Thanks to John “Chief” Keith, U.S. Navy (OTC, ret.), Jerry Johnston, U.S. Army (Warrant Officer 3, ret.; ex-Huey and Blackhawk pilot), Dave Lirette, Cherry Weiner, the online John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Karen Lin, Janet Fogg, Betsy Dornbusch, and Deb Coleman. Thanks to Joseph McMoneagle, Jim Schnabel, Dale Graff, and David Morehouse for their works documenting the fascinating world of remote viewing. I did my best trying to adhere to the official protocol, but of course ran down rabbit holes of my own making.
A huge thanks to Joyce Combs and Mandy Pratt for their copyediting and proofreading! To Duvall Design for the cover! To Kimberly Hitchens and the rest of the outstanding staff at for their patience and eformatting brilliance! Thanks to my wife for always being there and putting up with my “writer’s mind.” Thanks to the Seth material, Jane Roberts, and Robert Butts. To anyone else I may have missed, it was not intentional, but thank you!
Also… thanks to Starbucks for never throwing me out when I didn’t buy a damned thing and just needed a corner in which to write…