Chapter Eleven

For the next few days, Diana floated around on a cloud of pure bliss.  For the first time in her life, she was...well, she wasn't precisely sure what she was feeling.  She would not call it love, exactly, but it was far more than mere infatuation.  Whatever the feeling was, however, she basked in it, particularly each time she saw Lachlan.  They usually met each other at balls and musicales, and he paid a call on her every afternoon without fail.  Usually, they simply sat and talked under the watchful eye of Marie who had suddenly become very adept at seeming to vanish the moment the marquess appeared.  Once Lachlan had even taken Diana driving in the park again, this time for a longer trip so that they might be seen by others on Rotten Row, and another time escorting her, along with Sophia and Eliza, to Gunter's for ices.

It was a magical, perfect time.  Or it would have been, if not for the ridiculously stubborn Duke of Hathaway.

As promised, the infernal man was doing everything within his power to win Diana back, which, she reminded him every time he appeared on her doorstep bearing chocolates or flowers, wasn't possible because she had never truly been his to begin with.  She also reminded him that even if she had been his to lose, he had made his disinterest in her abundantly clear over the years.  However that did not seem to deter the man in the least.  If anything, it only made him more persistent, as evidenced by the fact that at this very moment, his sister was sitting in the middle of the Saintwood drawing room, sipping tea and berating her brother for his foolishness, even though he was not present to hear her recriminations.

"My brother is a mutton-headed idiot," Sophia huffed as she slapped a biscuit onto her plate and dropped two cubes of sugar into her tea with a bit too much force.  "The 'perfect' Duke of Hathaway is not longer quite so perfect in the eyes of the ton and he cannot abide that fact.  So he is pursuing you, Diana, in order to make himself presentable again.  That is all there is to it."  She snatched up a teacake for good measure, nearly crushing the delicate treat as she did so.  "Well, that and perhaps he cannot abide the idea that someone else has something that was once thought to be his.  He is rather selfish in that way, you know.  He always has been.  But still, I think it has more to do with Phoebe than anything else."

"He was seen with Miss Banbrook in his carriage.  A closed carriage with no chaperone," Eliza added, sipping her tea with a little less force than Sophia who was sloshing the hot beverage over the sides of her cup every time she took a sip.  "Did he truly believe no one would notice?"  She munched on a teacake thoughtfully for a moment.  "Or was he thinking with that other part of his body that often leads men into such situations, I wonder?"

"Eliza!"  Sophia turned bright red and for a moment, Diana thought the poor thing might faint from shock.  "That is my brother!"

Eliza shrugged and pushed her glasses back up onto the bridge of her nose.  "He is still male, isn't he?"  She paused.  "And I thought you were cross with him anyway as he continues to refuse Lord Selby's suit."

"I am angry with him," Sophia confirmed, putting her plate down, more embarrassed than angry now.  "However, that does not mean I wish to discuss him those terms!"  She shuddered.  "It might not matter anyway.  Mama is rather cross with him as well, though I believe it is for more than just the carriage ride.  He does not wish to be out of favor with her so I think he is considering relenting a bit where Alex is concerned in order to get back into her good graces."

"Alex is it?" Diana teased, feeling her mood lighten a bit.  She had been in something of a snit since a dozen yellow roses had arrived from Hathaway that morning.  She had given the flowers to Marie who seemed to like them well enough.  At the very least, she did not seem to loathe them as Diana did.

Sophia's eyes gleamed with mischief.  "Do not play the innocent with us, Diana.  I have it on very good authority that you have referred to Lord Hallstone by his Christian name on more than one occasion.  And that you have taken a sudden liking to darkened rooms and even darker gardens."

"Wherever did you hear such a thing?"  Diana busied herself pouring more tea.  She had thought she and Lachlan were being discreet.

"From Eliza."  Sophia's eyes slid across the settee they shared to her friend.  "She is become something of a spy.  Enough to rival Lord Candlewood, I would wager."

"I merely observe," Eliza offered, seemingly unconcerned about her slightly shocking bluestocking reputation that was only getting worse by the moment.  "I cannot help it if most people cannot differentiate me from the wallpaper and often behave rather badly where I can still see them."

That comment brought all three of them to laughter, which was interrupted by Philbert clearing his throat.  "You have a caller, my lady," he announced while taking in the scene before him.  "Should I inform them that you are indisposed?"

"Who is it, Philbert?" Diana asked with a sigh, wondering what manner of fortune hunter it might be this time.  She really was tired of it and had made it known to the butler that unless the caller was Lord Hallstone or one of her female friends, she was not receiving visitors.

"Lady Weatherby," the butler intoned dryly.  "She informs me that she knows you rather well."  His inflection indicated that he doubted that last part.

"Amelia is here?"  Diana jumped up from her chair to ring for a fresh tea tray.  "Please, show her up!"

With an odd look, the butler bowed stiffly and then departed the room, clearly not understanding why Diana would be so excited over a woman who had never once called upon Lord or Lady Westfield - or their children - in her life.

Moments later, Lady Amelia Rutledge, the Countess of Weatherby swept into the room, looking utterly sophisticated and lovely, such a change from the slightly dowdy and uncertain young woman she had been a scant few months ago.  She warmly embraced Diana and seemed pleased to be introduced to both Sophia and Eliza.  Sophia had been at the Weatherby house party a few months back as well, but had not interacted with Amelia as much as Diana had.

Once a maid had brought a fresh tea tray and Diana had poured for everyone, she settled back into her chair, eager to catch up with her friend.  "I cannot believe that it has been so long since we have spoken.  Letters do not do friendship justice, do they?"

"No, they do not," Amelia agreed, looking happier and more at peace than she had throughout the entire house party.  "That is why I have called upon you today.  Or at least partly.  I have missed you and your guidance.  My husband is not nearly so good at selecting gowns that will flatter me as you are."  Then she looked pointedly at both Sophia and Eliza, as if trying to decide if she should continue to speak freely.  Apparently she decided that she could.  "I am sorry that I do not know you as well as I know Diana, but she and I are friends.  And you are hers, so I am hoping that I am able to trust you with the true purpose of my visit."

Eliza's face took on a solemn expression.  "We would not betray you, my lady.  We have few enough friends as it is."

That made Amelia laugh.  "Ah, I should have suspected that Diana would have nothing less than clever and amusing friends.  Very well, then."  She picked up her teacup and sipped at it delicately.  "I do hate to be rude, but I am afraid that I haven't much time.  David," she began before stopping and correcting herself, "I mean the earl has plans for us to attend the fireworks for the season opening of Vauxhall Gardens this evening, and I am afraid that I am not in the least presentable for the occasion at the moment."

To Diana's eye, her friend looked lovely in a soft blue day dress with cap sleeves that flattered her figure to perfection.  The earl might not know how to select dresses, but it was clear his wife had learned the art of dressing to entice.  "You look lovely, as always," she assured her friend, "but I also know that is not the true reason for your visit.  Madame LaVallier also gives excellent fashion advice, as you well know."

Amelia shook her head, a small smile on her lips as if she knew she had been found out.  "Actually, I am here, to some degree, on behalf of my husband."

That made Eliza frown.  "What could Lord Weatherby possibly want with Lady Diana?"

"Nothing."  Amelia shook her head, "but my husband is friends with Lord Covington.  It is he who is in something of a quandary."

Immediately, Diana had a very good idea of where this conversation was headed.  "Then I imagine this visit has something to do with Lord Hallstone."

Amelia nodded in affirmation.  "Three times now, Lord Hallstone has attempted to pay a call upon Lord Covington.  He does not say what he wants, merely that he wishes to speak with the earl.  Given what transpired between the marquess' father and the earl...  Well, you can imagine Sebastian's hesitation."  If she noticed that she used the earl's Christian name, Amelia didn't not say anything, making Diana wonder if the families had become close over the last few months.  It was possible as they mostly moved within the same social circles and their country estates bordered each other to some degree.

"And this has made his wife, Lady Jane, rather anxious?" Eliza guessed quickly.  When everyone again turned to look at her, she took another sip of tea to hide her smile.  "It is simple deduction.  Not difficult at all to guess if one is observant."

"You think that Lord Hallstone means to press Lord Covington about the validity of his marriage, about whether or not his father still holds a claim over her," Diana surmised.  "Jane believes she is truly not free of the contract her father made with Laird McKenna.  Is that it?"

Amelia nodded in affirmation.  "Something like that.  There were so many machinations and underhanded dealings that I do not think Lord Covington nor Jane know what to believe.  Especially given the rumors that Lord Hallstone has something of a rather libertine reputation back in Scotland.  It is rumored that he takes what he desires without a care for others."

"That reputation is well behind him, I can assure you," Diana supplied quickly.  "Lachlan is not that man any longer, if he ever truly was.  Nor is he intent on disrupting Lord and Lady Covington's lives."

"Lachlan, is it?" Amelia teased, and Diana winced at her misstep.

"I did not mean to say that."

"Yes, you did."  That was the first thing Lady Sophia had added to the conversation since Amelia had arrived.  "Admit it, Diana, you are infatuated with the man.  And he with you.  Not that I can blame you, really.  He is handsome."  She smiled slyly.  "And a much better match for you than my idiot brother could ever be."

Amelia could not contain her bark of laughter.  "Oh, my.  I do wish I had you all as friends when I was in London for my seasons.  It would have made the rather tedious affairs so much easier to bear."

"Well, we are your friends now," Sophia assured her, showing a bit more spunk than Diana had seen in her friend for some time.  Ever since her brother had refused Lord Selby's offer for Sophia's hand, actually.  "We can all use more friends.  Isn't that what you said once, Diana?"

At that, Diana blushed, recalling the moment she had introduced Lachlan to her friends that first night at the Radcliffe ball.  "I did, at that."  She smiled and reached for Amelia's hand.  "And please, inform Lady Covington that she has nothing to worry about.  Lord Hallstone is in London to make amends for his father's misdeeds and do what he can to clear old debts before his father passes.  That includes repaying Lord Covington the funds he sent to Laird McKenna to free Jane from the contract."

"That makes a great deal of sense," Amelia nodded, apparently satisfied, "and I believe it will put Jane's mind at ease as well.  Thank you."

"You know, Lord Covington could have simply approached one of the other men in their social circle.  Even if he does not know Lord Radcliffe or Lord Candlewood well, I am certain they would have vouched for Lord Hallstone's good intentions."  That came from Sophia.

"Men lie for each other all of the time," Eliza offered, picking at a biscuit, her eyes downcast and a bit of her earlier spark dimmed.  "This group would not be the first."

Diana shook her head, a little saddened by Eliza's obviously jaded view of the world.  Then again, she had reason to be, Diana supposed.  "Perhaps the earl merely wanted a different perspective.  It does not matter.  I do not wish any of my friends, even those like Jane whom I have not spoken with in some time, to fear Lord Hallstone.  He is a good man.  One who is attempting to do the right thing."

"So says the lady in love," quipped Sophia, but there was no malice in her tone.  She smiled at her friend instead.  "I am where you are, Diana.  I recognize love when I see it."

"I do not love Lord Hallstone."  Diana would know if she was in love.  She cared for Lachlan, certainly, and he did make her blood sing in her veins.  Oh, and very well, she thought about him rather frequently.  But she did not love him.  Not yet.  It was too soon.  It was merely infatuation and it might well pass in time.

"Lachlan," Eliza supplied helpfully, a bit of her earlier spirit returning.  "You might as well say his name, for we all know you are thinking it.  And yes, you do."

With a smile, Amelia rose.  "I believe they both have you there, my friend," she said as she pulled Diana into another hug.  "If you love the man, do not put him off.  Do not pretend it is not love or that the two of you would not suit.  I believe it was you who offered me similar advice not so long ago."  Then with a farewell and a promise to call again soon, Amelia was gone leaving Diana alone with Sophia and Eliza.

"We should be going, as well," Sophia said as she rose, placing her cup back on the tea tray with much less force than she had picked it up earlier.  "We are attending the fireworks this evening, too."  Then she shook her head.  "Mama does not wish to attend as she says the night air is bad for my complexion, but I badgered her until she agreed.  Lord Selby shall be present as well."  She did not need to say anything more.  It was yet another attempt to convince her brother to approve a match between her and Lord Selby.  One that Diana was afraid would fall to naught.  As she was quickly discovering, once Lord Hathaway made up his mind upon a topic, it was extremely difficult to dissuade him.

"I will be there as well," Diana admitted.  "It was Patience's idea, really, though I think it has more to do with the fact that Lord Fontaine will be there.  In fact, I am given to understand that he has rented a rather large supper box and is holding a sort of open court for the duration of the festivities.  Not precisely the thing to do, but then, he is the future Comte de LaCroix, so I suppose he can do what he likes."

"Lord Hallstone is not scheduled to attend," Eliza offered as she gathered up her reticule.  "I had heard from Lady Sarah Cornleigh that he believed you to be attending Lady Trowbridge's affair.  It's smallish but select and the sort of event you typically favor.  Then again, I also believe that Lady Trowbridge has a daughter in need of a husband.  Somehow, I doubt the marquess is aware of that fact or he would not have accepted the invitation.  Someone should inform him."  She paused to adjust her gloves.  "It would only be the proper thing to do."

Of course, Diana could not send Lachlan a letter directly.  That would be unseemly, though she supposed no more unseemly than the intense kisses and caresses they shared each time they were together.  Still, someone might discover the letter.  She could not have that.  Then she remembered that Oliver had lost his official Tottenshire seal and had to have another one cast.  Only the original seal had eventually been found a few months ago during the necessary cleaning to reopen the Saintwood's London town home.  It had rolled under a desk and gone unnoticed for some time.

Now, however, it was back in the middle draw of her father's desk in his third study.  And today, he was using his first study.  How...fortuitous.

Her plans must have been plainly written on her face, for Sophia frowned at her.  "Diana, please do not do anything unseemly.  You are already risking much by sneaking off with him as often as you have been."  She laid a hand on her friend's arm.  "I am thrilled that he makes you happy, but you also need to beware of the talk that you generate.  Already there is speculation about the two of you."

"We are courting," Diana assured her friend.  "Nothing more.  Given that until recently it was assumed that I was betrothed to your brother and that few in town truly knew Lord Hallstone, I am not surprised that there is gossip.  About either of us, really.  In fact, I am truly surprised there is not more."

"I think all Sophia is saying is to be careful."  Now it was Eliza's turn to pat her friend's hand.  "For what it is worth, we approve of him and think he is good for you.  However there are others who might not agree.  I also understand that his stepmother is due in town in a few days and she is someone who would not agree with your courtship."

Diana, however, refused to allow anything more to disrupt the last of the warm glow she still carried with her where Lachlan was concerned.  "I am not worried about her.  Even if she does not approve of me, it does not matter.  Lachlan is the marquess.  Not her."

Eliza shook her head but it was Sophia who spoke next.  "Even if Lady Gladston does not worry you, my brother should.  He is in something of a state about his formerly pristine reputation and wants desperately to restore his good name."  She sniffed derisively.  "I told him that a little soil on the otherwise pristine Hathaway name might be a good thing but he disagrees.  So while Miss Banbrook still continues to pursue him, he is doing his best to avoid her."  Then she leveled Diana with a look.  "And doing his best to capture you.  As I have said, you two would not suit, but again, he is unwilling to listen, stubborn, idiotic man that he is.  I do not believe he is devious enough to trap you, but I do think he believes the only way to properly restore his reputation is to finally marry you.  And that makes him dangerous.  To you anyway."

"Your brother will not harm me," Diana insisted as she ushered her friends out, already making plans to send Lachlan a note about her whereabouts that evening since he had not paid his usual call that day.  All she needed was her brother's seal to frank the letter.  She was not usually duplicitous by nature, but she was desperate.  Desperate to see the marquess again that was.  "And even if he does approach me, Lord Hallstone will be present.  Even if I trust no one else with my safety, I trust him."