Christmas Eve—One Year Later
Leona snuggled in Cameron's arms on the tiny loveseat in the hunter's cabin. A huge roaring fire warmed the small space. Firewood piled high next to the door ensured they'd be warm throughout the night.
"Well, Mrs. Fleming…" Cameron looked deep into her eyes. "…does the honeymoon suite you requested meet your approval?"
She snuggled deeper into his arms. "Exceeds."
The scene reminded her of something out of a Rockwell painting. Cameron had hired a couple who lived in nearby Steamboat Springs to come in and get the cabin ready for their honeymoon night. They'd cleaned the place up, stocked the cupboards and ice chest, put comfortable linens on the bed, stacked enough firewood to last a week, and brought in a special bed for Max.
The minute Cameron and Leona arrived and got a fire going, the spoiled canine curled into the bed next to the fireplace and instantly fell asleep. He became Cameron's dog shortly after their rescue last year.
"Tonight's a far cry from when we were here last Christmas Eve." Cameron held her hand and toyed with the wedding ring he'd placed on her finger earlier today.
Leona relived the ceremony in as much detail as an ecstatic bride could remember. Their church had been decorated with poinsettias and cedar boughs. The nativity in the corner of the church was a special blessing. How many people get to have the baby Jesus at their wedding ceremony?
The more than two hundred guests had helped make the wedding a traditional southern extravaganza. Julian and his new girlfriend, Coco Andrus, had arranged the jazz band for the second line procession from the church to the reception hall.
Although the temperatures were a bit on the cold side, she had loved carrying the lace-covered parasol dancing along the street next to her umbrella-toting groom while their guests merrily followed.
Marissa Madison, who had found Leona's journal and had been moved enough by her prayer, had let her guard down and become Leona's friend. She and her new husband, Bryan Golby, had provided the private jet for Cameron and Leona's honeymoon trip to Colorado.
Cameron tapped her arm with his index finger. "What are you thinking?"
"I'm still blown away by everything. The wonderful wedding. Our friends. It was perfect."
He nodded. "It was, but we left out one thing." He handed her an envelope.
Her confusion made him smile. The wait to give her his special wedding gift had taken all his willpower, but now, seeing her brilliant brown eyes with the firelight reflected in them and the look of total surprise was worth the wait.
"What's this?"
"Your second wedding present." He leaned back and encouraged her with his smile.
Her brows furrowed. "Second. I thought the first was more than enough." She fingered the gold cross hanging from her neck.
"This is just a little lagniappe – a little something extra." He prodded her hand. "Open it."
Once opened, she slid the folded paper from the envelope and shot him a quick glance. Her fingers shook as she turned the flaps over and read the words written in Cameron's recognizable script.
My dear René,
I believe I am the luckiest man alive. Who said dreams don't come true? Mine have. I'm married to the girl of my dreams, I'll be a chef this time next year and with this money, we can open Leo's. You don't know how blessed I feel to be able to give you your dream.
All my love, always, Georgie.
Her eyes widened as she read his words. He couldn't wait for her response.
She lowered the sheet of paper onto her lap and stared at him. Her expression unreadable. "No."
His heart sank. That was not the response he'd expected. Hoped for. What? "No. Why not?"
"We can't open Leo's with this money." Her face remained void of emotion.
"What do you mean? It's what I've saved it for. It's your dream." He couldn't believe what he heard. How could she not want to do this? Was it because it was his money? Surely, she had to know that now everything he had was hers, too.
"I know. That's why we're not opening Leo's." She turned to him, kissed his lips softly and then met his questioning gaze. "We're opening R & G's. Our dream."
Cajun Pronunciation/Definition Key
Beurre blanc: White butter sauce
Dat: “That" spoken in a heavy Cajun accent.
Dere: "There" spoken in a heavy Cajun Accent.
Petite: “Little,” used as a term of endearment
Shâ: Cajun variation of the French Chéri, meaning beloved, darling, precious.
Lagniappe – (pronounced lan–yap) a little something extra.
Second line: A uniquely New Orleans wedding tradition. A parade led by the bride and groom that signifies the beginning of their life together. The second line band leads the wedding party and the guest from the church to the reception.
The Quarter: Common name used to describe the French Quarter of New Orleans.
Cajun Surnames
Buquet: Bue' kay
Doucet: Doo' set
Mayeax: My' you