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Was she flirting with me? I watch as she walks to her bedroom. I can’t work her out. One moment I get the impression she hates the very sight of me and the next I’m questioning if she’s flirting with me. I throw back the last of the wine and walk around the pool, thinking.
My phone buzzes with a message from Bram. He wants to speak to me. I look around for somewhere to call him from, not trusting that El Patron hasn’t got cameras and bugs all over this joint, but I don’t find anywhere I trust so I tell Bram I’ll call him tomorrow, then head inside to bed.
‘There’s fresh coffee, and juice in the fridge.’ Dale smiles at me from her seat at the kitchen table. ‘I didn’t know what you wanted to eat, but I can make you anything you like.’
‘Wow. Thanks. I’m not used to that sort of wake up.’ I pull my hand through my hair. ‘Where’s Maria?’
‘She’s at home, it’s her day off today, remember? She’ll be in tomorrow.’
‘Oh, yeah.’ I look around. ‘Is anyone else here?’
‘No, just security at the gate.’
‘Oh, right. Just you and me, then.’ I frown.
‘What’s the matter?’
‘I was going to go for a run, maybe around the perimeter of the building, but I don’t want to leave you in here alone.’
‘Oh. Well, I could come with you.’ She shrugs. ‘I was going to exercise anyway.’ She points at the baggy T-shirt she’s wearing.
I hesitate, assessing the risks.
‘Please? I haven’t been out for ages and if I’m with you, I’ll be fine, right? You said you were a champion of ... MMA, that was it, wasn’t it?’
She looks up at me, her brown eyes wide and pleading, and suddenly I feel my body respond to her. I have to turn away and pour myself a glass of water.
‘OK, sure, I guess you can come, if you stay close to me,’ I say, looking back at her over my shoulder.
She grins. ‘I promise not to leave your side. I’ll just go grab my trainers.’
I wait for her by the door, stretching my quads by lifting my calf to my glute.
‘Ready.’ She comes out of her room with her shoes on and wearing a pair of shorts that expose the shapely curve of her legs. I avert my eyes and head out to the front of the house.
An hour later we get back to El Patron’s house. Dale showed me a path that took us about a kilometre away from the property and we ran several laps. It’s already getting warm and my T-shirt is damp with sweat.
‘You go in, I’ll there in a minute. I’m going to stretch out here for a bit,’ I tell her, stopping by the door.
‘OK.’ She turns around to look at me but keeps walking backwards. ‘Shall I prepare something for your breakfast? Eggs or fruit maybe?’
‘Thanks. Eggs, scrambled, would be nice.’
‘Sure.’ She smiles, raising her hand in a little wave, then turns and jogs inside.
I frown, watching her go. She’s like a different person today, friendly and helpful. Yesterday, I had the feeling she couldn’t stand the sight of me and today, she’s offering to prepare my breakfast.
I take out my phone and call Bram on the gym number.
‘S’up?’ I say when my brother picks up.
‘Hey, bro.’
I can hear the background noise of the gym, the smack of leather on the leather of the punch bag. It makes me smile.
‘How’s the babysitting going? What’s El Patron’s girl like?’
‘I don’t know yet. Jury’s still out.’
‘Not sure babysitting is your thing?’ He laughs.
‘It’s not my thing. What did you want?’
‘Can you talk?’
‘Yeah, I’m outside.’ I lean against the wall.
‘Bana wants to add to the delivery.’
‘What does he want to add?’
‘A whole heap of shit. Grenades, mainly, and a load of other stuff.’
‘What he do? Hit up an artillery unit?’
‘Fuck knows, I don’t even wanna ask. But you know, with all his connections in Eastern Europe, I wouldn’t be surprised if they aren’t government issue...’
Tomek Banasinski is Polish but seems to have connections in just about every Eastern European country. He showed up in Rotterdam some years back and began dealing drugs on the outskirts of the city. When he tried to move into El Patron’s turf things became ugly and El Patron warned him off. That was how all that stuff with Boris and El Patron’s wife getting killed started. Since then, he’s stuck to the outskirts and things have been relatively calm between the crews.
Bana’s crew aren’t only into dealing drugs, they also import weapons, and girls too to sell into the sex trade. We help him with arms, but I never have nor ever will have anything to do with his trading girls.
‘And?’ I ask my brother. ‘Can we shift it all?’
‘Guess so. I mean, the dark web doesn’t discriminate, does it? But I need to check with our guy. I’m meeting Bana tomorrow to negotiate the price. Can you be there?’
I glance at the house. This is a big deal. I can’t let Bram handle it on his own. ‘Time?’
‘Around lunchtime.’
‘I’ll be there.’
‘Cool, I’ll let you know where. In the meantime, enjoy your vacation.’
‘Hmm, I think that’ll be easier said than done,’ I murmur, pushing off the wall and standing up.
‘Why? Is she giving you a hard time?’
‘Not exactly. I just don’t know what to make of her. She seems kind of complicated.’
‘Who isn’t?’ I hear my brother laughing.
‘I’ll see you tomorrow, Bram.’ I cut the call and head inside to take a shower.
I spend the rest of the day swimming and lying in the sun. I seriously should consider taking up swimming, it’s great for strength and conditioning. I feel my muscles working as I power up and down the pool, pushing myself to go faster with each length. When the sun goes down I go to El Patron’s gym and spend a few hours lifting weights and working on my arms. By the time I’m finished, I’m starving. I head to the fridge, remembering it’s Maria’s day off. Just me and Dale tonight. Maybe I’ll be able to get to know her a bit better, figure out what’s she’s really like. I could see if she wants to watch something on Netflix, that might get her to relax a bit. I run a hand through my hair. I haven’t seen her all day, not since our run. She’s spent most of the day in her room.
As much as I don’t want to admit it, there is something about her I’m attracted to, in spite of the shapeless clothes and her attitude. The sight of her legs this morning affected me. I’m pretty sure beneath her clothes she’s got an incredible body. It’s a shame she hasn’t used the pool today, seeing her in a bikini would give me a chance to really check her out. My mind wanders until I stop myself. She’s El Patron’s daughter. Getting into something with her would be an extremely bad idea. I don’t suppose he would like it one bit, not to mention she’s engaged to his right-hand man.
Her bedroom door opens; I turn at the sound. Dale comes out of her room, her legs elongated by high stiletto heels and her curves very much accentuated by the black dress she’s wearing. Her waist is tight, her hips curve like an hourglass and the dress clings to them, exposing everything. My suspicions were right; her body is smoking hot and now very much on display.
All my senses awaken at the sight of her, but the enthusiasm is mingled with irritation.
‘I’m assuming you’re not dressed up like that for an evening on the sofa watching Netflix.’ I grin, crossing my arms over my chest, not liking where this is going.
She tosses her long dark hair over her shoulder and smiles. Her full lips are dark and glossy with lipstick, and my gaze automatically fixes on them.
‘Actually, I need to head out tonight. Some people from my course are meeting up at Paradiso and I promised I’d be there.’
I run my fingers over my jaw, feeling it tighten. Why does she have to do this? Just when everything was going so smoothly. I shake my head.
‘Not happening.’
‘Excuse me?’
‘Not happening,’ I repeat, and turn away from her to grab a bottle of water from the fridge. I search through the cupboards until I find a snack, ignoring her bristling silently behind me.
‘You can’t stop me going out,’ she says, eventually.
I walk past her to the table and sit down.
‘I can and I am.’
‘You’re not my prison guard.’
‘I kind of am.’
‘I’m not a prisoner. You’re not my father.’
‘No, I’m not.' I fight to keep the annoyance out of my tone. ‘But I’m here as a favour to your father and he told me not to take my eyes off you, so sorry, Dale. Not happening.’
‘I could have sneaked out while you were in the gym. I could be there by now and you’d have no idea I’d gone, but I didn’t. I played it straight and told you where I’m going and you repay me by saying I can’t go? I’m twenty-two. I’m an adult. I want to go and meet my friends.’
I toss a handful of nuts into my mouth and wash them down with water while studying her, brown eyes brimming with moisture, lips swollen and quivering, and again feel my body respond to her. I suck in a breath, considering. Paradiso is in the centre of the city. It’s on neutral territory. I draw a hand through my hair, considering the risks. The chances of bumping into any of Bana’s crew there are slim to none. They’re not the type to go to clubs. Maybe Li’l Cesar’s men might be there but it’s a mainstream club and not their usual hang-out. The bigger risk is meeting El Patron’s own men – then it’ll get straight back to him. I run my fingers over my jaw, hating to be the bad guy for her. If I don’t leave her side, I guess there’s no risk of her coming to any harm.
I lean back in the chair, wondering if having to explain this to El Patron is worth making her happy. I run my gaze over her again. Her long dark hair frames her face and her dark eye make-up is now smudged from her tears, which only makes her look cuter, and that body is so damn hot. I get a strong desire to do something nice for her.
‘OK, Dale. You can go.’
Her upset expression dissolves into happiness. She smiles, a sparkle appearing in her eyes.
‘Thank you, Slater, thank you so much. I knew you were different.’
‘I better get changed.’ I stand up.
‘I’m coming with you. I haven’t been to Paradiso for years.’
She glares at me. ‘I don’t need a minder.’
‘Don’t worry, I won’t cramp your style or anything. I’ll keep my distance. Just let me change real quick.’
‘You don’t have to come. I’ll be fine.’
‘I’m coming with you or you don’t go. That’s the deal, take it or leave it.’ I look at her, waiting for her response. She glowers at me, and then pulls out a chair, drops down onto it and huffs.
‘Can you please hurry up, then? I’m supposed to be there in ten minutes.’
‘I’ll be as quick as I can.’ I head to my room. ‘You didn’t give me much notice.’
‘You weren’t supposed to be coming,’ she calls after me.
I park around the corner from the club. She hasn’t said a word to me on the drive here and the atmosphere in the car is tense. As soon as I turn off the engine she reaches for the door handle, but I catch her wrist. It startles her.
‘I’ll stay out of your way tonight. But I’ll be watching you the whole time.’
She closes her eyes in frustration.
‘It’s for your own good, Dale.’
‘Yeah, great.’
‘And after the club, that’s it. No going on anywhere else, no going back to anyone’s house, you come straight back to my car.’
I release her wrist and hold up my hand. ‘You can do all that on someone else’s watch. Your father asked me for this favour and I sure as hell wish I hadn’t agreed to it, but I did, and I don’t break my promises. So I mean it: after the club we’re going home.’
‘And what if I refuse?’ Her eyes flash with defiance. ‘What if I just leave anyway?’
‘Try it and see what happens.’ I smile and put my hand on the door. ‘Shall we?’
There’s no queue to get into Paradiso. I stay a few steps behind her, watching as she meets her friends, who are waiting for her outside. I scan the group, trying to get a read on them. Four girls and three guys. The other girls pale in comparison to Dale, they look like they’re trying too hard, not used to going out, lacking confidence. The guys look like typical university students, supposed to be broke but clearly with enough money to afford designer shirts and shoes. These are the sorts of guys with big mouths and attitudes, but as soon as any real trouble develops, they’ll be gone. The kids from my fight classes might not have the money or brains of these university students but I know who I’d rather spend my time with.
I enter the club behind them. The girls are excited and visibly nervous, linking arms and struggling to walk in their high heels. Only Dale looks natural, even with her dark make-up; maybe it’s that striking, long dark hair.
They find a table and sit down. Once I see that they’re settled I go to the bar and grab a beer, then find my own standing table a short distance away, from where I can keep an eye on her. We’re on a mezzanine. The dance floor is below, and I can see over the railing there are already lots of people dancing. This might turn out to be a long night and I could use some company, so I text my brother and tell him where I am. Bram and Dylan show up at the club in about fifteen minutes.
‘Never picked you for a Paradiso man, bro,’ Bram jokes, leaning beside me at the table.
‘Funnily enough, it wasn’t my pick.’
Dylan comes back from the bar and hands my brother a beer.
‘How’s the vacation so far, Slater?’
‘Would be better if I didn’t have to spend the evening here.’
‘Where is she?’ Bram asks.
I nod my head in the direction of her table.
‘Which one?’
‘Long dark hair, black dress.’
He breathes out through his teeth. ‘That’s her? Fuck me. I can see why El Patron’s keeping her quiet.’
‘Forget it, Bram. She’s mine.’ It comes out before I can stop myself. ‘And she’s just a kid.’
‘She’s yours?’ He arches an eyebrow and exchanges a look with Dylan. ‘What does that mean?’
‘She’s my responsibility, I mean.’
‘Whatever you say, boss.’ Bram holds up his hands, smiling, mocking me. ‘How old is she, anyway?’
‘Only five years younger than me. And legal.’ Bram winks at Dylan, so I punch him on the arm.
‘Hey.’ He pulls away from me rubbing his bicep. ‘Easy.’
I smile. ‘I’ve got enough on my plate keeping her away from the rest of the men in this club, I don’t need to add you to the list. Drop it.’
‘Sure.’ Bram grins, while Dylan swallows a laugh.
‘Let’s get to the point.’ I want to get off this subject. ‘Where are we with Bana?’
Dylan leans closer, voice low so I can only just hear him over the music. ‘He’s doubled his delivery.’
‘Yeah, I heard from Bram this morning. What’s the new value?’
‘I calculated it. He’s adding a hundred to the original shipment.’ Dylan runs a hand over his chin, his stubble longer and almost looking like goatee beard.
‘Has Sepp told our man?’ We have a connection from the dark web who we use to sell on the gear. Sepp’s the only one in contact with him.
‘He has,’ he says.
‘He can shift it all, no problem. But it’ll take longer.’
‘Where can we store it?’
‘The garage at the docks is empty,’ Dylan says. ‘I had Jimmy and Rich clear it out today.’
‘What’s our price?’ I look at Bram.
‘I dunno, what do you think? Fifteen?’
I consider for a moment. Fifteen per cent feels too low to me, considering what we’re dealing with.
‘Ask for twenty, settle on seventeen,’ I tell him. ‘More risk, more logistics.’
I look at each of them in turn. They nod.
‘We’re meeting him lunchtime?’
‘Yup.’ Bram sips his beer.
‘OK.’ I pick up my bottle and shift my eyes to Dale’s table.
A group of her friends have gone to the dance floor and she’s sitting alone with one of the guys. He’s saying something and she’s listening intently, like he’s telling her something of utmost importance. I wonder what he can be saying to have her looking so completely fascinated. I feel a pang of jealousy. He’s got mousey brown hair, slightly buck teeth, and doesn’t look particularly well built from where I’m standing, so whatever it is that’s got her so rapt can’t be physical. Her face is flushed from excitement and alcohol and, as she leans in closer to hear what he’s saying, I know he’ll be getting an eyeful of her cleavage. It pisses me off and I have to drag my eyes away from her. Fucking university students, they’re so superior, just because they’re studying and know how to talk. I’d like to see them deal with setting up and running a business, like I have.
‘How’s things at the gym?’ I ask Dylan, turning away from her.
‘Busy. I was teaching till midnight, last night, and again today; my arms are still aching.’ Dylan stretches, reaching upwards, the rolled-up sleeves of his shirt sliding further back and exposing more of his tattooed forearms. He’s got more tattoos than me, a sleeve on each arm, and more on his back.
‘You know what helps? Swimming,’ I tell him. ‘We need to look into getting a training pool in one of our places.’
I glance back at her table and freeze, adrenalin pumping into my body. She’s gone.
‘Relax.’ Dylan puts his hand on my shoulder. ‘Over there.’ He points down to the dance floor where she’s dancing with her friends.
‘I fucking hate this,’ I mutter and move closer to the balustrade to watch her. That jerk she was talking with manoeuvres to dance beside her. ‘Why did I fucking agree to be a babysitter?’
‘Beats me.’ Dylan joins me, leaning his elbows on the railing.
‘Anyone wanna dance?’ Bram asks.
‘No. And you’re staying here, too,’ I say, through gritted teeth; the last thing I need is my brother hitting on her. ‘El Patron owes me big time for this.’
‘He’s paying you, right?’ Dylan asks.
‘Not enough,’ I mutter and take a long swallow from my beer.
‘Surely two weeks alone with her is payment enough?’ Bram says, leaning on the rail beside me.
I glare at my brother. ‘She doesn’t usually dress like that. And, to state the obvious, she’s kind of off limits.’
‘Ah, yeah.’ Bram nods. ‘Although, those forbidden fruits are the ones that taste the sweetest.’ He finishes his beer. ‘Another round, anyone?’
The guys keep me company until Dale and her group make signs that they’re about to leave the club. I catch her eye as she gets up and she looks away from me, but it’s enough to make me satisfied she knows I’m here and so she doesn’t forget about meeting me back at my car and try to slip off somewhere.
We hang back as her group head to the exit of the club. She’s wobbly on her feet, I note, clearly having had too much to drink. Her guy friend steadies her; his arm snakes around her waist as they walk together to the door. We let them go, waiting a few minutes before leaving, and I lose sight of them.
Outside the club, we find her group lingering on the pavement, talking.
‘Hey, where’s your date gone?’ Bram asks.
I scan the faces but don’t see her. I glance up the street in the direction of my car. She can’t have made it around the corner already, that would have been too fast; we were only about twenty seconds behind them. Her guy friend is with them, so she hasn’t slipped off somewhere with him.
‘Shit,’ I murmur. ‘D, I’m parked around the corner; go check out my car, see if she’s waiting for me there. Bram, you stay here and watch her friends in case she comes back. I’m going back in to look for her.’
I head back into the club, my heart pounding, hands clenched in fists at my sides. I do not need this, why did I let her out of my sight? If someone snatched her, I’ve no idea how I’ll explain it to El Patron. Nah, scrap that, there’s no way I’ll get into this with him. I have to get her back before he gets wind of it. There’s no option.