“Where are your folks?” Adam Mackenzie asked the twin boys standing in front of him.

“We don’t talk to strangers,” they replied.

“Well, this stranger wants to let your parents know what mischief you were up to.”

A screen door slammed, reverberating through the quiet Oklahoma afternoon. Adam knew he was in big trouble. She stomped toward him, brown hair lifting in the breeze. Faded jeans and a T-shirt, her face devoid of makeup and he was suddenly sixteen again.

He let out a breath and remembered why he was here. And he remembered to be angry about his car and everything else that was out of his control.

“What’s going on here?” She came to a stop behind the boys.

“Your dog was in the road, and the boys were close to getting run over.”

“I’m really sorry about that.” She gathered her sons close, in a tight-knit huddle.

“It’s okay. I just wouldn’t want them to get hurt.”

“You’re right, of course. I’m Jenna Cameron.” She held out a small hand. “Welcome to Dawson.”