Elizabeth Has a Visitor . . .

Clarity had come immediately and with great force.

In the moment between awakening and her plunge off the bed she realized that the shape moving through the open window was a woman's, but that didn't matter in the slightest — she sensed the threat. Her dancer's body did not betray her. Her first leap off the bed took her halfway across the tiny studio apartment. She heard the bedsprings creak behind her beneath the woman's foot and heard the woman growl. By then she was at the door.

She'd double-locked it as always before she went to bed. With perfect economy of movement she threw the first lock and then the second and her hand was on the doorknob when the woman crossed the apartment from the bed to the door and slammed her from behind.

Cold damp hands fell across her naked shoulders and spun her around. She stared into its face, its lips split open in a dozen purulent lesions glistening pus and blood. The mouth from cheeks to chin was brown and cracked like dry mud. The eyes were rheumy yellow, not white, and shot with red.

The death mask that was Lydia smiled.

Her torn filthy shirt was unbuttoned to the waist. She felt cold, soft breastflesh press against her own as the powerful arms wrapped tight around her back. The mouth drooled against her neck.

She lurched back against the door so that for a moment there was a tiny space between them and managed to wedge her forearms up into that space, moving them up over the clammy graveyard coldness of the woman's stomach and breasts, up to the collarbone, shaking herself violently and throwing herself back against the door while the woman clung to her, sucking at her neck, the lips pulling back and mouth opening to bite, her arms finally rising up over the woman's and then the elbows striking down hard against her forearms, breaking her hold.

The rest was instinctive.

Elizabeth went for the eyes.

Her fingers pushed deep and curled toward her. The woman screeched and jerked away, her own backward motion clawing the eyes from their sockets so that they hung down her cheeks from long umbilical tendrils, twitching as she backed away. Elizabeth watched her — astonished — stared as the woman groped for them wildly and felt her stomach heave as she saw her paw the left eye off her face and watched it roll across the floor trailing muscle fiber like a grisly ball of twine.

She flung open the door and ran out into the hall, screaming in horror and relief from horror, tears bursting from her eyes like blood from a punctured vein, stumbling toward the elevator doors. Her voice echoed down the long hallway.

It did not go unnoticed.

All along the corridor doors began to open.

And even through her panic she recognized some of them. Old Mrs. Strawn from 222 in housecoat and curlers, an ice pick in her hand. The nurse in 226, Estha, in blood-soaked camisole and tap pants. Two little girls she often saw playing in the lobby, one in powder-blue pajamas and the other naked, peering out the doorway of 228, both of them covered with blood from chin to chest.

For a moment it was impossible to comprehend. An intruder — even this intruder — had been one thing. But this . . .

. . . she'd stepped into madness. She knew these people! These . . .

. . . women. They were all women.

Not a man among them.

Tom, she thought. Andy.

The Braun apartment was just next door.

The stewardess from 210 was moving toward her, naked except for a pair of red silk panties. Her shoulders and upper arms were scratched and bleeding.

Suddenly they seemed to be everywhere at once — in back and in front of her, by the elevator, by the stairwell door. Some of them nameless to her, strangers. Moving together with a slow confidence, arms reaching out to her, a dense web of deadly power. Mrs. Lyons almost near enough to touch, shuffling toward her, ice pick rising.

Elizabeth shoved her aside and heard her hit the wall behind her. She flung herself on Tom's door and pounded it with her fists.

"Tom! Andy! Sus . . . !"

She tried the doorknob. It was locked. She rammed it with her shoulder.


Her own apartment was cut off to her now. The stewardess was blocking the way. The thing inside with the dangling eye would have been infinitely preferable. She slammed at Tom's door.

"Please! Help me!"

A cold hand touched her naked thigh. She whirled.

She slapped the little girl's hands away in revulsion. Her sister was beside her smiling, reaching for her, clotted blood smeared across her pajamas. Behind them the others moved steadily forward. She shoved the first girl back into the crowd, grabbed her sister's arm and flung her into them too, but their combined weight was nothing. And when they saw that she was going to fight they moved with lightening speed.

She darted to the right toward the stairwell door but they were on her in an instant, hands reaching into her long hair and pulling her to the floor. Suddenly they were everywhere — and she realized the full, terrible implications of her nudity. The hands slid out of her hair and raked long sharp fingernails across her cheek. Teeth sank deep into her thighs, her breasts, her belly. Old Mrs. Strawn's ice pick thudded into the floor an inch away from her neck.

She flailed wildly, kicking, pushing them off her body. Powerful fingers gripped her arms and wrists and pinned them to the rough carpeting but her legs were free and she fought furiously, her ferocity surging.

She felt a pang of agony and saw the nurse's teeth sinking into her inner thigh. She closed her legs over the woman's neck, locked her ankles together and jerked them up and down once as hard as she could, heard the neck snap, and rolled the body away from her like a broken doll. She planted her feet flat on the floor and pushed up into a backward roll and kicked at the two women holding her arms, missed the stewardess on the left but caught the other woman square on the chin.

She exulted in it. She had one arm free again.

She rolled forward again and on the downswing her legs fell across the shoulders of a middle-aged woman, which knocked her to the floor. She pivoted left and struck the stewardess twice in the mouth. The lip split but the woman held on. At the same time she felt someone bite deep into her side just above the hip but the arm had to be free never mind the teeth so she hit the stewardess again and kept hitting her until the hands dropped away, then turned and brought her elbow down across the neck of the woman at her side.

She sat up and pressed back against the wall and pushed herself to her feet.

The door to Tom's apartment opened.

She turned to run inside and saw Susan standing in the doorway.

Teeth grinding. Eyes rimmed red.

Smiling, stepping toward her.

She ran.

The stewardess was rising. Elizabeth rammed her and sent her flying across the hall, used the impact to spin herself toward the door to her own apartment She pulled the door open. An arm went around her neck and she turned inside it thinking fuck you, brought her knee up into the woman's stomach and heard the whoosh of air, broke free and stepped inside as the woman gripped the doorframe and Elizabeth slammed the door on her fingers, heard the shrill cry of agony with delicious satisfaction, opened the door and when the hand fell away slammed it again, threw both locks and turned around.

The woman's eye was still dangling.

She was down on the floor next to the bed, mewling like a cat, trying to find the other one.

"A little to your left," Elizabeth said.

She'd beaten them.

She walked around the woman to the open window and pushed it shut. She turned on the overhead light and went to the bathroom. She turned on that light too.

Her face in the mirror was bruised and scratched and dirty. The bite marks were deepest on her thigh, her side, and her left breast high up near the shoulder. There was a surprising lack of serious bleeding.

She held the washcloth under the tap water and gently bathed the worst of it, smeared Bacitracin into the wounds and then walked back into the living room.

The woman had found her missing eye. She was fumbling with it insanely, trying to find a way to put it back again.

Elizabeth took her nightgown off the chair and put it on.

The woman seemed to sense the angry force of her. She sobbed and scuttled closer to the bed.

On a shelf beside the window stood a large Ming aurelia — her only potted plant. Elizabeth thought it was a shame to destroy it, but whether from relief or fear, she still was shaking uncontrollably. She needed to be calm and think, but she could not do that with the woman there and could not stand the mewling.

She wondered if Susan had killed Tom and Andy. My god.

The aurelia must have weighed thirty pounds. She lifted it carefully and moved over to the woman and let it drop.

The mewling sounds stopped.

She stared down at the woman's body and the scattered shards of pottery.

I'll have to clean this up, she thought. She guessed it could wait till morning.

Morning, she thought. And then what?

She shifted her gaze to the window. It was hard to think clearly.

She didn't know.