“Everything happens for a reason.”
A lot of people say that phrase. We’ve all heard it a million times. But I don’t think I ever really understood what it meant until this last couple of years.
The thing is, there are lessons to be learned from every moment in your life—the good, the bad, the amazing, the awful, everything. Whether you recognize those lessons or not is up to you, but you can’t avoid them. Because of that, everything that has ever happened to you, from the day you were born until this very second, has helped prepare you for the moment you’re in right now.
It’s kind of mind-boggling when you think about it: Every single thing that’s happened, whether you wanted it to or not, has led you to where you are right now.
Unbeknownst to me, all I had done through that point in my life had prepared me to become the biggest professional wrestling superstar the world had ever seen. Just like everything I did in the years that followed would prepare me for the backlash and the wallops I’d suffer in 2007 and beyond.
It’s all connected. It’s all intertwined. I know that now. I didn’t know that then.