Naim Ateek
is a Palestinian Anglican priest and an Arab citizen of Israel. He is President and Director of Sabeel, an ecumenical theological centre in Jerusalem. He is the author of Justice and Only Justice: A Palestinian Theology of Liberation.
Mark Braverman
is Program Director of Kairos USA. He focuses on the role of theology and the function of interfaith relations in the current search for a resolution of the conflict. He is the author of Fatal Embrace: Christians, Jews and the Search for Peace in the Holy Land and A Wall in Jerusalem: Hope, Healing and the Struggle for Justice in Israel and Palestine.
Marc H. Ellis
is retired Professor of Jewish Studies at Baylor University and Director of the Centre for American and Jewish Studies. He has authored and edited more than twenty books, including Beyond Innocence and Power: Confronting the Holocaust and Israeli Power,
and Unholy Alliance: Religion and Atrocity in Our Time.
As a public intellectual, he has given testimony before the United Sates Congress, spoken at the United Nations in New York, in Vienna, and at the British House of Commons.
Mary Grey
is Professor emeritus at the University of Wales, Lampeter, and until recently Professorial Research Fellow, St Mary’s University, Twickenham and Hon Professor at the Institute for Theological Partnerships, University of Winchester. Her many books include, Redeeming the Dream, The Outrageous Pursuit of Hope: Prophetic Dreams for the
st Century, Sacred Longings: Ecofeminst Theology and Globalisation, To Rwanda and Back,
and A Cry for Dignity: Religion, Violence and the Struggle of Dalit Women in India.
Lisa Isherwood
is Director of the Institute for Theological Partnerships, University of Winchester. She has written, co-authored or edited nineteen books including The Power of Erotic Celibacy
; The Fat Jesus: Feminist Explorations in Boundaries and Transgressions
; Introducing Feminist Christologies
; Liberating Christ
; Patriarchs, Prophets and Other Villains
(edited); and Radical Otherness: A Theo/sociological Investigation
(co-authored with Dave Harris). She is an executive and founding editor of the international journal Feminist Theology
and she sits on the international editorial board of Feminist Studies in Religion
Samuel Kuruvilla
is Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Kerala, Trivandrum, India. His most recent book is Radical Christianity in Palestine-Israel: Liberation and Theology in the Middle East.
Gareth Lloyd Jones
, Professor Emeritus, University of Bangor, North Wales, studied in Cambridge, Jerusalem, and Yale University Divinity School. He taught at McCormick Seminary in Chicago and at Ripon College and Exeter College, Oxford. His PhD is from King’s College, London. His main research interests have been the use of Hebrew among Christians during the early modern period, and latterly Judaism and Jewish-Christian dialogue. These interests are reflected in the Festschrift Honouring the Past and Shaping the Future
edited by Robert Pope and presented to Prof Jones in September 2003
. His publications include The Bones of Joseph: From the Ancient Texts to the Modern Church: Studies in the Scriptures
Rosemary Radford Ruether
is the Carpenter Professor of Feminist Theology at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California. For 28
years she was The Georgia Harkness Professor of Applied Theology at Garrett Theological Seminary and Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois. She is author or editor of 28
books and 12
book collections in the areas of feminist and liberation theologies.
Nur Masalha
is Professor of Religion and Politics at St. Mary’s University, Twickenham and Director of the Centre for Religion and History and Holy Land Research Project. He edits an internationally refereed journal, Holy Land Studies: A Multidisciplinary Journal
. His recent publications include The Zionist Bible: Biblical Precedent, Colonialism and the Erasure of Memory, The Palestine Nakba: Decolonising History, Narrating the Subaltern, Reclaiming Memory
; La Biblia leída con los ojos de los Cananeos
; and The Bible and Zionism: Invented Traditions, Archaeology and Post-Colonialism in Palestine-Israel.