibly saved this novel.

Thank you to my amazing literary agent, David Hale Smith, who guided me out of a difficult situation to greener shores, and my additional gratitude to the expertise of Emma Linch and Martin Soames, and to the always-sage advice of manager Chad Snopek. I’m fortunate to have so many great people in my corner for this project, and hopefully many more to come.

Thank you to my incredible editor Jennifer Brehl at William Morrow, for your clear eyes and guidance as we made this story the best it could possibly be—right down to the formatting choices (and Peter Schneider, of course, for your always-on-point book and movie recommendations!). And a massive thank-you to the entire team at William Morrow for their wonderful work in polishing and delivering this story to readers.

Thank you, everyone.