September 2002



BACK AT NYANGA, TWO E-MAILS were waiting for me.

One was from the SAT board telling me I was registered for the December 7 test date in Harare. It was happening.

My heart was racing as I opened the second e-mail. That was from Wallace. He hadn’t been able to get in touch with Caitlin or Anne.

As for the e-mail addresses you gave me, he wrote, it is a pity that none of them actually works. I tried them all but to no avail. Could you do me a favor by sending them to me one more time. I might have missed a spelling or phrasing.

I e-mailed him back immediately to let him know my SAT exam date was set and to confirm Anne’s e-mail address. I wanted to write a PS, that I would see him very soon. That I would one day be an African student studying in the United States, like him. But I decided to wait. I did not want to jinx it.