

There are generally two types of books about herbs that are currently available. One type lists plants that are medicinally used and gives their properties. In order to use this type the reader must have prior knowledge about the appropriate plant for a particular condition. The other type focuses on conditions and symptoms, giving herbs that will help to heal same. Though neither type is ideal, they can help a lot in the exploration of this fascinating field.

The list that follows is only a small selection of what is currently available. I have added commentary to some of these books. When looking for a book on herbs, it is best to go to a bookshop and browse.

British Herbal Medicine Association British Herbal Pharmacopoeia Volume 1, 2, 3.

This is a series of monographs on a number of herbs that gives an insight into the approach of a broadly trained modern herbalist. It is, perhaps, the best modern scientifically based source of information on herbs.

Buchman, Dian D.
Herbal Medicine
Gramercy, 1979

Christopher, Dr. John R.

School of Natural Healing

BiWorld, 1976

One of the best herbals available, although more for the dedicated student of herbalism. It takes the ‘action’ approach as a way of dividing the book. Highly recommended.

Geuter, Maria

Herbs in Nutrition

Bio-Dynamic Agricultural Association

This is a herbal that comes out of the Rudolf

Steiner tradition and shows a deep spiritual

rapport with the herbs that are discussed.

Grieve, Mrs. M.

A Modern Herbal

Dover Publications, 1931

By far the best source book on herbs, their origins, cultivation, medicinal use and folklore. A must.

Hyatt, Richard

Chinese Herbal Medicine

Wildwood House

Kloss, Jethro

Back to Eden

Beneficial Books, 1971

A classic of herbal and naturopathic medicine.

Launert, Edmund

Edible and Medicinal Plants

Hamilton Books

An excellent field guide to herbs in Britain and Northern Europe. Gear illustrations and information.

Lust, John

The Herb Book

Bantam Books, 1974

An American herbal that is a mine of information about the herbs covered, although it omits many British species.

Pahlow, Mannfried

Living Medicine

Thorsons, 1980

This book presents an interestingly holistic approach.

Parvati, Jeannine


Wildwood House, 1978

This is what Herbals are all about. Hygieia is one of the most compassionate and healing books I have ever read. It should be on school curricula as compulsory reading! Apart from the general vision of the book, it is specifically about the use of herbs in the treatment of women. Buy it …

Potter’s New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs Health Science Press, 1975

One of the standard reference books, but it leaves a lot to be desired.

Revolutionary Health Committee of Hunan


The Barefoot Doctor’s Manual

Routledge & Kegan Paul

Roberts, Frank

The Encyclopedia of Digestive Disorders


Frank Roberts has presented us with a holistic viewpoint of the treatment—using herbs—of the digestive system. Whilst this has its limitations, the information given is excellent.

de Sloover & Goosens

Wild Herbs: A Field Guide

David & Charles

Another field guide that has excellent colour photographs of the important European herbs.

There is an interesting system of symbols to aid in identification and usage.

Thomson, Willim A.R.

Healing Plants

Mc. Graw-Hill

A sumptuously-illustrated book that would make an excellent Christmas present.

Usher, George

A Dictionary of Plants Used by Man

Constable Ltd.

Vogel, V.J.

American Indian Medicine

Oklahoma Press

Pharmacognosy & Medicine

There is a wealth of information available about the constituents of plants and their use in medicine and pharmacology. The sources tend to be very esoteric academic tomes, but they are well worth exploring. There is a number of scientific journals that focus purely on plant medicines, such as Lloydia, Plant Medica and the Journal of Ethnobotany. The following is a selection of books that will cover the orthodox use of plants.

British Pharmaceutical Codex Especially editions prior to 1949

United States Pharmacopoeia


The Extra Pharmacopoeia

Pharmaceutical Press, 1989

Trease & Evans


Bailliere Tindall, 1989


There are many books covering various aspects of holistic healing, the New Age and herbalism in general. This is a token selection.

Bailey, Alice A.

Esoteric Healing

Lucis Press, 1953

Bohm, David

Wholeness and the Implicate Order

Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980

Capra, Fritjof

The Tao of Physics

Fontana/Collins, 1975

Capra, Fritjof

The Turning Point

Wildwood House, 1982

This is one of the most important books to be published in recent years. It is the clearest, most cogent exploration of the social, psychological and spiritual transformation we are going through, that I have come across. Capra’s review of medicine has profound implications for herbal medicine.

Dossey, Larry

Space, Time and Medicine

Shambhala, 1982

Gaskin, Ina M.

Spiritual Midwifery

The Book Publishing Company, 1980

This is an excellent book on natural childbirth.

Griggs, Barbara

Green Pharmacy

Norman & Hobhouse, 1981

A unique and insightful history of herbal medicine to the present day.

Grigson, Geoffrey

The Englishman’s Flora


An excellent book on the folklore of British plants.

Lovelock, J.E.

Gaia, A new look at life on Earth

Oxford University Press, 1979

Poucher, W. A.

Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps

Chapman and Hall, HB, 1975; PB, 1978

Schultes and Hoffmann

Plants of the Gods


This book explores the use of hallucinogenic plants around the world. It is a testimony to the spiritual and ecological relationship between humanity and our planet.

Sheldrake, Rupert

A new science of Life

Blond & Briggs, 1988

Shuttle, Penelope

Redgrove, Peter

The Wise Wound, Eve’s Curse and Everywoman

Gollancz, 1978

The Wise Wound explores the process of menstruation and the mental attitudes related to it.

Simonton, Carl and Stephanie

Getting Well Again

Tarcher, 1978

In this book the Simontons describe their very successful approach of treating cancer with both physical and psychological methods.
