Gurgling mountain streams and peaceful vistas line this 9-mile loop in the southern half of the park.

Want all that Shenandoah's lonesome ridges have to offer? Try the Riprap Trail. Located in southern Shenandoah National Park, this 9.1-mile loop—with an optional Appalachian Trail extension—highlights the park's two best features. Start at the Riprap Trail parking area off of Skyline Drive, tracking the AT south. Turn right onto Wildcat Ridge and descend 1,500 feet. Turn right onto the Riprap Trail and ahead pass the park's largest swimming holes and a temple of cliffs called Calvary and Chimney Rocks. Continue on Riprap to the AT. Turn right and close the loop back at your car. Optional: To tag a peak, take the AT south to 2,981-foot Turk Mountain, adding 6 outand-back miles to the circuit.

DISTANCE: 9.1 mile



CONTACT: Shenandoah National Park, (540) 999-3500;

THE PAYOFF: Swimming holes, airy cliffs, quiet forests.

TRAILHEAD GPS: -38.1783066, -78.7644043

FINDING THE TRAILHEAD: Take I-66 W to I-81 S to I-64 E. Continue to Rockfish Gap, then head north on Skyline Drive. Go 15 miles to the Riprap Trail parking area.



GPS: 38.178307, -78.764404 From the Riprap trailhead, follow the spur trail north for 200 yards before turning left to head south on the Appalachian Trail.

GPS: 38.153050, -78.774048 Turn right at four-way onto Wildcat Ridge Trail, and begin the 1,500 foot descent.

GPS: 38.163185, -78.798614 Turn right at the T onto Riprap Trail.

GPS: 38.170399, -78.793205 At the old location of Riprap Shelter, look for swimming holes in the nearby creek. Then continue straight to Cold Spring Hollow.

GPS: 38.183765, -78.786156 The trail gently moves north-northwest to an airy ridgeline.

GPS: 38.186466, -78.776764 Chimney Rock. A big rocky outcrop looks over Shenandoah Valley.

GPS: 38.182667, -78.762032 Turn right at the T and continue 0.4 mile to parking lot.I»