Annex HEInnovate framework and good practice statements

1. Leadership and Governance

Strong leadership and good governance are crucial to developing an entrepreneurial and innovative culture within an HEI. Many HEIs include the words “enterprise” and “entrepreneurship” in their mission statements, but in an entrepreneurial institution this is more than a reference. This section highlights some of the important factors an HEI may consider in order to strengthen its entrepreneurial agenda.

1.1. Entrepreneurship is a major part of the HEI’s strategy

An HEI should see itself as an entrepreneurial organisation and environment, held together by a common vision, values and mission. The strategy of an HEI should reflect its entrepreneurial aspirations and agenda.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

1.2. There is commitment at a high level to implementing the entrepreneurial agenda

A deep commitment at senior management level of an HEI is needed to drive the implementation of the entrepreneurial agenda.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

1.3. There is a model in place for co-ordinating and integrating entrepreneurial activities across the HEI

An HEI needs an effective model for co-ordinating and integrating innovative activities across the institution. There are a variety of models which can be used, such as:

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

1.4. The HEI encourages and supports faculties and units to act entrepreneurially

An HEI with open, flexible and devolved approaches finds it easier to undertake innovative activities and speed up decision-making. An HEI should provide an environment that encourages idea creation and the emergence of new activities and initiatives.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

1.5. The HEI is a driving force for entrepreneurship and innovation in regional, social and community development

An HEI can play several roles in its community and wider ecosystem. One of the key functions of an HEI is to support and drive regional, social and community development.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

2. Organisational Capacity: Funding, People and Incentives

The organisational capacity of an HEI drives its ability to deliver on its strategy. If an HEI is committed to carrying out entrepreneurial activities to support its strategic objectives, then key resources such as funding and investments, people, expertise and knowledge, and incentive systems need to be in place to sustain and grow its capacity for entrepreneurship.

2.1. Entrepreneurial objectives are supported by a wide range of sustainable funding and investment sources

Becoming an entrepreneurial HEI is an incremental and long-term organisational development process that requires a sustainable and diverse financial basis and access to key resources and investments.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

2.2. The HEI has the capacity and culture to build new relationships and synergies across the institution

All internal stakeholders, staff and students, have a role in supporting an HEI’s entrepreneurial agenda. Encouraging dialogue and synergies between the administration, academic faculties and staff, students and management helps break down traditional boundaries, foster new relationships and exploit internal knowledge and resources.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

2.3. The HEI is open to engaging and recruiting individuals with entrepreneurial attitudes, behaviour and experience

An HEI can build an entrepreneurial culture and fulfil its objectives by engaging stakeholders with a strong entrepreneurial background and experience. These individuals can bring different viewpoints, knowledge, and expertise unavailable internally. Such individuals can be permanent members of staff, guest contributors, visiting associates or external stakeholders.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

2.4. The HEI invests in staff development to support its entrepreneurial agenda

Staff, both academic and administrative, are a key and necessary resource required to deliver on all elements of an HEI’s entrepreneurial agenda, including the delivery of entrepreneurship education, provision of support for business start-ups, development of partnerships with other external stakeholders and supporting local and regional development.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

2.5. Incentives and rewards are given to staff who actively support the entrepreneurial agenda

Encouraging and rewarding entrepreneurial behaviour in all staff reinforces the commitment to developing as an innovative HEI. This includes staff who actively seek out new opportunities to develop the institution in line with its strategic objectives. Incentive and reward systems should be available at an individual level as well as for faculties/departments, extending beyond classic career progression models.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

3. Entrepreneurial Teaching and Learning

Entrepreneurial teaching and learning involves exploring innovative teaching methods and finding ways to stimulate entrepreneurial mindsets. It is not just learning about entrepreneurship, it is also about being exposed to entrepreneurial experiences and acquiring the skills and competences for developing entrepreneurial mindsets.

3.1. The HEI provides diverse formal learning opportunities to develop entrepreneurial mindsets and skills

An entrepreneurial HEI provides a range of learning opportunities to facilitate innovative teaching and learning across all faculties. Such an HEI should be encouraging innovation and diversity in its approach to teaching and learning across all departments as well as developing entrepreneurial mindsets and skills across all programmes.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

3.2. The HEI provides diverse informal learning opportunities and experiences to stimulate the development of entrepreneurial mindsets and skills

Extra-curricular learning opportunities are an important complementary part of entrepreneurship teaching and learning provision. An innovative HEI should offer a range of informal learning opportunities to students to inspire individuals to act entrepreneurially.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

3.3. The HEI validates entrepreneurial learning outcomes which drives the design and execution of the entrepreneurial curriculum

An entrepreneurial learning experience provides opportunities to develop important skills and competences. These are essential for both graduate entrepreneurs as well as entrepreneurial graduates entering into employment. An HEI that values entrepreneurial learning commits to regular review, validation, and the updating of course content and learning outcomes across all study programmes.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

3.4. The HEI co-designs and delivers the curriculum with external stakeholders

External stakeholders are an important source of expertise that can be used in entrepreneurial teaching and learning. Regular engagement with external stakeholders encourages long-term collaborative relationships that can provide useful inputs to understanding future skills needs as well.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

3.5. Results of entrepreneurship research are integrated into the entrepreneurial education offer

For a curriculum to stay up-to-date and relevant, the entrepreneurial education offer needs to be continuously reviewed and updated. Therefore an HEI should integrate the results of entrepreneurship research into its teaching.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

4. Preparing and Supporting Entrepreneurs

HEIs can help students, graduates and staff consider starting a business as a career option. At the outset it is important to help individuals reflect on the commercial, social, environmental or lifestyle objectives related to their entrepreneurial aspirations and intentions. For those who decide to proceed to start a business, or other type of venture, targeted assistance can then be offered in generating, evaluating and acting upon the idea, building the skills necessary for successful entrepreneurship, and importantly finding relevant team members and getting access to appropriate finance and effective networks. In offering such support, an HEI should ideally act as part of a wider business support ecosystem rather than operating in isolation.

4.1. The HEI increases awareness of the value of entrepreneurship and stimulates the entrepreneurial intentions of students, graduates and staff to start up a business or venture

Raising awareness of entrepreneurship in an HEI is about helping people make informed decisions about their careers, including the option of starting an enterprise.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

4.2. The HEI supports its students, graduates and staff to move from idea generation to business creation

An HEI can support motivated students, graduates and staff in taking their first steps in preparing for a start-up. This includes developing an idea, finding a team, and exploring the technical and market feasibility of a project. As well as introducing staff to new networks, an HEI can offer regular activities to generate and evaluate business ideas emerging across the institution.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

4.3. Training is offered to assist students, graduates and staff in starting, running and growing a business

Entrepreneurship training can provide some of the skills and competences needed to start, run and grow a business. The training should impart relevant knowledge and skills about a wide range of topics, for example financing, legal and regulatory issues, dealing with people and building relationships, managing innovation processes, coping with success, stress and risk, and how to restructure or exit. Emotional preparation is as important as the technical aspects.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

4.4. Mentoring and other forms of personal development are offered by experienced individuals from academia or industry

Mentoring and other personal development relationships (such as coaching and tutoring) can help start-up entrepreneurs identify and overcome problems and develop their business networks. They provide valuable support in the form of knowledge, experience, social capital and encouragement on a long-term basis. Mentors and coaches tend to be experienced (academic) entrepreneurs, company managers and often alumni.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

4.5. The HEI facilitates access to financing for its entrepreneurs

External financing can be essential for the success of a new venture, e.g. providing investment for feasibility and market studies, product and prototype development such as proof of concept funding, for initial production or for offering the founders some living income before their first revenues are generated.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

4.6. The HEI offers or facilitates access to business incubation

Business incubators commonly provide a range of services such as free or subsidised premises, access to laboratories and research facilities, prototyping support, IT and secretarial services and networking. They also offer a visible and accessible location for entrepreneurs to access an integrated package of coaching, mentoring, training, shared platforms and financing.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

5. Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration

Knowledge exchange is an important catalyst for organisational innovation, the advancement of teaching and research, and local development. It is a continuous process which includes the “third mission” of an HEI, defined as the stimulation and direct application and exploitation of knowledge for the benefit of the social, cultural and economic development of society. The motivation for increased collaboration and knowledge exchange is to create value for the HEI and society.

5.1. The HEI is committed to collaboration and knowledge exchange with industry, the public sector and society

Knowledge exchange through collaboration and partnerships is an important component of any innovative HEI. It provides the opportunity to advance organisational innovation, teaching and research while creating value for society.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

5.2. The HEI demonstrates active involvement in partnerships and relationships with a wide range of stakeholders

An innovative HEI understands the value of engaging with multiple stakeholders. There are many types of organisation with whom an HEI can form partnerships. These include, for example, regional and local organisations, quasi-public or private organisations, businesses (SMEs, large and international firms, social enterprises and entrepreneurs), schools and alumni.

To score highly, an HEI could for example:

5.3. The HEI has strong links with incubators, science parks and other external initiatives

Knowledge intensive structures surrounding an HEI provide opportunities to exchange knowledge and ideas. These include incubators, science parks and other initiatives. An innovative HEI should have systems in place that allow both inward and outward flows of knowledge and ideas.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

5.4. The HEI provides opportunities for staff and students to take part in innovative activities with business/the external environment

An entrepreneurial HEI engages with the external environment through a variety of innovative activities. These can range from informal activities, such as breakfast clubs and networking events, through to more formalised initiatives including internships, learning factories, collaborative research and entrepreneurship projects.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

5.5. The HEI integrates research, education and industry (wider community) activities to exploit new knowledge

Strong relationships with the external environment help stimulate the creation of new knowledge. An innovative HEI should integrate and assimilate the knowledge generated for extending its entrepreneurial agenda.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

6. The Internationalised Institution

Internationalisation is the process of integrating an international or global dimension into the design and delivery of education, research, and knowledge exchange. Internationalisation is not an end in itself, but a vehicle for change and improvement. It introduces alternative ways of thinking, questions traditional teaching methods, and opens up governance and management to external stakeholders. Therefore, it is linked very strongly to being entrepreneurial. It is not possible for an HEI to be entrepreneurial without being international, but the HEI can be international without being entrepreneurial or innovative.

6.1. Internationalisation is an integral part of the HEI’s entrepreneurial agenda

An international perspective is a key characteristic of an entrepreneurial and innovative HEI. Most institutions have internationalisation strategies and an innovative HEI will harmonise its internationalisation strategy and entrepreneurial agenda.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

6.2. The HEI explicitly supports the international mobility of its staff and students

International mobility brings in new educational and research ideas, creates intercultural opportunities and long lasting partnerships. In addition to attracting international staff and students, an entrepreneurial HEI actively encourages and supports the international mobility of its own staff and students.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

6.3. The HEI seeks and attracts international and entrepreneurial staff

The internationalisation of an HEI depends upon people who can stimulate new approaches to teaching, learning and research in a global framework, using world-wide reputations and contacts to benefit the HEI’s international network.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

6.4. International perspectives are reflected in the HEI’s approach to teaching

Access to new ideas for teaching and learning in the international environment can increase an HEI’s ability to compete on the international market. Therefore an innovative HEI should have a teaching and learning environment tailored to a more global audience.

To score highly, an HEI could for example:

6.5. The international dimension is reflected in the HEI’s approach to research

Strategic international research partnerships are an important part of an HEI’s entrepreneurial agenda. The partnerships should be fully functional, not just paper agreements, and engage both staff and students.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

7. Measuring Impact

Entrepreneurial/innovative HEIs need to understand the impact of the changes they bring about in their institution. The concept of an entrepreneurial/innovative HEI combines institutional self-perception, external reflection and an evidence-based approach. However, impact measurement in HEIs remains underdeveloped. The current measurements typically focus on the quantity of spin-offs, the volume and quality of intellectual property generation and research income generation, rather than graduate entrepreneurship, teaching and learning outcomes, retaining talent, the contribution to local economic development or the impact of the broader entrepreneurial agenda. This section identifies the areas where an institution might measure impact.

7.1. The HEI regularly assesses the impact of its entrepreneurial agenda

The impact of the entrepreneurial agenda can be wide ranging across research, education and innovation, as well as within governance and leadership, depending on the type of HEI. Understanding whether objectives are being met is crucial, if an HEI is to achieve its intended outcomes.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

7.2. The HEI regularly assesses how its personnel and resources support its entrepreneurial agenda

Becoming an entrepreneurial institution may require an HEI to re-think how its personnel and resources are employed. An HEI may need to develop new human resource strategies, leverage external partnerships to overcome internal shortcomings, and secure new sources of financial support.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

7.3. The HEI regularly assesses entrepreneurial teaching and learning across the institution

Ensuring that entrepreneurial teaching activities reach their full potential requires systematic assessment across all faculties and departments. An entrepreneurial HEI should have set clear objectives, which are regularly monitored and evaluated, and the results fed back into course renewal and staff development plans.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

7.4. The HEI regularly assesses the impact of start-up support

It is important to monitor and evaluate start-up support activities to ensure that they are providing the appropriate quality of support in an effective manner. An entrepreneurial HEI should also examine outreach, take-up and the role played by start-up support across all faculties and departments.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

7.5. The HEI regularly assesses knowledge exchange and collaboration

Assessing and gaining a better understanding of the HEI’s knowledge exchange and collaborative activities can result in increased value creation for both the institution and society. Therefore, an innovative HEI should have mechanisms and activities in place to regularly monitor and evaluate the intended outcomes and impacts of these activities across all faculties and departments.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example:

7.6. The HEI regularly assesses the institution’s international activities in relation to its entrepreneurial agenda

Having an international perspective is a key characteristic of an entrepreneurial HEI. An entrepreneurial HEI should regularly monitor and evaluate whether its internationalisation strategy supports the development of its entrepreneurial agenda across all faculties and departments.

To score highly, an HEI could, for example: