Chapter Six


It’s Friday, and I’m sad this morning. Luke found out last night that he has to go to his grandparents’ for the weekend.

He tried to get out of it, but Mr. Harris wouldn’t allow it. I was going to go with them, but my mom wouldn’t let me since she worked so many nights this week. She said it’s her only time to see me.

Sunday evening, Liv is riding back with Luke and their dad, so it means Luke and I will not have the same time alone that we’ve been lucky enough to steal.

“You’re pouting,” I say to Luke at my locker after lunch.

“I don’t want you to go to that party without me.”

“Luke, Mom is not off until tomorrow. I don’t want to be alone tonight. Amanda and Shelby are harassing me to go, and I figure it will help pass the time until you’re back.”

“OK, but be careful. Don’t let anyone give you a drink. What if a guy slips something in it?”

“Luke, you’re worrying about this too much. I promise I won’t do anything. I won’t drink or hang out with any guys.”

“Are you still coming over after school, so I can kiss you before I leave?”

“I heard the word kiss. Who’s kissing who?” Stew asks after walking up behind Luke. Thank goodness the halls are noisy.

“No one, Stew,” Luke says as he gazes at me.

“Kenzie, could I talk to you for a minute?”

“I have to get to class, Stew,” I reply.

“I’ll walk with you then.”

Luke clenches his eyes shut and purses his lips.

“Luke, it will be alright. We don’t have to do this much longer,” I say quietly before I step around him. I begin walking with Stew, and I feel terrible. I’ll brush him off, but it’s awkward, and I know Luke is furious.


I can’t take this. Seeing them walking away together has me ill. God, I pray I didn’t wait too long to make her mine. I trudge to class, praying that Kenz will tell Stew there’s no chance for them to date.


Age 16:

I’m at the track running at sunset. It’s a cool spring day, and I’m trying to work out some sexual frustration. I had a genuine opportunity to make Kenzie mine last night. I felt it from her as we sat in my car in the pouring rain.

She helped me through my problem and has more faith in my abilities and future success than anyone else. The way she gazes at me ... it’s as if she would entrust her entire being to me.

But I need to remember that I have Kenzie as a friend every day. We’re there for each other and always will be, so I can’t have her physically, too.

There’s no way I could be that lucky to have both. Something would mess it up, and I’d lose her altogether.

“Luke,” a girl yells. I come to a stop on the pavement and turn around.

“Allison, hi.” Glancing around, I see no one with her.

“Hi, Luke. Sorry to interrupt your run.”

As I wipe the sweat from my forehead with the back of my arm, an uncomfortable feeling hits me. She was Noah’s girlfriend until she dumped him yesterday, so the last thing I want is to be seen with her.

“What’s up?”

“I was here alone and saw you, so I thought I’d say hi.” Allison is reaching up, playing with her blonde hair that’s in a ponytail, and I’m beginning to think it’s so she can stick her rack out at me. “Um, how was Noah today?”

“Uh, he didn’t say much to me, so I’m not sure.”

“Luke, I don’t know what to do now. Noah and I have been together forever, so I’m already lonely.”

“Why don’t you call one of your friends? Or maybe you shouldn’t have broken up with him.” I wipe more sweat from my forehead and realize I’m probably not going to get to finish my run. Allison begins to cry.

“I’m sorry, Allison. I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that maybe you don’t really want to break up with him.”

Allison throws her arms around my waist. Oh, shit. I’ve never hugged this girl before. Her head is against my chest as she softly cries, so I barely put my arms around her.

“Um, Allison, we probably shouldn’t be hugging. You only broke up with Noah yesterday, and he’s a good friend of mine.”

“Noah and I have been together so long that I’m afraid no one else will date me.” She’s sniffling while keeping a tight grip on me.

“Um, you have to give it time. Then, I’m sure someone will.” Not letting go, she raises her head and gazes up at me. I still have my arms around her, unsure of what to do with them since she is latched onto me tightly.

“You think?”

“Yeah. I’m sure, but guys need to see you aren’t going to get back with him.”

“Um, would you happen to be one of those guys?” Ah, hell. She’s looking at me seductively, and I came here for a damn run to release sexual tension.

Glancing toward the parking lot, I think of the safest way to answer this, and when I think things can’t get any worse, they do. In the distance, I see Kenz standing next to her car, staring at us.

She’s in her gym clothes, meaning she was likely coming here to run with me. Waiting only a few seconds more, Kenzie scurries back into her car.

“Dammit!” I let Allison go. “I have to leave, sorry.”

She whips around and sees Kenz leaving.

“Is that McKenzie Baker?”

“Yes, and she saw us.”

“Why are you freaking out?”

“I don’t want Noah pissed at me, Allison.”

“No, you don’t want Kenzie pissed at you,” she says with an attitude. “When are you two going to get it on? It’s pathetic the way you follow her around.”

Turning my head, I glare at Allison.

“We’re good friends. Maybe you need to be closer to yours, and then you wouldn’t feel the need to cause me problems. Go cry to someone else.”

Taking off toward my vehicle, I’m desperate to get to Kenzie, but she’s driving away by the time I reach the parking lot. Once home, I bang on her front door and yell, but she doesn’t answer.

“Kenzie, I know you’re in there. Open up!”

“No! Go home, Luke.”

“Let me explain.”

“Explain what? That you’re not who I thought you were?” She’s yelling and pissed, and I can’t fault her for that, but she wouldn’t be if she would listen to me.

“I’m not leaving. You need to let me explain.” Not hearing anything, I find the key hidden in front of her house. After opening the door, her eyes narrow in on me.

“I don’t want to talk to you, Luke.”

“Fine, but you’re going to listen.” She looks away and bites on her nail. “I didn’t do anything with Allison nor do I want to. I was running and minding my own damn business when she stopped me.

“She was crying over Noah and feeling lonely or some shit, and she hugged me. I barely had my arms around her, and it was awkward as hell.”

Kenz glances back at me and frowns.

“I’m telling the truth. You know I’d never do something like that to Noah, and lord, I’d never ever do that to you.” Closing the gap between us, I pull her against me.

“I’m sorry you saw that, but it was nothing. Say you believe me.”

“I believe you.”

I lean back to see her pretty face.

“Were you coming to run with me?”

“Yeah, and to talk. I’m sorry, but it shocked me to see the two of you, especially after our time together last night. I wanted to be the one you had your arms around.” Kenz drops her head, but I take her chin and lift it back up.

“Sweetheart, it’s likely it will always be you.”

“Then be with me, Luke.”

God, she’s gorgeous and wants me, and I want her more than anything in the universe. I grab her face and slam my lips to hers. She yanks me to her and begins to open her mouth to let my tongue in, and we can’t. Fuck! I jerk away from her.

“We can’t, Kenzie. I told you last night that I won’t jeopardize our friendship.”

“Luke, we’ll always be friends.”

“Allison was a sign to show me that isn’t always true. She and Noah have been friends since like the third grade, and now, I don’t believe he’ll ever speak to her again.”

“You’re looking for an excuse. Is it because you really don’t want to date me, and you’re afraid you’ll hurt my feelings if you tell me?”

“That’s not it, Kenz, and you know it. I told you last night; I’m not gambling our friendship.”

“Fine, then don’t be pissed when some other guy has his arms around me, and it’s going to happen one day you–you confusing boy. Get out!”

I grip my hair and groan before I storm out of her home.


“So, Kenzie, when are you giving me that date?” A flirty grin is reaching from Stew’s mouth to his dark eyes. Brushing a hand through his brown hair, he appears nervous, yet he still exudes this intimidating charm.

Stew always has a girl, so I don’t know why he’s determined to get me to go out with him. It’s probably because he’s heard I’m a virgin. He’d like to change that, I’m sure.

“Um, Stew, I’m sorry. I’m interested in someone else, so I shouldn’t have told you I’d go out. It was really sweet of you to ask.” I scrunch my forehead, feeling like a total bitch.

“Oh, I think I could take a guess at who it is.” He sounds disappointed and aggravated. I feel bad. “Well, my offer is there if things don’t work out.”

I reach the door to my class. “OK, thanks, Stew, for being understanding.”

He attempts a smile before he strolls off. Good grief.  Taking my seat, I hear my phone go off. I don’t need to guess who it is.

Luke: Geez, Kenz, you’re scaring me here. Please tell me you truly don’t want to go out with him.

Me: I don’t want to date Stew, and he won’t be bothering me anymore. I told him I was interested in someone else, and I think he’s on to us.

Luke: Good. He better leave you alone. Monday we’re telling Liv, and Tuesday, everyone will know we’re together!

Me: You’re ADORABLE when you’re angry.

Luke: Don’t forget; you WILL be trapped in my room later.


Ugh, this party blows. The guys won’t stop hitting on me, and I also don’t drink, so over fifty obnoxious teenagers are on my last nerve.

“Have a drink, McKenzie,” Amanda says.

“No, Amanda. You want to be able to get home, don’t you?”

She giggles and starts to fall over on me.

“I knew you were good for something.”

“Real nice, Amanda. I love you, too.”

“Oh, I’m playing. I wish you’d lighten up and live a little like the rest of us.”

“Please don’t drink anything else. You’ve had a lot already.”

“OK, Mom.” Amanda rolls her eyes and staggers away. I can’t take any more of this. I find the stairs in this colossal house and walk up them to the second floor.

There are two guys and two girls sitting in the hallway playing cards, and one of the females has her top off. Strip poker. Seriously?

I slowly open a door to what appears to be a female’s bedroom. I don’t even know who lives in this house, so I look at the photos sitting around and recognize one of the girls from downstairs.

There are letters on the wall that spell out “Kim.” I hope Kim doesn’t mind me sitting on her bed. I get my phone out and text Luke.

Me: I miss you already, and I’m having a miserable time. I’d regret coming here if it weren’t for Amanda and Shelby needing a safe ride home.

Luke: I miss you, too. I’m dying to tell Liv, but I’ll wait. Are guys hitting on you?

Me: Um, they were, so I’m hiding in a bedroom.

Luke: This is driving me mad! Soon, Kenzie, soon.

Me: I’ll be glad when everyone knows, too. See you Sunday night.

After an hour of watching TV in Kim’s room, and running off three couples looking for a bed, I tread downstairs to find my friends.

“McKenzie, I’ve been looking all over for you? Where the hell have you been?” Shelby asks. Her light brown hair is a mess, and her hazel eyes are glassed over.

“Um, I was hanging out upstairs with some people.”

She pokes me in the chest. “Is McKenzie a closet slut?” Bursting into laughter, she starts to fall forward. A guy walking by grabs her just in time. I would’ve rather seen her fall on her face.

I’ve come to the conclusion that Amanda and Shelby are bitches when they drink. I’m ready to get their asses home.