
Patrick, for your love and support. You help keep our household running, and I’m grateful. You truly are my biggest fan.

I want to welcome new followers and thank my readers for the continued support. Your encouraging words keep me pushing forward. I’m learning and growing every day from your feedback and would love to chat with you anytime about my characters.

My friends and family who promote my writing and continue to lift me up when I’m feeling discouraged. I love all of you.

Indie Designz created the amazing cover. Thank you for your efficient work!

I want to thank those who run the long list of blogs and Facebook pages that help promote my work. You are invaluable, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know you.

My beta readers and proofreaders for your time. I can’t emphasize enough how much your feedback improves my work. Thank you to Kelsey, Kim, Mary C., Mary L., Nova, Stephanie and Teri. You rock!