When Oliver saw his sister in her bridesmaid’s dress he laughed so much he could hardly stand.
‘I’ve never looked my best in pink.
‘Oh shut up, it’s not as funny as all that.’
‘You look like a sort of elongated Shirley Temple. Or a chimpanzee at a Zoo tea-party: yes – more like that, because of your little hairy arms peeping out from all that dimity, or whatever it is –’
‘Organza,’ she said crossly; ‘and it’s quite pale on my arms.’
‘What is? Your fur? Don’t worry about that. Lots of men love hairy women, and if they turn out not to, you could always fall back on another chimpanzee in a sailor suit. Turn round.’
‘What for?’ she asked when she had done so.
‘Just wanted to see if the back was as funny as the front.’
‘Is it?’
‘Not quite, because one misses your face. Do keep that expression for the wedding photographs.’
‘You are being beastly. Anyone would look awful in it. You would.’
‘Let me pop it on. I bet I could bring tears to your eyes. The tragic transvestite: a sort of leitmotif for Colin Wilson. Come on, Lizzie. I’ll go mincing down to Daddo, and send his old blood coursing through his veins –’
‘Get dressed, you fool. The whole day’s going to be quite awful enough without you doing a thing to make it worse. It is poor old Alice’s day, after all.’
‘I haven’t had any breakfast.’
‘Well you won’t get any now. You’ll get buffet lunch in –’ she looked at her man’s watch strapped by black leather round her wrist – ‘just over an hour and a half.’
‘You’ll have to take that watch off. You might as well be carrying a tommy-gun. I promise I’ll be nice to Alice. I like Alice. I like Alice,’ he added going to the door. ‘And May. And you. I shall always remember the first time I saw you like this.’
‘You’re not going to see me like it any other time. Really be nice to Alice.’
‘Really being nice would entail a kind of Rochester wedding. Finding that Leslie had a mad wife shut up in one of his building estates –’
‘Who’s Shirley Temple?’ Recognizing Jane Eyre reminded her that she didn’t know that one.
‘An infant prodigy who looked her best in pink. Honestly, you don’t know anything.’ He slammed her door so that it burst open. She shut it, and turned sadly to the pointed satin court shoes that had been half-heartedly dyed to match. They’d be too uncomfortable to wear in ordinary life anyway.
Alice sat in front of her stepmother’s dressing-table wondering whether she could improve her hair. She couldn’t, she decided: it had been back-combed with such obsessional care by the local hairdresser, that any interference with it now would probably be disastrous. ‘My wedding morning,’ she thought, and tried to feel momentous and festive – somehow more worthy. It was April; the sky was overcast in slate, and livid green trees waved wildly in the gusty wind. Ordinarily, by now she would be feeding the dogs which Daddy would not have in the house, and cleaning out their horrible kennels that smelled like animal public lavatories however often you cleaned them. It wasn’t at all a nice day from the weather point of view. ‘I’m leaving home,’ she thought; but even that seemed a bit hopeless as they’d only lived there for two years and she’d never liked it anyway. Daddy had bought the house when he married May: it was large and ugly, and Alice knew that secretly May didn’t like it either – she was always too cold, she said. ‘I want to leave,’ she thought more vehemently. Then she thought what a good man Leslie obviously was, and that she would miss May who’d been much nicer to her than her other stepmother – nicer even than her own mother who’d always seemed to be what Daddy called failing. He loathed ill health.
She opened her dressing-gown to see whether her skin had subsided from pink to white after her bath. May had insisted on her using this room with its bathroom attached; had insisted also upon giving her the last remaining bath salts, had offered to help her dress, or keep out of the way – in fact was behaving with effortless, model kindness. It was amazing that anyone could be so practical about feelings when they weren’t at all about things. ‘Weren’t at all what, Alice?’ Daddy would say, with his pale bulging eyes fixed upon her (when she was little she had thought he did it to bully, when she was a young girl she had thought it was because he was stupid – now she thought it was a bit of both); ‘Practical, Daddy,’ she would always have replied in a small uninteresting voice used only on him. Oliver and Elizabeth hated him. It was only affection for their own mother, May, that prevented them from being rather horrible to poor old Daddy. As it was, Oliver called him Daddo – in quotes –and gave him earnest, frightfully unsuitable Christmas presents which he then kept asking about. He’d made him a Friend of Covent Garden, for instance, and given him a whole book of photographs of ballet dancers and books about pygmies and Kalahari Bushmen which said how wonderful and civilized they were when Oliver must know perfectly well that Daddy thought black men and ballet dancers were the end . . Elizabeth was not so bad, but she thought that everything her brother did was all right, and they were always having private jokes together and May just laughed at them and said, do be serious for a moment, not really wanting them to be at all.
I must be. I’m getting married. I must get dressed. She got up from the dressing-table and slipped off her multi-coloured Japanese kimono. All her underclothes were new. Her skin had now reverted to milky-whiteness. She was tall, big-boned and an old-fashioned shape. She had, indeed, the heavy brows, beautiful eyes, slightly Roman nose and square jaw that were typical of du Maurier. Modern underclothes did not suit her – the gaps were not alluring, but faintly embarrassing – they embarrassed her, at any rate. She suffered intermittently from hay fever, mastitis and acne, and anti-histamine, unboned bras and calamine lotion fought an uneasy battle with the anxieties of her nervous, gentle temperament. Today it was the mastitis that was giving her trouble; her brassière was too tight, but it was the one she had worn for fitting her dress – she couldn’t change it now. All the dressing and undressing in marriage must be so difficult – if one hated doing it even in shops when trying on clothes, what would it be like in a bedroom with a man, an audience of one? And the same one at that? Not that she meant . . . Poor Alice had an unfortunate capacity for confounding herself – even when alone, even with what could fairly be described as innocently random thoughts: she conducted a great deal of her spare and private time (and there had been a good deal of that because she was rather shy) with some anonymous, jeering creature who seemed only to exist in order to trap her with some inconsistency, some banal or lewd or plain dotty remark which it waited for her to make. She was the last person in the world to want hundreds of men watching her take off her clothes . . . Sneering, incredulous silence.
She walked over to her wedding dress which hung stiffly with the long sleeves sticking out, not looking as though it could fit anyone. The trouble with satin – even cut on the cross – was that it fitted you as long as you didn’t move at all; the moment you did, great rifts and creases and undercurrents of strain determined themselves: this had happened at every fitting, and an angry woman in mildewed black, who combined a strong odour of Cheddar cheese with the capacity to talk with her mouth bristling with pins, had stuck more pins into the dress (and Alice) with no lasting effect.
The veil would conceal a certain amount. It had been carefully arranged in an open hat-box which now lay on May’s bed, but on approaching the box, she discovered that it was entirely full of her cat, Claude, who lay in it like a huge fur paperweight. She mentioned his name and he opened his lemony eyes just enough to be able to see her, stretched out a colossal paw and yawned. He was an uneasy combination of black and white: on his face this gave him an asymmetrical and almost treasonable appearance. His pads were the bright pink of waterproof Elastoplast, and between them, the thick, white fur was stained pale green. He’d been hunting, she told him as she lifted him off her veil, and he purred like the distant rumble of a starting lorry. He was heartless, greedy and conceited, but the thought of going to Cornwall (the honeymoon) without him made her feel really sad. She had not liked to ask Leslie whether he could live with them in Bristol, and, indeed, it had crossed her mind that even if Leslie agreed, Claude might not. His standard of living in Surrey was exceptionally high – even for a cat – as apart from two large meals a day that he ate primly out of a soup plate, he procured other, more savage snacks such as grass snakes and rabbits, that he demolished on the scullery floor at times convenient to himself. Enough of him, she thought, putting him tenderly on the bed. He got up at once, shook his head – his ear canker rattled like castanets – and chose a better position eight inches from where she had put him. Her veil was quite crushed and spattered with his hairs – he moulted continuously in all his prodigious spare time. ‘What on earth am I doing?’ she thought as she hung the veil on the back of a chair. ‘Starting a new life without Daddy, I suppose.’
There was a whimsical fanfare of tapping on the door, and before she could answer, Leslie’s sister, Rosemary, came in. She was dressed from head to foot in pink organza: it was she who had chosen the bridesmaids’ dresses. Pink, she had said, was her colour, and it certainly provided a contrast to the dark, wiry curls and the mole on the left side of her face. She was older than Leslie, unmarried, and with a robust contempt for all Englishmen. When younger, she had been an air hostess, and so was able to back up this contempt with many a passing romantic interlude in which men, generically described by her as continental, invariably demonstrated their superior approach to ladies. She regarded her brother’s marriage to Alice with almost hysterical indulgence, and had arranged so much of the wedding that Alice felt quite frightened of her.
‘Here I am!’ she exclaimed. Her nails were far too long, thought Alice as Rosemary twitched the wedding dress off its hanger.
‘In view of the time, I think we ought to pop this on – why – whatever has happened to your veil? That awful cat!’
Alice, inserting her arms into the tight, satin sleeves (it was rather like trying to put back champagne bottles into their straw casings), mumbled something defensive about Claude and at once, without warning, her eyes filled with tears. Rosemary, like many obtrusive people, was quick to observe any such physical manifestations of dismay and to rush into the breach she had made for the purpose. She would get the veil ironed; Sellotape was wonderful for removing hairs; Alice must cheer up – it would not do for her to meet Leslie at the altar with red eyes. But at least she went, leaving Alice to struggle with the tiny satin buttons – like boiled cods’ eyes – that fastened the sleeves at her wrists. ‘Something borrowed,’ she thought miserably. She would far rather borrow Claude’s hairs than anything else she could think of. If only May would come; would stop being tactful, and come, and just stay with her until it was all over . . .
May, wearing an anonymous macintosh over her wedding clothes, was mixing the dogs’ food in the scullery. Biscuits – like small pieces of rock – a tin of animal meat and last night’s cabbage lay in a chipped enamel bowl, and she was stirring it with a wooden spoon. It smelled awful and did not look enough, but she did not notice either of these things because she was trying to think about the Absolute – a concept as amorphous and slippery as a distant fish and one that she feared was for ever beyond her intellectual grasp. ‘The Whole,’ she repeated dreamily: at this point, as usual, the concept altered from being some kind of glacial peak to an orange-coloured sphere – a furry and at the same time citrus ball; but these visual translations interrupted real understanding of the idea – were nothing, she felt, but childish cul-de-sacs, the wrong turning in this cerebral maze. She tried again. ‘God,’ she thought, and instantly an ancient man – a benign King Lear and at the same time Father Christmas in a temper – was sitting on a spiky, glittering chair. ‘Absolute Being’; the chair wedged itself on the glacial peak. She sighed, and a bit of cabbage fell out of the bowl. A very interesting man she had met recently had told her to live in the present. She picked up the piece of cabbage and put it back into the bowl. The trouble with the present was the way it went on and on and on, and she found it so easy to live in that when the man had suggested to her that she wasn’t doing it the right way, she had felt sure he was right.
It was so easy to be a vegetable, she thought, staring humbly into the bowl, and somehow or other the amount more that was expected of one must be achievable by slow degrees: it was not necessary to jump straight from a cabbage to God. It was worse than that really; babies, for instance were all right; even children – ‘little children’ – were spiritually acceptable; but somewhere along the line leading to adolescence people got demoted from being children to being vegetables, and often wicked vegetables at that. The Christian world blamed a good deal of this on to carnal knowledge. This seemed, to her, to be an over-simplification, because even she could think of a lot of dreary and comparatively unevolved people whose carnal knowledge seemed to her nil . . . Anyway, this interesting man had said that sex was a good thing – if properly approached – but he had added that hardly anybody understood how to approach it properly. The only time she had thought about sex had been the gigantic months after Clifford had been killed, when underneath or inside her misery had continued her aching unattended body that simply went on wanting him, that seemed no more able to recognize his death than some poor people could recognize that a limb that itched and twitched was no longer there because it had been cut off. Several of her friends had lost their men in the war, but she quickly discovered that the plane on which such losses were touched upon was the empty-chair-beside-the-fire one: the empty body in the bed was never admitted in the social annals of bereavement. She hadn’t ‘approached’ sex before Clifford, and she hadn’t approached it with him. He and it had arrived together; she had loved him almost at once and remarked – breathlessly soon afterwards – how lucky it was that when you loved someone there was so much to do about it. They had had four years of interrupted, but otherwise splendid pleasure, but always with the war lying in wait – at first, hardly mattering, seeming distant and unreal and vaguely wicked as a child’s view of death. After Oliver was born there were a few more months when Clifford – doing navigation courses at a Naval Training Establishment – worked harder, but was still able to get home more often than not. Home was then a two-roomed flat at the top of a non-converted house in Brighton. They were poor – a sublieutenant’s pay and her fifty pounds a year was all they had – but Clifford had a second-hand bicycle for getting to work, she became extraordinarily good at vegetable curries and, as Clifford had pointed out, a baby was one of the cheapest luxuries currently available. Then the war had pounced: a fine spring afternoon, and he had come back early – she heard his step on the linoleum stairs and ran to meet him trembling with unexpected delight . . . Next morning he left her at five, a full lieutenant newly appointed to a frigate. She had sat in the tiny blacked-out kitchen staring at his half-drunk cup of tea and wondering how on earth she could bear it. To be in love, to say goodbye for an unknown amount of time (weeks? months? years? she would not imagine further) only to know that he was to be put professionally in danger somewhere, and that, worse, this was fast becoming the accepted, general situation, was the beginning of the war for her. She had sat in the kitchen hating men for devising, allowing, lending themselves to this monstrous stratagem, which seemed to her then as evil and pointless and heartless as the origins of chess. Even he – she had sensed his professional excitement, his pride in that wretched piece of gold lace, his complete acceptance that the Admiralty could, at a moment’s notice, break up his private life and send him anywhere to fight and perhaps be killed . . .
He hadn’t been killed for nearly another three years after that morning: the war had played cat and mouse with her: after three years of sharpening her courage by a succession of these partings, of stretching her anxiety and loneliness to breaking point in the months between them, of informing her fears (it was impossible not to discover a good deal of the horrors and hazards of convoy work in the North Atlantic and that was Clifford’s life), it pounced again. He never saw his daughter: he never even saw her, she had used to reiterate – a straw of grievance which she clung to for months because even some kind of grievance seemed to help a bit – with the days, at least. So, like thousands of women and hundreds who had been deeply in love, she settled down to the problems of bringing up two children without their father or enough money . . . When they were up, and before, she hoped, they had begun to think of her as a responsibility, she had married again.
Reminiscence was not thought: it couldn’t be, because it was so easy. Another interesting point the interesting man had made was that anything worthwhile was difficult; he had not actually said that if you stumbled upon some natural talent, the talent would turn out to be inferior or unnecessary, but she suspected, in her own case, at least, that this was probably so. Obedience to natural laws, he had said, was essential, if only you could find out what they were. Obedience and your own talents turning out to be no good had a ring of truth about it: the people who ran institutions seemed always primarily concerned with the dangers of spiritual/temporal pride in their subjects; look at nuns and the Foreign Office . . .
‘Oh madam! Whatever are you doing in here on a day like this!’ It was Oliver doing his imitation of the horrible housekeeper who had ruled the colonel’s life until May had come into it.
‘I’ll do it,’ he continued, looking into the bowl; ‘you haven’t got enough there to keep a lovesick Pekinese – let alone those two great witless sods in the kennels. Give me another tin of what’s-his-name and go and be gracious somewhere.’
‘Thank you darling. Have you seen Alice?’
‘No. Should I have?’
‘I just wondered if she was all right.’
‘Why don’t you go and see, then? It’d be a kindness: that ghastly Rosemary’s been at her, and guess what she’s up to now?’
May shook her head as she struggled out of the macintosh.
‘She’s made Liz iron Alice’s veil. Came to her and said she couldn’t find any of the servants to do it. “There aren’t any, my dear,” I said. “What, in a great house like this!” she said. (Christ, this stuff smells like Portuguese lavatories!) “There’s Mrs Green who does for us three times a week, but she’s sulking because of the caterers so she’s not doing for us today.” So then she went mincing off to Liz who says that ironing is dangerous because her dress is too tight under the arms. She really does look awful in it, but she’s ironing just the same. We may not have servants, I told Rosemary, but the house is fraught with splendid little women. Rosemary said something about Alice being a bit weepy.’
May looked concerned: ‘I’ll go and see her. Where’s –’
‘My stepfather is bullying the caterers. You look much less awful than Liz, I must say. Who usually does this filthy job?’
‘Alice used to. From now on it’ll be me.’
‘Make Daddo do it.’
‘Oliver – don’t call him that. Just for today. It upsets him. He’s afraid you’re laughing at him.’
‘His fears are absolutely grounded, I’m afraid.’ Then he looked at her again and said, ‘You know what I think?’ He had lit two cigarettes and put one in her mouth. ‘I think you should get out. After two years of this you must know it can only get worse.’
‘Please darling, shut up.’
‘Right. Sorry. I just want you to know,’ he added in a quavering manner, ‘that vulgar and pretentious though it is, you can always make your home with me.’
‘Good,’ she said in a more comfortable voice, and went.
Herbert Browne-Lacey, May’s husband, Alice’s father and the stepfather of Oliver and Elizabeth, had given up the caterers in despair (the fellows didn’t seem to understand a word he said to them, as though he was talking Dutch or Hindi) and was now stalking up and down the side of the lawn which was banked by rhododendrons beginning to flower. He was in full morning dress and walked slowly, holding his grey top hat behind his back in both hands: the wind was very uncertain. His feelings were sharply divided: naturally any father would feel so at the marriage of his only daughter. He was glad that she was getting married in some ways, and sorry in others. He would miss her; he thought of innumerable things: the way she made his middle-morning beef tea; her ironing the newspaper if May got hold of it first (women were the devil with newspapers and it was absolutely unnecessary for them to read them anyway), how good she was with the dogs (the long, wet walks, kennel-cleaning and feeding), her housewifely activities (the house had twenty-five rooms but Alice had helped to make it possible to do with the one char), and as for boots and the odd medal (he touched his left breast and there was a reassuring clink), why, she was jolly nearly up to his old batman’s standards. Of course she was marrying a prosperous, steady young man. Leslie Mount was clearly going far; the only thing that worried the colonel was whether he had a sense of direction. Money wasn’t everything . . . He began to think about money. The wedding was costing far more than he had meant it to: on the other hand, he would no longer be responsible for Alice. When he had told Leslie that Alice was worth her weight in gold he had felt that he was simply being appropriately sentimental: now, he began to wonder whether there wasn’t some truth in the remark. May, bless her, of course, was so confoundedly unworldly: not always impractical – she made damn good curries of left-overs, not hot enough, but damn good – but she had her head in the clouds too much of the time to recognize the value of money. She did things and bought things quite often that were totally unnecessary. Totally unnecessary, he repeated, working himself into one of his minor righteous rages. And those children of hers were totally out of hand. They were responsible for her worst extravagances: it would have been much better to put the boy into the army than to send him to a fiendishly expensive university, and as for the girl, what was the point of having her taught domestic science – again, at fiendish expense – if the result was simply that she sent all the housekeeping bills soaring with her fancy cooking? Money between husband and wife should be shared, in his opinion, and this meant that May had absolutely no right to squander that inheritance from her relative in Canada – an estimable old lady who had died about a year before the colonel had married May. He had forced her to buy this house with some of the money, because any fool could see that property was going to go up, but after that, he had got nowhere. She had insisted upon having her own bank account and cheque books, and could therefore scribble and fritter away any amount of capital without reference to himself. The only times when the colonel could contemplate being French – or something equally outlandish – were when he thought about the marriage laws: there was no nonsense about women being independent there. His rather protuberant and bright blue eyes blazed whenever he thought about the Married Woman’s Property Act. Well at least he made her pay her share of the household accounts: she couldn’t have it both ways. But the wedding presented difficulties. He had managed, by playing on Leslie’s father’s snobbery and patriotism, to wrest from him a certain share of the – in his view – totally unreasonable and iniquitous expenses of this jamboree. He was, after all, a gentleman, a soldier and he had served his country, and he had made these three points delicately clear to Mr Mount who was clearly no gentleman, but had the grace to recognize this fact, and who had been reduced to explaining and apologizing for his flat feet (a plebeian complaint if ever there was one, nobody at Sandhurst had ever had flat feet, by God!) which had precluded his serving his country in any way but building ordnance factories. There was a world of difference between that sort of job and being in Whitehall.
But the fact was that those factory-building fellows had made the money, and simple chaps like himself, fighting for their country, hadn’t. Mr Mount had offered to pay half the cost of the reception, and the colonel had accepted this, because, after all, Alice had no relatives that they ever saw apart from himself, whereas the Mount contingent was positively pouring from Bristol or wherever it was they came from, so Mr Mount paying half was really the least he could do. The border was looking very ragged. Alice hadn’t seemed to put her heart into it these last months although he had pointed out again and again that if you wanted a decent herbaceous border you had to work hard on it in the spring. He sighed and his waistcoat creaked: he had had the suit twenty-six years after all – bought it to get married to Alice’s mother, and although his tailor had adjusted it several times to accommodate the effects of time, no more adjustments were possible. Few men, however, could rely upon their figures when they were in their sixties as well as he could. The upkeep of this place was a terrible strain to him: it was so damn difficult to get anyone to do anything these days. He pulled a pleasant gold half-hunter out of his watch pocket – twenty to twelve – must be getting a move on. The watch had been left to Alice by her godfather, but it was no earthly use to a girl . . . He turned towards the house and began shouting for his wife.
The church was Victorian neo-gothic: varnished oak, brass plaques and candlesticks, atrocious windows the colours of patent medicines, soup, syrup and Sanatogen foisted upon the building by families who had feared society considerably more than they can ever have feared God; hassocks like small dark-red ambushes lurked awkwardly on the cold stone floor; battered prayer books slid about the pew desks, and tired little musty draughts met the guests as they were ushered in. The organ, whose range seemed to be between petulance and exhaustion, kept up the semblance of holy joy about as much as a businessman wearing a paper hat at a party pretends to be a child. Even the beautiful white lilac and iris could not combat the discomforting ugliness of the place. ‘Poor God,’ thought May. ‘If He is really present here, and many places like this, it must be like being a kind of international M.P. A hideous place with boring people not meaning what they say, except when they come to some private grievance.’
The organ came to an end, took an audibly bronchial breath and began on what was recognizably some Bach. Alice had entered the church on her father’s arm, followed by Rosemary and Elizabeth. Heads turned and turned back to the chancel steps where the vicar stood waiting for them. ‘He’s a wonderful looking man,’ thought Gertie Mount wistfully. A kind of cross between William Powell and Sir Aubrey Smith, she decided, as the colonel glided past her and came to a majestic halt and Leslie materialized out of the gloom beside his bride. Alice handed her bouquet to Rosemary, who received it with operatic humility, and the marriage service began. Mr Mount, whose clothes seemed to him to be slowly strangling him at all key points, glanced surreptitiously at the wife. She might start at any moment, but he had a nice big clean one handy: he groped in his right-hand trouser pocket, forgot about his morning coat and dropped his prayer book. He stooped to retrieve it, but the pews were so narrow that he hit his bottom – a hard but springy blow – on the edge of the seat This had the effect of knocking him forwards, his jaw came in contact with the pew desk and his false teeth gave an ominous lurch. He now seemed to be wedged, and was only rescued by his teenage daughter, Sandra, who hauled him to his feet and handed him her prayer book with a minutely crushing smile. She was, in his opinion, well on the way to becoming over-educated, and terrified him. He turned to Gertie for comfort: she’d begun, and he felt (more warily) for the hanky.
The vicar was asking the couple if they knew any impediment to their marriage. His voice and manner, Oliver thought, gave one the feeling that he could not possibly be real – might at any moment, in a Lewis Carroll manner, turn into a sheep or a lesser playing card: that would be an impediment, all right. He didn’t believe in marriage himself.
Leslie was looking forward to the bit where he had his say, which he had practised privately on a corner of the golf course at home. So keen was he about getting on with the job that he interrupted the vicar after the first question and said ‘I will’ with immense resolution, but the vicar was accustomed to amateurs and simply raised his voice a semi-tone. Leslie’s final asseveration was far more subdued. ‘Will what?’ muttered his Great-Aunt Lottie peevishy. She seldom had what Mrs Mount called a grip on things, and Mrs Mount had been against bringing her all this way, but Mr Mount had said that it would be an outing for her. Gertie felt in her bag for the tin of Allenbury’s Blackcurrant Pastilles, and nearly ruined her glove getting one out and thrusting it into Auntie’s mumbling hairy jaws.
The colonel waited until the padre had asked the question that usually applied to fathers, nodded briskly and stepped smartly back to the front pew beside May. His actions, to Gertie, showed that of course he had the proper respect, but he was a plain man with no nonsense about him. She was sure he had a heart of gold.
‘Going, going, gone!’ thought Alice wildly. Leslie’s hand was soft and dry, her own, damp and icy. Enunciating with care, he was plighting his troth: it did not sound like his usual voice, but then these were not things that people usually said to each other. In a moment it was going to be her turn . . .
‘I hope she’s secretly terrifically in love,’ thought Elizabeth hopelessly as she listened to Alice’s clear, unexpectedly childish tones repeating her share of the phrases after the vicar. But how could you be, with Leslie?
‘With my body I thee worship,’ Sandra repeated derisively to herself: the whole thing was unbelievably old-fashioned. She would get married in a registry office or America or a ship, in white leather, and go away in a helicopter. And she certainly wouldn’t marry anyone as old as Leslie.
Rosemary watched the ring being put on Alice’s finger and felt a lump in her throat: a lot of her men friends had said she was too emotional, but there it was. She felt like crying, and those two, standing there, seemed quite unmoved: that was British phlegm for you. If she had been standing where Alice was, her eyes would be full of great, unshed tears.
The vicar, gathering speed, was pronouncing them man and wife. He’s like an old horse, Oliver thought, on the last lap to the stable, or, in this case, the registry. His stomach was rumbling uncontrollably and he had the nasty feeling that it was just the sort of sound most suited to the acoustics of this church.
End of the first lap, thought the colonel, rising to his feet. He had managed, during the service, to count the guests – roughly, anyway – and on the whole he felt he had been sensible to put away two of the cold salmon trout that the caterers had been laying out. Those fellows always produced too much food because then they could charge you for it. So he had simply taken away two of the dishes and put them in the larder . . .
Where Claude, who never had very much to do in the mornings, smelt it. He had known for ages how to open the larder door, but had not advertised the fact, largely because there was hardly ever anything there worth eating; but he was extremely fond of fish. He inserted a huge capable paw round the lower edge of the door and heaved for several minutes: when the gap was wide enough he levered it open with his shoulder and part of his head. The fish lay on a silver platter on the marble shelf, skinned and garnished. He knocked pieces of lemon and cucumber contemptuously aside, settled himself into his best eating position and began to feast. He tried both fish – equally delicious – and when he could eat no more, he jumped heavily off the shelf with a prawn in his mouth which he took to the scullery for further examination.