
Below are websites and resources we use often for products and information, as well as a sense of community. If you live in an area where there isn’t a health food store or co-op on every corner, the Internet can be a great source of connection. You can purchase just about anything online these days, and we guarantee there’s another WeBe out there in a tiny meat-and-potatoes town just waiting to wax philosophic about the trials and tribulations of being a small-town vegan.

Amazon You can buy just about anything on Amazon, from cookbooks to nutritional yeast. Amazon sells it all, often at prices well below those in brick-and-mortar stores.

Fat Free Vegan Kitchen ( Susan Voisin has become known as the Fat Free Vegan. Even though there are numerous websites full of great recipes on the Internet, Susan’s site has a wonderful blog that supplies incredibly delicious recipes that require little to no “reworking” to fit the oil-free, sugar-free way of eating. Check her out!

Food Fight! Grocery ( From soap to vegan marshmallows, this all-vegan grocery store has a physical store in Portland, Oregon’s, famed vegan mini mall, but you can shop online as well.

Food Not Bombs ( There are hundreds of autonomous chapters sharing free vegetarian food with hungry people and protesting war and poverty. Food Not Bombs is not a charity. This energetic grassroots movement is active throughout the Americas, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Australia. Food Not Bombs is organizing for peace and an end to the occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine. For more than twenty-five years, the movement has worked to end hunger and has supported actions to stop the globalization of the economy, cease the restrictions to the movements of people, end exploitation, and the destruction of the earth.

Herbivore Clothing ( Also located in the vegan mini mall, Herbivore Clothing carries books, t-shirts, hoodies, belts, wallets, and other fun stuff, all carrying a vegan message of compassion.

The Post Punk Kitchen ( Founded by best-selling cookbook author and all-around awesome vegan Isa Chandra Moskowitz, this website is home to her blog and recipes, as well as a very active forum community where vegans of all ages from around the world can gather to chat about parenting and pets to food photography to the latest vegan food trends.

Self Nutrition Data Website ( This website provides one of the most amazingly complete nutritional breakdowns for different foods. It’s a great and very reliable source for becoming more familiar with the nutritional profile of the food you’re eating.

Weekly Nutrition Facts ( Michael Greger, M.D., does a beautiful job of combing through all of the hundreds of research papers published weekly and creating a 3- to 5-minute video summarizing the most interesting and relevant papers pertaining to nutrition. None of us has the time, patience, or knowledge to read and understand all of these very technically written papers. You can sign up for Dr. Greger’s weekly email at the above site, and it’s free!

Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale ( This website has everything you need—including photos, posters, links, and handouts—to help you organize a vegan bake sale for the charity of your choice.