
INSIDE THE AURA, SITUATED in a vertical line in the center of the body in line with the spine, are seven revolving, wheel-like circles of subtle energy called chakras (figure 2). The word chakra comes from the Sanskrit word for wheel. In the East, chakras are often depicted as lotus flowers, each with a different number of petals. These petals open and close, reflecting the moods, feelings, and experiences of the person.

The chakras absorb the higher energies, including the universal life force, and transform them into energy that the body can use. They are, in effect, batteries that stimulate the physical and subtle bodies they connect and look after. The universal life force is said to enter the aura through the chakra at the top of the head. It then energizes and stimulates each chakra as it moves downward through the nadis, the channels of energy that connect all the chakras to each other. The word nadi means “flowing water.” Six of the chakras are situated on the Sushumna, the main nadi that starts at the base of the spine and ends between the eyebrows at the level of the third eye.


Figure 2: Seven Chakras

Intertwined with the Sushumna are two other nadis known as Ida and Pingala. They carry the person’s male and female energies.

Although most people are not aware of them, the chakras play a vital role in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental health. They are powerful batteries that stimulate and energize the entire body.

Each chakra has a number of associations, such as a color, an endocrine gland, and a physical system, along with the organs associated with the system. There is a direct relationship between the state of each chakra and the health of the organs associated with it.

Chakras can be open, closed, in or out of balance, and blocked. All of these conditions affect the chakra. Consequently, if an affected chakra is restored to balance, the person will notice an immediate difference in his or her health, and will experience feelings of well-being. It is unusual to meet someone who has every chakra perfectly balanced. This person would feel contented and be full of all the joys of life. Unfortunately, the fears, worries, frustrations, and stresses of everyday life affect the chakras, which is why it is rare to find someone with all seven chakras in balance.

The concept of chakras is thousands of years old, and a great deal of information about them was recorded in the Upanishads (c. 900–400 BCE), the sacred Hindu texts. Even though the chakras have been utilized in the East for thousands of years, Western science showed no interest in them until the 1970s. The chakra system was little known in the West until the Theosophical Society began teaching it in the late nineteenth century.

The Quatern Chakras

The chakras are frequently depicted as a square and a triangle, known as the quatern and the trinity. The bottom four chakras represent the quatern. They each represent one of the traditional elements of earth, water, fire, and air.

The quatern chakras have a slower vibration than the three trinity chakras. Because of this, some people feel they are of lesser importance than the chakras in the trinity. This is not the case. Each chakra is essential, as it has its own specific purpose. All of the chakras are equally important.

Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Color: Red

Element: Earth

Functions: Survival, grounding

Glands: Adrenals

Petals: Four

Sense: Smell

Desire: Physical contact

Gemstones: Ruby, garnet, hematite

Challenge: To think before acting

Keyword: Physical

Muladhara is the Sanskrit word for the root chakra. It comes from mula, meaning “root,” and adhara, “support.” It is often called the base chakra or support chakra.

The root chakra is situated at the base of the spine in the area of the coccyx. It is concerned with self-preservation and keeps us firmly grounded in the earth. It also provides feelings of security and comfort. It provides vitality, enthusiasm, energy, and a sense of being alive. It symbolizes survival and the life force. Emotionally, it provides drive, courage, strength, and persistence. It also controls our fight-or-flight responses.

The root chakra governs our sense of smell and the solid parts of our body, such as teeth, bones, and nails.

Unlike the other chakras, the root chakra faces downward to the earth.

When the root chakra is understimulated, the person will feel nervous and insecure. This triggers digestive problems and causes fear to gather inside the chakra.

When the root chakra is overstimulated, the person will be self-centered, aggressive, and addicted to money, power, and sex.

When the root chakra is not functioning as it should, the person may suffer from hemorrhoids, constipation, skin irritations, and an increase in weight.

The root chakra can be both calmed and stimulated by meditation. Sit in a straight-backed chair with your feet flat on the floor and your knees creating approximately a ninety-degree angle.

To calm the root chakra, hold a piece of rose quartz behind your back at the base of your spine. Close your eyes, take slow deep breaths, and visualize the gentle, cooling energies of the rose quartz soothing and balancing your root chakra.

To stimulate the root chakra, hold a deep red crystal, such as garnet, at the base of your spine, and visualize its stimulating energy revitalizing, energizing, and balancing your root chakra. You can also stimulate your root chakra by doing anything physical, such as walking, swimming, gardening, or even vacuuming the house.

Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)

Color: Orange

Element: Water

Functions: Sexuality, creativity, pleasure

Glands: Ovaries, testicles

Petals: Six

Sense: Taste

Desires: Respect and acceptance

Gemstones: Coral, carnelian

Challenge: To love and serve others

Keyword: Social

Svadisthana is the Sanskrit word for the sacral chakra. It means “home of the vital force.” This chakra is located at the level of the sacrum in the lower abdomen, approximately two inches below the navel.

Because the sacral chakra is associated with the element of water, it is concerned with all the fluidic functions of the body, including our sense of taste. It represents creativity, sexuality, and emotional balance. It stimulates optimism and hope at an emotional level. People who get along well with others usually have a well-balanced sacral chakra, as this gives them the necessary fluidity to interact with other people easily.

When the sacral chakra is not functioning as it should be, the person may suffer from frigidity or impotence or experience problems with the bladder or kidneys.

The sacral chakra can be both calmed and stimulated by meditation. You can stimulate this chakra by lying on your back on the floor. Bend your knees until you can place the soles of your feet together. Slowly spread your arms until they make a forty-five- to sixty-degree angle to your body. Relax as much as possible, and visualize orange energy filling the area of your sacral chakra until it is overflowing. While remaining in this position, allow yourself to meditate on your sacral chakra for two to three minutes. You can also stimulate your sacral chakra by spending time doing something you enjoy. It can be as simple as meeting a friend for a cup of coffee or taking time out to read an enjoyable book.

You can meditate to soothe and calm your sacral chakra. Sit in a straight-backed chair with your feet flat on the floor and your knees creating approximately a ninety-degree angle. Hold a piece of moonstone to the front of your body below your navel and meditate for a minute or two while the moonstone calms and balances your sacral chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

Functions: Will, assertiveness, personal power

Gland: Pancreas

Petals: Ten

Sense: Sight

Desire: To understand

Gemstones: Amber, topaz

Challenge: To communicate effectively with loved ones

Keyword: Intellect

The Sanskrit word Manipura means “jewel of the navel.” The solar plexus chakra is located between the navel and the sternum.

The solar plexus chakra provides good self-esteem, warmth, confidence, and happiness. It is involved with the emotions and enhances creativity, optimism, and self-respect at an emotional level. The solar plexus chakra also relates to the eyes.

This chakra can cause anger, resentment, and hostility in people with a negative approach to life. If this chakra is overstimulated, the person will be an overly demanding perfectionist. When the solar plexus chakra is understimulated, the person will be overly sensitive and lacking in confidence.

When the solar plexus chakra is not functioning as it should be, the person may suffer from diabetes, digestive disorders, or hypoglycemia.

The solar plexus chakra can be both calmed and stimulated by meditation. To stimulate this chakra, stand on the floor in bare feet, close your eyes, and visualize your solar plexus chakra completely full with a beautiful yellow energy. Visualize this energy gradually spreading throughout your body. With your eyes remaining closed, start marching slowly on the spot while visualizing your solar plexus chakra becoming revitalized and energized with each movement of your legs. You may find it helpful to make exaggerated movements with your arms and legs while doing this. Stop when you feel that your solar plexus chakra is fully energized. You can also stimulate your solar plexus chakra by setting a worthwhile goal for yourself, and then steadily working at it until it is achieved.

The solar plexus can be soothed and quieted with a piece of quartz crystal. Sit in a straight-backed chair with your feet flat on the floor and your knees creating approximately a ninety-degree angle. Hold the quartz against your solar plexus, close your eyes, and visualize the unwanted energy moving from the chakra into the quartz. Repeat once a day for as long as necessary.

Heart Chakra (Anahatha)

Color: Green

Element: Air

Function: Love

Gland: Thymus

Petals: Twelve

Sense: Touch

Desires: To love and be loved

Gemstones: Emerald, jade, tourmaline

Challenge: To gain confidence

Keyword: Emotions

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest, in line with the heart. The Sanskrit word Anahatha means “unstruck” or “unbroken.” This relates to an eternal sound that has not been created by any human instrument.

The heart chakra relates to personal and unconditional love, sympathy, compassion, understanding, empathy, and the sense of touch.

When the heart chakra is overstimulated, the person will be possessive, controlling, and moody. When the heart chakra is understimulated, the person will feel overly sympathetic and overly sensitive. Most codependent people have an understimulated heart chakra.

When the heart chakra is not functioning as well as it should be, the person may suffer from asthma or have problems with the heart or lungs.

The heart chakra can be both calmed and stimulated by meditation. Sit in a straight-backed chair with your feet flat on the floor and your knees creating an approximately ninety-degree angle. To stimulate your heart chakra, close your eyes and visualize the center of your body in the area of your heart as a glowing green orb. Each time you inhale, allow the orb to grow bigger and bigger until your whole body is inside it. Spend a minute or two enjoying the healing, stimulating energy of the green orb before opening your eyes and carrying on with your day. You also stimulate your heart chakra every time you experience a sense of joy and fulfillment.

To calm your heart chakra, close your eyes and visualize your entire body enveloped in a pure white light. In your imagination, allow the white light to enter your body with each inhalation. Allow it to spread to every cell of your body, soothing and cleansing as it goes. Focus on the area of your heart, and allow the white light to soothe and calm your heart chakra. Continue meditating until you feel that all the stress and tension in your body has been released.

The Trinity Chakras

The top three chakras of the trinity vibrate at a higher level than the four chakras of the quatern. They relate to the three quadruplicities of astrology, known as cardinal, fixed, and mutable. The cardinal signs are Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. They are all outgoing and energetic. The fixed signs are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. They are determined, patient, loyal, and reliable. The mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. They are adaptable, resourceful, and communicative.

Highly evolved people make use of all seven chakras. However, most people are unwilling to invest the necessary time and energy to develop their brow and crown chakras, and work mainly with the lower five chakras.

Throat Chakra (Visshudha)

Color: Blue

Element: Sound

Quadruplicity: Fixed

Functions: Communication, creativity

Glands: Thyroid and parathyroid

Petals: Sixteen

Sense: Sound

Desire: Inner peace

Gemstone: Turquoise

Challenge: To risk

Keyword: Concepts

The throat chakra is located at the level of the throat. The Sanskrit word Visshudha means “pure.” The throat chakra relates to communication and self-expression, especially when spoken. It constantly searches for the truth in all things.

When the throat chakra is well balanced, the person will feel contented and be kind and considerate to others. When the throat chakra is overstimulated, the person will be overbearing, sarcastic, and arrogant. When the throat chakra is understimulated, the person will be weak, uncommunicative, devious, and unreliable.

When the throat chakra is not functioning as it should be, the person may suffer from sore throats and colds or have problems with the sinuses, thyroid, or ears.

The throat chakra is stimulated whenever you use your voice. Consequently, singing, talking, shouting, and screaming are all effective ways to energize and recharge this chakra.

You will need a piece of moonstone to calm your throat chakra. Sit in a straight-backed chair with your feet flat on the floor and your knees creating approximately a ninety-degree angle. Use both hands to hold the moonstone against your throat. Close your eyes and visualize the unwanted energy being released from your throat chakra and absorbed by the moonstone. Visualize this for at least two minutes, and repeat daily for as long as necessary.

Brow Chakra (Ajna)

Color: Indigo

Element: Light

Quadruplicity: Mutable

Functions: Intuition, thought, perception

Gland: Pituitary

Petals: Ninety-six

Desire: To be in harmony with the universe

Gemstones: Lapis lazuli, quartz

Challenge: To turns one’s dreams into reality

Keyword: Intuition

The brow chakra is located in the forehead, just above the eyebrows. The Sanskrit word Ajna means “command.”

The brow chakra governs the mind and looks after the other chakras. This chakra is frequently called the “third eye,” as it is concerned with psychic and spiritual matters. We can pick up other people’s thoughts, feelings, and intuitions with the brow chakra.

When the brow chakra is overstimulated, the person is proud, authoritative, and dogmatic. When it is understimulated, the person is timid, hesitant, and unassertive.

When the brow chakra is not functioning as it should be, the person may suffer from headaches or have problems with his or her vision.

The brow chakra can be stimulated with a piece of amethyst. Sit in a straight-backed chair with your feet flat on the floor and your knees creating approximately a ninety-degree angle. Place the amethyst in the area of your third eye, close your eyes, and visualize energy passing from the amethyst into your brow chakra. Slowly move the amethyst in small circles in a clockwise direction for about sixty seconds.

To calm and soothe your brow chakra, lie on your back, close your eyes, and take slow deep breaths until your body feels totally relaxed. If necessary, visualize all stress and worry leaving your body with each exhalation.

Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)

Color: Violet

Element: Thought

Quadruplicity: Cardinal

Function: Union with the Divine

Gland: Pineal

Petals: Nine hundred and seventy-two

Desire: Universal understanding

Gemstones: Amethyst, diamond

Challenge: To grow in knowledge and wisdom

Keyword: Spirituality

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is often depicted as a halo when artists paint someone who is spiritually evolved. The Sanskrit word Sahasrara means “thousand.” The symbol of this chakra is the thousand-petaled lotus.

The crown chakra harmonizes and balances the often conflicting sides of our nature. It also helps us gain insight into the interconnectedness of all living things. The crown chakra remains dormant until all the other chakras have been mastered and are in a state of balance. When the crown chakra is balanced, the person experiences enlightenment and gains a sense of being at one with the universe.

When the crown chakra is overstimulated, the person will feel frustrated and depressed. When this chakra is understimulated, the person will be withdrawn and find it hard to experience any joy in life.

When the crown chakra is not functioning as it should be, the person may suffer from apathy, listlessness, or depression.

To stimulate the crown chakra, lie on your back with your eyes closed. Starting with the root chakra, visualize each of your chakras in turn. See them all perfectly balanced, and notice the colors of each one. After visualizing the brow chakra, take a deep breath, hold it for as long as you can, and say “Om” as you slowly exhale.

To calm and soothe the crown chakra, sit in a straight-backed chair with your feet flat on the floor and your knees creating approximately a ninety-degree angle. Cup a piece of rose quartz in your hands and close your eyes. Focus on your breathing for sixty seconds, and then shift your attention to the rose quartz in your hands. Visualize a gentle, relaxing, and cooling energy coming from the crystal and moving into every cell of your body. Conclude the exercise by raising your hands and holding the crystal to the top of your head for a few seconds. Take three slow, deep breaths and open your eyes.

Meditation, prayer, and periods of quietness all help you gain a closer connection with your crown chakra and become aware of your divine nature.

There are seven rays and seven main chakras. We’ll look more at the magical and mystical number seven in the next chapter.
