Finding Faith


While Alan was getting high and throwing punches, I actually turned my attention in a whole different direction.

I had gone to Ballast Point Baptist Church off and on since about the first grade. The church sat catty-corner to the elementary school, and my parents (more likely my mom) would sometimes bring me on Sundays. Now and then I’d go with Vic and his parents—the ones who owned the local bowling alley. Then later on I’d go with these two junior high football buddies of mine, Don and Ron Satterwhite—two brothers who coincidentally enough are both ministers now.

Church never had much of an impact on me as a little kid. My dad was really hit-or-miss with the whole religion thing, and I think that probably rubbed off on me. We would go on Sunday, then come home and never talk about God or religion during the week at all. I asked about going to Sunday school a few times, mostly because I saw all the other kids going and making things out of clay and painting them, and it looked kinda fun. But my parents were always “No, no, no.” Dedicating an hour a week to church was enough of an inconvenience already.

Things changed when I was about fifteen. I had just gotten my learner’s permit, and I already had my first car: a 1965 Ford Galaxy. Green with red interior. It looked like a Christmas tree. But instead of the regular shifter it had this three-speed Sparkomatic in it that some previous owner had installed. So it was almost cool! (Almost.)

I don’t remember if I was still playing football at that point or if I had quit already, but I remember it being just after football practice that the Satterwhite brothers finally convinced me to come with them to the Christian Youth Ranch. They’d talked about it ever since junior high. But they finally suckered me into coming by saying they needed someone to play guitar so everybody could sing along. They knew that music was my sweet spot.

I had a wooden box guitar and could play your standard three-chord progression, which is all most of those church songs were. So I went. And all the kids sang along. It was just a real nice peaceful environment.

The meetings were every week. I forget if they were Mondays or Tuesdays, but I didn’t have anything better to do at that time, so I kept going. And in between the songs each week I’d listen to the lessons of the Rev. Hank Lindstrom—especially the one verse that Rev. Lindstrom would beat into everybody’s heads, week after week:

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

—John 3:16

When Rev. Lindstrom was done he’d say, “All right, now how many of you here accept Christ as your savior? Close your eyes, everybody. Raise your hands.” Everybody would be peeking with one eye open to see who was raising a hand and who wasn’t.

In the beginning I wouldn’t raise mine ’cause I didn’t understand it. But it didn’t take long for it to all sink in.


Growing up, I always believed there was something more to us than just the flesh—something more than just this meat suit that we’re running around in, you know? Other kids would say things like, “Oh man, I don’t ever want to die.” And even early on I remember saying, “I’m not afraid to die because I think I’m going to heaven.” I never really understood the whole religion thing, but I just had a feeling there was a God.

Now I realize that people follow a lot of different faiths. Whether it’s Allah or the “higher self,” every religion has a name for what they believe to be the higher spirit or higher energy or higher being. But simply “God” made sense to me for some reason.

I also had my own sort of moral code as a kid. “Well, if I’m good, if I get good grades, if I don’t get in trouble”—it was more like a checklist, like Santa has—“if I’m a good person, then I’ll get into heaven.”

It wasn’t until I met Hank Lindstrom that I came across a barrier to that basic belief. He told me, “You know what, man? You can’t get into heaven like that.”

I said, “What do you mean?”

“You have to accept Christ as your savior,” he said. “You have to accept that we’re all sinners, you know? And that God gave his only begotten son—he sacrificed his son to pay for your sins.”

I took a real interest in what he was saying for some reason, and I kept asking him to read me different passages from the Bible. What they all seemed to be saying is that you don’t necessarily have to do good, the way I had been doing things. All you have to do is believe. And that didn’t make much sense to me. I mean, after seeing what my brother Alan had gotten into, I definitely knew I wanted to go down the right path and do the right thing. I didn’t quite agree with the idea that you could go out and murder people and all of a sudden, “Oh, I believe in Jesus Christ,” and all would be forgiven and you’d walk through the pearly gates.

But that didn’t negate the idea that if you believe in Christ, you’ll have eternal life after death. To me, it just felt like acknowledging what I already knew in my gut—that everything wasn’t just surface level. That everything wasn’t materialistic. There was something more.

Why did I believe in God? Maybe I was just too scared not to: I don’t want to say I don’t believe in God ’cause, oh my God, what will happen then? You know? But when you really stop and think about it, the Bible’s been so consistent, and handed down over thousands of years. How can you not put some kind of stock in it? Even if you’re just reading the words and going, “Oh, I don’t know if I can believe this.” Look at it from a different angle: If there’s nothing to it, if it’s a hoax, if it’s folklore, if it’s an urban legend, it’s a pretty good one to have survived all those years.

All I know is that I could tell the difference between my human flesh and what I felt inside. Call it a spirit. Call it whatever you want. But if you believe in that, and you believe in John 3:16, which is the foundation of Christianity and what I believe in, well, then all of a sudden you’re not afraid to die anymore.

And the amazing part is, once you’re not afraid to die then you’re not afraid to live.

I didn’t fully understand the power of that when I was fifteen, sixteen years old, but I did feel something shift in my life at that point. I followed that feeling, knowing that I’d been saved; knowing that I would have eternal life if this meat suit I’m walking around in ever got wrecked.

Once I accepted Christ, I just stayed on the path that I was instinctively following before. It was mostly commonsense stuff—this overwhelming feeling of just wanting to be good instead of bad.


Looking back on that Christian Youth Ranch, it really helped lay the foundation of strength and resolve I would need to accomplish everything in my life—and certainly the foundation that helped get me through the rough times that were to come all these years later.

I remember the moment, maybe five or six weeks after I first started playing my guitar there, after listening to Rev. Lindstrom hammer away at the Bible, when I first raised my hand with the rest of the kids. It was pretty simple. I said to myself, “You know? I think Christ did die on the cross for our sins.”

So when I say I was “saved,” it wasn’t some big evangelical moment. It wasn’t some over-the-top thing. It wasn’t like I joined some sort of cult or something. It just meant that I accepted the basic tenet of Christianity.

I kept going to that Youth Ranch pretty much every week right through the rest of high school. And I kept those teachings in the back of my mind long after Port Tampa was disappearing in my rearview mirror—when Sundays were spent in the ring and not in some pew.

I kept in touch with Rev. Hank Lindstrom, too. We would call each other now and then. It was always good to hear his voice.


If somebody asked me if I’d ever had a “religious experience” in my early years—one of those mind-blowing, life-altering, shake-your-whole-world moments of elation where you just want to raise your hands to the heavens and shout, “Thank you!”—the answer would be yes: the first time I sat in an arena and watched live wrestling.

Vic and I used to love to watch wrestling on TV. Florida Championship Wrestling was the bomb! Every Saturday morning.

There was no other wrestling on here in Tampa. There was no WWWF on TV at all. (Not many people remember that it was three W’s and an F when it first started—for World Wide Wrestling Federation. Later it became WWF, and then WWE.) There was no cable with Ted Turner and the WCW. Nothing. Florida Championship Wrestling was it, and we were addicted to it.

Back in the ’60s and early ’70s they had a wrestler called the Great Malenko (whose kid wound up working with Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho years later) and a great champion named Buddy Colt. There was Jos LeDuke, “the Canadian Freight Train.” Eventually Superstar Billy Graham was on there. And of course André the Giant was in and out.

But the guy that we really would watch every Saturday, and if he didn’t talk, or if he wasn’t on TV that week we’d be all pissed off, was a guy named Dusty Rhodes. “The Great American Dream, baby!” He was the first guy we ever heard trash-talk. This big, strong, powerful-looking dude with a white afro and this twangy voice, and he’d get that weird lisp going, “The man of the hour, man of the power, the man too sweet to beat! The American Dream, Dusty Rhodes!”

Dusty Rhodes was the be-all end-all. He beat everybody up. There was a promoter here named Eddie Graham, and his son Mike Graham was a wrestler who would eventually take over the business from him. I didn’t understand anything about the “business” back then, but what they would do, since Dusty Rhodes was like their Hulk Hogan, their hero, is they would bring in bad guys to feed to him. Like Superstar Billy Graham or the Russian Bear, Ivan Koloff. These guys would show up down here and they were scary, these three-hundred-pound wrestlers out of New York.

I guess all the promoters were friends from wrestling together in the ’60s, so the WWWF up at Madison Square Garden would send out wrestlers as a favor to these other territories. One of the places that Vince McMahon Sr. used to love to send wrestlers was to Florida, so they could disappear for a while and the audience up north wouldn’t get bored with them. Then six months or a year later they’d come back to New York, and the fans would go nuts, you know?

As a kid I didn’t know any of that, and I didn’t care. All I knew was there was this cast of bad guys that would come through Florida trying to dethrone my hero, Dusty Rhodes. And he would beat every one of them with the Bionic Elbow. He’d be down and bloody, but no one could stop him. He’d get up and make the comeback with that elbow, bang! and then put the Figure Four on ’em, like the Ric Flair Figure Four Leg Lock—that was his finish.

We got so addicted to watching wrestling that we finally talked Vic’s dad and my dad into taking us down to the armory. I think we were about nine or ten years old the first time we went. I remember Vic’s dad got us really good seats, in the second or third row. We were right in the thick of the action.

The Fort Homer Hesterly Armory wasn’t a big building, and I remember there was a guardrail up on the top level. Sitting in the crowd, you could look up and see the wrestlers looking over that guardrail, watching what was happening in the ring. I thought it was so cool to be there and see what you could never see on camera.

On one side was the good guys’ dressing room, and on the other side was the bad guys’. Every once in a while a bad guy would come out and look over the rail, then he’d go in. Then a good guy would come out. You’d see them at that guardrail, and then they’d disappear. Even though there was this big set of stairs off to the side that came all the way down to the main floor, when it was time for their match, the wrestlers would disappear and then come out through the bottom of the arena for their big walk out to the ring.

I was just totally blown away watching wrestling live.

On that very first day we saw all of these matches, one after the other, and I was just ready to burst out of my seat I was so excited. Vic and I were just dying to see Dusty Rhodes. Then all of a sudden, the time for the main event hits, and Dory Funk Sr. comes fighting down the stairs with Dusty Rhodes!

There was blood everywhere before the match even started. It was the wildest thing I’d ever seen.

When Dusty finally climbs into the ring and the match really starts, instead of locking it up or doing arm drags or hip tosses or body slams, the bad guy just kicks him and starts beating on him. My hero got jumped by the bad guy! He’s down on the mat. We’re all standing up trying to see what happened, and he’s down in the fetal position getting his ass kicked.

This goes on for what seems like forever. Then all of a sudden Dusty gets free. The bad guy backs off for a second, and Dusty Rhodes rises up from the canvas. By now he’s just a crimson mess. His white hair’s filled with blood. He regroups and gets his strength back and out of nowhere hits a Bionic Elbow on his opponent, and the whole place explodes. It sounded like a cannon. Boom!

Every time he’d do an elbow, boom! He’d throw it nice and slow so everybody could see it comin’, and when it hit the whole arena would go, “Oh!”

Once he was on his feet it was boom! boom! boom! boom!


And it was over.

I was reeling! “Oh, man!” The whole match lasted about three minutes, and that was the main event. Not two seconds later Vic and I were begging our dads, “We gotta come back! We gotta come back!” It was unbelievable. And I got totally hooked.


Vic and I went back with our dads probably three or four times a year from then on. Once I was in high school and got my license, I would sometimes skip school on Wednesdays to go watch them film wrestling at the Sportatorium on Albany. My mom would even write notes claiming I was out sick. She was real cool like that. Just like with music, my parents supported whatever I was into.

As much as I loved to watch wrestling, though, it was way too violent for me to even remotely consider doing myself. It never even crossed my mind. I mean, we used to mess around and fake-wrestle in high school. Me and my buddies would go outside in the parking lot during shop class and pretend to ram each other’s heads into a door, or fake bodyslam someone on the hood of one of our cars. We’d ham it up like we were really gettin’ hurt.

In reality, I had this weird John Lennon/Yoko Ono peace-and-love type attitude about fighting. Even if I was playing a gig and a bar brawl broke out, which happened all the time, I wouldn’t go anywhere near it. Maybe it was some kind of a knee-jerk reaction to seeing what happened to my brother Alan, but I just hated the thought of participating in anything violent at all.

So despite my passion for it, it would take years—and one very big revelation—before I’d even think about getting into wrestling myself.