Rise above the crowds to sleep in a lake-dotted basin, scale an 11,000-foot peak, and earn solo views of elk, wildflowers, and summit sunsets.

Consider this route a lesson in investments. While hikers focused on short-term gains jostle for permits to the more accessible (and, yes, gorgeous) loop of Cascade and Paintbrush Canyons, venture a little more sweat equity and embark from Death Canyon trailhead instead. The payoffs are astounding. You'll score solitude and million-dollar views of the Teton spires—and you won't have to motor from camping zone to camping zone to nab the best sites. The route links Open Canyon, Mount Hunt Divide, Granite Canyon, Alaska Basin, and Static Peak Divide to delve deep into the big, open country of the wildlife-packed southern Tetons, a less-visited area of rugged canyons, wildflower-strewn plateaus, endless mountain vistas—and empty campsites.

Start at the Death Canyon trailhead and hike west (ignore initial company; other hikers soon vanish). The first mile climbs gently through conifers to a 7,202-foot perch overlooking the deep blues of Phelps Lake. Keep an eye out for moose at the lake's edge. While cruising on the Open Canyon and Teton Crest Trails, look for the distinctive spire of 10,131-foot Spearhead Peak.

Descend the next mile to the mouth of Death Canyon, where black bears gorge on juicy huckleberries in late summer, and continue west into the canyon on switchbacks that gain more than 1,100 feet in a 2-mile stretch to a small patrol cabin. Scan the sheer granite walls for rock climbers scaling some of the park's most renowned multipitch climbs.

From the cabin, go straight at the three-way junction for another 4.5 miles along the gently inclined valley floor, which brims with Indian paintbrush, columbine, and monkshood in July. Sleep in the upper reaches of the canyon near the edge of the Death Canyon camping zone.

The next day, hike half a mile to the head of the valley and start the 0.8-mile, 700-foot push to Fox Creek Pass at 9,600 feet. As you climb higher, the surrounding cliffs transition from granite to pocketed walls of limestone, remnants of the ancient sea that once submerged the area.

Cruise north from the pass along the Death Canyon Shelf, a broad, boulder-riddled ledge with skybox views of the Tetons. (Alternate option: Camp on Death Canyon Shelf to hear elk bugle startlingly close to your tent at night. Wake at dawn to stroll to the canyon rim, where you sip coffee and scan the valley 1,000 feet below for moose).

Next, 3 miles later, cross 9,726-foot Mount Meek Pass and descend the Sheep Steps switchbacks to campsites in Alaska Basin, which neighbor lakes, granite slabs, and wild-flower nooks.

Death Canyon

You'll tick off 12.9 miles on the last day: Hike north about a mile, then turn right for a 2.2-mile climb that leaves the lush basin for stark, high-alpine terrain. At 10,550-foot Buck Mountain Divide, contour 1.1 miles southeast. Drop your pack on Static Peak Divide for a 0.5-mile out-and-back to Static's 11,303-foot summit, where the views grow from great to greater. Descend 4.1 miles through whitebark pines to the cabin and return to the trailhead.

DISTANCE: 28.2 miles

Time REQUIRED: 2–4 days


CONTACT: Grand Teton National Park, (307) 739-3343;

THE PAYOFF: Craggy peaks, wildflowers, and alpine lakes without the crowds.

TRAILHEAD GPS: 43.655766, -110.781066

FINDING THE TRAILHEAD: From Jackson, go north 12 miles on US 191. Turn left on Teton Park Road. In 0.7 mile, turn left on Moose Wilson Road. In 3.1 miles, turn right on Whitegrass Ranch Road. Bear left after 0.7 mile. Park in 0.9 mile.



GPS: 43.655766, -110.781066 Start at the Death Canyon trailhead and hike west. The first mile climbs gently through conifers to a 7,202-foot perch overlooking the deep blues of Phelps Lake.

GPS: 43.657007, -110.799441 At this high point, stare down at Phelps Lake, a popular hangout for moose and black bears. Next, descend to the mouth of Death Canyon.

GPS: 43.655061, -110.809839 Continue west at the mouth of Death Canyon, where black bears gorge on juicy huckleberries in late summer. Ahead, the trail gains more than 1,100 feet in a 2-mile stretch to a small patrol cabin.

GPS: 43.664115, -110.831065 From the cabin, go straight at the three-way junction for another 4.5 miles.

GPS: 43.651289, -110.893765 Sleep in the upper reaches of the canyon near the edge of the Death Canyon camping zone. The next day, hike 0.5 mile to the head of the valley and start the 0.8-mile, 700-foot push to Fox Creek Pass, at 9,600 feet.

GPS: 43.646927, -110.910066 Summit Fox Creek Pass, a meadow with sweeping northeast views of the Tetons' vaulted sky-line. From here, traverse north-northeast.

GPS: 43.652656, -110.901489 Death Canyon Shelf. Traverse this 3-mile-long, 900-foot-wide ledge. A 500-foot-tall cliff band rises to the west and a 200-foot wide ledge drops into Death Canyon to the east. There are year-round springs and several campsites, all with views of the Grand Teton and other peaks.

GPS: 43.684045, -110.874749 Cross 9,726-foot Mount Meek Pass and continue north.

GPS: 43.692456, -110.867969 Drop down the Sheep Steps switchbacks.

GPS: 43.696731, -110.851579 Your campsite In Alaska Basin, neighboring lakes, granite slabs, and wildflower nooks. You'll tick off 12.9 miles on the last day: Hike north about 1 mile, then turn right for a 2.2-mile climb that leaves the lush basin for stark, high-alpine terrain.

GPS: 43.706136, -110.855614 Turn right at the three-way junction, and climb out of Alaska Basin.

GPS: 43.687147, -110.829553 At 10,550-foot Buck Mountain Divide, swing 1.1 miles southeast.

GPS: 43.679576, -110.818583 Drop your pack on Static Peak Divide for a 0.5-mlle out-and-back to the summit.

GPS: 43.682552, -110.816179 Static Peak (11,303 feet). Descend 4.1 miles through whitebark pines back to the cabin.

GPS: 43.664207, -110.831032 Turn left and retrace your steps to the trailhead.