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Astrology, The Zodiac,
and The court cards

Astrology is a deep, magical, and complex area of study, and in the tarot landscape today, there is a significant connection between the tarot and astrology. This was not always the case, but the game changed when famous occultist Eliphas Levi connected the tarot with astrology, the Kabbalah, and the occult in the 1800’s. Metaphysical inclusions in the tarot have resonated deeply with many tarot readers and creators, and now the two are rarely separate when it comes to peoples’ understanding and depictions of the cards.

It is common in this new age–inspired society to ask about a person’s star sign, especially when you meet someone new and want to get the low-down on your cosmic compatibility, and most people will at least know what their sun signs are. The sun, like all of our solar system’s heavenly bodies (moon, sun, and planets), move through the cycle of our twelve signs of the zodiac. A person’s sun sign is what sign the sun was stationed in at the time and geographical location of their birth.

Why are sun signs so often spoken about and popular? It is because our sun sign is often the part of ourselves that we show to the outside world. Our sun signs are the conscious part of our being, the aspects of what makes us us, the parts that we are aware of consciously. It is the foundation of our complex personalities. We embody our sun sign when we meet other people for the first time and when we are at work. Our sun signs offer up some of the most dominant characteristics we have. It is often the illusion or parts of ourselves that we want people to see.

As the tarot court consists of the people and the personalities of the tarot, and therefore our lives, it is a great way to connect the reading to the people that are playing a part in our situations, lives, and often times, drama.

Your complete astrological chart will undoubtedly give you a more complete picture of the different aspects of your personality and preferences, but for the tarot court, we are going to focus on the sun sign so that you can use the information to decipher who they may be when they show up in a tarot reading, if the court card in question is someone impacting the reading or if the court card is reflecting an aspect of yourself or your querent.

The zodiac star sign is also an easy way to determine a person’s significator card in the court. You can use a significator card to help zone in on your querent when conducting a reading, or just for yourself during self-reflection. If you want to use significators in a reading for another person, allow the querent to decide which court card they want to use. You can inform your querent what sign each of them are to help their choice. It is the best way to avoid assumption and embarrassment.

The astrological characteristics, keywords tied to the zodiac, correspondences and sun sign personality traits offered to you for each court card are broad so they are unlikely to tell you everything you want or need to know about a person, but it does help you narrow things down, and it is a layer of information you can gather about a person. It is another layer of identification for aiding your readings.

The pages in the tarot court do not have a fixed astrological assignment and therefore can be any of the zodiac signs in their elemental family.

The Fire Sign Family

The Page of Wands

Can be linked to any of the three fire astrological signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. Use the lists of sun sign behaviours and keywords to help you identify which one your page may be.

The Knight of Wands

Sun Sign—Sagittarius

Born Between—23 November and 21 December

Sun Sign Keywords—Progressive, unconventional, resourceful, hot headed

Sun Sign Personality Traits

• A versatile person who can solve almost any problem in a lateral way

• A restless spirit who is always chasing something or someone out of their reach

The Queen of Wands

Sun Sign—Aries

Born Between—21 March and 20 April

Sun Sign Keywords—Impulsive, confident, rash, courageous

Sun Sign Personality Traits

• A person who likes to be in control

• Someone who owns their strong and vibrant personality

The King of Wands

Sun Sign—Leo

Born Between—23 July and 22 August

Sun Sign Keywords—Creative, commanding, generous, dramatic

Sun Sign Personality Traits

• A fun person that people are drawn to, the life of the party

• Someone who likes to keep up appearances

The Earth Sign Family

The Page of Pentacles

Can be linked to any of the three earth astrological signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn. Use the lists of sun sign behaviours and keywords to help you identify which one your page may be.

The Knight of Pentacles

Sun Sign—Virgo

Born Between—23 August and 23 September

Sun Sign Keywords—Analytical, rational, restless, purposeful

Sun Sign Personality Traits

• Easily sets and attains goals in their career and personal lives

• A self-critical person who may be also outwardly judgemental of others

The Queen of Pentacles

Sun Sign—Capricorn

Born Between—22 December and 20 January

Sun Sun Keywords—Disciplined, organised, independent, loyal

Sun Sign Personality Traits

• A person who is more than happy to play the long game

• Will plan every minute of their vacations and has endless checklists

The King of Pentacles

Sun Sign—Taurus

Born Between—21 April and 21 May

Sun Sign Keywords—Practical, resilient, stubborn, patient

Sun Sign Personality Traits

• Resists change and often moves through times of change belligerently

• A person of few words but a lot of actions

The Water Sign Family

The Page of Cups

Can be linked to any of the three water astrological signs: Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. Use the lists of sun sign behaviours and keywords to help you identify which one your page may be.

The Knight of Cups

Sun Sign—Pisces

Born Between—20 February and 20 March

Sun Sign Keywords—Spiritual, imaginative, sensitive, ever changing

Sun Sign Personality Traits

• Someone whose emotions turn on a dime

• A compassionate soul who will stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves

The Queen of Cups

Sun Sign—Cancer

Born Between—22 June and 22 July

Sun Sign Keywords—Emotional, protective, nurturing, kind

Sun Sign Personality Traits

• Internalises and guards their feelings

• Willing to give most things a try

The King of Cups

Sun Sign—Scorpio

Born Between—24 October and 22 November

Sun Sign Keywords—Passionate, extreme, driven, possessive

Sun Sign Personality Traits

• A brooding or mysterious person who oozes temptation

• Someone who holds onto a grudge or perceived wrongdoing for a long time (potentially forever)

The Air Sign Family

The Page of Swords

Can be linked to any of the three air astrological signs: Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. Use the lists of sun sign behaviours and keywords to help you identify which one your page may be.

The Knight of Swords

Sun Sign—Gemini

Born Between—22 May and 21 June

Sun Sign Keywords—Intelligent, adaptable, curious, vicious

Sun Sign Personality Traits

• A person who is very quick to voice their opinion

• A jack of all trades with many arenas of knowledge and interests

The Queen of Swords

Sun Sign—Libra

Born Between—24 September and 23 October

Sun Sign Keywords—Fair, social, charming, self-concerned

Sun Sign Personality Traits

• A natural peacekeeper and negotiator

• Someone who favours being in a relationship more than being on their own

The King of Swords

Sun Sign—Aquarius

Born Between—21 January and 19 February

Sun Sign Keywords—Visionary, inspiring, aloof, detached

Sun Sign Personality Traits

• Will do whatever it takes to be original

• Cares deeply about the future of humanity

If you read the tarot cards with a different set of astrological assignments for the tarot court members, you can transfer the information over to your own set. There is more than one school of thought when it comes to what zodiac sign each of the tarot court members are, and it is better to work with the formula and correspondences that work and make sense for you. It is also best in practice to stick with the astrological assignments that work for you even if you come across external resources that have different information. Take what works for you and apply it to your astrological foundation. Don’t throw out something that works just because someone else says something different.
