
Three and a half years later


I’m scurrying into Thompson Arena, after getting off work late. I’ve only missed fifteen minutes of the first period, so I’m good.

The arena is packed on this Friday night, full of students, and from all the green everyone is wearing, it looks like a leprechaun exploded in this place.

I spot our family sitting much closer than normal to the rink, and I feel that tug at my heart. I’ve missed my little monsters. I shuffle in front of people to my seat.

“Mommy!” Lucy yells before she claps her hands together.

“Hi, angel. Mom, Ron, I didn’t know you two were coming,” I say, surprised since I thought she was working this evening.

My mother remarried two years ago, and moved in with Ron, leaving us in her house until we move out.

“I’ve hardly been to any games this season, so I asked off.”

“Papa bought us candy,” Mac says, holding up a bag of sugary treats and grinning.

“I see. He’s spoiling you like always,” I say as I sit Lucy on my thighs between Mom and Liv.

“I don’t spoil him,” David says. I glance over and see him smirking as Mac fills his lap. Yeah, right. He and Lisa have been spoiling the twins since we brought them home from the hospital.

It was a relief to have David lighten up on Luke and respect our decisions.

“Have I missed much, and how did you get these seats?” I ask them.

“Luke has had two assists, and he managed to get us the seats,” David replies, not taking his eyes off the rink.

“How is Dalton playing?” I ask Liv, practically yelling into her ear.

“Good. They are fired up tonight, like this one,” Liv replies, grinning and grabbing Lucy’s foot.

“One mean boy pushed Daddy down, Mommy.” Lucy twists her body to see me and scowls.

“I bet Daddy got right back up, didn’t he?”

“Yes, he skates reawy fast, too.”

“Let’s watch to see Daddy make a goal.”

“Daddy has to make a goaw this game,” Lucy says.

“Lucy, do you want some candy?” Liv asks.

“Why are you trying to sugar her up? She’s being good.”

“No, reason.” Liv turns her head completely away from me. This is what she does when she’s hiding something or feeling guilty, and I’m wondering what is up.


Life is awesome. The twins are healthy and turning four next month. I’m graduating college in three months and have a few NHL teams scouting me. I’m hoping to sign with the Boston Bruins, so we won’t have to move far from home.

Kenzie has worked through my college years, but once I’m playing professionally, we’ll have the income for her to do whatever she wants, which is to be with the kids more and attend an art college.

It will be challenging and sad to move away from our families, especially after all the support they’ve given us, but Kenzie and I are a team all the way and conquer challenges together.

My team on the ice is off to a killer start tonight, up 2-0 against Cornell. I win a face-off deep in our zone, so I send the puck back to Dalton, our defenseman, before I take off down the ice.

The opposing players stay in our zone instead of following me, so Dalton flips it over one of their defenseman at our blue line, where I’m able to pick it up for the breakaway.

It’s exactly what I’ve been waiting for. I’m wide open, and I have to make this goal for a very special reason.


“Yes, Daddy might make a shot!” I shout, dropping Lucy to her feet in front of me, so we can stand and cheer.

“He did it!” Liv shouts. “Lucy, Mac, your Daddy made a goal.”

“Oh, yes!” Mac says in the cutest voice before he’s hopping off his papa’s lap. I watch Luke head in toward the bench but notice in my peripheral view that Mac and Lucy are huddling together up against Liv. They turn around and smile at me.

“Daddy, um, daddy said that you said, um, he can’t ask you to marry him at a hockey game cause, cause ...” Lucy is concentrating hard to find her words, “cause everyone does that.”

She gives me the sweetest grin, proud of her accomplishment. I’m stunned and a little confused as I glance to the bench and see Luke standing facing us.

“Hurry, Mac,” Liv says. He pulls his hand from behind his back and hands me a ring box.

“But, um, Daddy said we can ask you,” Mac says before he and Lucy look to each other and smile.

“Will you marry Daddy, Mommy?” They ask simultaneously. I pull both of them in for a short hug and feel the tears forming.

“Yes,” I say as I open the box. I slip the heart-shaped diamond on my finger before my eyes dart to Luke. He has removed his helmet, revealing his dark hair, which is long around his ears and damp.

His muscular body is standing tall as he gives me his sexy grin, and I desperately want to wrap my arms around him.

“Absolutely Yes!” I yell out to him. “Hurry kids, like always, make a heart for daddy with your hands.”

The three of us make our heart shape and watch him do the same.

“Hearts attached all the way, baby!” he shouts. I watch as his teammates on the bench cheer and pat his back or rub his hair. The last four years have not been easy, but our unyielding love and faith in one another saw us through.

There are not enough seasons in one lifetime to love Luke to the depth he deserves, but I’ll try until we take our last breath. If our past is any indication, then we’ll likely do that together, too.