I can’t thank my amazing wife, Jennifer, enough for her support during the many hours I spent working on this project. She was gracious and understanding as she told me to “go to the den” to finish the book when I was taking valuable time away from the family and missing important family functions. She always understood the importance of this work, and I couldn’t ask for a more loving and supportive wife.
Randy consistently reported the same support from his wonderful wife, Sandi. She consistently was patient, supportive, and understanding of the time and energy it takes to put together a book of this magnitude.
Both Jennifer and Sandi’s contributions and insights as we would bounce ideas off of them were invaluable in making this book helpful and understandable to the typical small-business owner.
We also must thank our amazing staff and partners at both of our offices, KKOS Lawyers, K&E CPAs, and Lifetime Paradigm. We are so grateful to have talented and dedicated team members helping us to deliver important tax, legal, and financial services that truly change the lives of so many.