
I’ve been helped in my writing career by more people than I can name here, but I can mention a few, at least. Thanks so much to Avery Aames, Krista Davis, Sharon Oliver, Susan Schreyer, and Pat Brown who all read early versions of this title. The Austin Mystery Writers have been shaping my writing for years: Karen McInerney, Mary Jo Powell, Kimberley Sandman, Mark Bentsen, and more recently, Kathy Waller and Gale Albright.

My wonderful Guppy critique group, James Montgomery Jackson, Cathy Sonnenberg, Kristy Blank Makansi, and Cher’ley Grogg gave me loads and loads of helpful input. Classes I’ve taken from Mary Buckham, Kris Neri, Margie Lawson, and Pat Kay improved my writing abilities, and I wholeheartedly recommend their classes. The encour-agement I’ve gotten from Nan Higginson and Janet Reid, and the help from Melissa Collier, Joel at Pak Mail, have kept me going. I know I’ve left some out, but thank you all.