Summer was drawing to a close, and it was the eve of the anniversary of Dan’s passing. With Jonathan’s eightieth birthday nearing, he felt as if he were falling into a chasm. He was glad Parker and Cody had moved in with him, to look after him, but also to have a place where they could live together.
“What’s the matter, Grandpa?”
“Oh, hi, Cody, I didn’t even hear you come in.”
“I came home early. I was worried about you. Are you okay?”
Jonathan squeezed the young man’s shoulder. “I’m just restless, that’s all. Tomorrow is the first anniversary of Dan’s death, and in a couple of months I’ll be eighty years old. I just wonder what I should be doing with the rest of my life, however much I’ve got left…”
“Ah, I see. Well, I can’t answer that for you. Is there anything you want to do?”
“Not sure. I mean I’d love to travel, see the world. Dan wasn’t a big traveler. But I’m too old to venture out there on my own. What if something happened?”
“Who said you have to travel by yourself? I’m sure there are lots of other people who would love to travel. Have you asked Mary?”
“I doubt she’d be interested. Don’t forget her health issues and how she refused to come here last Christmas. I almost had to force her to come to Jonathan and Emilie’s wedding.” Jonathan smiled at the memory. “No, Mary doesn’t strike me as a traveler.”
“Well,” Cody pushed on undeterred, “maybe you could place an ad for a travel companion on one of those travel sites. The web is full of people who love to travel.”
“That’s not a bad idea. I’ll have a look. But what about you and Parker? Don’t you want to see the world?” The second he’d said it, he regretted it. “I’m so sorry, Cody, that’s not what I meant. I mean, wouldn’t you want to experience the world?”
Cody laughed. “Don’t worry, Grandpa, I’m not that easily offended. Are you asking me and Parker to join you?”
“Well, you’re young, you’re strong, and I know for a fact that neither you nor Parker have seen much of the world, or experienced it, I should say. You could take a break in your studies and travel with me, while I still have my strength.”
That made Cody laugh even more. “It sounds like you’ve given this some thought already.”
Jonathan shrugged and blushed. So what if I have? “I may have thought about it a little, yes, but not seriously. It’s just an idea. Sorry if I’m out of line.”
“Oh, Grandpa, no need to apologize. I feel honored you’d even consider us as travel companions. Why don’t we ask Parker tonight, when he comes home from the university? I’m not opposed to the idea. Mathematics won’t go anywhere without me…”
That night, over dinner, Jonathan explained his idea to Parker. “I don’t know how much time I have left. Yes, your granddad made it all the way to ninety years, but there’s no guarantee I will. I might, I might not. But I’m not good at sitting here in the house all day, twiddling my thumbs. I need to feel useful, and right now, my family doesn’t really need me. You’re all doing well, studying, working, growing up. Instead, I’d like to see the world. When I was your age, that was my biggest dream, but your granddad didn’t enjoy traveling. We flew to Europe every now and then, and we attended meetings with the foundation wherever and whenever there was a new project being launched. But we never really vacationed abroad. Or even here, in our own country. I’ve never been to the Grand Canyon, and I’ve yet to see Yosemite and the Florida Keys.
“What I really want is to take this big, long cruise, to see the world. Casually, slowly, one port at a time. Does that make sense?”
Parker nodded. “Sure, Grandpa, go for it. I mean, you have the money to do it, so why shouldn’t you? We’ll keep the house ready for you when you get back.”
“That’s not what I mean, son.” Jonathan shook his head. “As I’ve told Cody earlier today, I’d like the two of you to tag along. I’m too old to travel on my own. Besides, traveling is best done in a group, so that you can discuss your experiences, share what you see.”
“Wow!” Parker was stunned. “That’s where this is going… But what about my studies? What would Mom and Dad say?”
“I don’t know. Ask them. As for your studies, you wouldn’t be the first student to take a break. You could continue a year from now. If you’re interested, that is?”
“Interested? Are you kidding? To travel the world? Of course I am. Admittedly, I’d always envisaged doing it on foot, with a backpack, not aboard a cruise ship, but your way sounds a lot more comfortable.” Parker was getting excited, and he looked at Cody. “What d’you think, babe?”
“I’m game. Grandpa had me on ‘travel.’ I’m easy. You know I’d never be able to do any of it on my own. We don’t have that kind of money in our family, and even if we did, with my eyes, traveling alone is not an option. As for backpacking? I think your grandpa’s idea is fantastic. Although I won’t be much help, Park, I hope you realize that. I’ll be an even bigger burden than your grandpa!”
“That’s nonsense, babe, and you know it. You could never be a burden to me, no matter what! That’s not how love works.”
“Don’t argue, boys, please.” Jonathan tried to mediate. “Nobody is going to be a burden on anyone. I certainly don’t hope so. And we won’t be on our own. We’ll be on a ship with hundreds of others, a ship that has sailed that route before, many times. We’ll be safe.”
“I know, Grandpa, that’s not what I meant.” Parker tried to smooth things over. “I was trying to make a statement about love in general, and that Cody could never be a burden to me. I love him too much.”
“Thanks, Park, that’s very sweet of you to say…” Cody smiled.
“Yes, it’s very sweet and also very naïve to say,” Jonathan warned. “But let’s not dwell on that right now. Are we in agreement, then? We’ll leave as soon as your semester is over?”
Parker and Cody both nodded in agreement.
“Well, that is indeed great news. I’ll get things arranged. I’ll need to talk to my travel agency and see what they have available. I think we’d like to travel in style, what say you?” He chuckled, knowing that the two young men would’ve been happy to tag along even if they’d have to camp out on a couch.
“Oh,” he added, “one more thing: let me talk to your mother, Parker. I know how to handle her. And I’d be more than happy to talk to your mother, too, Cody.” He raised his glass, and they toasted to their upcoming trip.
The next day, Jonathan called his travel agency and booked them on a ship from New York, out through the Caribbean, and into the new Panama Canal, over to Acapulco and Los Angeles. From there, they’d continue their journey out into the Pacific, to Hawaii and the Polynesian Islands, then on to New Zealand, Australia and up toward Singapore. After that, they’d gather their bearings and see where to go next.
* * * * *