Collars & Chains wasn’t the only game in town when it came to the underground BDSM world around Eastwood, but it was the best. The club was founded by Hillton and Kimberly Armstrong over twenty years ago as a place where those in the lifestyle could come together and socialize. But over the years it had grown into so much more than that. For many, it was the hub of their social existence, a home away from home where they could come and be themselves without the pressures of conforming to everyday society. For others it was the place to come and actively seek out a new submissive, or Dominant, as the case may be. Still to others it was simply a safe place to let their freak flag fly without fear of judgment. And for a select few, like Payne and Storm, it was the place to come and learn.
When he and Storm had first entered the lifestyle, Hillton Armstrong, a highly respected leader in their underground community, had taken an immediate liking to them and decided to take them under his wing. He appointed himself their mentor and set about teaching them everything he knew about how to be a good Dominant, and Payne and Storm had sat under Hillton and Kimberly’s tutelage for nearly four years. They started out like many Doms do, in the role of submissives themselves to Mistress Kimberly, who was herself Hillton’s submissive. But after a time, their roles shifted and Kimberly had hand picked a submissive for each of them to continue their education with, under Hillton’s ever watchful eye. Even now, over ten years later, this is where Payne always came when he was in the market for someone new, and Kimberly never failed him.
The club was located about five miles outside of Eastwood in an old industrial park. All of the businesses in the park were long gone, save for a father-and-son-ran auto repair shop at one end of the complex, and a small shipping and receiving business at the other end that operated out of a huge refurbished warehouse. The place employed only about a dozen people Monday through Thursday in a small section of the main floor of the building. But on the weekends the basement of the establishment came to life with erotic mystery, and Hillton and Kimberly sold exclusive club memberships for a hefty fee.
They climbed off their motorcycles and Payne watched as Storm attached a thin short chain to the black leather collar Nina was wearing, and he admired her body once again as he took in the seemingly painted-on black patent leather pants and matching leather bra. The piercing in her naval and the tattoos sprinkled across her skin only complimented her sexy form. The collar sported a silver tag stamped with the words “Daddy’s girl.”
Storm was dressed much like Payne himself was in typical biker attire - denim jeans and leather chaps with Harley t-shirts and leather vests. And Payne knew without even asking that his cousin was packing a concealed firearm somewhere. Probably in an ankle holster like the one Payne had on himself.
They made their way around the back of the building and down a steep flight of concrete stairs where a large stern-looking African-American gentleman sat on a stool. The gatekeeper. No one got past him without proof of membership. He’d been Hillton and Kimberly’s right hand man forever, and he knew all the regulars, past and present. He was dressed simply in a pair of black jeans and a black t-shirt, but he wore a discreet BDSMblem around his neck. The only indication that they were in the right place.
“Master PK. What up, dog?” the large man smiled as he pounded Payne’s fist.
“How you been, man?” Payne responded.
“It’s all good,” he said. Then his eyes widened a fraction when he looked at Storm. “Master Storm Kelly! Where the hell have you been, stranger?” came his good-natured question. “I ain’t seen you in a minute.”
“It’s been a while,” Storm confirmed with a small chuckle as he greeted the man warmly. “How you been, Master Trent?”
“I’m always good, man. Though not as good as you, obviously,” he said as his gaze drifted to Nina and he looked her over from head to toe with an appreciative eye before turning back to Storm. “Hey, I saw on the news where you were shot a while back. Glad you had that vest on.”
“Yeah, me too,” Storm answered as he began to pull out his money clip to tip the man.
“Man, put that shit away and get on inside. You know your money’s no good here,” he said as he opened the door and ushered the three of them through.
They travelled a long dimly lit hallway that eventually gave way and opened up onto a large cavernous space full of people. The decor inside the place looked more like a high class gentleman’s club than an underground subculture, with lots of black leather and dark wood, but the club’s patrons left no question about what went on inside these walls. Their outfits alone brought immediate images of bondage and fetishes, and Payne felt himself exhale and relax as he took it all in. This was like home to him. He glanced at Storm and Nina out of curiosity, and he could see the look of calm cross his cousin’s face. He’d missed this place. Nina, on the other hand looked like a first-time tourist at Disneyland as her eyes darted all around her in amazed wonder, and Payne couldn’t help but smile at her.
They moved further in toward the center of the large expanse, picking their way through the crowd, and then off to the right where they climbed a small metal staircase to an elevated alcove that sat empty, and they claimed it as their own. Storm took a seat on one of the straight-backed, leather-upholstered chairs and gently pulled Nina into his lap as a thinly built man wearing tight red leather hot pants and a matching red leather collar emblazoned with the word ‘slave’ printed in white letters climbed the steps behind them.
“Good evening, Master Payne, Master Storm. Something from the bar?”
“Rum and coke,” Payne said as he took a seat.
“Jack, straight up,” Storm answered. “And a gin and tonic for the lady.”
The young man bowed curtly at them and turned, heading back down the stairs and over to the bar, and Nina sat on Storm’s lap looking around with great interest. Taking it all in. It was different from any other nightclub she’d been in before. The atmosphere had a definite sexual charge to it, and the music was rhythmic and sexy, not the popular techno dance crap that most nightclubs played these days. And it wasn’t so loud that you had to shout at each other to be heard either. She liked the fact that they were seated on a platform that allowed her to look down and watch what was going on around her. Several people were making good use of the dance floor. And many were standing around what could be called a small stage except for the fact that it wasn’t elevated. They were watching what looked like a scene that she and Storm might play out in the privacy of their bedroom at home - a near naked woman who was bound and gagged and hanging from a rope by her waist was being whipped with a flogger by her Dom while their audience looked on.
Payne recognized the Dom doing the flogging as one of the Eastwood Medical Center’s most prominent cardiologists. The man was a long-standing member at the club, and Payne looked around noting that most people would be stunned to learn that so many of the community’s most upstanding citizens considered themselves part of the BDSM sub-culture. The lifestyle was not nearly as seedy and unseemly as many supposed it was.
As she watched, Nina saw the crowds parting as a beautiful older woman walked among them. She was wearing a tight black catsuit with strategic cutouts that allowed for a lot of exposed flesh, and her black leather boots went all the way up to her thighs. Dark blonde curls framed her pretty face, and she sported a large diamond encrusted BDSMblem around her neck and carried a riding crop in her hand. She was followed dutifully by a young man and a young woman, both wearing the same red leather hot pants and matching red leather collar with the word ‘slave’ written on them, just like the waiter, and Nina noted that the young woman was topless, just like the men were.
They ascended the stairs to their alcove, and the woman wore a big smile on her face as she neared the landing. Nina felt Storm pat her hip, indicating she should stand, and when she did she could see his matching smile for the woman in question.
“The prodigal son returns,” she said as they embraced, and Storm laughed as he gave her a tight hug.
“Oh, come on. It hasn’t been that long,” he smiled.
“Honey, I haven’t seen you since shortly after the funeral,” she reminded him.
“No. That wasn’t the last time I was here,” Storm replied, frowning at her.
“I’m afraid it is.”
“I think she’s right, Stormy,” Payne spoke up.
Storm looked stricken by this news.
“Well, I’m very sorry for staying away so long. Especially after we lost Hillton. It wasn’t intentional, Mistress,” he said, addressing her with respect.
She smiled at him as she touched her hand to his cheek in a very motherly fashion. “I’m just happy you’re finally home,” she said. Then she turned and looked at the woman on the end of his leash.
Nina had watched their exchange with great interest, knowing that this must be Mistress Kimberly, the beautiful Domme Storm had told her about who’d helped train both he and Payne in the ways of BDSM years ago. In Nina’s mind, the woman had been like a mythological creature, only existing in Storm’s tales. But now here she was in the flesh, looking her over from stem to stern.
She reached out and took Nina by the chin, lifting her head and turning it to the right, as if she were inspecting her for sale. Then she released her and looked back at Storm.
“Very nice kitty,” she said to him with a lustful smile.
“Thank you,” he smiled. “This is Nina.”
“Well, hello, Nina.”
“It’s an honor to meet you, Mistress Kimberly,” she said timidly, not looking the woman directly in the eye.
“Indeed,” the woman replied. She took a seat at their table as her two submissives sat at her feet, and as the Kelly men sat down again Storm pulled Nina into his lap once more.
“So, what are two of my finest pupils in the market for tonight?” Kimberly asked as their drinks finally arrived. She looked at Storm and asked, “Are you looking to add a second? Perhaps someone for your kitten to play with?”
“The only person kitten’s going to play with is Daddy,” he answered.
She smiled at his response and turned her attention to Payne. “You then? I think it’s been just about a year since I matched you with Veronica, and I know that contract ended six months ago because I’ve already matched her with someone else.”
“That’s true, I am in the market for a new sub. I’m not as lucky as my cousin here when it comes to finding companionship outside of the lifestyle,” Payne said.
“Oh, so your pet wasn’t part of the lifestyle when you found her?” she asked Storm.
“Not at all,” he replied. Then he looked at Nina as he added, “But I think she’s been enjoying her education.”
Nina smiled at him. “Yes, Daddy,” she said softly.
Kimberly smiled at them and turned back to Payne. “So, talk to me.”
Payne shrugged his shoulders as he stared at her. “Mistress, I think I’m kinda tired of going from contract to contract. I’m looking for something long-term this time.”
“Mmm,” she mumbled in surprise. “And what’s your idea of long-term?” she asked as she reached out absentmindedly and gently stroked the head of her male submissive who sat at her feet.
“I don’t know,” he said glancing at Storm and Nina. He did know. He wanted what his cousin had. He just didn’t know how to articulate it without sounding weak.
“Well name your poison, honey. You know I can deliver,” Kimberly said, urging him to speak up.
Payne sighed. “Well, I’m not looking to train someone green. I want an experienced submissive who knows what to expect. Someone who knows exactly what she wants in a contract, and who’s also looking for something a little more permanent than three or six months. And I want someone with no other ties. I don’t share, unless it’s with him,” he said, pointing to Storm.
“Oh, are you looking for someone to share?” she asked, looking from one to the other.
“No!” They answered in unison, and Kimberly smiled, turning back to Payne.
“And, I’m assuming you’re not interested in someone you’ve already been with,” she stated.
Payne narrowed his eyes at the thought. “No offense to any of them because they’ve all been lovely. But I can’t see myself with any of them long-term,” he replied.
“Blonde, brunette? Redhead?” she asked, glancing briefly at Nina.
“As long as she’s sexy as hell, I don’t give a shit.”
“And do you want someone docile, or would you prefer a little bit of a challenge?” Kimberly asked, with a coy smile. She knew these boys well, and she knew that neither one of them had ever been partial to the mousy little waifs that some wanted. The Kelly boys always preferred that their girls had a little kick.
Payne smiled at her. “I think you know my type.”
“Indeed I do. And I’ve got the perfect sub for you,” she said. She snapped her fingers and the female sub at her feet produced a small keyring with a single key on it. Kimberly took the key and handed it off to Payne. “I’ll send her right in.”
“Thank you,” he smiled as he took her hand and lightly kissed the back of it. Then he stood and glanced down at the number on the keyring. “I shouldn’t be long,” he said to Storm.
Storm shrugged. “Take your time.”
Kimberly whispered something into the ear of her female submissive and the girl got up and disappeared down the stairs and into crowd. And Payne ventured down the steps behind her.
He stayed close to the wall on his right as he made his way through the crowd and turned down a long empty hallway. Glancing down at the room number on the keyring once more, he found chamber 5 at the end of the hall and he used the key to unlock the door. The room was starkly decorated in the same black leather and dark wood as the rest of the club. There was a large wooden X affixed to the wall on the right, complete with the necessary restraints, and a spanking bench on the opposite wall of the room with a small assortment of paddles and floggers hanging on the wall beside it. And directly across from the door sat the bed.
Payne had no intention of using any of the equipment tonight. Tonight, he simply wanted to make the acquaintance of the sub Kimberly said was perfect for him, maybe conduct an informal interview, find out if they were compatible.
He took a deep breath as he sat down on the bed, and he let out a quiet sigh as he ran a hand through his light brown hair. What was going on with him? Why was he suddenly so restless? Why was he suddenly so envious of what Storm had? Of what he saw in his cousin’s eyes whenever Nina was around? Payne had never wanted that sort of relationship before. Not that he was completely against the idea of one. He had just never seen the need. A six month contract was all the deeper he had ever been interested in going. Hell, a three month contract usually tended to suit him just fine, and it was rare that he renewed a contract with the same sub more than once. He frowned as he thought about that. He didn’t think he had ever gone longer than six months with the same sub before. He wasn’t sure why that was exactly. He assumed he simply liked variety. So why was he suddenly feeling this urgent need for change?
He looked down at his watch as he waited. How long had he been sitting here now? He stood up and began to pace around the small room as his thoughts wandered. He’d told Kimberly that he wanted something long-term. Did he really mean that? Was he interested in finding a sub to settle down with? He and Storm were more like brothers than cousins, all their lives they had done most everything together. Maybe that’s all this was … just a normal, knee-jerk reaction to his best friend’s new relationship status - Storm had one so now he had to get one too. Or maybe Storm’s involvement with Nina just lit a spotlight on the loneliness he’d been feeling for a while now, making it impossible for Payne to keep ignoring it.
He was lonely. And the truth of the matter was that he knew this wasn’t a reaction to Storm’s new relationship, this was something he’d felt coming on for some time. Something he’d been afraid to admit to himself until his cousin fell in love. He was tired of the constant change. He was secretly hoping to find that one special person that he could truly take care of, that sub who would both inspire him and complete him. The one he could settle down and get comfortable with. Maybe even fall in love with.
He rolled his eyes at himself as that realization sank in. And as it did, he suddenly heard a ruckus in the room next door. He couldn’t make out the words but he could hear a man yelling. That didn’t faze him too much, but when he heard a girl scream, the cop in him took over.
He marched to the door of the chamber and left the room, venturing back down the hall to the next door. It was opened, and Payne could see a young woman cowering in the corner as a man stood over her, belt in hand, and something about the scene just didn’t sit well with him. This wasn’t play, this was abuse, and the girl looked scared as hell. It brought to mind another one of Hillton Armstrong’s sage bits of advice. One of his Rules for Good Doms that he and Storm had been made to memorize.
“There is nothing wrong with testing her limits, but be careful! You don’t ever want to break her spirit. If you do that, she will never be the same again.”
He could almost hear Hillton’s voice in his head as he watched the man raise the belt. And he wasn’t certain if it was the cop in him or all of Hill’s training, but he couldn’t just stand by and let this joker abuse her.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he yelled as he entered the room with an attitude, getting the man’s attention before he could swing at the girl again. The man looked surprised as Payne stared him down and stepped between them. He couldn’t have been much older than he and Storm were when they first began, but that didn’t matter to Payne. His inexperience was no excuse.
“I’m dealing with insolence and thievery,” the man spoke up. “Who the hell are you?”
Payne looked at the girl, studying the expression of scared surprise in her eyes. She was pretty, in a very natural and understated kind of way. Short black hair that was cut into one of those trendy hairdos where the sides were slightly longer than the back, and she had a streak of dark blue running through it. Her matching blue eyes clearly registered fear, and something else. Sadness maybe? She was dressed in a pair of black lace hot pants and a matching black lace halter top, and she wasn’t wearing a collar. And Payne correctly guessed that she didn’t belong to this creep.
“Who am I?” he asked, looking at the man again as he took a menacing step closer to him. “I’m the man who’s going to kick your ass if you manhandle my property one more time!”
The jerk looked at him with wide, shocked eyes. “Your property? Well … but … no, but she wasn’t wearing a collar,” he stammered as Payne turned and reached out his hand to the girl.
She looked up at him with a slightly confused gaze. Who was this man, and why was he helping her? Timidly, she placed her hand in his and allowed him to help her stand.
“And she’ll be punished for that,” Payne said as he looked her over. Her face was tear-stained, and with his thumbs he gently dried her cheeks, meeting her eyes once again.
She had no idea who he was, but he was obviously seasoned and confident. He had a presence about him that said he took no shit from anyone, but something about his hard ice-blue eyes were kind when he looked at her. That’s why what he did next shocked the hell out of her.
Payne pulled a thin sterling silver chain out of his pocket and snapped it around her neck. A small silver tag hung from the chain bearing his initials and a small letter ‘P’ for protection in the corner. He looked into her eyes once more and saw them flash with surprise and even anger. But there was nothing she could do. If she protested now, it would blow their ruse. He could see her biting her tongue, forcing herself to keep her place as the sadness returned to her eyes. Something about her intrigued him. Why such sorrow? Was she here against her will somehow?
“Is there something you want to say to me, darling?” he asked, daring her to protest or explain herself.
The girl thought briefly about the other Collar of Protection that she should be wearing right now. The one she lost in the crowd as she was trying to get away from the asshole with the belt. She was going to be in so much trouble when this hit the fan! She lowered her eyes submissively and looked up at him through her long eyelashes and whispered, “I’m sorry, Master.”
Payne felt his cock twitch in response. He didn’t know who this chick was, but he knew without a doubt that she was the submissive he had come here tonight to find. Tearing himself away from her eyes, he turned his attention back to the jerk with the belt, and he frowned.
“What the hell are you still doing here?” he asked advancing on him.
“Well, she stole my wallet!”
Payne looked back at the girl with a surprised expression. “Is that true?”
She could see the anger play all over his face, his ice blue eyes suddenly clouding over. He stepped closer to her and got in her face as he practically snarled, “I should let him beat the shit out of you!” She lowered her eyes once again, bitting her bottom lip and trying not to cry.
“Give him his wallet,” Payne barked, never taking his eyes off of her. Slowly, she reached down to her black leather ankle boot and pulled the wallet out of it, handing it to Payne.
He turned to the man, holding the wallet out for him. But when the jerk reached to snatch it, Payne held on with a tight grip as he glared into his eyes.
“I apologize for the theft. But I will kill you if you ever touch what’s mine again. Do you understand me?”
The man gave an awkward nod at Payne’s threat, then he took his wallet and quickly left the room, closing the door behind him. And when he was gone, Payne turned to the girl again. She wasn’t what you’d call beautiful in the traditional sense, but there was something about her. Her sad eyes and full pouty lips only enhanced the terrific body, but that wasn’t it either. There was a natural sensuality about her, something sultry and seductive that couldn’t help but shine through, even through her sorrow, and Payne was drawn to her.
“What’s your name?”
“Phoebe,” she said, the word barely a whisper. “Phoebe White.”
“And what’s an innocent little girl like you doing in a place like this, Phoebe?” he asked as his eyes bored into hers.
She hesitated for just a fraction of a second, then she looked away. “I’m not that innocent,” she answered.
“Obviously,” he replied, as he continued to look her over. “Do you have a Dom, Phoebe?”
“Not at the moment.”
“Why not?”
She hesitated again. “Because my last contract was terminated.”
He sighed, feeling like he was pulling the information out of her piece by piece. “Terminated why? Were you unhappy with him or her for some reason?”
She thought for a moment how to answer that question. Was she unhappy with him? Hell yes, she’d been unhappy. “He was inexperienced and selfish. Not at all what I’m used to. I want a Dom who knows how to give as well as take,” she said as she stared at a spot on the wall behind him.
Payne was quiet and his eyes narrowed as he considered her response. What had he just said to Mistress Kimberly a few moments ago? That he wanted an experienced sub who knew what she wanted in a contract. He studied her appearance and her demeanor for a long moment as he wondered if she was under someone’s protection. But then again there hadn’t been a collar, so for now she was his to do with as he pleased. First things first.
“Take off your shorts and assume the position at the bench,” he said.
Phoebe looked at him with marked horror. “What?”
Her voice was alarmed, and Payne fixed her with a piercing gaze. “I won’t ask again,” he said, pronouncing each word very carefully so that she understood that not only was she was being punished, but that he wouldn’t hesitate to forcibly throw her over his knee if he had to.
She wanted to run. She wanted to make a mad dash for the door and get away from him. Who the hell did he think he was anyway? He wasn’t her Dom. She didn’t even know his name. And yet, she was wearing his collar, and he had saved her from the abusive asshole, even after he’d discovered that she’d taken the man’s wallet.
She lowered her gaze from the stern look in his eyes and began unbuttoning her hot pants as she made her way over to the spanking bench. She lowered them down to her knees, exposing her pretty black lace thong to him as she bent her body over the bench.
“Do you know why I’m spanking you, Phoebe?” he asked as he chose a thin round wooden paddle from the wall.
“For stealing the wallet?” she asked after a pause.
“For stealing the wallet,” he confirmed, bringing the paddle down on her bare bottom without preamble or warning, and she cried out at the surprise of it. “You will count,” he commanded.
“One,” she said softly, fighting back the tears.
They came in even succession, hard and unrelenting, and Phoebe felt the sting on her ass as the jarring heat spread to her box. It was a sensation that could have been so arousing, and probably would have been if she wasn’t so consumed by the sadness. And as crazy as it may have sounded, the spanking only made her miss him more. He would have punished her like this for the stunt she’d pulled tonight. And she would have deserved it. She would have needed it. The way she needed it now.
Payne loved the light pink hue that spread over her ass as he worked, and he could feel himself getting aroused, but he had to rein that in. This was not about sex right now, this was about discipline. It was about punishing her for doing something very wrong, and he forced his libido to take a backseat.
Still, he couldn’t help but picture himself with her in some very creative positions while he looked at her, bent over the bench like this. She had a lovely body, and he wanted to run his hands all over it.
The stings abruptly stopped, and Phoebe wiped the tears from her cheeks as she still hung over the bench. She didn’t want him to see her tears. She didn’t want him to think that she couldn’t take the pain. That’s not what her tears were about, and she didn’t want him asking questions. She just wanted to get out of there. But the crazy part was that she wanted to follow this sexy, confident man out of the room, to wherever he led, and sit at his feet.
Slowly, she pulled herself together, standing awkwardly and pulling her hotpants back up as she took timid glances at him. She watched as he returned the paddle to the wall and then went to stand by the bed.
“How old are you, Phoebe?” he asked.
He visibly cringed at her young age, wondering if he wanted to take on someone nearly ten years his junior. “And how long have you been in the lifestyle?”
“Five years,” she answered.
Payne frowned at the math. That meant she would’ve come to the lifestyle at age seventeen. He couldn’t wait to hear the story.
“Do you want a new Dom, Phoebe? Because I’d like a proper interview with you,” he said.
His words set off a spark of hope in her chest, but she tried not to show it. This handsome, sexy, confident man could be her Dom? She lowered her eyes, suddenly feeling guilty for hoping. As if she were being disloyal somehow.
When she didn’t respond, Payne pulled a small business card out of his pocket. It was a plain white card with his name on the front and an address and phone number on the back. He handed it to her.
“Meet me here, tomorrow at noon. Don’t be late,” he warned. Then he turned and walked swiftly toward the door.
“Wait, please! What about this collar?” she called after him.
Payne stopped at the door and turned around. “You will wear it until our next meeting,” he ordered. “Besides, I get the feeling you could use the protection. Try to stay out of trouble between now and then!”
He walked out of the room with purposeful strides and a smile on his face. And when he made it back to their elevated alcove he found Storm and Nina getting frisky, and he loudly cleared his throat.
“Hey, Payne. Did Mistress Kimberly find you? Apparently the sub she wanted you to meet skipped out or something.”
“No, I haven’t seen her. But it’s okay, I found exactly what I came for, so we can head out now if you two are ready,” he answered.
“Uh, why don’t you go ahead, man. I think Nina and I are going to stick around for a while,” he smiled. “You still got that key on you?”
Payne smiled at them and tossed the chamber key over. “You kids have fun!”
“Oh, we intend to!”
They all descended the stairs together and said their goodbyes, and Payne left the club still smiling as Storm and Nina went off to amuse themselves.
And at the other end of the club, Phoebe meekly approached her benefactress. The woman was going to be so angry at her.
“Mistress Kimberly?”
The woman turned around and looked at her with an exasperated expression. “Phoebe, where in the world did you disappear to? I had someone I wanted you to meet!”
“I’m sorry, Mistress,” she said, lowering her head.
Kimberly frowned as she looked at her. “That is not the Collar of Protection I gave you to wear.”
“No, ma’am. Before I could put your collar on, someone else tagged me. I’m sorry!”
The woman reached out and took the tag of the collar in her fingers and examined it. Then she smiled.
“PK?” She laughed out loud. “So, he found you without my help, huh?”
“You know this man, Mistress?” Phoebe asked in surprise.
“I know him very well,” she confirmed. “I helped Hillton train him and his cousin. He’s the Dom I wanted you to meet.”
Phoebe took in this news with a mixture of emotions. This man had been trained by her beloved Master Hillton? Is that why he was so poised and confident? Why she had felt the urge to follow him before?
“He wants to meet for a proper interview tomorrow,” she said, showing the woman the card Payne had given her.
“Lucky girl,” Kimberly said, smiling at her. “If you’re compatible you would be in excellent hands. He is an exceptional Dom.”
Phoebe hesitated a moment. “He spanked me,” she confessed.
Kimberly frowned, closely studying the girl. “Had you done something wrong?”
Phoebe nodded her head, but didn’t say a word.
“And was his punishment just?”
Again, she nodded, and Kimberly studied her some more. Her heart went out to the poor girl, she’d had a rough year. She reached out and caressed her face in much the same way she had done with Storm earlier.
“Phoebe, if you give him a chance, I think you will find him to be a truly wonderful Master. He was one of Hillton’s greatest protégés. And you have to move forward, sweetheart. We both do.”
The girl nodded once more.
“I can put you in contact with some of his former subs if you’d like to speak with them,” she said. Then she glanced around the crowded club and said, “In fact, there are few here tonight actually, why don’t I arrange for you to chat with a couple of them?”
“No, Mistress, that won’t be necessary. I trust your judgment for me,” Phoebe answered.
“Yes, well … perhaps we could’ve avoided that last fiasco if you had trusted me back then?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“All right,” Kimberly said. “I want you to go home now. Get some rest so that you’re fresh and beautiful for your interview tomorrow. When I get home I expect to find you sleeping!”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Payne entered his apartment and locked the door behind him. And when he got to his bedroom he pulled off his leather vest and set about emptying his pockets. He set his motorcycle keys in the small dish on his dresser, along with the small amount of loose change. Then he reached for his money clip in his other pocket, only it wasn’t there. He frowned as he rechecked his pockets, still coming up empty. Then he huffed out a small breath as realization dawned.
“That little minx!”