Chapter One

What do you say when you write a letter to the boy who used to be your boyfriend? To the boy you were going with off and on for almost an entire year and thought you were madly in love with? To the boy who dumped you before you went away to the country for the summer? In my mind, I still kept hearing the words he had said to me:

“I want you to believe, Linda, that no matter how difficult it is for the two of us, it’s better we’re away from each other for the summer. You can get to know some boys in the country, and I’ll be able to do my thing here at home. When we meet again in September, we’ll both have grown. Maybe we’ll be ready to start a relationship again, or maybe we’ll have drifted apart. But whatever happens, it’ll be for the best. Do you agree?”

Did I agree? A stab of pain went through me just thinking about it. Lenny Lipoff was the one I wanted, and I wanted him now. I knew perfectly well what the “thing” was that he wanted to do at home in New York City while I was away. He wanted to go out with other girls and find out what he had been missing during the time he had been going with me. The idea made me burn with jealousy.

But there was nothing I could do about the situation. I realized, painful as it was, that I was going to have to go through the summer without Lenny. I had no choice but to accept it. Accept it and wait and hope for the future.

“I agree,” I somehow managed to say.

“Good,” he said, grinning his mischievous grin that made my heart race. Lenny was more cute than handsome. He was tall and thin, with big brown eyes and brown hair that curled around an adorable, innocent-looking baby face. But Lenny was far from innocent. He was the prime wise guy, joker, and mischief maker in our neighborhood. If trouble was to be found, the chances were that Lenny had something to do with it. Lenny had a scar on the right side of his face that he liked to claim he received in a knife-fight. He was only kidding about that, but the truth remained that Lenny was entirely capable of getting someone mad enough to want to stab him.

Including me. Our relationship had been filled with stormy fights, breakups, and makeups. But Lenny had another side to him as well, a side he usually kept hidden. Lenny could be sweet and sensitive and feeling. He had more depth than I had found in any other boy. Sometimes Lenny could make me see things about myself that no one else could. When he talked, I could listen to his powerful, mesmerizing voice for hours.

I don’t know what it was that attracted me to Lenny more—his wild and crazy side or his deep and sensitive one. I only know that I had fallen so deeply in love with him that he had become the center of my world. And then, right before the summer, he had broken up with me and started hanging around with a new group of boys and girls. He began throwing parties and seemed to be having the time of his life. It was as if I had never mattered to him.

Right before I left for the country, I had found out this wasn’t the case. Lenny admitted to me that he really did care about me. But he also felt we were too young for the kind of relationship we had been having. I was just fifteen; he was turning seventeen. This was the time of our lives when we should be free, having fun, getting to know other people and ourselves. He didn’t want to wind up too serious, getting married someday, and then regretting it. We were better off parting now and waiting to see how things would work out when we met again in September.

“Well, since we’re parting as friends, will you write to me and let me know how you’re doing?” Lenny had asked, once I voiced my agreement.

“Okay; that is, if you’ll write back.”

“Sure I will,” he had promised. “But you write first. So, I’ll see you in September. Have a great summer, Linda.”

Then he had bent over and kissed me on my lips. It was just a light kiss, but it was still enough to set my heart hammering. Lenny always affected me that way. It was almost as if there were a strange force drawing me to him, a force too powerful for me to resist.

So now I found myself away in the country, a place where I didn’t really want to be. My mother, who worked part-time in a school, was off for the summer, and my father wanted someplace to come to on weekends and for his vacation, so they had rented a summer cottage in the Catskill mountains, in a place called Eden Gardens. If you asked me, it sounded like a cemetery. My social life there was sure to be absolute death.

But nobody bothered to ask me. My parents claimed that the cottage would give our family a chance to “get out of the city and breathe some good, clean country air.” It would give my brothers, Ira and Joey, who are eleven years old and twin pain-in-the-necks, a chance to go to day camp. It would give me a job as a CIT, or counselor-in-training, and a chance to “get good experience, make some money, and meet other nice young people.”

Those were the excuses my parents gave me when they were trying to sell me on the idea of going away to the country for the summer. I knew perfectly well that the main reason they wanted me out of the city was to get me away from Lenny.

My parents had been against my relationship with Lenny from the start. They didn’t like him because he had a fresh mouth and had trouble with his parents, who were separated, and with school. They never got to know Lenny well enough to find out his good points.

But I did. That’s why I sat here now, on the porch of my cottage, struggling to come up with the perfect letter to Lenny. I didn’t want to sound as if I cared too much or missed him like crazy, but I didn’t want to come off as totally disinterested either. I decided to start with the humorous approach:

To my Dear, Sweet, Lovable, and Cruel, Ex-boyfriend Lenny,

You might be happy (then again you might not) to know I arrived at the country without our vehicle’s crashing into such obstacles as trees, people, stray cats, railroad trains, or other vehicles. However, there is a chance that my sorrowful life will be snuffed out while trudging through the wilderness here en route to the post office to mail this letter. In case of such an occurrence, I hope you will mourn me for at least one day before throwing another party.

I read this beginning over and decided I liked it. It had a nice, devil-may-care ring to it, with just enough of a sense of the tragic to make Lenny feel a bit guilty for his treatment of me. And then there was the dig about his throwing a party, a reference to the one he had had the night before I left for the country, the one to which he didn’t invite me. Having said this, I decided to write something that sounded both sensible and mature.

Actually, I’m really glad we broke up when we did. Now we can meet new people and have fun without feeling guilty or sneaky. We can find out if we really like each other. In September, we can see how things stand with us. We can decide then if we want a relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend, as good friends, or as mere casual acquaintances, nodding hello when passing on the street, all traces of our past feelings gone forever. I hope that no matter what happens, we’ll never become enemies.

After adding this flowering-sounding stuff, I concluded by telling him how beautiful and peaceful the country was, and how there seemed to be quite a few interesting teenagers staying in our group of cottages. I was looking forward to getting to know them and having a great summer.

This description of the country was stretching the truth a bit. Oh, the country was beautiful all right, and peaceful. From my spot on the porch I could see a stretch of the Catskills outlined against the sky and hear birds singing in the mighty oak trees that shaded the cottage. Off to one side was an apple orchard, its trees heavy with ripening fruit. Behind the cottage was a playground, where some of the younger children were swinging and sliding, and a field where my brothers were already tossing a ball back and forth to my father. From inside the cottage, which had two bedrooms and a kitchen that also had a bed, drifted the smells of the grilled cheese sandwiches my mother had made for lunch.

The problem was with the “interesting teenagers” I had written about. Except for one boy, Pat, who lived in the cottage next door, I had met none of them. And Pat was only fourteen, a senior camper, too young to even be a CIT, much less of romantic interest to me.

Pat was interesting, however. He came from France and was spending the summer with his cousins, whose family had rented the cottage. He had been in America before and spoke good English.

As I was thinking of Pat, he made an appearance in front of my door. “Hi, Linda,” he said in his cute, slightly accented voice. “What are you doing?”

“Finishing a letter.” I licked the envelope and sealed it quickly. “I was planning to mail it at the post office. Do you know where it is?”

“In town, right next to the general store.” He smiled impishly. “I’ll walk you if you want.”

I was going to tell him not to bother, but then thought better of it. Pat was young, but he was a boy and a pretty cute one at that. None of the other kids in the area had come around to try to make me feel welcome. I might as well talk to Pat. “Okay, why not?” I shrugged.

I told my father that I was leaving, and Pat and I walked down the road that separated our group of cottages from the main section on the other side. As we walked, Pat filled me in on what he knew about Eden Gardens.

“That’s the recreation center up the hill to the right,” he pointed out. “We’ll be meeting there at nine o’clock Monday morning for the start of camp. The center has a snack bar, too, so most of the teenagers also hang out there at night.”

“Oh? Have you been hanging around with them?”

“No,” Pat admitted. “I only got here three days before you did, but no one even bothered to come say hello. I was told there are two boys who are CIT’s, five CIT girls, including you, and four girls and two boys in the senior group with me. They’ve all been coming to Eden Gardens a long time and know each other. The new people who come usually wind up in the area known as the ‘annex’—the cottages on our side of the road. From what I hear, the rest of the place regards us as outcasts.”

“Great,” I said sarcastically. “Not only do my parents drag me off to the country against my will, but I’m already considered socially inferior before anyone meets me.”

“Not by me,” Pat surprised me by saying. “I always admired older women!” He flashed me a sensual look.

I didn’t know how to take this. “Oh, so at the ripe old age of fifteen, I’m already considered an older woman!”

He laughed. “No, you don’t understand; it’s a compliment. In France, women are considered to grow even more beautiful as they mature. They have worldliness and become skilled in the ways of love, if you know what I mean.” He winked at me.

He looked so cute I couldn’t help laughing. “I know what you mean. But I’m sorry to disappoint you. The only skill I’ve acquired in the ways of love is the experience I had this year with my boyfriend, Lenny. And I couldn’t have been too successful in that department, because he broke up with me before I left for the country. He wants to be free to date other girls.”

“Well, he should be able to do that. But that’s no reason to give you up. In France, we have our own special girlfriend, but see others as well. Why limit yourself to just one flower when you can gather a whole bouquet? And you, you can do it as well as he can.”

“I know.” I sighed. “But I really don’t want to. I guess it would be better if I could take relationships lightly, but I can’t. As long as I’m in love with Lenny, I don’t even have any desire for anyone else.”

“No? That’s too bad.” Pat shook his head in a gesture of sadness. “But still, I don’t give up. Keep—how you say it—an open mind, Linda. You never can tell what this summer has in store for you!”