solde’s baby was born two days later, in her bedroom in Nandita’s house. The Partial raiders had long ago pillaged the hospital for gear and meds, and so they had nothing to help her other than themselves. Madison held Isolde’s hand, coaching and encouraging her; Senator Kessler caught the baby, and Nandita watched both mother and child for signs of trauma. It was a boy, and Isolde named him Mohammad Khan. Within hours he was sick. His skin broke out in a scaly rash, hardening in patches as tough as cowhide, and then swelling into blisters. Isolde watched in tears, cradling her baby with no hope of saving him.

But this was not RM.

Senator Kessler studied the blisters from behind a paper breath mask. “This has never happened before.” She shook her head, trying to force away the fear. “Tens of thousands of RM cases, and nothing ever like this.”

“The first human/Partial hybrid,” said Nandita. “This is the first Partial to ever contract RM. We don’t know how it will affect him—or how he will affect it.” Nandita stared at the squalling child, lost in thought. “‘What rough beast, its hour come round at last . . .’” She turned and walked away.

Ariel watched the child, and trembled.