A great deal of pharmaceutical research has gone into analysing the active constituents of herbs to find out how and why they work. A much older approach is to categorise herbs by looking at what kinds of problems can be treated with their help. The understanding of actions and the way they may be used in combination is fundamental to a holistic approach.
In some cases, for instance, the action is due to a specific chemical or combination of chemicals present in the herb—the sedative Valerian is an example—or it may be due to a complex synergistic interaction between various constituents of the plant. However, it is best to view the actions as an attribute of the herb as a whole, and any understanding of its chemical basis as an aid in prescription.
To understand this approach let us look at a couple of examples. Peppermint for instance, is an anticatarrhal, an aromatic, an antimicrobial, a carminative, a diaphoretic, an emmenagogue, a febrifuge, a nervine and a stimulant. Boneset is also an anticatarrhal, a diaphoretic and a febrifuge as well as being a bitter, a diuretic, an emetic and a tonic, which Peppermint is not. If you needed an anticatarrhal that was at the same time a diuretic, you could use Boneset, and if a stimulating anticatarrhal was needed you could use Peppermint. And the two could be combined for a wider effect.
Evidently both herbs play a part in the treatment of a whole range of problems; they not only work on specifics but have a spectrum of actions, which really makes them into the holistic tools they are. Each herb has its own spectrum of actions, so it is important to take care in combining the herbs to cover a range of related problems and to treat the cause as well as symptoms.
In this section a list of actions has been put together and the most useful representatives in each category indicated. More information can be found in the herbal section, where the actions of each herb are given. The more important of the herbs are underlined. They are in alphabetical order, not necessarily order of importance.
Alteratives are herbs that will gradually restore the proper function of the body and increase health and vitality. They were at one time known as ‘blood cleansers’.
Bladderwrack Blood Root Blue Flag Bogbean Burdock Cleavers Echinacea Figwort Fringetree Fumitory Garlic Guaiacum Golden Seal Mountain Grape Nettles Pasque Flower Poke Root Queen’s Delight Red Clover Sarsaparilla Sassafras Wild Indigo Yellow Dock
Analgesics are herbs that reduce pain and are either applied externally or taken internally, depending on the case.
Figwort Hops Jamaican Dogwood Lady’s Slipper Passion Flower Poppy Skullcap St. John’s Wort Valerian
Anthelmintics will destroy or expel worms from the digestive system. Unfortunately many of the most effective anthelmintics are no longer available since the new Medicines Act was introduced, as they can be toxic in high dosage. Therefore those are not listed here.
Aloe Garlic Pomegranate Tansy Thuja Wormwood Rue
The antibilious herbs help the body to remove excess bile and can thus aid in cases of biliary and jaundice conditions. Compare also cholagogues and hepatics.
Balmony Barberry Dandelion Fringetree Golden Seal Mugwort Vervain Wild Yam Wormwood
The anticatarrhal herbs help the body to remove excess catarrhal buildups, whether in the sinus area or other parts.
Bearberry Boneset Cayenne Coltsfoot Cranesbill, American Echinacea Elder Elecampane Eyebright Garlic Golden Seal Golden Rod Hyssop Iceland Moss Irish Moss Marshmallow Mullein Peppermint Sage Thyme Wild Indigo Yarrow
The anti-emetics can reduce a feeling of nausea and can help to relieve or to prevent vomiting.
Balm Black Horehound Cayenne Cloves Dill Fennel Lavender Meadowsweet Peach Leaves
The anti-inflammatory herbs help the body to combat inflammations. Herbs mentioned under demulcents, emollients and vulneraries will often act in this way, especially when they are applied externally.
Black Willow Bogbean Chamomile Devil’s Claw Marigold St. John’s Wort White Poplar Witch Hazel
The anti-lithic herbs prevent the formation of stones or gravel in the urinary system and can help the body in their removal.
Bearberry Buchu Corn Silk Couchgrass Gravel Root Hydrangea Pellitory of the Wall Parsley Piert Sea Holly Stone Root Wild Carrot
The anti-microbial herbs can help the body to destroy or resist pathogenic micro-organisms.
Aniseed Balsam of Peru Bearberry Caraway Oil Cayenne Clove Coriander Echinacea Elecampane Eucalyptus Garlic Gentian Juniper Marigold Marjoram, Wild Myrrh Olive Peppermint Plantain Rosemary Rue Sage Southernwood Thyme Wild Indigo Wormwood
The antispasmodics can prevent or ease spasms or cramps in the body.
Black Haw Black Cohosh Chamomile Cramp Bark Eucalyptus Lady’s Slipper Lime Blossom Lobelia Mistletoe Motherwort Pasque Flower Skullcap Skunk Cabbage Thyme Valerian Vervain Wild Lettuce Wild Yam
Aperient herbs are very mild laxatives. See ‘Laxatives’.
The aromatic herbs have a strong and often pleasant odour and can stimulate the digestive system. They are often used to add aroma and taste to other medicines.
Angelica Aniseed Balm Basil Caraway Cardamon Celery Chamomile Cinnamon Cloves Coriander Dill Fennel Hyssop Ginger Meadowsweet Pennyroyal Peppermint Rosemary Valerian Wood Betony
Astringents contract tissue by precipitating proteins and can thus reduce secretions and discharges. They contain tannins.
Agrimony Avens Bayberry Bearberry Beth Root Bistort Black Catechu Bugleweed Cranesbill Elecampane Eyebright Golden Rod Ground Ivy Kola Lungwort Meadowsweet Mouse Ear Mullein Oak Bark Periwinkle Pilewort Plantain Ragwort Raspberry Red Sage Rhubarb Root Rosemary Slippery Elm St. John’s Wort Tormentil Wild Cherry Witch Hazel Yarrow
Herbs that taste bitter act as stimulating tonics for the digestive system through a reflex via the taste buds.
Barberry Boneset Chamomile Centaury Gentian Golden Seal Hops Rue Southernwood Tansy White Horehound Wormwood
Cardiac tonics affect the heart. Their specific function should be looked up in the herbal section.
Broom Bugleweed Cayenne Hawthorn Lily of the Valley Motherwort Night Blooming Cereus
The carminatives are rich in volatile oils and by their action stimulate the peristalsis of the digestive system and relax the stomach, thereby supporting the digestion and helping against gas in the digestive tract.
Angelica Aniseed Balm Caraway Cardamon Cayenne Cinnamon Chamomile Coriander Dill Fennel Galangal Garlic Ginger Hyssop Juniper Mustard Peppermint Sage Thyme Valerian
The cholagogues stimulate the release and secretion of bile from the gall-bladder, which can be a marked benefit in gall-bladder problems. They also have a laxative effect on the digestive system since the amount of bile in the duodenum increases when one takes them, and bile is our internally produced, all natural laxative.
Balmony Barberry Black Root Blue Flag Boldo Dandelion Fringetree Fumitory Gentian Golden Seal Mountain Grape Wahoo Wild Yam
Demulcents are usually rich in mucilage and can soothe and protect irritated or inflamed internal tissue.
Coltsfoot Comfrey Corn Silk Couchgrass Flaxseed Irish Moss Mallow Marshmallow Mullein Oatmeal Parsley Piert Slippery Elm
Diaphoretics aid the skin in the elimination of toxins and promote perspiration.
Angelica Bayberry Black Cohosh Boneset Buchu Cayenne Chamomile Elder Fennel Garlic Ginger Golden Rod Guaiacum Lime Blossom Peppermint Pleurisy Root Prickly Ash Thuja Thyme White Horehound Yarrow
Diuretics increase the secretion and elimination of urine.
Agrimony Bearberry Blue Flag Boldo Boneset Borage Broom Buchu Bugleweed Burdock Celery Seed Cleavers Corn Silk Couchgrass Dandelion Elder Gravel Root Hawthorn Berries Juniper Kola Lily of the Valley Lime Blossom Night Blooming Cereus Parsley Parsley Piert Pellitory of the Wall Pumpkin Seed Saw Palmetto Sea Holly Stone Root Wild Carrot Yarrow
Emetics cause vomiting. Most of the herbs listed cause vomiting only when taken in high dosage which can be found for each herb in the Herbal description.
Balm Blood Root Boneset Catnip Elder Flowers Ipecacuanha Lobelia Senega Squill
Emmenagogues stimulate and normalise menstrual flow. The term is also often used in the wider context of remedies that act as tonics to the female reproductive system.
Beth Root Black Cohosh Black Haw Blessed Thistle Blue Cohosh Carline Thistle Chamomile Chaste Tree Cramp Bark False Unicorn Root Fenugreek Gentian Ginger Golden Seal Juniper Berry Lime Marigold Motherwort Mugwort Parsley Pasque Flower Pennyroyal Peppermint Raspberry Red Sage Rosemary Rue Shepherd’s Purse Southernwood Squaw Vine St. John’s Wort Tansy Thyme True Unicorn Root Valerian Vervain Wormwood Yarrow
Emollients are applied to the skin to soften, soothe or protect it and act externally in a manner similar to the way demulcents act internally.
Balm of Gilead Borage Chickweed Coltsfoot Comfrey Elecampane Fenugreek Flaxseed Liquorice Mallow Marshmallow Mullein Plantain Quince Seed Rose Petals Slippery Elm
The expectorants support the body in the removal of excess amounts of mucus from the respiratory system.
Aniseed Balm of Gilead Balsam of Peru Balsam of Tolu Blood Root Coltsfoot Comfrey Elder Flower Elecampane Garlic Golden Seal Grindelia Hyssop Iceland Moss Irish Moss Liquorice Lobelia Lungwort Marshmallow Mouse Ear Mullein Pleurisy Root Senega Skunk Cabbage Squill Thuja Thyme Vervain White Horehound Wild Cherry
The febrifuges help the body to bring down fevers.
Angelica Balm Blessed Thistle Boneset Borage Cayenne Elder Flower Eucalyptus Hyssop Lobelia Marigold Pennyroyal Peppermint Peruvian Bark Plantain Pleurisy Root Prickly Ash Raspberry Red Sage Thyme Vervain
The galactogogues can help the breast-feeding mother to increase the flow of mother’s milk.
Aniseed Blessed Thistle Centaury Fennel Goat’s Rue Raspberry Vervain
The hepatics aid the liver. Their use tones and strengthens it and increases the flow of bile from the liver.
Agrimony Aloe Balm Balmony Barberry Black Root Blue Flag Boldo Bogbean Cascara Sagrada Celery Centaury Cleavers Dandelion Elecampane Fennel Fringetree Fumitory Gentian Golden Seal Horseradish Hyssop Mountain Grape Motherwort Prickly Ash Wahoo Wild Indigo Wild Yam Wormwood Yarrow Yellow Dock
Hypnotics will induce sleep (not a hypnotic trance).
Hops Jamaican Dogwood Mistletoe Passion Flower Skullcap Valerian Wild Lettuce
The laxatives promote the evacuation of the bowels.
Balmony Barberry Buckthorn Burdock Cascara Sagrada Cleavers Dandelion Flaxseed Fringetree Mountain Grape Pellitory of the Wall Rhubarb Root Senna Wahoo Yellow Dock
Trbs contain gelatinous constituents and will often be demulcent and emollient.
Comfrey Fenugreek Flaxseed Iceland Moss Irish Moss Mallow Marshmallow Quince Seed Slippery Elm
The nervines have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and tone and strengthen it. Some act as stimulants, some as relaxants. Please refer to the herbal section for more detailed information.
Balm Black Cohosh Black Haw Blue Cohosh Bugleweed Chamomile Cramp Bark Damiana Ginseng Hops Kola Lady’s Slipper Lavender Lemon Balm Lime Lobelia Mistletoe Motherwort Oats Pasque Flower Passion Flower Peppermint Red Clover Rosemary Skullcap Tansy Thyme Valerian Vervain Wild Lettuce Wormwood
The oxytocics stimulate the contraction of the uterus and can thereby help in childbirth.
Beth Root Blue Cohosh Golden Seal Rue Squaw Vine
Pectorals have a general strengthening and healing effect on the respiratory system.
Angelica Aniseed Balm of Gilead Balsam of Peru Balsam of Tolu Blood Root Coltsfoot Comfrey Elder Elecampane Garlic Golden Seal Hyssop Iceland Moss Irish Moss Liquorice Lungwort Marshmallow Mouse Ear Mullein Pleurisy Root Senega Skunk Cabbage Vervain White Horehound
When rubefacients are applied to the skin they cause a gentle local irritation and stimulate the dilation of the capillaries, thus increasing circulation in the skin. The blood is drawn from deeper parts of the body into the skin and thus often internal pains are relieved.
Cayenne Cloves Garlic Ginger Horseradish Mustard Nettle Peppermint Oil Rosemary Oil Rue
The sedatives calm the nervous system and reduce stress and nervousness throughout the body. They can thus affect tissue of the body that has been irritated by nervous problems.
Black Cohosh Black Haw Bladderwrack Blue Cohosh Blood Root Boldo Bugleweed Chamomile Cowslip Cramp Bark Hops Jamaican Dogwood Lady’s Slipper Lobelia Motherwort Pasque Flower Passion Flower Red Clover Red Poppy Saw Palmetto Skullcap St. John’s Wort Valerian Wild Cherry Wild Lettuce Wild Yam
The sialagogues stimulate the secretion of saliva from the salivary glands.
Blood Root Blue Flag Cayenne Centaury Gentian Ginger Prickly Ash Senega
The soporifics induce sleep, compare ‘Hypnotics’.
Stimulants quicken and enliven the physiological function of the body.
Angelica Balm of Gilead Balmony Bayberry Benzoin Bladderwrack Caraway Cardamon Cayenne Cinnamon Dandelion Eucalyptus Galangal Garlic Gentian Ginseng Gravel Root Ground Ivy Horseradish Juniper Marigold Mustard Pennyroyal Peppermint Prickly Ash Rosemary Rue Sage Southernwood Tansy White Horehound Wild Yam Wormwood Yarrow
Styptics reduce or stop external bleeding by their astringency. See ‘Astringents’.
The tonic herbs strengthen and enliven either specific organs or the whole body. This long list makes more sense when the section on tonics in each body system is revised.
Agrimony Angelica Aniseed Balm Balmony Bayberry Bearberry Beth Root Bistort Black Cohosh Black Haw Black Root Bogbean Boldo Boneset Buchu Buckthorn Bugleweed Burdock Calumba Carline Thistle Cayenne Centaury Chamomile Cleavers Coltsfoot Comfrey Condurango Couchgrass Cranesbill Damiana Dandelion Echinacea Elecampane Eyebright False Unicorn Root Fringetree Fumitory Garlic Gentian Ginseng Golden Seal Gravel Root Grindelia Ground Ivy Hawthorn Horsechestnut Hydrangea Hyssop Iceland Moss Lady’s Slipper Liquorice Lime Marigold Mistletoe Motherwort Mountain Grape Mugwort Mustard Myrrh Nettle Oats Parsley Periwinkle Poke Root Raspberry Red Clover Rue Sarsaparilla Skullcap Squaw Vine Tamarind Tansy Thyme Vervain Virginia Snake Root Wild Yam Wood Betony Wormwood Yarrow Yellow Dock
Vulneraries are applied externally and aid the body in the healing of wounds and cuts.
Aloe Arnica Bistort Black Willow Burdock Chickweed Cleavers Comfrey Cranesbill Daisy Elder Elecampane Fenugreek Flaxseed Garlic Golden Seal Horsetail Hyssop Irish Moss Marigold Marshmallow Mullein Myrrh Plantain Poke Root Shepherd’s Purse Slippery Elm St. John’s Wort Thyme Witch Hazel Wood Betony Yarrow