LN BEY has lived in various suburbs and city centers across the Midwest and West, playing kinky married games, writing kinky stories and serving demanding cats.
EMILY BINGHAM (queanofrope.com) is a storyteller, rope bondage instructor and consent activist. The only thing she loves more than words is rope. Her stories have appeared in a number of anthologies including Serving Him: Sexy Stories of Submission and Best Bondage Erotica 2011 and 2014.
ROBERT BLACK is a writer and editor with a background in newspapers, advertising, corporate communications and textbooks. He is a lifetime resident of Rhode Island. His daughter Lia is also a writer; her twin brother Chris is a musician. This is Robert’s first published work of fiction.
SHENOA CARROLL-BRADD lives in Southern California with her brother and dancing dog, on a street where she can see both mountains and palm trees. She writes whatever catches her fancy, from erotica, to horror and fantasy. Say hello on Twitter @ShenoaSays.
ELIZABETH COLDWELL (elizabethcoldwell.wordpress.com) lives and writes in London. Her stories have appeared in numerous anthologies, including Best Bondage Erotica 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014.
CORVIDAE is a proud scientist and avid kinkster. Her work has been featured in The Big Book of Submission: 69 Kinky Tales and she is a regular contributor to the Erotica Readers and Writers Association. She generally lives in California and occasionally blogs at corvidaedream.wordpress.com.
JENNE DAVIS, head honcho at clitical.com, sees herself as more of a gatekeeper than a webmistress. While she does own several whips, she would rather spend her time writing about them than wielding them. Jenne believes that sex is about sharing and open communication.
LUCY FELTHOUSE (lucyfelthouse.co.uk) is a very busy woman! She writes erotica and erotic romance in a variety of subgenres, lengths and pairings, and has over one hundred publications to her name, with many more in the pipeline. These include several Best anthologies from Cleis Press.
NICHELLE GREGORY (simplysexystories.com) has penned fifteen erotically charged books for Totally Bound, including Ashes to Flames, Talk Sexy and Soul Sweet. She enjoys bringing believable, diverse characters to life that thrill and excite her readers with gorgeous alpha heroes and divine heroines in magical, exotic, sexy scenarios.
JODIE GRIFFIN (jodiegriffin.com) loves chocolate and alliterative titles, sees the dirty side in pretty much everything and needs more hours in every day. She writes naughty tales about nice girls and the men who love them.
ELISE HEPNER (elisehepner.com) writes smutty goodness for Ellora’s Cave, Xcite and Secret Cravings Publishing. She’s appeared in several Cleis anthologies including Gotta Have It: 69 Stories of Sudden Sex and Best Bondage Erotica 2012. She lives with her husband and two clingy kitties in Maryland.
ANNABEL JOSEPH (annabeljoseph.com) is a multi-published kinky novelist whose stories celebrate the complexity and romance of erotic power exchange. When she’s not penning hot BDSM tales, she’s on Twitter discussing orgasm denial, trapeze sex and other such vital topics.
D. L. KING (dlkingerotica.blogspot.com) is the editor of anthologies such as Carnal Machines (IPPY gold medal winner), Under Her Thumb and The Harder She Comes (Lambda Literary Award winner and also IPPY gold medalist). Her stories can be found in Bound for Trouble, Fast Girls and Luscious, among many others.
ANNABETH LEONG (annabethleong.blogspot.com) writes erotica of many flavors. Her work has appeared in more than thirty anthologies, including Best Bondage Erotica 2013 and 2014 (Cleis Press). Her stand-alone titles include One Flesh (Storm Moon Press), The Fugitive’s Sexy Brother (Ellora’s Cave) and Untouched (Sweetmeats Press).
SOMMER MARSDEN (sommermarsden.blogspot.com) is a professional dirty word writer, gluten free baker, sock addict, fat-wiener-dog walker, expert procrastinator. Called “one of the top storytellers in the erotic genre” by Violet Blue, Sommer’s the author of numerous erotic novels including Restricted Release, Boys Next Door, Restless Spirit and Lost in You.
ROB ROSEN (therobrosen.net), author of the novels Sparkle: The Queerest Book You’ll Ever Love, Divas Las Vegas, Hot Lava, Southern Fried, Queerwolf and Vamp, and editor of the anthologies Lust in Time and Men of the Manor, has had short stories featured in more than 180 anthologies.
TIM RUDOLPH is the owner of a dirty mind and a number two pencil, which have combined to produce stories for Oysters and Chocolate, The Mammoth Book of Quick and Dirty Erotica and The Mammoth Book of Urban Erotic Confessions. He lives and writes in Santa Cruz.
ERIN SPILLANE always has at least one crazy idea running through her head and she realized it would be easier and safer to write them down. Sometimes, anyway. She’s a dreamer. Follow her on Twitter @Erin_Spillane.
L. C. SPOERING (lcspoering.com) lives and writes in Denver, Colorado. Her work has appeared in anthologies with Cleis Press, Lady Lit and Seal Press, as well as The Dying Goose literary magazine, and her first book, After Life Lessons, coauthored with Laila Blake, was released in 2014.
ANNA WATSON hates yoga and spent over a year in a half body cast when she was but a wee chick. For more stories, see Best Lesbian Erotica 2015, No Safewords, Slaphappy/Mrs. M and Me and My Boi. With a colleague, she recently launched Laz-E-Femme Press. Kick off your pumps and read!
DADDY X always wanted to be a dirty old man. Despite Catholic school, a steel mill, Haight Ashbury, drugs, alcoholism, stroke, cancer, liver transplant, chemo, robbery at gunpoint, and a triple bypass, he’s grown old. Now he’s gonna get dirty. Daddy lives with Momma X, a lop-eared hound and two cats.