This restorative pose can be used at the end of your practice or after supported Setu Bandha. It passively stretches the hip extensors, such as the gluteus maximus, and opens the chest. Viparita Karani is also an inversion and has similar effects on the autonomic nervous system as supported Setu Bandha.

Place a bolster against the wall. You can put a block between the wall and the bolster to better position the pelvis so that the body does not slide off (see inset). Place a folded blanket under the head, lifting it slightly to gently flex the neck. Allow the arms to fall out to the side with the palms facing up. Close the eyes and stay here for several minutes. Then slide off the bolster, roll to the right, and rest in the fetal position for a few moments before getting up.

Lie down on your back with the head supported on a blanket and rest in Savasana.
