WellBeings care about more than just what we eat! WeBes strive for healthy lifestyles.
Our compassion extends beyond the plate. We volunteer at animal shelters, we cook for homeless shelters, and we have vegan bake sales to raise money for charity.
WeBes also care about the other ways in which animal products are used within our lives, and we do our best to avoid them. Cosmetics, body care, household cleaning products, and clothing all have the potential for animal abuse either by using animal ingredients or by testing on animals. Here are some ways to go vegan—beyond the plate.
Look for products that are certified vegan or cruelty free by looking for the following designations or symbols on the packaging. Vegan Action (www.vegan.org), The Vegan Society (www.vegansociety.com), People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (www.peta.org), as well as a handful of others are responsible for certifying hundreds of companies and products as meeting the requirements for being vegan, including ingredients and sub ingredients, as well as verifying that no animals or animal products were used or tested on, in the processing or refining of ingredients.
Now that you’ve decided to give up all animal products in your diet, you’ll start to notice that, all of a sudden, people who couldn’t have cared less about what you ate in the past are now suddenly concerned about your dietary choices. Believe it or not, people will be angry with you, whether it’s from guilt, jealousy, or an insecurity about their own personal dietary choices. You won’t believe the hurtful things people will say to you about your choice to become vegan.
All the tools in the world—the delicious recipes, books, lists, information, websites, and restaurants—aren’t enough to prepare you for what happens once you decide to become a WellBeing. Luckily, WeBes like us know how to roll with the punches. We know the choices we’ve made are better for our bodies, and they are also better for the planet—and for the animals as well. The vegan lifestyle promotes a healthy relationship with food, and it does the least possible amount of harm to anyone or anything else as compared to the Sickness and Disease-promoting Diet (SAD).
You’ve heard the saying, “You catch more flies with honey (well, in this case, agave!) than you do with vinegar.” It totally applies here. Here are a few tips to help navigate the negativity.
Don’t get defensive. Most negative comments come from a place of ignorance. We all have to learn. Instead of getting hurt or defensive, take the opportunity to teach. Or, taking a page from Doug Lisle (author of The Pleasure Trap and Losing Weight without Losing Your Mind), you don’t have to make much of a comment at all. Simply tell people that this is something you are trying, and it seems to be working for you. By doing so, you are not making their choices seem wrong, or making it appear that your choices are better than theirs. It is simply something you are doing because it seems right for you.
Arm yourself with answers. Know the numbers and the facts and reasons why you’re doing what you’re doing. We’ve given you many of the answers you will need right in this book. Learn to articulate yourself in a non-threatening, non-accusatory fashion, so when people ask you, “But, where do you get your protein?” you can confidently answer, no matter how badly you want to just roll your eyes!
Don’t be preachy: It’s hard not to get overly excited when you’ve found something that improves your life and the well-being of our planet. We know. You’ve found the best way of living, and you want to shout it from the rooftops and tell everyone. But remember, before you were vegan, you weren’t. To be perfectly honest, unless someone is asking you, no one wants to hear about your personal eating habits. Sometime even when they ask you, they are not ready to hear what you have to say. So go easy and teach by example rather than words as much as possible.
Be a living example. Remember that “Actions speak louder than words.” Show the world how easy it is to be vegan. Be a living, shining example of a WellBeing, happy, healthy, and enjoying a plant-based life. By showing everyone else how easy and amazing the lifestyle is, people will want to do what you do.